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Chapter 538 Non-Existence

Chapter 538 Non-Existence

"They are the true manifestations of that which is incomprehensible and malevolent. But what does that have to do with nonexistence?"

Nyx swirled the wine within her glass as she tried to figure out the best and most efficient way to explain the connection.

"Put simply... that is the source of their power. Or the root of their makeup.. I\'m.. not really sure which.

Think of the world and how mortals and lesser gods exist three dimensionally. Yet primordials and powerful gods permeate all four.

But the eldritch things exist in realms that are only theoretical and difficult to explain for anyone other than them.

They ravage from every dimension and angle, every crevice of reality. Like a virus that attacks every cell in the body until it shuts down.

Hiding from them is nigh impossible.

Keeping your thoughts and desires hidden is a childish dream.?As you said, they are ruin made manifest.

Their sole goal is to be free, and wreak as much impure destruction as they can on this plane before the reset, and then do it all again."

Abaddon\'s eyes narrowed. "Reset?"

Nyx held a finger up to her lips. "Not the time, my sweet dragon. The time for the discussion of things of that nature should come later, and I should not be the one to tell you."

Abaddon\'s eyes narrowed even further, and he practically let out an audible groan when he realized the truth behind her words.

This intrigued Nyx greatly.

"I was led to believe that you and the creator were on friendly terms?"

"Hm? Ah, we are..."

"But you don\'t like him?"

"We get along just fine."

"But you resent him for something?"

"Are you going to let this go?"

*Nyx sips wine audibly.*


"...I\'m not finishing my explanation until you tell me."


"If you\'re offering."

Abaddon rubbed his temples like he was developing a massive migraine.

"I simply... do not like the way that he does things since I lived a human life once or twice before.

He inspires great loyalty… but also pandemonium.

I know exactly the kind of atrocities he could have stopped or the horrors he could have put an end to. All of which were done in his name.

In my time, I often pondered to myself, \'If my enemy and I pray to the same being, which one of us is he listening to?\' Which of us is in the right?

They- I, needed guidance, but received only silence and disinterest. I\'m not all that inclined to ask him for anything ever again."

Nyx opened her lips as if she were about to respond, but Abaddon used lightning quick movements to cover her mouth before she could say something useless.

"Unless you\'re about to finish telling me about the horrors, please don\'t comment anything else."

"..."Nyx gave Abaddon\'s palm a seductive lick and he pulled his hand away in disgust.

"That one is on you, you know? I won\'t be blamed for that."

"Yes, yes..." Abaddon grumbled.

Nyx sensually crossed her legs and resumed her detailed explanation.

"The power of non-existence... the reason that the other primordials and I are susceptible to it is because it is like deletion by an outside force.

They can destroy the very idea of day, time, destruction, creation, you name it.

But theirs is not the pure and necessary destruction created by Shiva, or the rage spurred variety embodied by you.

It is alien... unholy and unnatural. If we ogdoad aren\'t careful, even we can fall to them and we would never be seen again."

Abaddon touched his chest as he pondered over this revelation.

"Then this power.. it is in me?"


Suddenly, the dragon had another thought. "Then what about my-"

"No, it is not in your people, nor your children for that matter. Though your wives seem to be a different story..."

"What is the difference??"

Nyx held out her wine glass for Abaddon to refill.

He complied begrudgingly and poured her another glass before drinking from the bottle himself.

\'Gods, I wish that were me...\' Nyx stared at the bottle of wine with palpable jealousy.

"A-Anyways... you don\'t remember yourself from back then, but I do. Eon after eon spent down there listening to the madness that is their native tongue.

It broke you cell by cell, thought by thought, until you were rebuilt in their very image. You were then, and still are, a true and undeniable eldritch horror.

The creator killed your flesh, cut your body apart and pieced back together your soul from the fragmented remains and restored your sanity... though how he did that, even I am not sure.

