
Chapter 777 To Helion

Chapter 777 To Helion

Bella sadly smiled as she shook her head. "Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury at the moment. Maybe when Helion has stabilized enough, we'll drop by to visit," she replied as she gave her mother a hug. "I'm sure we won't take long. And even though, all of you can come and visit if you think we're taking too long."

"We'll hold you to that then," her father chuckled as he gave Bella's mother a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, we understand the situation well enough."

Besides Bella, Amon gave her a reassuring squeeze of his own as they proceeded to wave the rest of her pack goodbye. It was only for those currently present, but it'll have to do for now.

"Oh right, I'm pretty sure Bartos and Jayra will be coming with us back to the summit," Bella reminded.

"Ah, should we wait for them then?" Amon asked. "We're all going to be borrowing a few of Ebodia's mages to help us teleport to our destination anyway."

"They might not be here for a while, I think," Bella hummed in thought. "Either way, I'm sure Jayra knows what she's doing. She's a mage herself, after all."

And besides, her sister-in-law was a big shot in Ebodia as well. She could request a teleport whenever she wanted, she was sure.

"Well, if there's anything else, I suppose we shouldn't keep you two, Your Majesties," her mother jokingly sent them off with a warm smile. "Be safe out there, alright?"

"And make sure to keep our daughter safe," her father added with a chuckle, addressing Amon this time with his words. "You might be king, but even your status won't stop me if I learn that you're mistreating Bella."

"Father, as I've assured you time and again, I will take good care of my wife," Amon chuckled back even as his sincerity seeped into his words. "Bella is my wife. She is my queen, and I will treat her as such until the end of our days."

Bella blushed at Amon's words, which wasn't helped as he was hugging her tightly to his side as he said his piece. 

"W-We'll be off then," Bella stuttered with a laugh. "Thanks for having us."

With one last wave at her parents, Bella turned around as she let her husband lead her and their entire delegation that attended the ritual back to the designated teleportation point which was Cordon Castle. There, they were ushered to the teleportation circle that promptly whisked them away back to where they left from the Global Summit.

"Back here again," Bella hummed as she hugged Amon's arm. "Only a few more steps away from Helion now. Your home…"

"Come now, it's your home now too," Amon told her with a soft smile. "You're my Queen now, which means that Helion is now under your jurisdiction as well."

"And I'll do my best to support you in any way I can," she beamed. "I can't wait to do it all by your side, my love."

Amon smiled, and she couldn't help but smile as they made their way through Cordon's Camp. They had to make their way back to their own camp at the summit and prepare for the trip home, but first, they had to thank the people that allowed their Ritual and marriage to even be possible.

Sure enough, Bella noticed that they were making their way to Cordon's royal tent where King Darius and Queen Xenia were currently staying. She gave them both a grateful smile as she stood beside her new husband, content in simply letting him speak to adhere to her new station as his queen.

"King Darius, Queen Xenia, thank you for the hospitality you've shown us," Amon began as he addressed his fellow royals. "Without your support, Bella and I would've never had this much happiness as we do now."

"It's our pleasure, King Amon," King Darius lightly smiled as Queen Xenia did the same. "It would only be proper since you're marrying one of our own."

"And Bella, even though we're now queens of different kingdoms, we'll always be your friends," Xenia cheerfully added, making Bella smile. "Don't forget to send us word, alright?"

"Only if it's proper, my Queen," Bella chuckled as she couldn't help but comfortably cross her arms in front of her friend. "Even if we're friends, we're now in positions of power. We can't be too reckless just because we're friends."

"Wise words," Xenia nodded in approval. "We should limit ourselves to simply gossiping about our husbands, don't you agree?"

Bella laughed with her queen as they both saw the look on their respective husband's faces. Some things just never changed, even if they were both queens now.

"It would seem that our wives are plotting something against us," Darius chuckled as shook his head in mirth.

"So it would seem. Still, our time here will have to come to an end rather soon," Amon curtly remarked, his brow raised in amusement as he turned to his wife. "Bella, we'll be leaving shortly. Do you have any other things that you need to do here?"

Bella stopped laughing as a thought suddenly came to her. "I still need to talk to Lena," she recalled.

"She's fine if you're wondering," Xenia told her with a smile. "Still, if you want to see her, she's in her own tent at the moment. You know which one."

Bella gratefully nodded before she turned to her husband who only gave her a nod of approval and then turned around and left the tent without a word. Making her way through the camp, she quickly found Lena casually sitting in a chair in front of her tent.

"Oh, Bella," Lena warmly greeted her with a smile. "I didn't think you'd be back this early."

"My… ritual went by quicker than expected," Bella sheepishly smiled. "We were pressed for time, unfortunately, so we had to be quick."

"Ah, my condolences then," Lena teased. "I hope the revenge honeymoon will be sooner rather than later then."

Bella blushed fiercely at her friend's words. In fact, she didn't think that Lena could even speak like this to anyone, let alone her who whisked away her love from her.

Shaking her head, Bella composed herself as she faced her friend. Still, she struggled to find her words as she began her spiel. "Lena, can we… Well…"

"Bella, I'm happy for you, alright?" Lena cut her off, seemingly already knowing what she was about to say before she could even utter them. "I'm… not as over it as I would've liked, but I'm already getting there. Besides, we're friends, and I wouldn't want us to stop being friends over something so inane as this."

Bella blinked at Lena in surprise. "A-Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Lena warmly smiled at her. "Whatever might happen next, I'll still be here. Maybe I'll find someone new. Who knows, right?"

Bella couldn't help but feel both happy and grateful as she moved in to sweep Lena into a hug. A few tears rolled down her cheek, and she was pretty sure that her friend teared up as well as they found comfort in each other's arms.

"Thank you, Lena, and I'm sorry for everything," Bella sincerely stated.

"Again, it's nothing, Bella," Lena reassured her as she rubbed her back. "We're still friends, and we'll remain friends even if you'll be away now."

Bella's eyes widened. Right, she almost forgot that she was going to live in Helion now. Although… "Say, you can always come with us if you want. Maybe you'll find someone there," she suggested. "After you're ready, of course."

"I… might hold you to that in the future then," Lena chuckled as they pulled away from their hug. "This… might be farewell for now, but we'll see each other again, I'm sure."

Bella tearfully nodded as they gave each other one last hug before finally breaking away for good. Turning around, she met up with Amon along with the rest of their delegation as they prepared to leave the Global Summit.

"Ready, Bella?" Amon asked her as he assisted her up on their shared horse.

"Yes, Amon," she beamed as she sat in front of him. "Let's go home… To Helion…"

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