
Chapter 102: Human Chess (1)

Perhaps it was because of Soliette’s words last night. I entered with a slight tension, and the rest of the guys also had quite stiff faces.

“I guess I was the only one who didn’t know.”

After all, it seems to be a well-known principle that a large-scale team project is conducted just before the evaluation exam.

Well, that’s how the admission companies make a living.


At exactly 9 a.m., the front door opened. Of course, it was the human clock, Chedric.

“Nice to see you.”

He spoke from the front of the podium.

“The evaluation exam schedule starts next week. So today is the last regular assignment before the evaluation exam.”

The last regular assignment. Chedric somehow emphasized that ‘last’.

“All the magic high schools in Edsilla will simultaneously tackle the same assignment, and the assignment is Human Chess.”

Human Chess.

It’s not so unfamiliar. Every year, a human chess tournament is held between famous knight orders. It’s not major, but it’s quite a famous sport.

The basic rules are exactly the same as chess.

A total of 16 Artifacts. That is, 8 pawns, 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, and the remaining king and queen to play chess.

The difference is──

“The Artifacts are you.”

We are each an Artifact.

“I will explain the rules and Artifacts. First, the pawn.”

‘Pawn’ appeared on the silver screen behind the podium.

Pawn. It’s literally a foot soldier.

“In Human Chess, there is a special rule. All the movements of the Artifacts are the same as basic chess, but there is a ‘defense opportunity’.”

Defense opportunity.

In the original chess, the Artifact that is attacked is definitely killed.

Not in Human Chess.

There is an opportunity to defend oneself through direct combat.

“The pawn has at least one defense opportunity. If you lose, you rust, but if you win, you push back the opponent’s Artifact and get an additional defense opportunity. However, if it’s a draw, the opponent is pushed back, but the defense opportunity disappears.”

For example, if a white pawn catches a black pawn and loses, the white’s attack right just flies away.

However, if a decision is not made within a certain time, it is a ‘draw’, and the black pawn’s defense opportunity and the white’s attack right fly away at the same time.

“If you are attacked in a state where all defense opportunities have been exhausted, you rust without a chance. The next special Artifacts like knight, bishop, rook have three defense opportunities.”

It means that the more special the Artifact, the ‘stronger’ it should be.

“Also, the queen has unlimited defense opportunities, but if there are several enemy Artifacts nearby, she can be attacked, and if she fights six times, she naturally gets destroyed.”

It’s a rule that restricts the queen, who has unlimited defense opportunities, from recklessly digging into the enemy lines. There’s no business in front of a bulldozer.

“Finally, the king has no defense opportunities.”

The king was exactly the same as the original chess.

“The evaluation factors are not only the team’s victory or defeat, but also the process of battle, achievements, etc. All the staff of the college board will be monitoring. Now, we will select the ‘king’ who will become the team leader and the player of chess. The method is majority vote.”

Therefore, Elise, Soliette, and Gerkhen Kal Doon are bound to be chosen.

“I’m confident!”

But suddenly, someone raised their hand.

“Guys! Pick me!!! I’m good at chess!”

It was Layla.

I ignored her. The other seniors did the same.

“If there are seniors who want to be king, I will give them a chance to promote themselves. Prepare what you want to say for 5 minutes and then come to the podium.”

“Ah! Yes!”

Then, Layla brought her nose close to her desk.

─I, Layla, am confident…… First of all, I’m really good at chess……

She mumbled and worked hard on her speech while Elise was quietly thinking.

[1. Elise

2. Gerkhen Kal Doon

3. Soliette

4. Asher

5. Brown]

Five players, who will also be the kings, were elected. Elise, Gerkhen Kal Doon, Soliette, Asher, Brown. They left their seats for a while with Chedric.

“Wow… I can’t believe it. I told you I’m good at chess.”

Layla was very upset. She was sulking at everyone in Clemen Hall. She crossed her arms and pouted her lips.

But there was one more person who was angry besides Layla.

“…No. I didn’t really want to be king.”

It was Kain.

“Damn, guys. Hey, guys─!”

He suddenly looked around the hall and shouted.

“Do I look that stupid? Just because I’m big doesn’t mean I’m stupid! You guys need to think better! Is Asher stupider than me?!”

“If you were king, it would be a waste.”

Elise, who had just returned, calmed Kain down. She walked slowly to the front of the podium.

“In terms of combat, the king’s role is only to protect himself. The strongest Artifact on the chessboard is the queen.”

