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Chapter 398 We’re Going Where?!

Chapter 398 We’re Going Where?!

Their battle was a fierce one, and Abaddon was rather surprised to see himself bite the creator with one of his heads and inflict a rather nasty looking necrotic wound.

At the battle\'s climax, the creator summoned a sword that seemed to be made entirely of divine power.

With a last attack, the creator cleaved Abaddon into seven before the sword broke in his grasp.

Abaddon didn\'t see what happened to him after that, but he did see what happened to the fragments of the sword.

For most of them, their power became less than 1/10th of it\'s former, and they all took different forms that he easily recognized at a glance.

The crook and flail of Osiris.

The sword of Goujian.

The Spear of Longinus

The gauntlet that would later be known as the WitchBlade.

The Kusanagi no Tsurugi, currently in possession of the sun goddess Amaterasu.

And the piece that fell all the way to the Abyss Bellow, becoming the blade known only as the True Death, currently within his own possession.


Abaddon blinked several times as he rubbed away the headache that always came with witnessing those memories.

He felt a bit relieved to know that two of the six endings were already in his possession and so the weapon capable of killing him again could never be completely reformed, but still he felt like there was another shoe that was yet to drop.

"Take heed now, Tathamet." Asherah suddenly said. "Though you are the first to discovering this information, the other gods may not be as far behind as you believe.

And even without their full power, these weapons can still incapacitate you if your heart is pierced by them."

"For how long?" Abaddon asked with a raised brow.

"Until they are removed."

"I see..." He already made it a point not to get stabbed, but now he was going to make it even more of a priority.

He turned to his father, hoping to make a joke about this, but he found that Asmodeus had already left his side.

Several feet away, Kanami and Malenia were rushing towards him with open arms.

"Father did so well!"

"You\'re a god now! Congratulations!\'

A small tear fell dramatically from the eyes of the demon god as he embraced his two adoptive daughters.

*sniff* "Thank you girls! Your shitty brother did nothing but mock me and call me old! I\'m grateful that neither of you sweeties are so cruel!"

"Aww, shame on him!"

"Of course we wouldn\'t do that!"

While Malenia and Kanami gave their father as large of a hug as they could muster, Asmodeus discreetly looked over his shoulder and gave his son the finger, to which he promptly returned.

A moment later, a whooshing sound passed through the air and Asmodeus was knocked cleanly onto his back.

Yara had a delirious yet mad look in her eyes that was reminiscent of the way a dog looks at a fresh steak.

Before Asmodeus could make an unfunny joke, Yara grabbed hm roughly by his golden collar and slipped her tongue into his mouth desperately.

Abaddon, Kanami, and Malenia cringed immediately.

Abaddon: "Please... have some sense of decency for your children at least."

Kanami: "I am very happy that you two love each other... but I would be lying if I said this were not embarrassing."

Malenia: "Just so you both know, we\'re good on siblings."

"""Definitely.""" They all nodded in solidarity without missing a beat.


Seeing as how his parents weren\'t making any move to get off of each other anytime soon, Abaddon waved his hand over them and sent them both back to their home in Sheol.

Whether or not they would even notice, he wasn\'t sure.

Turning back to Asherah, he ran his hands through his hair exhaustedly.

"I\'m... sorry about that.... We\'re all a very loving family."

"Think nothing of it." Asherah laughed.

Suddenly, she held out a small blue marble and gestured for Abaddon to take it from her palm.

"This is your final reward. This marble will allow you to visit the earth for twenty days, though that isn\'t how long you have to stay there, mind you-"

There was a whooshing sound, and suddenly all nine of Abaddon\'s wives appeared around him.

"WE GET TO GO TO EARTH!?!" They screamed in unison.

Abaddon chuckled as he patted the girls on the head before realizing they all had a commonality.

\'Why is their blood on your knuckl- Oh, right Erica.\'

"Yes, you ten can visit the earth temporarily... Though I caution you against using even a modicum of your full power for any reason." Asherah warned.

"Of course we won\'t do that!" Tatiana nodded.

"Our physical strength alone is more than enough to stomp out some rude humans." Bekka said proudly.

"...Please, do not kill them if you can prevent it." Asherah was trying not t show it, but she was almost on the verge of pleading. "And I don\'t just mean them. Try not to pick fights with any of the supernatural beings living there either."

Abaddon: "...."

The Wives : "..."

All : "...The what now..?"

