
Chapter 59

Chapter 59

The news is that the mercenaries hired by the Golden King Elte have entered Acken Island! Theyre taking advantage of the chaos near the faculty building to seize control of the Sylvania branch of Eltes commercial guild and plan to capture the highest representative, Lortelle!

The Elte guilds forces are significantly depleted, leaving them completely defenseless!

Its a well-known fact that time waits for no one. The reason time seems to fly by for me is probably because of how hectically Ive lived my life. Running around day in and day out just to make ends meet, and suddenly, its the final chapter of Act 2. It feels like just yesterday when Yenika took over the student council and caused mayhem Juggling exam scores, the storyline, and camp duties, what seemed like a major incident half a year ago is now just a distant memory.

No matter how diligently and thoroughly one lives, things that couldnt be addressed in the rush of life tend to resurface at the most hectic, sensitive times. Act 2 went mostly without a hitch. Even the slight deviations, such as the Ophelius Hall Occupation and The Sages Seal Scramble, were neatly resolved. However, one glaring issue, left dangling and unresolved from those events, clearly remains.

The Golden King Elte, who was thoroughly defeated in the original story without a chance for recovery, got a bit of a reprieve due to his earlier-than-expected downfall, providing him a last-ditch effort to struggle. This is more a deferred issue than a resolved one.

Yes, thats right. It seems the Elte guild has completed the dethroning process, but the way theyve accepted their downfall so calmly suggests they have something up their sleeve.

Im worried that Senior Ed might get hurt because of whatever Elte is planning. Thats why I called, to make sure there were no issues with him.

I see. Given Eltes desperate situation, we cant predict what he might do, so we must always stay alert.

Lortelle mentioned this when visiting the Elte guild. She surely had some countermeasures in mind. Act 2 is the last chance to regroup before the latter half of the storyline begins, where trials become increasingly absurd. Its the period when Taely gains enough strength to stand against the main characters of the storyline. Were almost through the major trials of Act 2. With Glasts defeat, Act 2 should come to a clean and definitive end. We cant let remnants of the past create new variables unchecked.

Ive mentioned time and again, my informational advantage, knowing the predetermined flow of the future, is my greatest weapon, an absolute edge that must not be squandered if I am to survive in this world. Those who should exit in Act 2 must do so within it. Elte, a merchant who has navigated the commercial worlds challenges, poses a significant variable if he manages to maintain his power. Theres no need for detailed explanation; Ive experienced enough. Even the butterfly effect caused by a third-rate villain who should have fallen at the storys beginning can significantly shake the world. Thats inevitable since that third-rate villain is me.

Im prepared to deal with and rectify such anomalies. After all, I need to survive. Its not about others; its my story. However, if its not me but others involved, the story changes.

Carrying Lucy, I walked towards Taelys group, followed by Lortelle and Yenika catching up in bewilderment. Stay back, or! Taely, holding a sword, shouted with Elvira sweating and glaring at me. Just as Taely was about to push the sword forward, Zix grabbed the hilt, lowering it, and stood between Taely and me. Senior Ed. We dont want to fight you. We just want to save Aila. Go ahead. Im not in the mood to fight anyway. It seems there was a misunderstanding about my intent to fight Taely.

The path from here should be mostly clear. I cant be bothered to explain the details, but after saving Aila, ask her. She was kidnapped with me, so she can fill you in on the situation. Senior Ed, then you I have urgent matters to attend to. I need to go. So, make way.

After a moment of silence, an exchange of looks occurred between my followers and Taelys group. Zix looked at Taely, nodded, and stepped aside with him, making way. As the two main leaders stepped aside, the rest of the group hesitantly moved aside too. I glanced at Lortelle and Yenika and walked down the cleared path.

Passing by, the intense gazes on me were unmistakable. Accompanied by Yenika, who had unsummoned all her spirits, and Lortelle in her robe, with Lucy sound asleep, I headed towards the exit. Turning back, Taelys group was reorganizing and watching us.

Taely. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. Understandable. Yet, theres still much to do deep within the underground waterway. Small named bosses and various monsters along the path have been dealt with, but the sage researcher Kum, the revived demon of the waterway, the cyclops, and the inquirer Glast remain. Lortelle, one of those bosses, will have to wait. The Elte matter is more pressing. Lortelle, being a conditionally hostile boss, can be skipped without much issue. There will be many more challenging and rewarding trials ahead, especially enduring Glasts holy magic, which will test the limits of human endurance.

