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Chapter 376 One Grudge At A Time

Chapter 376 One Grudge At A Time

Chapter 376 One Grudge At A Time

The goddess had seen a lot in her time alive, but this was the first time she had ever experienced anything quite like Abaddon.

There was no titan, god king, or primordial beast that she had ever come across that came close to instilling the same level of fear in her that Abaddon did.

This was the first time that she had ever felt so hated just for being alive.

Just for being a goddess.

It should have instilled her with even more wariness and fear, but instead it added an element of curiosity to her life.

What exactly had happened to Abaddon to fill him with such a hate for the gods?

Many had speculated during their meetings, but no one seemed to know, or at least be willing to share, an answer.

So far, all they had to go off of was the knowledge that he seemed to have attracted the attention of Jaldabaoth and paid the price for it, but just that alone could not have been enough to start hating an entire race of beings, could it??

"Next time that I see him... I think I would like to ask for the complete story myself."

"I-Incredible..! Camazotz has tasted something incredible..!"

Persephone turned her head to the side and found Camazotz sitting in the room next to her; it\'s winged hands clutching his face in a look of pure euphoria.

"Better than normal dragon blood...better than virgin blood... Camazotz must have more..!" The bat shrieked excitedly.

Persephone wondered why exactly he was behaving so erratically, until she remembered the scene of Abaddon cutting open his palm and tossing drops of golden blood into their mouths.

She wasn\'t in her physical body to actually taste anything, so she did not understand why he was behaving so unnaturally all of a sudden.

"Better than virgin blood, huh? So I suppose that means I don\'t have to pay you?"

Persephone waived her hand and a glass vial filled with bright red liquid appeared above her palm.

Camazotz curiously sniffed the vial before snatching it away from the goddess.

Uncorking it, he stuck his tongue out for a small taste and his face immediately curled up into one of disgust.

He hurled the vial across the room and watched it crash against the wall like a fresh coat of paint.

"Persephone... We must do well so that when we return to Abaddon\'s lands he rewards us properly."

The goddess started to say something about how Camazotz shouldn\'t have been as eager to return to lands that they had almost died in a few moments prior.

But... she was also thinking of what would happen on her next trip back to Sheol and just what kind of information she would learn.

"Camazotz... we\'re insane."

"Don\'t care."


In a unpopulated section of Sheol wilderness, Abaddon was standing in the forest alone with a rather thoughtful expression on his face.

Since he no longer felt like staying in bed all day, he had come here in the hopes of better understanding his divinities and new powers.

Abaddon brought his hands to his sides and dug his claws into his perfect torso.

As blood flowed, he ripped out two chunks of flesh from his midsection and tossed them onto the ground.

Just like he saw Eris do, he waived his hand over the pieces of meat and channeled a golden ray of light into his hand.

The chunks of flesh started to jiggle on their own, and soon they were growing exponentially beyond their previous size.

Soon, two monsters were standing over Abaddon, letting out menacing roars.

One was a minotaur with dark black fur and burning red eyes that seemed to be filled with great strength and malice.

The second creature was a woman with the lower half of a scorpion and an additional set of eyes within her head.

"Huh... It required a bit less concentration than I had expected. Who knew?"

It seemed that while Abaddon\'s fifth wife could make any animal out of her own flesh, he could do the same with monsters.

He could create just about any kind of creature he imagined, but the problem was in how they functioned.

When it came to smarter and more intelligent creatures like vampires, they would not function with their full thought capabilities and would be something like babies in adult bodies or rabid dogs.

This was because Abaddon could not yet give these creatures a soul that was needed for true cognizance.

He felt like maybe he could in the future, but... as of now something like that was very very far away from his wheelhouse, and his powers would need drastically more study before that could happen.

But as of right now, he could keep pulling off his own flesh and creating as many monsters as he wanted to without a second thought.

"What exactly should I name the two of you...?"

"Do they truly need names? You\'re so sentimental when it comes to pets."

"Honey, don\'t tease him!"


Abaddon turned around and found both of his parents floating in the air beside him.

It had been a while since he\'d seen them, so this scene normally would have put a smile on his face, but because he knew that they hadn\'t come here on accident he was less inclined to show them such a sight.

"My wives and children are too crafty. When I asked them to leave me to my own devices for a moment, I was not expecting them to go over my head and visit you at home."

"They used the youngest\'s big doe eyes to bribe us. After a sight like that we would have chased you down no matter where you were for her sake."

Yara gave her husband a small elbow to the ribcage. "Even if they didn\'t come, we would have still come looking for you on our own. The entire realm felt your wrath earlier, you know?"

"And saw you blow your own castle up." Asmodeus added.

"...An unfortunate loss of control." Abaddon admitted.

He was extremely grateful that Valerie had creation magic and could replace their entire home and everything in it in the time that it took him to blink.

Yara took one of her son\'s hands and one of her husband\'s hands and the three of them started to walk throughout the forest while being trailed by two monstrous body guards.

"So, do you want to tell us what all of that was about? We\'re rather curious, you know?"


Abaddon kept looking at his mother out of the corner of his eye, not knowing what he should say.

He knew just how much is mother loved his grandfather, and he could not imagine just how grief stricken she would be to learn that someone had basically kidnapped him to hold him as a hostage.

And the knowledge that they had gotten all three of her mothers would have certainly been more than enough to send her over the edge.

He couldn\'t bring himself to tell her... not until he\'d saved them.

And evidently, Yara seemed to accept that to some extent.

"..I understand, my son. We will not push you for answers, but you should know that we are here for you, okay? Your sisters too."

"Of course I know that. I would be lost if even one of you were to leave my life."

"Even me??" Asmodeues asked with a glint in his eyes.

".....Yes, fath-"

"Y-Yara! Our boy said that he would be lost without me!" Asmodeous cried.

"Darling, you should have known that already."

"I did, I just feel good to hear him say it.


Abaddon rolled his eyes and enjoyed the walk with his family in total silence.

"I know that we said we wouldn\'t ask any questions of you but I just want to know

something." Asmodeus suddenly said.

"Ask away."

In a rare moment of seriousness, Asmodeus stood in front of his son and looked up at his infuriatingly handsome face.

"How badly have you been aggrieved?"

Abaddon only needed to think about it for a moment before he let out an unsettling growl. "Terribly "

"Then call on us when the time comes. You have your own family now, but you will always be our son. And a slight against our children, is one that we will never be able to abide by."

Abaddon discreetly rolls his eyes, finding the notion that he would need help to exact revenge hilarious.

But because he had children of his own, he fully understood exactly what Asmodeus was trying to say.

Strangely enough, both his father and mother had the same frenzied light in their eyes, and he realized that his fits of angry insanity may have been hereditary.

However, it did make him think of something.

A problem that he had previously left unattended but now was in need of correcting.

\'Right then... I wonder how I should go about that?\'


Floating over a large ocean, Abaddon landed on top of the water without disturbing the surface in the slightest.

"Been a while since I\'ve been here..."

Clasping his hands behind his back, he looked up into the sky fondly while showing a small smile.

"I know that you know I\'m here. Come say hello, yea?"

Almost immediately after sending his invitation, a figure started to materialize directly in front of him.

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