
Chapter 54

Ayla, who had gone to meet with Professor Glast, has not returned.

Sitting in a corner on the campus grounds, Taylee—who had stuffed a sandwich in his mouth—suddenly tilted his head.

The Monster Ecology course’s lessons were rather easy, similar to an elective course. Since it was Ayla, who was already well versed in such subjects, passing the test wouldn’t be a problem even if she missed a few classes.

However, it was strange that she hadn’t been seen at all, given that she had both Elemental Studies and Combat Magic classes in the teacher’s district.

It was Ayla, who had extremely poor proficiency when it came to combat-type skills. There was no way that someone as hard-working as her would miss a class specializing in an area she was weak in.

“… Did she head back to the dorm?”

His long, two-handed sword—embedded with many jewels—seemed to be perfect in length.

The jewels were filled with magic power, which supported the various magics imbued in the sword.

Not only that, all of the other accessories he was wearing were also imbued with various smaller effects. He had become rather proficient, even in other secondary support skills. No longer could he be called a failing student wherever he went.

He still had a long way to go, but he had managed to complete a decent amount of meaningful training over the past year.

Taylee picked up the sword he had put down nearby while eating his meal, turning his body to look around. As his Swordmaster’s Skills increased, his vitality also increased. He wouldn’t have a problem with his physical condition, even if he were to push himself a little more after classes.

“Did some type of important business come up?”

Taylee kept talking to himself as he started walking away.

There were two days until the Sage’s Seal Resonance Transferal.

It was only a matter of time before Taylee would hear the rumors claiming that Professor Glast had kidnapped two students.

* * *

Without any notice, my eyes suddenly snapped open.

I suddenly woke, no trace of the feeling I would normally get after a good night’s sleep.

In my slightly dazed state, I couldn’t focus immediately. Soon after, I remembered the situation I had been in right before I lost consciousness. I held onto my sense of reason.


After quickly recovering my memories and promptly raising my upper body, I heard a strange noise.

The first thing that I saw was a ceiling made of stone. Looking down a little lower, there was a smooth wall made of the same material.

There was an iron bar set up on one side. Looking around, the immediate image that came to mind was a prison cell. Inside of it, a girl was trapped alongside me.

“D-Don’t come any closer!”

The girl crouching in a corner of the prison wall shouted at me with a shaky voice. On one hand, she was taking a defensive position and holding her body close. However, seeing her so full of fear only proved that she didn’t have the power to resist.

Really. If I were a black-hearted criminal she definitely would have been the perfect prey.

Well, it wasn’t a crime to be scared, but… It wasn’t the smart thing to do.

“Ayla Triss… Right…?”

I tried to suppress my growing headache as I used my hands to wipe across my face. I stood up from my seat, taking in the scene once more and checking to see what was outside of the bars.

I thought I knew the reason that Ayla was so terrified.

Looking through the bars in the room across from ours… There was a monster being kept in the prison.

Its lower body appeared to be that of a lion’s or a tiger’s, but its upper body was on the large side—even compared to other monsters. Looking somewhat like a rugged Ogre, with feathers protruding from its forearms, half a demon’s wing on one side of its back, and a bluish discharge trickling out of its severed ear… Not only did it have two arms, but there were all sorts of arms protruding from its waist and its back.

Since it was asleep, it didn’t appear hostile. However, its looks were enough to make your breath catch from nerves just by looking at it.

It was Act 2, Chapter 7’s ‘Devil of the Underground Waterways’. Professor Glast’s research team was holding it to study it and further research on monsters.

Ayla had been called to a professor’s laboratory, only to be attacked suddenly and fall unconscious. Then, once she’d woken up, she had come face to face with a sleeping monster.

Not to mention, she was in the same room with the unconscious fallen aristocrat that was an enemy of hers… I could understand Ayla’s dramatic reaction.

“I see you’ve regained consciousness, Ed Rothstaylor.”

On the other side of the bars, a man that appeared to be the caretaker came into view.

“I’m sorry about the poor treatment you’re receiving despite being a precious student.”

His face was full of wrinkles. He was wearing a mask to hide the burn scars that he had received while researching elemental studies. Right on the edge of the mask, I could see a bit of the scar that certainly caught my eye.

His bent spine, small stature, patchy hair… It all showed the passage of time and stress, making him look like a scruffy old man… Either way, he was the most well-rounded of all Professor Glast’s colleagues and followers.

