
Chapter 123 123: The Second Dungeon Descended

Argon struggled to sit up, his muscles screaming in pain. He looked around for any sign of the members of the Heavenly Sword Sect, but he can only see students of the sect.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Isadora slowly waking up, her eyes fluttering open.

"My Lord?" she said weakly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I\'m here," he replied, relieved to see her awake. "How do you feel?"

"Like I got hit by a mountain," she said with a weak smile.

Argon chuckled, relieved to see that she still had her sense of humor. He helped her, and give her a 5-star healing pill, he also eat one.

They sat down next to each other, both feeling the warm energy of the healing pill slowly repairing their battered bodies.

Together, they sat to heal themselves, allowing the pills to work their magic. As they sat there, Argon couldn\'t help but feel that the space crack was becoming more unstable by the second. He knew they didn\'t have much time left.

Suddenly, the space crack began to pulse, as if struggling to maintain its form. Argon could feel the intense gravity pulling at them, as if trying to suck them back into the collapsing world.

Just as the space crack was about to disappear, the sect master and the elders of the Heavenly Sword Sect emerged from it. They looked furious, their faces twisted in anger.

The sect master\'s face was contorted with anger as he looked out at the collapsing world. "No one leaves the city!" he declared, his voice booming across the landscape.

Argon smirked inwardly, knowing that this was just the opportunity he had been waiting for. He had been planning to build a dungeon in this city for some time now, and with the sect master\'s declaration, he knew that he could proceed with his plan with more witnesses.

As the space crack finally dissipated, the system beeped in Argon\'s mind, asking if he wanted to build the dungeon now. Without hesitation, Argon answered with a resounding "Yes."

Isadora looked at him with surprise, then understanding dawned on her face. "You\'re going to build the dungeon here?" she asked.

Argon nodded, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yes, I\'ve been planning it for some time now. And with the space crack gone, we have the perfect location for it."

Isadora smiled, her eyes shining with admiration. "You\'re always thinking ahead, my Lord," she said.

Argon grinned, feeling a surge of pride. "It\'s what I do," he said with a wink.

Suddenly, a blinding white light descended from the sky, startling everyone present. The light was so bright that people shielded their eyes, unsure of what was happening. As the light faded, they saw a huge and majestic tower standing where the space crack had been located only moments before.

The tower was unlike anything they had ever seen before, with its shining marble walls, intricate designs, and imposing height. The people around were stunned and speechless, not knowing what to make of this sudden development.

"What is that?" one of the students asked, pointing up at the light.

"I have no idea," another replied, equally as surprised.

The sect master and the elders of the Heavenly Sword Sect stared at the tower in disbelief, their mouths agape. They had never seen anything like it before. This tower just appeared out of nowhere.

Argon just kept silent, observing their reactions with amusement. He knew that they were completely unaware of the power he wielded and the incredible resources at his disposal. They had no idea that he was the one responsible for the tower\'s appearance, nor did they know that he was the one who had caused the space crack to collapse.

As the tower continued to shimmer and glow, the people around it began to slowly approach it, their curiosity getting the better of them. Some were hesitant, while others were eager to explore the structure and see what secrets it held. However, they can\'t go in since the door of the tower was still closed.

After some time, Argon and Isadora teleported back to the special floor, as long as he wasn\'t too far from the dungeon, he could teleport back inside. As he sat on his dragon throne, Argon asked the system if the cooldown of the two floors to attack the outside world was ready. The system answered that it was all ready. Hearing this, Argon smirked and said, "Release the monsters of the second floor on the outside of the tower, let\'s give them a welcoming party."


As the people gathered around the tower, their curiosity piqued by its sudden appearance, they began to talk amongst themselves, wondering what it could be and who was responsible for it.

"I\'ve never seen anything like this before," said one woman, her eyes wide with wonder. "It\'s so big and impressive."

"Have you ever seen anything like this before?" one person asked.

"No, never," another replied. "It\'s like something out of a fairy tale."

The sect master and the elders of the Heavenly Sword Sect stood off to the side, their expressions grave. They were still reeling from the collapse of the space crack and the appearance of the tower had only added to their confusion and concern.

"What the hell is happening today?" the sect master muttered, his eyes fixed on the tower. "We must investigate this immediately."

As they watched, the door of the tower remained firmly shut, and no one could see inside.

"Sect Master, what do you think is in there?" one of the sect\'s elders asked, breaking the tense silence.

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