
Side Story Chapter 177

Side Story Chapter 177

-Hmm I see that youre getting anxious, Tshchary.

-Think about the bigger picture. I gave you Sloth as I promised.

-Well, I think there is a good reason why its said that you feel different before and after you use the toilet.[1]


-Why do you keep yelling?! Youre the one who made me nervous by staying silent.


Tshchary was so frustrated that he felt like he was going to go crazy. Yes, it was true that he had been tempted for a moment. Perchilin had two Evil Sins while Altheon possessed the power of Pride. Therefore, Tshchary had to calculate his chance of victory against either of the two of them. However, it was merely a fleeting thought. He had already handed Perchilin Sloth, so it would be counterproductive to betray her. With that in mind, all he had to do now was to manipulate the situation to his advantage, but this nobody human woman suddenly interfered with his work!

-Perchilin, you misunderstood me. You know that partnering up with Altheon right now isnt beneficial to me anyway

-Well, Im not sure.

Tshchary caught Perchilins subtle grin.

-Wait, you? I see. Your mind was already set from the start, you damned witch!

-I have no idea what youre talk Pfft Hahaha..!

Perchilin burst into laughter. It was no surprise, really, because even though she currently had two Evil Sins, she was experiencing no bad reactions. Although it was believed in the Demon Realm that one demon having two Evil Sins was impossible, Perchilin was full of energy. The taboo seemed like an old wives tale.

I cant help myself from feeling greedy. Perchilin looked at the throne with a contented smile. The humans that lessened her guilt looked as adorable as if they were her children.

Alright, Im feeling merciful. Im going to spare them.

Her Overlord Symbol was even less problematic since she was faithfully obeying the Shining Darknesss instruction by helping those humans. She could find a way to undo her Overlord Symbol after she finished absorbing all of the Evil Sins there.

-The power of Pride overwhelms everything; it never yields to anyone, not even one of its fellow Evil Sins. Cant you tell its impossible for Pride to coexist with other Evil Sins? You cant have three Evil Sins at once, Perchilin!

-If it doesnt work, Ill just find a way to take care of it.


-Come here, my children.

Perchilin beckoned to the humans with a grin.


Cain and Ulabis eyed Perchilin for a moment and then exchanged glances with each other. Both of them had lived for quite a long time to be called children. But, of course, demons lived a lot longer than humans, so

-Arent you going to come? You have to protect your dear Queen Consort, dont you?

Cain and Ulabis\'s eyes widened. They quickly exchanged a flurry of telepathic messages.

Is there no other way than following her commands? Ulabis asked.

Dont tell me you trust her. If she holds Her Majesty hostage while we fight, were in trouble.

Then you stay behind and protect her. Ill deal with one of them, Ulabis told Cain, casting a critical eye at Altheon and Tshchary.

Absolutely not! Youre our guest, so I cant ask you to take care of our matters. Ill go instead.

And you think a guest from a foreign country guarding the Queen Consort of the Avalon Empire makes sense?


Demons have always been the enemy of all mankind, so its better youre by her side. Ulabis noticed that one of Perchilins eyebrows was raised. We might ruin the stage that she put so much work into. Dont talk anymore.

Ulabis slowly walked toward Perchilin.

-Hmm? Why are you coming alone?

Ulabis shrugged. Im sure you understand that we have our reasons.

-Ahah. Youre worried about that cunning girl.

Perchilin nodded. She didnt look displeased at all since they were talking about that very person who had orchestrated this beautiful arrangement.

-I dont wish the girl to die either because Im planning on rewarding her later.

Im sure that the Queen Consort would be very happy to hear that, Ulabis replied with a sour expression.

-But can you handle those monsters on your own? Your best choice is the death reaper demon over there while I take that silver-haired one. He may not look that intimidating, but hes officially the strongest demon and has the power of Pride, the Shining Darknesss first Evil Sin.

Perchilin pointed back and forth between Altheon and Tshchary.

What is this Shining Darkness that you keep talking about? Ulabis asked.

-Huh? You dont know? In other words, he hid his real identity from his people too?

Perchilin gave Ulabis a wide-eyed look.

What are you talking about?