Work hard.

There was no need for lengthy explanations or extensive encouragement. With just that brief remark, my companions and I vanished into the darkness of the underground waterway. Taelys group watched my receding figure in silence, but ultimately, no one said anything further.

Our pace quickened. Splashing through the water, Yenika, Lortelle, and I advanced toward the exit direction.

My fathers downfall within the guild is a certainty now, but that doesnt mean there are no ways to turn the situation around, Lortelle summarized the situation with her calm tone. The downfall of Eltes guild is based on accountability. The decisive factor for this downfall was the loss in the drum trade If we can dissociate from this responsibility, there might be a chance to survive.


Yes The goal is to find evidence that this business loss was manipulated.

Originally, Elte should have been backstabbed by Lortelle in the Sages Seal scramble and fallen into ruin, without any chance for a comeback. The responsibility for the drum trade loss should have immediately led to his downfall.

However, the fact that news of the downfalls certainty is heard, but not of its completion, suggests

Are they using the guilds internal forces for a power struggle?

According to the original plan, the downfall should have been expedited without any chance for resistance, but it seems things havent gone smoothly due to the acceleration of the plan.

This allowed Elte to gain just enough time to return to Sylvania.

Well overturn all the documents in the guilds branch, but I doubt well find any evidence that could change the situation. Im not foolish enough to leave such evidence behind.

So, the conclusion remains the same as before.

Yes. The most certain method is to capture me directly, whether through torture or whatever means, to spill all truths.

Whatever the case, capturing Lortelle, the pivot of Eltes downfall plan, was the most definitive approach.

No, Ed!

Yenika abruptly grabbed my sleeve, almost causing me to drop Lucy in surprise. She then wobbled to the front, arms raised to block the path, trembling.

We cant follow Lortelle, Ed.


Youll get hurt again!

Yenika seemed surprised by her own loud voice, quickly softening her tone, hiccupping as she regained composure.

Ed, youve just escaped captivity. Dont forget that. With your current condition, trying to deal with Golden King Elte is too reckless!

Then, Yenika turned her gaze towards Lortelle.

Did you forget you collapsed from overwork just the other day?!

Yenika wasnt used to expressing anger. Raising her voice or pressing someone felt unnatural, her voice faltering. Yet, she stared sternly at Lortelle, unaccustomed to such confrontation.

This is about Eltes guild. Strictly speaking it has nothing to do with Ed. I just wish Ed wouldnt get hurt any further

Her voice dwindled, even as she expressed anger, a very Yenika-like reaction. And her argument wasnt wrong. After all, Eltes downfall and everything else was strictly Lortelles concern. From an outsiders perspective, as long as I kept myself safe, the power dynamics of Eltes guild didnt matter much to me.

However, Lortelle was unlikely to be swayed by this rationale.

What are you talking about, Ed?!

No, it was Yenika who spoke first. Lortelle opened her mouth to speak but then dashed back a few steps as if struck by lightning, her cheeks flushed, as if ambushed unexpectedly.

Move! We dont have time!

If Elte had truly invaded the Sylvania dormitory, it wouldnt take long for him to trace Lortelles location to this underground waterway. Everything Elte desires is here: Lortelle Keheln, who can prove the drum trade loss was a setup for his downfall, myself for the credibility of her testimony, and even the physical Sages Seal he desperately sought.

While the third-party intervention and the academy forces led by Headmaster Obel wont sit idle, they wont have the capacity to deal with Elte amidst this chaos. Elte might exploit this opportunity.

What do you mean its not someone elses problem?! Have you and Lortelle become more than acquaintances?! Because of the contract? Right, if Lortelle loses control of the guild, itll affect the distribution of magic engineering supplies to you, right?! Yes, that must be it!

Suddenly, Yenikas brain seemed to spin faster than usual, her ability to assess the situation seemingly doubled. As I hurriedly moved forward, Yenika spontaneously crafted an excuse I hadnt even considered.

Yenika smarter than I thought??

Yes, exactly!

Right! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

In the sudden turn of events, without having fully explained everything to Yenika, her ability to infer and adapt on the fly was evident.

Certainly befitting of a top student in the grade.

Even with the situation of carrying Lucy on my back, Yenika just hurried along with her oak wand clutched tight, instead of asking how it all came to be. First things first, we had to return to the Elte Exchanges Sylvania branch to assess the situation.