Koom, a researcher of Celestial Studies.

In the final chapter of Act 2, Professor Glast’s laboratory phase, he played the role of the final boss.

He was an enemy with quite a tricky pattern, but if you avoided his attacks and bought time, the Celestial Magic Power would eventually eat away at him until he self-destructed. After that, the Devil of the Underground Waterways would escape from the laboratory once more, buying Professor Glast some time to escape.

“I’m not sure what Professor Glast is thinking, but I have been instructed to take care of you thoroughly, as you are both necessary talents.”

“Is that so?”

“You’re calmer than I thought you would be.”

‘Opening my eyes to find myself in Professor Glast’s secret laboratory…’ That was something I had already predicted would unfold, even before I had fallen unconscious. It was something that was supposed to happen, so there wasn’t a reason for me to be taken aback by it.

“I thought you would jump at me and cause a ruckus like Ayla. You’re quick to understand what I say, more than I had expected.”

From what he was saying, it appeared that Ayla had started screaming to be let go as soon as she’d come to her senses.

As he turned his head and looked towards Ayla, she flinched and took on a rather pathetic defensive stance once more. As for me, I didn’t have the slightest intention to do anything of the sort. My paranoia over getting seriously hurt was a disease.

“Well, Professor Glast must have a reason for all of this.”

When I responded with such a simple answer, both Ayla and Koom tilted their heads in confusion.

No matter how much confidence I might have in Professor Glast’s academic achievements and abilities, it wasn’t normal for me to say such a thing after being subdued and kidnapped without a single explanation.

I didn’t particularly believe in Professor Glast as in the first place. Being a character that would meet his fall at the end of the storyline anyway, I really couldn’t.

“Anyway, I’ll be at the end of this corridor looking over some research data while I monitor everything, so don’t worry too much.”

After saying that, Koom walked towards the end of the hallway.

Sticking my head out, I looked down the hallway and—as expected—it had the exact same layout as the game.

If you went across the hallway, you would probably find the Monster Research room. It was pretty much the central location here in Professor Glast’s secret laboratory.

I still couldn’t believe I was able to go deep into that place without any risks. The route I needed to take had been shortened quite a bit.

There was nothing else I had to do. All I needed to do was sit around and wait. Everything would be fine.

While I sat there and waited mindlessly, Taylee would eventually show up with his subjugation team to save the kidnapped Ayla. They would make a complete wreck of the laboratory. During that moment, I would take the opportunity to escape, and head straight to the Soul Library.

To get all the way down to the monster research room, they would have to go through the Soul Library and defeat the librarian. Once Taylee arrived, the library would have already been fully cleared.

No matter what I ended up doing, there wouldn’t be any magic books or bookshelves with souls in them to interfere, as they would have already been subdued. Also, there wouldn’t be any angry soul librarians as I wandered the library.

With the area completely free of those that would get in my way, I could run around and finish my plans—gathering all the various magic book replicas and magic engineering production formulas that I wanted.

And what would I have to do during that time? What will I have to take care of?

Absolutely nothing.

… The idea of reaping so many benefits without putting in any of the work was starting to make my conscience hurt.

“Heeek… Eeek…”

Well, it was a bit mentally exhausting being in the same space as Ayla while she trembled in fear.

Professor Glast really made a poor choice. Why kidnap Ayla, of all people?

That woman was just a ticking time bomb, one that was heavily favored by the main characters of the world. Since he picked the wrong person, he should at least be prepared to have his laboratory completely destroyed.

Even as I said that, I do feel a little sorry for Professor Glast. He didn’t have the luxury of knowing the full situation.

“If you take even one step closer, I’ll scream. I’ll bite my tongue, so don’t come any closer. I… I’m serious! D-Do I look like I’m lying? If I fight back with all my might, even you won\'t be able to walk away unscathed! So don’t move an inch!”

I wasn’t moving. I didn’t say a word, and I really don’t care whether she bit her tongue or not. I was just blankly staring into the air, trying to organize my thoughts as Ayla’s legs suddenly fell asleep and she started spewing out sharp words at me.

When I glared at her, she gathered some weak magic power and created a low-grade defense.

Her beginner Elemental Magic proficiency had improved somewhat, but not enough to keep up with her grade. With a defense as weak as that, I would be able to shatter it even casting a quick and half-assed ‘Wind Blade’. Though, considering that her body was still trembling in fear, she did put up the best defense that she could.