-No, no, nothing. Lets get started. I wont tell you to win, just to hang on. Ill take care of everything.

Perchilins eyes zeroed in on Tshchary furtively approaching Altheon.

Is that going to be okay? Ulabis inquired.

-Its fine, its fine. Come to think of it, he wont be able to seriously harm you because of his Overlord Symbol.

Overlord Symbol? Is that related to the Shining Darkness that you mentioned earlier?

-Just keep in mind that its there.

Alright, but we have to straighten out one thing.


I wasnt talking about myself when I asked if it was going to be okay, Ulabis said.


Perchilin frowned slightly, but it wasnt because Ulabis had hurt her pride. As a matter of fact, Perchilin herself couldnt guarantee her victory either. Considering the typical difference in their combat abilities, she was guaranteed to lose to Altheonbut it was different now that Perchilin had the powers of Lust and Sloth.

-I wont be able to predict the chance of my victory by sheer numbers Hmm, should I have partnered up with Tshchary?

Perchilin shrugged off her doubts after a moment because nothing would change by crying over spilled milk.

However, the devious human girl spun her magic again.

Hey you, over there! The reaper! Icarus shouted. You look like youre under the command of His Majesty. Since he isnt someone who trusts demons, Im sure that you made something like a Mana Pledge with him. Can you betray us like this?

-Shes very smart. I really want her.

Perchilin grinned at Tshchary who stared at Icarus speechlessly.

I assure you that you wont be able to escape His Majestys wrath if you harm the red-haired human over there. Sir Ulabis is his long-time friend! Icarus warned Tshchary.

That made Ulabis smile wryly. Its always good to hear that Im the dear friend of the greatest man on the continent.


Tshchary let out a long sigh and slammed the end of his scythes handle on the ground. Icaruss expression brightened.

-Humans are indeed more clever with words than demons.

There was certainly a way to forcibly undo an Overlord Symbol, but there were a few problems with that. The method involved breaking away from ones body and soul, followed by resurrection. That would free one from all existing restrictions on them and was also where the first problem came in: right after the resurrection, one was defenseless. The second problem was that the Shining Darkness would come back immediately after sensing a problem with the Overlord Symbol, which meant throwing the worst possible enemy into the worst possible situation. Third, and most important of all, the nearby demons werent going to sit on their hands as Tshchary freed himself from his Overlord Symbol.

-I made a poor decision. I should have spared Urus and made this fight more chaotic.

Tshchary grumbled over his obvious mistake. He resented the human woman next to the throne for ruining all his plans.

Help us right now and deal with the silver-haired demon over there. Keep in mind that I am Icarus Sanders, the Second Queen Consort of the Avalon Empire and the wife of the man whom you serve, Icarus proclaimed, her dignified voice hanging in the air.

Even Cain nodded along with a bright smile. Whenever I see you, Im amazed at how much things have changed, he whispered to Icarus.

Are you being sarcastic? she hissed back.

No way. How could I dare?

It reminded me of old times for some reason. You used to make me think that this is what it felt like to get attacked with truth,[2] Icarus scoffed.

I must have gotten pretty old not to remember that On a side note, I now respect you more than anyone else in the Palace.

Cains social skills had reached their peak as he grew older.

You would be less annoying if you werent a smooth talker.

Everything seemed to be smooth sailing.

-I see now. Is that why you are torn about your decision, Tshchary?

Cain and Icarus turned toward Altheon.

-Yes, Im sure that you heard, but my hands are tied here.

-Why are you worried about that?


-You dont have to wound those buffoons. Ill take care of them, so dont get in my way.

-Do you seriously think

-Of course it does. Shall I make your decision easier?

Before the last words had even left Altheons lips, he quickly and quietly vanished into a cloud.

Sir Ulabis! Icaruss scream echoed throughout the chamber.

Gah! Ulabis shivered.

When Altheon reappeared, his fingers were protruding from Ulabiss chest.

1. The raw is , . Its similar to the English saying of danger past, god forgotten. After taking care of a bathroom emergency, one is more relaxed so they forget about the gratitude they felt for finding a bathroom before soiling oneself.

2. The raw is . This is from a Korean meme about being brutally honest to the point that that feels like verbal abuse.

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