
Chapter 403 - Johnson’s New Body

Chapter 403 Johnson’s New Body

The Goff Family was the only family business in the dwarven race. When they went on maximum production, metal spheres from all over the land were sent to the Moon Guardian City. When they did, almost all the metal spheres were stored up inside Lord Ivan’s yard. No one knew what they were for, but since it was Grandmaster Abel and Bernie’s request, they all complied with the best of their abilities.

Inside the room that was in the yard, there was a seclusion circle concealing everything that was inside. No one knew what was going on inside there.

Abel was not inside. In fact, he was in the Rogue’s Encampment right now. He was standing next to his blacksmith station, and he was taking out a portion of the multi-surfaced metal spheres that were delivered early to him.

He took one of the spheres up, then threw it to the inferno flame. Soon, after activating his “telekinesis” spell, he grabbed the burnt sphere with his power of Will, and placed it on top of his anvil.

At the same time, his druid spirit was activating the “telekinesis” magic staff that was on his waist. As a white light flashed by, another metal sphere was teleported into the pit of inferno flame.

Abel’s left hand was holding a fine iron nail for punching holes. His right hand was holding the Horadric Malus, and its weight was adjusted to a thousand pounds. Once the nail was positioned to the multi-surfaced sphere’s center, he slammed the Horadric Malus right on top of it. A hole appeared on the sphere. After that, he threw it into a water bucket nearby.

It was the same process after that. After activating his “telekinesis” spell, more multi-surfaced spheres were put onto the inferno flame. When their temperature was right, he would keep on punching holes into them. Simultaneously, his druid spirit would keep transporting more spheres to the inferno flame.

Soon, about a thousand of these spheres all had a hole punched into them. They all weighed about 10 pounds each, which just showed how precise the dwarves were with their craft.

Abel then took out his rune ink. He wanted to enchant every single one of the multi-surface spheres. For the first sphere, he decided to draw the #10 thul rune on it, which could give it a 30% bonus in freezing resistance. As he was doing this, his agility reached 50 points, which increased his speed to finishing 1 rune per 40 seconds. It was much faster than most master blacksmiths, who could draw only 1 rune pattern in every ten minutes.

After he was done, he placed a perfect blue gemstone into one of the multi-surfaced sphere’s holes. Then, by pushing a tiny piece of iron into it, he used his maxed level strength to seal the hole in it.

He then took out a second sphere. Unlike before, he was drawing a #9 Ort rune on it, which gave the sphere a 30% resistance against lighting. When he was done, he stuffed a perfect yellow gemstone inside and sealed it with his finger.

For the third one, it was a #8 Ral rune, which gave a 30% resistance against fire. He placed a red gemstone in it, then sealed it with his finger.

Abel only defended himself against fire, lightning, and ice. He didn’t bother to defend against poison, because all these metal spheres were meant for Johnson, which was basically a living bunch of rocks piled up together.

Over the course of three days, ten thousand metal spheres were sent to the yard. Bernie tried to visit him during this time, but he would always be kicked out by Bartoli, who was standing at the gate to chase out all guests.

Once the last bit of his craft was done, Abel had one-third of his metal spheres for 30% fire resistance, one third for 30% lightning resistance, and one third for 30% freezing resistance. Then, he called Johnson out of his portal beast ring.

Johnson was a little confused, but when it saw the ten thousand metal spheres lying on the ground, its eyes started flashing in excitement. It had been a while since Abel promised it that he would build a “completely brand new, metallic body” for it.

Abel talked to Johnson using his soul chain, “You’ve got your new body now, Johnson. By the way, since your head is so different from the rest of your body, I’ve decided to find a new helmet for you.”

“Johnson listens to master!” Johnson said through the soul chain.

Abel smiled at that. Then, he took out an item from the kong kong spiritual beast bag. It was a metal mannequin, which was something he got from fighting the priest.

The “stone metal monster” was a powerful creature that was called from the souls of metal weapons. When they were summoned, they would possess all the abilities that were inherent from the weapons they were called from. While the stone mannequin was meant to be passed to the underlings of the priest, Abel got in the way and took it all for himself. He wanted it because of how durable it was even against the attacks of an advanced wizard.

Obviously, the price of calling out a stone metal monster was very costly. Abel felt the pain before. He shared it with Flying Flame before, when he tried to separate its soul from the contract that it was bound to. The chance of doing this successfully was pretty low, but he did manage to become its master at the end.

After checking that there wasn’t anything wrong with his spiritual contract with Johnson, Abel noticed how weak the stone metal monster’s soul had become. Thus, it was much easier for it to succumb to Johnson, which was going to be its new host.

“You can take yourself apart now, Johnson,” Abel commanded. Soon, Johnson became a head lying amidst a pile of rocks. It was kind of a pain, really. He should’ve told it to do this outside the Rogue’s Encampment. Now, he had to take the rocks out himself.

But come to think of it, there were enough rocks to make a house. All this time, there had been nothing but wooden buildings in the Rogue’s Encampment. It had been a long time since they all collapsed. If Abel wanted to renovate, there was now a bunch of materials that he could use.

With a bit of work, he could turn into a blacksmith’s worship, a wall, a ceiling, a door, a window, and a bunch of other things.

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