
Vol 2 – 24: The Muffin

Vol 2 – Chapter 24: The Muffin

Translated by XianPiete

Ripples of fear and unrest spread through the Kingdom. King Albert's death was ruled a suicide and then the nobles learned that House la Marche had voluntarily returned power to the Montfort family. Duke Harcourt immediately called an emergency meeting between all five Houses and demanded to know by what right the la Marche family had to install the Montfort family back in power without his approval. Duke Taillefer quickly sided with Harcourt causing the deciding vote to be pushed on to Duke Aumont who was suddenly facing extreme financial pressure. Troops from the Harcourt family and the Taillefer territories began to march on the capital. The Montfort family vassals and the Aumont family troops were gathered with the la Marche family troops at the capital at a speed which the other families couldn't comprehend.

That was when two huge flying fortresses made their debut in the sky above the capital. The two ships were the first two dreadnaught class airships commissioned by the Council of Magic. One meant for the Pays Des Abrutis Royal Airfleet and the other meant for the Wütendes Menschenreich imperial sky force. The two huge airships looked like massive cylinders that bristled with steam cannons on one hundred eighty degree turrets that ran along the middle of the hull. The front of the great ships came to a blade-like edge much like an ocean-going ship while the back of the great ships had four massive propellers. On either side of the great ships were lateral propellers that would help turn the great ships along with a huge rudder at the back. On the sides at the front of the ship were short fins used to raise and lower the altitude of the ship. On the very top and very bottom of the ship were two massive three hundred and sixty-degree turrets that held four giant steam cannons.

When looking at these massive ships from the ground they seemed impossible existences, the heavy steel plating was visible to the naked eye. Unlike the ships from Alicia's world, these used magic powered steam engines and aside from the occasional venting of steam through the ship's horn, they had no emissions. As long as a Mage provided mana to the engines at regular intervals, the ships could remain in operation indefinitely. The Royal Airfleet's ship was named the P.D.A. Muffin. It was painted blue on top and red on the bottom with the Pays Des Abrutis Royal flag painted on the bow. From the ground, it looked incredibly intimidating.

The Imperial Sky Force's ship was named the W.M. Fenrir. It was white on top and black on the bottom with the Wütendes Menschenreich crest on the bow of the ship. The two ships were identical aside from the colors and flying over the capital caused the last shreds of resistance to the Montfort rule to vanish without so much as a single injury. Duke Albert de la Marche sipped a glass of wine and sat with his brothers as the two massive airships circled and said, "The days of knights and honor have ended." He pointed to the sky, "That, my brothers signals the end of the days when the strength of an arm decided who rules."

Olivier smiled his normal goofy smile and said, "Becoming friends with the mad genius who thought of them is the greatest achievement of my life."

Andre sipped his own wine and said, "My brothers, I know in my heart, that we made the right decision, but I still can't help feeling ashamed that it was on our watch that the la Marche family fell from the throne."

Olivier nodded and said, "I know that I let our grandfather down, but I saw the future and it wasn't the la Marche family that survived. It was that man's genius." He pointed to the blue and red airship.


Guy rubbed his temple as the P.D.A. Muffin took up station over the city. He looked at the crew and asked, "Tell me again why our flagship is named the Muffin?"

"Your Highness, you left the naming of the ship to Lady d'Aumont." One of the crewmen dropped to a knee and explained.

Madeline looked like an intimidating Queen as she stood on the raised Captain's platform standing next to her chair. She called out, "Helm, bring us to course two three five and vent steam." The massive ship's horn sounded loudly over the city. An answering horn sounded from the V.M. Fenrir.

Guy looked at Madeline and sighed, "Wolter's ship is the Fenrir and we're on the Muffin..."

She giggled and said, "I know, isn't she adorable!"

Guy held his hands out with his palms up and said, "But he's going to make fun of me again."

Madeline stuck her tongue out at Guy and said, "You said I got to name her, and I did. You can name your next ship the Tomato."

"Yamato, and it's already ruined since it was too hard for them to make." He sighed again.

Madeline grinned at him and said, "I am curious though, why are you not going to immediately take the throne?"

Guy smiled and said, "My father should have rightly been the King, and my mother deserves this too. You and I will have our chance soon, father said he will only stay on as King until we finish the fleet and expand to the South. The Council of Magic will need to be involved during that operation. Also, we need to be prepared in case Wolter and Alicia make a move before then. Wolter won't allow his father to waste his new sky force on a stupid war in the north or against us."

Madeline nodded and asked, "What about your father's rule, are you worried he will let the power corrupt him?"

Guy shook his head, "No, my father was groomed to be King, he was prepared for it since he was younger than I am. He has the practical experience of being one of the four great Dukes as well. If anyone is not ready, it's me. My one true Kingdom was the Ito Conglomerate and I let that turn into a monster."

Guy called out, "Murphy, what's the time table on the next two dreadnaughts at our current production?"

Murphy dropped to a knee and said, "Your Highness, at present we can build two ships every two months. Once the resources are available we can make two per month. Ordinances will take longer. The factory for the shells is still a month behind schedule."

Guy nodded and said, "Thank you, Murphy."

Madeline asked, "You said that you are making our ships different from the Wütendes Menschenreich ships?"

Guy nodded and said, "Yes, once all the ships are complete, we'll retrofit our ships with pressurized cabins. We'll be able to fly at altitudes the Wütendes Menschenreich ships won't be able to match. I have considered a lot of possibilities and the one that worries me the most is that Wütendes Menschenreich will decide to attack us once we commit to the southern plan. We need a tactical advantage. Taking our ships out of range of their guns will be our advantage."

Madeline had a very excited look on her face. She said, "I can't wait to touch the stars."

Guy laughed, "The Muffin won't be able to touch the stars, but she'll be able to fly over any mountain range."

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