After everything that had happened, I didn’t think it would be of use to tell her that I didn’t have any hostility towards her.

If I had to decide how I felt towards Ayla, it would have to be more friendly or kindly.

I had already played Silvenia\'s Failed Swordmaster several times. Within every route, at any point in time or in any situation, I was able to witness her honesty and sincerity as she stood next to the protagonist time and time again.

It was quite commendable, so I viewed her highly. Why would I ever think of her with hatred or hostility?

Given the situation, and what Ayla thought of me, it couldn’t be helped that she would stay away from me like that… But still, it wouldn’t be bad to at least say everything that I have to say to her either way.

“I’m not going to attack you, so you don’t have to overreact.”

I decided to only speak facts.

“I don’t have any ill feelings towards you.”

“What… Did you say…?”

Sitting in a corner of the prison cell, I sighed deeply as I stared up at the ceiling.

Ayla still hadn’t relaxed at all, despite my totally disinterested behavior towards her. For a long time, she kept staring at me as she breathed heavily. Then she slowly lowered her arm, though she still had that anxious expression on her face.

As the magic power flowing along her arms stopped, the defense she had been keeping up gradually faded. It didn’t mean much in the first place since Ayla’s level of magic power meant that she wouldn’t have been able to keep that defense up for an extended period of time anyway.

“… You’re lying.”

“If I did want to harass you for some reason, would it make any sense for me to waste this golden opportunity? Don’t you agree?”

In a place where no one could get away, where our vast difference in strength meant that Ayla couldn’t fight back…

Ayla must have been completely horrified, trembling in fear because she recognized that fact.

“Stop wasting your strength saying stupid things and just sit still, Ayla.”

I spoke to Ayla with a confident tone to my voice.

“As long as you wait, Taylee will eventually come to save you.”

“Taylee…? You… Do you even have the right to say his name…?”

“And what if I don’t? Well, I am sorry about what happened at the entrance exam, but there was a reason I had to do that back then. There’s also the fact that he helped tremendously during the Glasskan Incident.”

“You’re sorry…?”

Ayla glanced down at me with her eyes full of confusion, staring at me again.

“Saying that you’re sorry… Did you just apologize? Right now, you…? Are you really Ed Rothstaylor?”

“Are you suspicious of me just because I apologized? Seriously, why can’t you just trust me?”

That wouldn’t have been a strange reaction if I were the same Ed from before I entered his body, but it had already been a year since then.

At that point, she needed to calm down and accept it already. Whether the character Ed had changed, gone crazy after being excommunicated, or he was like that from the beginning… Just accept one of those reasons as fact and realize that I no longer had the desire to pick a fight with her like before.

As long as the main storyline didn’t get twisted, I didn’t really care what she did. None of that was of interest to me.

“Even if you don’t believe in me, you can believe in Taylee, right?”

“Uhm… That’s…”

“I’m sure he’ll come and rescue you. He’ll find out that you’ve been kidnapped and he’ll somehow figure out his way down to this secret laboratory, destroying everything in his path as he comes to get you out of here. So don\'t be scared for no reason at all. Just trust in him while you wait.”

Changing my strategy, I started mentioning Taylee’s name a lot more as her expression relaxed a bit. Nevertheless, that defensive stance of hers didn’t change one bit. Sitting in a corner and trembling like a little puppy in front of a wild beast… Seeing that, I felt sorry for her instead of angry.

“I believe in Taylee.”

“Alright. That’s great.”

“But I don’t want Taylee to come to my rescue.”

What nonsense was she talking about now?

Ayla continued with her story with her face buried in her knees.

“I’m nothing more than a useless lump of baggage for him. Taylee has gone through all sorts of hardships in his life. If he ends up risking his life breaking into this place, which is full of monsters, all because I was kidnapped… Then I’d rather…”

“Ayla Triss. You’ve been watching over Taylee all this time, so you know perfectly well that he’s the kind of guy that becomes stronger with each hardship in his way.”

The protagonist of <Silvenia\'s Failed Swordmaster>, Taylee McLaure.

A boy who had faced countless hardships in his life but grew stronger because of them.

If I were in his place, I would never want to live a life like that. However… It wasn’t about me. It was about him.

“Just think of it as another hardship that will make him stronger as he moves forward. All you have to do is leave it to him, alright?”

“That’s… That’s not something you can say when all you’re doing is receiving his help.”

