
Chapter 83: World Leaders

Chapter 83: World Leaders

Translated by XianPiete

Emperor Wolter von Plettenberg sat down in a high-backed chair around a large round table. As he looked around he saw twelve other leaders from the fifteen nations of the continent. He smiled openly at a very good turnout. Once they were certain there were no other latecomers, Wolter called the meeting to order. "As you know, we face a terrifying threat to our national sovereignties and to our economic stability that all have one common source. I am speaking of course, of the Council of Magic. The Council of Magic is closely tied to the other major threat, the Ito Conglomerate. Either of these two powers is enough to cause any one of us to lose sleep, but together they represent a slow coup d'état. It has already happened to my country and to El Pais De Lotharios. A minor disagreement was repaid with the annihilation of our leadership and a crushing loss to our military."

Wolter stood up and walked around the room, "Even now, I am treated by these people like less than a commoner, is that how we have handled things between nobility in the past? No chance for ransom, no chance for honor, no mercy. As I speak, not one leader in this room dares to make an enemy of either the Ito Conglomerate or the Council of Magic, so I ask, are we really the leaders of our nations?"

A portly older man spoke up with a gravel-like voice, "What are you suggesting be done?"

Wolter stopped and pointed his finger up in the air shaking it, "That. I have asked you here, for exactly that. I am suggesting that we pool our resources and create our own Magic system. Each of us has our own books of magic left over from the dark ages, what we need is just one person who can use them on our side, and I happen to still have a wizard."

The portly older man laughed and said, "Put my life in your hands? I like many here remember what the honor of the Von Plettenbergs feels like in your back. I have a better suggestion, we should ignore this fool and make closer ties with the Ito Conglomerate. It may have the backing of the Council of Magic, but there are men who are fueled by greed that run it. I have found that many of them privately are not so enamored with their young genius. They love his gold, but his wasteful spending has eaten into their own personal profits."

The men around the table grumbled their support for this plan. Wolter furiously went back to his seat and then glared at the older man. Another older man spoke up in a soft choppy voice, "These magic books, can they not be used to tempt the Council of Magic? It seems to me that the Council clings so tightly to Pays Des Abrutis, exactly because of the free exchange of these books."

Wolter snorted derisively, "The Council of Magic is just the tool of the real king of Pays Des Abrutis, Olivier de la Marche."

The men of the table all laughed and then one of them spoke out, "Young pup, you know nothing. The real power behind the Council and the Ito Conglomerate is Guy de Montfort. That man is a genius that even geniuses find unfathomable. Had you killed him when you had the chance, none of us would be under his thumb right now. I second the plan to court the men behind the Ito Conglomerate."

The portly man smirked at Wolter and then asked, "All those in favor say, Aye."

All but Wolter said, "Aye" unanimously.


"Why don't we just go back to that village and ask for directions?" Madeline frowned.

Guy was starting to sweat, "We'll just fly two more hours to the north and then turn around."

"But we're lost, we just need to find out where we are and then we can find a map and get back to the Capital." Madeline sighed.

Guy said, "We flew four hours south, so we should only be five hours away with the wind factor, we aren't lost."

"Just ask for directions, why are you making this so complicated?" Madeline shook her head.


Yuuki giggled and said, "I love your stories about my brother. I love hearing what he is like there."

Gorou smiled and then said, "It really wasn't all bad, as competitive as he was with me, he also saved my family, my home town and my own life. He was a good friend. I won't say my best friend, because he was far too petty." He laughed.

Yuuki laughed with him and then said, "He was like that with Kendo, he was so competitive and yet he would always be willing to teach anyone that he defeated if they asked him what they could improve on. I have tried to live my own life that way, but I still struggle with it."

Gorou nodded and said, "It's not easy to walk in shoes that big." He smiled and looked at Yuuki, "Speaking of walking, may I walk you home?"

Yuuki blushed slightly and nodded, "Please?" They walked from the university together side by side, Yuuki asked, "Has it been hard adjusting to life here?"

Gorou nodded and said, "So much of this world is difficult to understand, it's so advanced technologically, yet so regressed socially. I can't imagine living the way Gorou was before I was given a rebirth in his life. To waste your life on entertainment and pass on so many incredible opportunities. I suppose there were people like him in my world too, I just never really associated with them, but it was not so common that we would have a word for it like here."

Yuuki smiled at Gorou and said, "You and Touma are incredible. Ami still can't believe you two got her lazy brother to get in shape."

"Ryuu isn't lazy, he just never had friends who believed in him and would push him to train the way we have. It's not Touma and I doing all that work. It's Ryuu. We run with him, lift weights and practice the sword with him, but he is working when we aren't together with him too. He wouldn't be doing that without his own motivation." Gorou smiled at her, "How about you, I notice you have been working harder lately as well."

She blushed and looked away, "I felt bad when you and Touma both got higher exam scores than I did. I realized I hadn't been treating my study time seriously."

Gorou looked at her like she was crazy, "Touma got the top marks and I was second, what was wrong with third?"

She chuckled and then said, "Well, I was always first in high school."

Gorou rolled his eyes and laughed, "You. Don't start turning into your brother and crush me just because I am there!" They laughed together.

She stopped, brushed the hair over her ear and smiled at him, "This is where I live."

Gorou looked at the house and smiled, "Ah, well, then, I will see you tomorrow?"

She nodded and said softly, "Thank you for walking me home."

He gave her a gentlemanly bow and said, "It was my pleasure m'lady, then I shall see you again tomorrow."

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