"Don\'t tell me you thought there were only humans and animals residing on earth? While a large part of supernatural beings that you knew from Dola have already gone extinct, you will still find a few species hiding in plain sight.

I imagine they\'ll be quite surprised to see you, since dragons have been extinct for thousands of years there." Asherah explained while looking at Abaddon, Audrina, Lisa, Tatiana, and Seras.

Like their heads were on a swivel, the girls all turned around to stare at Abaddon.

"I didn\'t know." he shrugged. "The most supernatural thing I ever encountered on earth was..."

Briefly, Abaddon\'s mind went very far back, to when he was still a small boy.

In his memory, he saw a woman that looked significantly older than him yet was quite beautiful holding out her arms in a motherly embrace.

He remembered it so clearly now... the feeling of her wet skin and the luster of her emerald green scales.

"Yes, well you were a normal human as Carter, Tathamet. They wouldn\'t have been very good at hiding if they couldn\'t evade your notice." Asherah reminded.

"I.. see..." Abaddon muttered.

"Oh, in addition you should know that there are certain gods who are not locked out of earth and you may run across them in your time there. But no matter what, do not fight with them." Asherah said sternly.

"The world is not yet ready for that kind of battle and you all will destroy it before you even realize what you\'ve done."

Suddenly, she turned to each of Abaddon\'s nine wives and subjected them to just as much scrutiny.

"That means you girls too. Help to keep each other restrained in the event of any unpleasantness, hm?"

All: "...We\'ll try.\'


Asherah prepared to wave her hand and send everyone back home in an instant when Abaddon suddenly stopped her.

"Ah, one second."



A sound like that of shattered glass rang out as Abaddon punched cleanly through the \'nothingness\' that was within space.

He pulled out a demonic looking humanoid creature with four dark red eyes and horns and held him by his neck in the air.

"I was wondering when I would run into one of you lot again. You remnants of the abyss are truly so hard to come across."

Immediately, all of the wives showed some signs of agitation and went on their guard without waiting to hear another word.

"You are free to relax." Asherah informed them. "This one has no power here."

The abyss dweller in Abaddon\'s grasp scoffed as he sneered down at him. "That must be the only reason why you were able to catch me. I hope you weren\'t hoping to impress me by- Urgh!"

Abaddon tightened his grip on the throat of the creature as he scratched his head with his free hand.

"You know... I don\'t much like deadlines. This entire trial thing has been really exhausting to say the least. So let\'s not wait for too much longer, yea?"

"Y-You.. What are you saying?"

"As you\'ve no doubt heard, I\'ll be taking a trip with my wives in a few days for something like a honeymoon. But after that... I have a free schedule until the end war."

The abyss dweller watched the rows of sharp teeth flash within Abaddon\'s mouth and he felt a chill run down his unholy spine.

"You jest... No one comes to Tehom before they are called."

"Well since I\'ll be merging it with Sheol soon, I figure I can do whatever the fuck I want with it. Don\'t you?"

Abaddon\'s black claws dug into the muscular neck of the former abyss king and caused dark black blood to flow.

"You may tell whoever sits on my throne right now... That I am coming for him, not the other way around. Prepare well and thoroughly, as I\'ll be there before you all know it."

Before the abyss king had a chance to respond, Abaddon stuffed him back into the hole and watched hit close up, with his unholy red eyes being the last thing the remnant king saw.

Abaddon turned around and found all of his wives standing around staring at him, not saying a word and holding an emotion he couldn\'t read within their eyes.

"Ah.. I know I haven\'t told you about it but I have actually been planning something like this for a while... Are you all upset?"

"...No." Lisa shook her head and responded first.

"We also don\'t want to keep living like we\'re on borrowed time with you." Audrina agreed.

"But if you\'re going to go, then take us with you. From what Bekka said, the king has some very monstrous generals that you shouldn\'t waist your energy with." Lailah reasoned.

"You have already given us so much strength. Please let us use it." Seras pleaded.

Abaddon showed a smile that all of the girls found absolutely enchanting.

"Two trips back to back... My girls certainly are spoiled aren\'t they? But I suppose that is my own fault."

Taking that as a sign of acceptance, the girls all scrambled to fly into his arms at the same time, nearly knocking him over and recreating the scene from earlier with his parents.

Smiling under her veil, Asherah felt like it was finally time for her to say goodbye.

Snapping her fingers a single time, she sent all of the Tathamets home while pondering over the future.

\'This one is never quite as idle as he would like to be, is he, partner?\'

\'No... it would seem he is not.\'

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