“Of course. We should also thank him. Either way, the important thing is that you stop jumping to conclusions, quit making a fuss, and stop being so nervous. Honest to a fault, you just have to believe in him. He’ll definitely come to your rescue. Got it?”

After saying all of that, Ayla’s defensive stance seemed to be a little more relaxed than before. It would have been great if she stopped whining. I was sure that she was probably at least a little bit better.

“Ed Rothstaylor, I had no idea you would say such a thing…”


“You… I saw you insulting, looking down on Taylee.”

“Hm… Well, that is true…”

As far as I knew, Ed was definitely that type of person.

“Well, I had a reason for that. Don’t try to figure everything out.”

If explaining something became too annoying or was something you couldn’t say, it would be best to just gloss over it quickly. I didn’t want to tell her everything unnecessarily and I don’t want to get involved with her any deeper than I had to.

‘Please just stay quiet and patiently sit down as we wait for Taylee. Don’t waste your energy for no reason.’

Since I didn’t want to say anything unnecessary, I just sat there with my mouth tightly shut.

I had checked as much as I could have before I had been kidnapped. So far, it seemed that there hadn’t been any major cracks or twists. As long as I sat still like I was doing, it should have been enough.

* * *

Translator - Plumper

Proofreader - Harley

* * *

After sitting in the prison cell like that for a while, I heard something.

[Young master Ed! Are you okay?! Are you hurt anywhere?! Is that a major wound on your forearm? Do you feel exhausted at all because of your response to magic power?! Is your vision alright?! Are there any problems with your sense of smell or hearing?! Is the sensation at the tip of your fingers down to your toes all okay?! Do you feel tired or exhausted in any way?! Did your complexion worsen in any way, or did your heart rate accelerate too high? How about your pulse?!]

Mugg suddenly appeared in between the bars, bombarding me with a strange number of detailed questions about my physical condition.

[Since I was only following your reaction to magic power, I was a bit late! Young master Ed’s spiritual resonance level was still at a normal level, so with some time, I was able to detect it! Even though I may be worthless, please accept my apologies! I’m sorry that I couldn’t see you for that short while!]

I reached out my hand pleasantly towards Mugg, who was greeting me politely. Where had the little guy been all that time?

It was tiring having to talk to Ayla, who kept defending herself with those sharp comments of hers. I was really glad that I would have someone else to talk to before the rescue team arrived.

“Mugg, you were able to find where I was.”

[Yes, I was quite surprised as well! I had no idea that there was a laboratory this deep in the underground waterways! I had no idea the size would be this big, either! That professor. I was wondering where he was going to spend all of his money, but he ended up creating this!]

Did he manage to sneak into the deepest part of the laboratory by flying around with that small body of his? I could say with certainty… Yennekar’s assessment of him as a competent spirit wasn’t a lie at all.

[I was really surprised when you ended up being subdued back at Trix Hall! I’m so relieved to see that you aren’t hurt anywhere!]

“Yeah. Thanks for worrying about me, Mugg.”

“I-Is that… a spirit…? Is that really one?”

Ayla was also well-versed in Spiritual Studies. With some level of resonance, she seemed to be reacting to Mugg’s appearance.

Though, it seemed that she didn’t have a high enough resonance level to be able to communicate with Mugg. It also seemed like she couldn\'t hear him.

“Ed Rothstaylor, you can deal with spirits? But last semester, couldn’t you just barely manage beginner elemental magic?”

“That’s… Well, it’s none of your business, right?”

“Uhm, well…”

This time I responded with something that would blindside her. She started to get a bit timid, knowing that what I said was true.

However, when she started to act shy, she really acted shy. That made it impossible to figure out the rhythm I needed to match to her.

“W-Well… If there’s a spirit… And you can handle it, then that means you can send a request for help…! You can notify the school faculty members and other professors that are able to deal with spirits about the situation!”

There was no need for me to reiterate that there was no way that I was going to do something that would increase the chances of creating variables.

As I considered how to respond, Mugg suddenly spoke up.

[There’s no need to worry, young master Ed! I have already informed the most reliable person, Lady Yennekar, of the entire situation! I’m too useless and undeserving, so I couldn\'t keep young master Ed safe by myself. However… I’ve been trained more than anyone else on the emergency reporting system!]

“… What did you say?”