If I had to estimate it, your marital bond has subjected your wives to a more loving and tender version of what was done to you.

The longer you show them affection, the more you fill them, and the more time you all spend together, the more they are transformed.

Lovely Lisa should certainly not be able to summon cosmic storms when she isn\'t even 1000 years old. Most of my children still can\'t pull that kind of thing off."

Abaddon smiled proudly. "She is a very special woman, isn\'t she?"


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason."

"You\'re lying."

"I said no reason damnit!"

Abaddon shrugged, not really caring one way or another.

"A-Anyways!" Nyx waved her hand as she finally finished the last of her wine in dramatic fashion. "You want to know how to kill primordials?

All you need to do is tap into the eldritch blood that the creator has no doubt buried deep within you. And Abaddon?"


Nyx suddenly came dangerously close to the dragon once again, and she stared at him with eyes filled to the brim with desire.

"I would like it if you did your best not to lose your head this time. I quite prefer this rational and... delectable version of you."

Before Abaddon could respond, Nyx suddenly stood up from the couch and began leaving the room.

"I\'ve heard you have my daughter in this realm with you? I should like to go and see her before I depart. It was nice talking with you, darling dragon."

Abaddon watched the goddess of the night disappear in a cloud of black mist while waving him goodbye.

Truthfully, he had more questions that he wanted to ask, but his brain already felt like it was going to explode after digesting so much information, so he elected to put his inquiries on hold.

Besides... he was almost certain that he would see her again.

Now that she was gone, he played out on the couch and stared up at the ceiling while watching the fan spin.

\'A power hidden in my blood, huh...? Who\'d have thought?\'

Abaddon closed his eyes and began emptying out his mind of all thoughts.

He sat like that for a long time, simply thinking of nothing while enjoying the comfort of the sofa.

An hour went by like hat before he cracked one eye open to stare at the guest above him.

"If father is tired, why aren\'t you going into bed?" Gabbrielle asked.

Abaddon closed his eye back and used his hair to cover his face. "I\'m not tired, peach."

"...Your actions and your words say two different things."

"I just need a little peace for a moment." Abaddon shrugged. "Dealing with important goddesses is more exhausting than fighting a hundred battles..."

Goddesses like Nyx, Yemoja and the like, who were essentially the mothers for half their pantheons were often more difficult for Abaddon to deal with.

Through no fault of their own, they were very maternal and sexual beings, and Abaddon\'s unequaled appearance and love of children made him like crack to them.

If he wasn\'t as strong as he was, there was no way that he could escape conversations with them with his underwear still on.

"Oh the struggles of being the most beautiful creature to ever breathe." Gabbrielle rolled her eyes.

Abaddon lightly flicked his daughter on the forehead without opening his eyes.

Rubbing her forehead in her infant form, she crawled up onto the couch and sat beside her father\'s resting head.

Silently, she cracked open some reading material and started browsing through it while her father rested.

"What are you reading?"

"Comic book. With brother gone, his collection is open for borrowing."

"You and your sisters should really stop stealing from your brothers."

"Are you aware that he divides his collections up into characters that he thinks can beat you in a fight, and those that can\'t?"

"…Make sure to fold the pages so that you can save your place, okay peach?"

"Yes, father."

As the familial pair sat in silence, Gabbrielle made her way through the first issue of \'Spawn\' while her father rested his mind.

This continued on for several minutes with the both of them simply enjoying each other\'s company, but eventually Abaddon broke the silence.



"I\'m going to fix my spark tomorrow… and probably do something stupid along with it. Care to help?"

Gabbrielle paused in the midst of her reading and stared at her father for a while without saying anything.

"…How stupid?"

"When your mothers find out, I\'ll be sleeping on this couch for a couple of days."

"I see. I suppose I must ensure that you do not make them cry then."

"That\'s my girl."

Abaddon and Gabbrielle exchanged a small fist bump, and their pact was sealed.

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