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Chapter 138 ..... Is Evolving!

Chapter 138 ..... Is Evolving!

Once Mira made sure the coast was clear and Thea had secured the jar, the two stared at eachother face to face.

"So... how are we supposed to do this?"

Mira thought long and hard about a solution to their current predicament.

"Hmm... Get on my back?" She finally said.

"You won\'t be able to use your wings properly, Mira." Her sister reminded.

Mira once again began to think so hard smoke was almost coming out of her little ears.


Suddenly she has the most genius idea imaginable and smiled brilliantly.

"Princess carry!"

Thea immediately voiced her displeasure. "Mira I\'m too big for that..."

"It\'s okay!"


Ignoring Thea\'s refusal, Mira scooped up her older sister in her arms and put on a proud smile.

"Mira is strong enough to carry you! You aren\'t even heavy!"

Thea could barely hear her sister as she was much too busy dying of embarrassment.

"L-Let\'s just go..." She muttered as she desperately tried to hide her face with her hair.

She was certain that she must\'ve looked absolutely ridiculous in the arms of such a small child.

.... She did but there was no one around to tell her that.

Mira excitedly leapt out of their open balcony with her big sister clinging tightly to her neck.

Her small wings burst forward from her back, easily supporting the weight of the two girls.

\'Is this what flying is like?\' Thea was utterly captivated by the feeling of the wind blowing through her hair.

Seeing the city from up high like this was awe inspiring and she found herself feeling a little jealous of her family members that could do this whenever they wanted.

She became even more resolute in her decision to drink from the fountain.

As the girls flew over the city, they saw that it was completely deserted except for one very specific area.

With less than a day before the first army was expected to attack, all of the demons had gone to the training grounds to sharpen their skills as much as possible before the battle.

Finally, the girl\'s spotted the fountain with the magical red water they\'d snuck out for.

Mira landed gingerly on the ground and placed Thea down next to her.

"Alright, keep a lookout, Mira."

The young dragon nodded seriously before turning around and straining her eyes to stare at any corner or dark alley in sight.

Thea hurriedly took out the jar from her pocket and dipped it into the fountain, letting it fill completely before screwing on the lid.

\'It looks like fruit juice... I hope it tastes like fruit juice.\'

With her objective completed, the young girl hurriedly scrambled back to her sister. "I did it! Let\'s go!"

Mira nodded and prepared to pick her sister up again when a feminine voice reached their ears.

"What might the two of you be doing?"

The girls shuddered and followed the sound of the voice.

Sitting on top of the roof with her legs crossed was a woman the two girls knew very well.

She had black skin with silver hair and pure red eyes.

She wore dark armor that was decorated at the side with the heads of various magical beasts that she\'d hunted for sport.

"N-Nothing, General Stheno!" Thea said as she hid the jar behind her back.

"Yea! Nothing!" Mira agreed.

The two girls did their best to look as innocent as possible but the Rabisu was not fooled.

Disappearing in a flash, she reappeared right behind Thea and took the jar from her hands.


Stheno did not pay her any mind and instead inspected the jar. "I recall that lord Abbadon instructed you not to drink this because it was too dangerous. Why do you have this?"

Thea suddenly clenched her little fists in frustration as she stared at the ground.

"W-We\'re gardening!" Mira lied.


"Father once told us a story about giant plants that are big enough to eat people and we\'re trying to make them!" Mira said, her mind going back to the story her father told her about a very famous but frustrating video game.

Stheno did not believe it and simply gave Mira a blank look.

Turning to Thea, she then waited to hear her excuse. "Your turn, my lady."

"I.. need it." Thea muttered.

"For what purpose?" Stheno asked in genuine curiosity.

She knew very well that her master spoiled his children to no end, so if the child truly needed something it would\'ve already been brought to her room.

Thea fought the urge to bawl like a small baby as her eyes began to water. "Humans are bad.. that means I\'m bad too... Eventually no one is going to want me around anymore."

Mira soon took on a concerned look and grabbed her sister by the hand. "That\'s not true! You\'ll be my sister forever!"