[Haha! It’s a bit embarrassing to say this myself, but I\'m very calm when it comes to situations like this. Knowing what to do or how to act, I’ve memorized the rules when it comes to something like this, to the point that it’s second nature! Soon, Lady Yennekar will come to rescue you! Either she will come by herself, or she will come leading a party. Either way, she will come down here and save you somehow… So don’t be too worried! Let\'s stay calm while we wait here!]

… What is he saying?

… That little!

“… You reported it to Yennekar? When?”

[It took me half a day to get here due to avoiding the eyes of the countless monsters, golems, and researchers… It must have been about two days by now!]

Come to think of it, the story was like that.

Originally, Ayla had been kidnapped and brought over to the laboratory, which meant that the Sage’s Seal Resonance Transferal had gone as scheduled and that the first phase of the storyline had already begun.

That meant that, according to the storyline, Taylee’s rescue plan should already have been underway.

[Lady Yennekar\'s face when she got angry was so beautiful, cute even… Though the coldness that was in her anger was real. That’s why… She’ll definitely be down here soon to rescue you!]

“Ed Rothstaylor… Why is your expression like that…?”

[Not only that, but that firefox merchant and the small magician that wears that big hat and comes to visit the camp so often seemed like they might join in as well… With those three, it was basically like having a million troops! So don’t worry one bit, young master Ed! Even though I may be weak, I’m quick to take action! Hahaha! HAHAHAHA!]

I took a deep breath before hitting myself in the cheeks a few times.


“I changed my mind! I can’t stay trapped here! I have to get out!”

[Y-Young master Ed?]

Why did he go and do something that I didn’t ask him to do?!

Since this situation was urgent, I’d put off scolding and complaining at him later.

Anyway, I know the structure of the laboratory and where all the core items were quite well. It’s quite obvious where they all were.

“Listen well, Mugg…”

I thought about hitting him with a big finger flick right away, but I decided to calm down first. I shouldn’t be swayed by my emotions.

I whispered all sorts of instructions to Mugg.

[Ahh, I understand!]

“Hey! Hey you! The researcher at the end of the hallway! Koom!”

Clang! Clang! Clang!

After catching my breath for a bit, I stood up and began to bang on the bars.

Seeing me suddenly change expressions and start pounding on the bars, Ayla’s expression became completely dumbfounded.

There was no time for me to be bothered by that. I grabbed onto Mugg, holding him tightly as I continued making noise.

“This isn’t right! Get me out of here! I really can’t stay here! I’m not joking!”

“Ed Rothstaylor! You’re too noisy. If you continue talking like that, that devil across from us will wake up.”

The devil that was asleep on the other side of us was intentionally put in that condition using sleeping magic. But it wasn’t a type of magic that was absolutely effective, so Koom came over just in case.

“You were so quiet and collected before, but now you’re making such a ruckus about how you\'re treated all of a sudden… Is it because you started to realize that the situation is scary after organizing your thoughts?”

“It’s not like that! I told you I have to get out of here!”

“Ahhh, seriously… As expected, you are a student around that age after all. There’s nothing I can do… Try and not worry too much. As long as you keep doing what you’re told, we won’t harm you in…”

“I’m being serious right now. You’ll all be in big trouble if you don’t let me out of here right now. It’s not me who’s going to get in trouble, it’s you guys.”

“To start believing in you now… That’s not right. Haah…. Fine. It’s weird to try and hold only my sense of logic in the situation anyway.”

He didn’t know how much of it was a lie and how much was the truth.

The symbolic meaning that came from being the top student in each grade was significant.

Those who maintained a hardworking academic lifestyle, with the appropriate results to prove it. Those who might become Silvenia Academy’s greatest result were regarded with the most upright care within an academy environment.

In addition, they were allowed to live in the most luxurious academic facility, Ophelis Hall. They were given priority when using all academic facilities and, as long as there was no major disciplinary action, their entire tuition and living expenses would be covered.

They were even given more practical influence besides just a convenient lifestyle. Being recognized by representatives during the student presidential election, their single voice would actually count as dozens. They could even make official proposals to the school council.

Usually, they didn’t exercise such authority because they were busy studying. Also, there was the fact that it was quite embarrassing to do such things while they were still just students… Either way, the top students of each grade were talented individuals that couldn’t easily be ignored.

They were people who had the authority, social recognition, and power to go and do what they wanted anywhere, without feeling inferior in any way…

First year Lucy Mayreel, Second year Yennekar Palerover, Third year Duke Aldogar, Fourth year Amy… They were all individuals who had surpassed the average level of students, true to the name of Silvenia.