It would be wise to prevent Elte from pulling any tricks, at least until Taely wraps up the final chapter.

So we raced toward the exit at full speed. I was already tired, and carrying Lucy made my breath come short.

Moving through the endless-seeming subterranean waterways, battle traces occasionally came into view.

Presumably, these were signs that Taely had passed by. Considering the many demonic golems and mid-bosses from the entrance of the sewer, it was plausible.

Approaching the exit, we came upon the aftermath of a tremendous battle.

The mid-boss of Act 2, Scene 2.

The superior demonic golem Hayton and Dorothy, the third-year top student from the Alchemy Department.

Hayton was demolished into fragments scattered all around the entrance of the sewer, and amidst the wreckage, Dorothy lay unconscious.

What a disaster.

The initial phase of Act 2 isnt particularly difficult. Given Taelys current specs, he couldve blitzed through in a straight line without much resistance.

Its my first time running through the secret lab and the waterways in reverse, so observing these aftermaths felt quite novel.

I quickly scanned the entrance area to assess the situation. The demonic golem Hayton was truly finished.

Dorothy, collapsed on the ground, bore a face streaked with saliva and tears, as if frozen mid-scream from sheer terror.

One might think she was tormented, but Taely doesnt have that sort of disposition.

Taely, you really went to town on your seniors, wait til I see it, without a drop of pity.

As I sighed upon seeing Dorothys state, Yenika oddly echoed my remark with an airy tone. It wasnt really a question that needed an answer right?

Its a bit violent! Um!

Senior Yenika

Lortelle looked pitifully at Yenika, who fidgeted with her fingers, as if to say, Why lie when youre going to be found out anyway? Suspicion struck me again, and looking down at Dorothy, the shawl covering her body looked familiar.

Embroidered with delicate cosmos patterns, it was unmistakably Yenikas, worn over her uniform.

On second look, Yenika stood there, hiccupping and cloaked only in her uniform.

Sorry! I lied!

You did it, Yenika?

I didnt mean to do this. It happened while trying to do this and that, but Im not heartless or tearless! Dont misunderstand! Its true absolutely true

Ah, no, Im sorry for assuming it was you without knowing.

My apology came out reflexively, seeing her desperation to defend herself.

I didnt have time to explain myself Ed! Dont get the wrong idea! This I need to start with Muk flying toward me Oh dont look at me like Im a violent person! Dont look at me that way!

While I had no view of Lortelles expression, listening to Yenikas story was necessary to understand what had been happening outside while I was trapped.

Lets hear the rest as we head toward the exit!

We were already close; just one long staircase, and wed be outside.

The damp depths of the underground waterway made me feel cut off from the outside world.

Once outside, breathing fresh air, Id contemplate our immediate course of action.

So, we sprinted up the stairs, with Lortelle and Yenika quickly following.

Once across the long stairway and outside the waterway, the crisp night air filled my lungs, and a clear night sky came into view. Before that feeling of liberation could settle

The sight before us was unexpected.

A spacious marble-paved entrance to the waterway.

Among the chaos, one carriage stood out Lortelle Kehelns.

Had the employees been instructed to wait outside before entering the waterway?

However, most of the employees had been subdued.

One, two, three There were too many mercenaries surrounding the waterway entrance to count.

Youre earlier than expected, father.

Threatening the associations employees revealed that youd headed for this sewer. You still have much to learn about personnel management, Lortelle.

Despite the stars in the night sky, the darkness around the waterway entrance lingered.

Ordinarily, the academy could never allow such a large number of mercenaries to enter.

However, most employees were either dealing with the aftermath at Triss Hall or dispatched to locate Professor Glast.

Taely, who had first discovered and followed Glast, quickly gathered comrades to continue the pursuit, while the staff, receiving only paper reports, lagged behind.

Had we waited for staff processes to apprehend Glast together, we couldnt predict what might have happened to Aila. Thats why Taelys unilateralism wasnt entirely unjustified.

Still I wished the academy staff had managed to stop Eltes intrusion

This mistake Eltes meticulous nature must have played a part.

How did you cross the bridge to Acken? Theres only one entryway.

If you can cross the waters, you need not bother with a bridge.

Using the cover of darkness, Elte had ferried the mercenaries into the academy in small boats, cunning as a viper.

The academy will surely make this a major issue.

Better than losing my life, isnt it? Besides, if I can tie up all my business here now, Ill gladly face any subsequent condemnations or responsibility inquiries.