"You don\'t know that! W-What if father changes his mind?" The dam holding back Thea\'s tears finally broke and she began to cry in the middle of the street.

The fear that the father she\'d come to love so much would eventually reject her was too much for her to bear.

"He wouldn\'t do that!" Mira had begun to cry as well.

Seeing someone she loved so much in tears had sent her over the edge as well.

Soon both girls were blubbering madly as they cried and held each other.

Stheno had begun to feel like she\'d inadvertently stepped on a landmine.

She\'d only stopped the girls because she felt it was what her master would want and it had spiraled into a colossal mess.

Like most of the rabisu, Stheno did not understand feelings.

It wasn\'t as though she was physically incapable,but her entire life she\'d simply never had the need for them.

She had no need to think, reason or wonder because the orders of Lady Igrat were all that mattered.

But this situation was entirely new to her.

\'If the lord finds out his children cried while I watched, he\'ll certainly have my head...\' She thought with a shudder.

With that thought in mind, Stheno kneeled down in front of the too runny eyed, snot nosed girls.

"Now, now, my ladies.. don\'t cry..." She said with difficulty. Inwardly she was wondering if she sounded as silly as she felt.

Luckily the girls seemed to listen to her and they stared at her as they sniffled, still clinging to each other.

\'By Lucifer! What do I say now?!\'

After almost half a minute of silence, Stheno finally decided that if she did not have the skills to deal with this situation, she could always pass it off to someone who did.

"Tell you what, my lady." She said as she looked at Thea.

"I want you to go and ask one of your mothers or father what they would do if something bad happened to you. Once you do that, come and tell me their answer. If I deem it necessary, I shall give you this jar." She promised.

Thea suddenly perked up and regained a light in her blue eyes. "Y-You mean it?!"

"Erm, yes." She nodded, confused as to how the moods of children could possibly shift so quickly.

The human girl wiped her face and smiled. "Okay! I\'ll do it!"

"Let\'s go, Mira!"

The young dragon wiped her face as well and soon the two were flying throgh the sky once again, heading back to the manor.

As Stheno watched the pair fly away, she could not help but chuckle at the absurdity of the previous situation.

"Consoling humans... What has become of me?"

- Antares, Bloodflame territory.

In a lavish master bedroom, a woman was floating mystically as her body shined with a golden light.

Near her was a spilled goblet that appeared to contain a dark red liquid.

As the woman floated in the air, her body began to undergo some drastic changes.

Her skin became even paler than before, becoming comparable to freshly fallen snow.

The muscles on her arms and body became incredibly well defined, making her look like the most powerful woman on the planet.

The horns on her head darkened and shifted upwards on her head, making room for a second, smaller pair underneath the first.

She grew to a height of six feet three inches, and her scaled tail that was a bright red suddenly became a darker shade.

The woman slowly sank down to the floor and landed on her delicate looking feet.

Her eyes slowly opened and were revealed to be an intense blood red like that of a vampire.

The woman slowly clenched and unclenched her fists, becoming excited by the new level of power within her body.

"5th stage... It\'s incredible!" She exclaimed.

Suddenly, the woman noticed a distinctive weight on her chest that wasn\'t there before and her entire body trembled.

"These are... BOOBSSS!!!"

The woman then ran to the nearest mirror and took a long and hard look at herself.

She smiled, revealing two distinctive fangs in her mouth.

"Fufufufu! Lets see if that bastard can ignore me now!!" She yelled as she danced madly around the room.

At some point, she was also made aware of her monumental height gain. "Who\'s a loli, huh?! Sure as shit ain\'t me!!"

Unfortunately, a sudden knock interrupted her glorious celebration.

"Lady Seras, you have a guest." A maid said respectfully.

"Tell them to fuck off, I\'m celebrating!" Seras ordered as she jumped into her extremely fluffy bed.

The maid was silent for a moment and Seras thought she might\'ve left.

"My lady.. it\'s the second prince."

Immediately, Seras sat up on the bed and glared hard at the door.

Of course it had to be one of the people she hated the most in this world.

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