Among them, the first- and second-year top students had a much more overwhelming amount of fighting power.

With me being trapped, the subjugation force would be way too strong for the storyline’s level, which was supposed to be taking place currently.

Well, regardless of me, everyone was going to end up being completely destroyed… So, was there even a meaning to shout at them in the first place? They were going to be destroyed by Taylee anyway.

“If you continue being noisy like that, I’ll have to resort to using force. Stay quiet.”


After threatening us by hitting the bars, Koom returned back to his place and sat down.

“Wh-What’s with you all of a sudden?! Ed Rothstaylor! You said earlier that if I just waited quietly then Taylee would definitely come to rescue us!”


As I waved my arms and signaled for her to be quiet, Ayla curled up screeching with that same old overreaction of hers.

In her eyes, just how far down had the image of me fallen…?

I didn’t have time to think about that as I walked back further inside, my arms held out.

[I-It was really there! The key holder! I brought it!]

As I caught the attention of the guard, Mugg carefully appeared, going to the corner and taking a bundle of keys from the key holder.

As I was already familiar with the main objects and core elements in Glast’s secret laboratory, I could give Mugg proper instructions. After all, I\'d broken into this same prison multiple times over.

Anyway, I could effectively use my base knowledge of <Silvenia\'s Failed Swordmaster> like that.

I picked up the bundle of keys as I carefully inserted them, one by one, so Koom wouldn’t hear it.

It didn’t take long before one of the keys snapped into place and the door squeaked open.

I stuck my head out and I glanced at Koom at the end of the hall. He didn\'t seem to have heard the door opening, as he was concentrating on reviewing all of the research data.

“All right, let’s escape, Mugg. While he’s caught up in his research, he won’t move one bit unless there’s a fuss like before.”

[Indeed! As expected of young master Ed! What a quick analysis of the situation! I don’t know just how you knew the exact location of the key, but in my eyes your detailed and appropriate instructions…]

Since it was obvious Mugg would just continue giving me a bunch of compliments, I quickly recalled him. Either way, he would keep following me. Next time, I’d have to talk to him about doing things I didn’t tell him to.

After sneaking out of the slightly opened door, Ayla suddenly started to tremble and make a fuss. In a matter of minutes, I suddenly ended up with the key and escaped.

The prison door was open. The person who opened it was none other than Ed Rothstaylor, a person that she considered an enemy. It must have been confusing.


I closed the prison door like it was before.


“Listen well, Ayla Triss.”

I spoke while looking straight at Ayla, who was still in the cell.

“You will wait here.”

There was no reason to take Ayla out as well. For the main storyline, Ayla needs to stay locked in for Taylee to come and rescue her.

If the storyline was going to stay the same up to the point where they were at the top of the tower of magic power, then Ayla would need to remain as a hostage.

But even then, I feel like complete trash having to just leave her locked up like that… I didn’t know what kind of extreme behavior she would exhibit after I left her alone. At least for the time being, I needed to make her feel somewhat safe.

“Outside of this laboratory there are all kinds of experimented monsters, Celestial researchers, magic books with souls, as well as golems and guards that will be running around. It’s dangerous to move alone, but if we end up getting caught together then even you will be caught up in serious danger. Do you understand?”


“When you are being held as hostage, the best thing that you can do is be obedient. Don’t go around getting hurt by rebelling in some sort of stupid fashion. If Koom finds out that I’m missing while he’s on guard… Just sell me out and tell him that I escaped. He’ll believe that you were truly just sitting around here in your cell. He won’t suspect you… That way, no harm will come to you.”

I locked the door as I put the key away.

“And either way, you can’t run. Your legs don’t have any strength, right?”

Ayla curled up in surprise, perhaps because I had discovered that her legs were shaking.

“I\'ll take responsibility and bring down the rescue team, so you just sit here and breathe. Okay? I don’t really need to explain the obvious to you, but this prison is the safest place in this secret laboratory. Trying to escape for no reason is like walking on a tightrope with your life on the line. Got it?”

“But… Ed, you’re…”

Please just answer with a yes or no instead of some random nonsense. Got it? That’s all that I asked.

As I pushed her a bit, Ayla continued trembling and nodded her head. Alright, at least she was acting a bit more obedient.

“Alright. Just hold your breath and keep silent. I’ll do my best.”

I slipped out, lowering my body and hiding myself behind the hallway cabinets.

