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Chapter 452 The Divine Feminine Pt. 1

Chapter 452 The Divine Feminine Pt. 1

Chapter 452 The Divine Feminine Pt. 1

But instead, something even more miraculous happened.

Abaddon slipped one of his hands along her waist and another on the back of her head.


The former phoenix queen sat up in an instant and stared at the man underneath her like he had just shit out a golden egg.

"Were you... about to kiss me back?"

"I... yes?" Abaddon asked in confusion.


"Excuse me?"

"Why were you about to kiss me back?"

"..." Sometimes, Abaddon felt that for all of his charm and romantic knowledge, he didn\'t actually understand women all that much.

"Because... I have feelings for you?"

"S-So you aren\'t going to be an ass and reject me again!?"

A vein bulged in Abaddon\'s forehead and he showed a smile that was not a smile.

"Kiss me again... and then I\'ll see how I feel."

Taking this as a challenge, Erica smirkedas she brought her lips back towards his own.

This time, she allowed herself to savor the feeling of kissing her longtime unrequited love.

It was a difficult sensation to describe.

How does one put into words the feeling of touching a star or tasting nirvana?

Every problem that she ever faced in her 800 years of life felt so minute and insignificant that she couldn\'t believe that she had ever wasted any time mulling over them.

This was happiness, the grandest ecstasy.

The effect was even more pronounced when Abaddon kissed her back like he had attempted to do earlier.

With his arms wrapped around her, she allowed his smoldering warmth to seep into every crevice of her body.

She felt a growing infatuation with every second that their lips remained in contact.

However, her mind was quickly being overwhelmed by new and very strong sensations.

Erica had soft lips and was a very passionate kisser, but Abaddon knew within two seconds that she wasn\'t very experienced.

The way she used her lips and tongue was cute, yet clumsy and was indicative of a relatively narrow pool of partners.

It made him want to teach her more and maybe even indulge in just a small amount of teasing.

Just as he sucked on her lip to illicit a moan, the front door to Erica\'s home was slammed open.


"Momma! Are you home? Where\'s your cook book, I\'m trying to get my husband to stop eating like a four year old and I need … new… recipes."

When Claire Tathamet stepped inside of her mother\'s living room, the last thing that she expected to find was her mother straddling her father-in-law, their blanket of matching red hair sprawled all over the marble floors.

Claire: "…"

Abaddon: "…"

Erica : "…"

The silence persisted between the three of them for an uncomfortably long time with none of them really knowing what to say.

Because Abaddon\'s brain temporarily malfunctioned, he just pretended like this entire scene was normal.

Abaddon : "Umm… hey, Claire-bear… he likes pork dishes if that helps?"

Erica : "I have a pork tenderloin recipe in the cupboard in the kitchen… you can take the whole cookbook if you like."

"Okay… I think I\'ll do that and I\'ll just, uhh… tell Jasmine that we just got emancipated."

Claire looked back at the strange scene that she wasn\'t sure how to process a few more times as she walked away.

When the young girl finally left Erica\'s home, Abaddon and Erica stared at each other briefly before laughing to the point of soreness.


Erica was actually married before, hundreds of years ago.

He was a soldier in her guard, a well mannered and diligent man who was well-meaning despite his low status compared to her own.

Their marriage was initially contested, but with Erica\'s own mother allowing her to tread on her own path forward, all other voices fell silent.

They had three children together in four years, from Caelum to Jasmine and then Claire.

But with their marriage settling into a comfortable position, her husband\'s eyes started to wander.

It took her a while to notice it at first, since she had always been so happy.

However, eventually she found that it became somewhat difficult to keep her husband\'s eyes on her.

He began to develop a fascination with all sorts of women in the castle.

The maids, the cooks, the groundskeepers and even the old librarian.

He would playfully flirt with them, glance at their bodies when he thought no one was looking, and cross the line of professionalism with unusually friendly gestures.

But because Erica loved him, she thought she was just overreacting and being paranoid.

And then one night, he came into their bedroom with fourteen different women, telling her that he wished to marry them too.

"…So I killed them all."

\'Oh damn…\'

Abaddon and Erica were still glued to each other on the floor without showing any signs of moving anytime soon.

Erica was lying on top of his chest, acting so affectionate that she was practically unrecognizable.

She would gradually trace the dark tattoos running across his chest using her finger, and sometimes her lips if the urge to kiss him became too irresistible.

"I had never in my life felt so betrayed. I burned every one of them to ashes and forbade anyone in the castle from uttering any of their names again. Later on I found out that there were more women that he was involved with… many more. So I killed all of them too."