Eltes formerly dazzling image had dimmed.

Once a flamboyant figure exuding wealth, Elte now dressed in a modest and unremarkable way, albeit a few remains of valuable ornaments showed past glory had faded.

He looked like a man clinging to a ledge before descent, desperation clear in his unwary gaze.

The size of the mercenary force brought to face just a few students meant to some an excessive precaution.

If Headmaster Obel acts in person, a mere trader like me would be subdued in an instant. But I must settle things before that.

And if you can nab the seal amidst the chaos, all the better, right?

Lortelles question was met with Eltes laughter.

A moment like this was a rare opportunity for Elte.

Fail to seize it, and he may never get another chance.

Im not ready to step off this stage yet, Lortelle.

I quietly gazed at Elte.

The fake boss of Act 2, doomed to a tragic end by Lortelles betrayal.

Despite his sturdy appearance, I felt no animosity bubbling up.

Selfish, inherently vile, willing to murder for glory and fortune, and to manipulate others without hesitation.

I knew well.

In any story, a villain as vivid as one from a painting is indispensable.

For each protagonist who moves and inspires all with virtue, there must exist a villain, evil by birth, destined for a miserable end.

Its ironic that its easier to become a villain than a hero living in this world.

Struggling for ones share in life, one could routinely appear heartless and cruel to others.

Certainly, Elte had gone too far, crossing moral lines repeatedly.

Nevertheless, I bore him no ill will.

Elte obstructed our path so doggedly because he, too, sought survival.

No villain desires merely to remain a defeated outcast after falling from the grand stage.

To survive this is every living beings yearning, irrelevant to purity of character.

My situation was the same, which is why I refrained from moral judgment of Elte.

Yet, I had no intention of yielding.

The ground shook without warning.

EveryoneElte, his mercenaries, the subdued association employees, Yenika, and Lortelleappeared stunned by the sudden tremor.

The shock was different from when Lucy broke through the earth.

As the world seemed to turn over, I steadied myself.

Then, Susans Estate was struck by lightning from a clear sky.

Only when the night skys seven great stars align can the high celestial magic Descent of the Demon Realm be used.

Among Professor Glasts celestial magics, it commanded the grandest scale.

Massive amounts of mana circulating in the atmosphere met Glasts celestial magic, resonating with celestial magic circles etched across the academy grounds.

Explosions echoed, and giant towers of mana erupted from various points, their scale belying the imagination.

Each mana tower seemed to pierce the clouds, as high as a half-days climb.

This was the construction event of Glasts mana tower, unfolding the moment Taelys group entered the secret research lab.

To chase Glast, who had fled to the top of a mana tower, they had to aim for the deepest entrance within the secret research laboratory.

The towers absorbed celestial magic like antennas, not one or two but ten in total.

To twist the very laws of nature, such was the necessity.

The storys final stage was ascending above us.

Reacting to the overwhelming mana, Lucy, who had been carried on my back, opened her eyes wide.

The resurrection of the lion?

She murmured to herself as she lifted her head to view the sky.

Beneath the night sky embroidered with crimson mana, I stood erect.

Even with the world in upheaval, Elte glared steadily at us.

The stage of our story lay beyond.

I understood his gritto survive and ascend above the stage by any means.

Alas, this is where Eltes journey ends.

This is not a neatly packaged tale of the triumph of good over evil unfolding on a grand stage.

Mired in the mud are the villains bitter struggles for existence, where elaborating on good and evil seems laughable.

No more roles await Elte.

If a person isnt benevolent, doesnt positively influence, or cant lend strength in dire times

Regretfully, its time for him to exit the stage. My resolve to survive remains unchanged.

For I, too, must live on.


Taelys group effortlessly bulldozed a near-straight path from the underground waterway to the monster research laboratory.

Besides the weakness of the monsters, the major passages had already been cleared, likely by Ed Rothtaylor during his escape.

No trace of battle remained, and the route showed no sign of wastage.

No signs of traps to ensnare Taelys group were found.

Reaching the soul library, Ed appeared to have completed the taskno enemies were left.

Was it truly only support for Taelys group that motivated Ed Rothtaylor?

What then, could that urgent matter be that caused him to rush away from the waterway?

In this crisiswith a teacher causing trouble, a student kidnapped, and a seal stolenwhat could be more urgent?

With these questions, Taelys group continued deeper into the secret research facility.

At this moment, their priority was saving Aila. That was all that mattered.

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