At the end of the hall, Koom continued to review the research data. I decided that I didn’t have another choice but to match my timing with his. I’d have to exit near his desk on his next patrol.

It might have seemed like I was literally putting my life on the line, but there was a reason for me to take action.

Yeah, to be blunt, I honestly kind of expected some sort of change in the flow of the storyline.

Looking back on all the previous episodes I was caught up in, there was no way I could honestly think that everything would go smoothly and without incident.

I was just relieved that the situation was progressing rather smoothly. But there was no doubt that something had gotten twisted.

If it was just a slight change, somehow I would be able to manage it.

My specs had risen quite a bit, so as long as I made good use of my future knowledge, I should have been able to handle most of the problems that would arise.

As for Yennekar and Lortel’s involvement… I should have been able to solve it as long as I could meet up with them and explain things well.

However, there were bound to be variables that I wouldn’t be able to handle with my own two hands.

I took a deep breath.

Silvenia\'s Failed Swordmaster, Act 2’s Final Chapter. The Glast Subjugation.

In that storyline, if you got caught up in a certain route then you wouldn’t be able to escape a bad ending.

“That small magician who wears that big hat and comes to visit the camp so often seemed to be joining…”

The first-year top student, and Act 3’s final boss. The extraordinary genius, Lucy Mayreel.

Her participation in the battle was by no means good news.

The problem didn’t stem from the bosses that she would casually sweep away with her tremendous power.

If there was suddenly a change or some type of variable that was not originally in the main storyline, it could be solved in some way or another.

After all, most of the ‘bad endings’ that already existed were things that I could work out in some way or another.

However, there were definitely a few bad ending routes that were difficult to solve with my position, no matter what I did.

Bad Ending number 27, ‘Lazy Lucy.’

The conditions for it were that Professor Glast and Lucy Mayreel encountered each other in some way after the incident.

A route in which Professor Glast, who would be pushed into a corner, ended up persuading Lucy to join his side and making her become an enemy… Once that started, a bad ending would occur after the battle with Lucy.

After listening to Professor Glast—who had already given up on everything—and his final offer, Lucy would suddenly grow extremely hostile.

You were not meant to win in a face-off against Lucy Mayreel in Act 2.

As for a way to beat her during Act 2… Even though countless professionals and dedicated users agonized for over hundreds of hours, trying to find a means to win, no one had succeeded.

No matter what… I have to somehow stop Professor Glast from meeting Lucy Mayreel.

* * *

“Using Mugg, I can feel them down in the underground waterways. The reaction I got from the school\'s faculty and other professors was rather indifferent… I think I’ll have to go and see for myself. You’re going to come help me too, right Lucy? I’d feel so relieved if I knew you were coming.”

Lucy started to wonder if she really needed her help. Yennekar Palerover was already strong enough, and Lucy was an extremely lazy individual.

But there was something strangely powerful in the words Yennekar Palerover had spoken.

Hearing that lively, over-the-top tone of voice of hers, with that strangely serious expression, even Lucy—who had no interest in the world—felt moved.

She was starting to feel an emptiness inside of her in the first place.


Lying on the roof of the cabin, which was made with poor craftsmanship, she stretched her body and made a chicken-like sound.

Holding her witch’s hat in her arms, she shook her head with messy eyes. Lucy turned upside down as she stared blankly at the campfire.

The campfire that hadn’t been lit for a few days.

While she didn’t know if it was a big deal or not, she did love hearing its crackling sound as she took her naps.

She also liked the pungent smell and bitter taste of the beef jerky, and the way he would pick her up and carry her when she was lying down and sleeping deeply, throwing her onto her bed… Well, it was a bit annoying, but it was very comfortable overall.

Lucy, who looked up at the starry sky for a while and rolled her small body over, suddenly remembered the old days. The back of an old man with wrinkled fingers.

A large and clear full moon was high in the sky. The girl, who was kicking her feet in the air and looking up at the moon, had already become a part of the landscape.

Before long, a faint voice seeped through the night air like paint.

“I miss him.”

What’s lost is lost.

Even though she knew the fact that loneliness, which was something that would show up from time to time, was something that couldn’t be shaken out of one\'s heart no matter how strong they may be…

He has already gone.

The time to be heartbroken over that established fact had already passed.

Nevertheless, the loneliness that person had left behind left a mark on her small heart.

Even if she knew that she couldn’t see him anymore, it was an entirely different matter.


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