Erica switched her object of fascination from Abaddon\'s skin to his hair.

She ran her fingers through it ever so gently, as if she were somehow afraid to ruin it\'s luxurious splendor.

"I hated men after that. Most namely men with poorly or carefully veiled lusts. Your father was among the ones I hated most, but he grew to amuse me after a while."

\'Your sense of humor must be broken then…\'

Erica decided to go for full obsession and she slowly brought a handful of Abaddon\'s hair to her nostrils so that she could inhale it\'s scent.

A glimmer of madness shone in her eyes as her purple irises shifted into little hearts.

She wanted to memorize everything about this man.

And the more that she learned and committed to memory, the deeper she felt herself falling for him.

"You asked me why I love you… it is because of the way that you love what you have. The loyalty and care that you put into your relationship has always been all that I have ever wanted from someone.

Even though you have nine different wives with different needs and personalities, you give everything you have to ensure that none of them ever feel left out or neglected in the slightest.

And even with all that you could have… you have never greedily sought more. How could I not want those things? How am I supposed to resist the allure of a life with you?

Just being near you and fantasizing about a life with you… heals me in ways that you cannot possibly imagine."

Abaddon, the killer of men, women, gods, and monsters, had only two weaknesses when it came to women.

Butts and sincerity.

Even if he wanted to keep pretending like he was indifferent to Erica\'s pursuit of him, her confession just now would have melted him like cheap cheese.

"And your feelings were so strong… that you were willing to ask Audrina to put you through something as dangerous as receiving an incomplete mark to get me."

"Are you upset with me for that?" She asked innocently.

"Yes. I don\'t want you to play recklessly with your life on the battlefield, why would you think that I would want you to do it for me?"

"It was the only way to prove that there was something between us without breaking your vow. And besides, I do not mind dying for love, so long as it is yours."

Erica kissed Abaddon sensually once again.

Through some sort of miracle, he felt like it was a lot harder to remain mad at her than he was before.

"You\'re such a foolish woman… accepting my mark means that-"

"I know what it means and I am not afraid. You are already all that I can ever think about anyway. And besides…"

Erica sat up on top of Abaddon and unbuttoned her night shirt.

Her D-cup breasts came spilling out like a vision of a twin moon.

They were pale, and slightly pink with mesmerizing inverted nipples.

This was the first time that Abaddon got to witness such a sight, and he was taking special care to admire every detail.

"You are making all of these excuses to prevent me from loving you but if it came down to it… could you truly bear to see me in the arms of someone else?"

With jealousy that was second to none, Abaddon\'s golden eyes burned as if they contained a lust and rage hotter than ten billion suns.

Reversing he and Erica\'s positions in an instant, he loomed over her while breathing heavily and stretching out the fabric of his underwear to a unrecoverable degree.

Truth be told, she was right.

He hadn\'t ever thought about it before, but he would probably kill any man who tried to touch her.


There existed no other man who was capable of loving her the way she needed to be loved.

No one worthy enough to lay a hand on her fair skin.

And maybe it shouldn\'t have taken this entire ordeal for him to realize that.

"Erica Vermillion… I will never allow anyone to lay a finger on you." With every heavy breath, sparks of flame slipped out of Abaddon\'s mouth.

"Scary~" Erica ran her fingers along his jawline lustfully. "Did I set you off, darling?"

"Wasn\'t that your goal?"

"It was… and judging by this, it was all worth it."

Erica ran her hand along Abaddon\'s member and marveled at the heat that she could feel so clearly even through his clothing.

This cemented the reality of this moment in her mind and she realized that she was more than a little unprepared.

She needed to temporarily scale the mood back just a bit.

"Ah… can you carry me to my bedroom?"


Erica had a large shower in her bathroom with walls made from red glass the same color as her hair.

Steam had already begun to fill up every crevice of the room while Erica stood underneath the shower head and let the hot water run down her face and body.

With the sound of her heart beating as loudly as it was, she could barely hear the water running as she wracked her brain for a solution to her current dilemma.

\'W-What scent would he like best..? S-Should I shave in some kind of pattern or just leave it as is..? I thought I\'d have more time to ask the girls what specifically turns him-\'

In the middle of her dilemma, Erica nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the door to her shower open.

Turning around, her entire jaw nearly fell open as she took in the sight of a fully naked Abaddon.

"I.. thought you were going to wait in the bedroom..?"

"You\'ll have to forgive me, Erica, but your new husband is just a little bit impatient sometimes. I thought that I would help you wash up."

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