“Hmm… Well… But am I the queen? Me?”

Then Kain showed his biceps as big as a person’s head.

“Do I look like a queen with these muscles?”

“Who says such prejudiced things these days?”


“Just sit down.”

At Elise’s words, Kain obediently sat down. Soon, Gerkhen Kal Doon, Soliette, Asher, Brown, and Chedric came in.

By the way, Brown is said to be a former chess master.

Chedric said.

“Now the kings will choose their team members. From Elise, who is the first choice, to Brown, who is the fifth choice, and then from Brown to Elise in a ‘snake draft’.”

Snake draft. It’s a relatively fair method.

“Endex consists of 14 people forming 5 teams. The two missing Artifacts are replaced by summoned creatures, the Black Golem and the White Golem. Elise, you choose first.”

Then Elise said as if she had been waiting.

“I choose Kain for the queen’s position.”

“Hehehe! Well, of course!”

Kain laughed out loud, and then Gerkhen Kal Doon stood in front of the podium.

After a moment of thought, he called someone’s name.

“James for the queen’s position.”

“Thank you!

The player who is the king must be both strong and smart.

James. He put his palm on his eyebrow and flicked it off, like a soldier.

By the way, James is the prince from the drama team in the past.

He was under Noah’s control, but he was the swordsman who pushed Elise.

He can be considered a fairly strong noble.

The third, Soliette. She probably won’t choose me.

“I choose Layla for the queen’s position.”

“Ah! I knew it! Only Soliette! Elly, get out of the way!”

Layla stuck out her tongue at Elise. Elise looked dumbfounded.


Queen, next rook, next knight, next bishop, and now it’s time to pick the pawns.

There are as many as six pawns to choose from, but I don’t expect much.

Maybe I’ll be called at the end, like in a group project.

A very familiar scene.

Is it deja vu?

“I’ll pick Shion for the pawn’s position.”

I opened my eyes wide. Suddenly, my name was called first among the pawns. Surprised, I looked up at the podium.

At the front of the podium was a very unexpected face, Elise.

It was she, of all people, who had chosen me as the ‘first pawn’.


She, who was looking at me, was expressionless, and Kain, her queen, opened his eyes wide. He looked at me and asked.

“Why you?”

“Why are you asking me when she chose?”

Friday, 10 a.m.

After forming the teams, we moved to the Remireitz Stadium, 20 minutes away.

[This is the waiting room. Everyone, put on your smart watches and wait.]

The stadium was unique from the team waiting room. First of all, there were sixteen doors in the long waiting room, and each door had a specific Artifact shape marked on it.

[This stadium is also an artificial magic space where human chess games are held. Before the start of the task, the king player will determine the position of the Artifacts.]

“You heard. I’ll arrange everyone. Kain, you stand in the queen’s position. Gale, you here.”

Elise meticulously arranged the positions of the Artifacts.

“Where do our pawns stand?”

“Don’t pawns stand anywhere?”

“Hehe. Right? Oh, I’m scared. I’m not good at fighting-”

“Can you be quiet?”

Elise stopped the chattering guys.

“Pawns also have their places, so wait.”

At her words, the waiting room became as quiet as a mouse.

Elise carefully decided the position of the pawns with much thought.

“You stand here, in the middle.”


Even if it’s human chess, not regular chess. If a tired knight and a pawn face each other, the pawn might win.

“You here.”

From the pawns, Elise couldn’t remember the names, so she unified them as ‘you’.

Except for me.

“And… put that one in the right corner.”

I’m that one.

“Hey. What are you putting away? I can hear everything. You can just say it, why do you need to relay it?”

“If you heard, then go.”

Kain waved his hand. I trudged to the far right corner.

[If the placement is over, come out of the waiting room.]

I opened the door.

“……It’s quite fascinating.”

It was a square space. The boundary was surrounded by a magical barrier, and beyond that, it was semi-transparent.

[That place is one square. The area is 333㎡.]

333㎡ is almost 100 pyeong. It’s quite large, but it’s probably due to an enlargement spell.

[Do some warm-up exercises and choose a weapon.]


I looked around. There was a basket right next to the door.

“……What is this.”

A wooden club, a wooden sword of a suitable length, and a slingshot were the end of it.

[The weapons you can use vary depending on the Artifact.]

“You’re quick to tell me.”

I picked up the wooden club.

[Most of the weapons are made of wood, but this magical space automatically measures the damage to the victim. It will determine the victory or defeat with that, so fight your best.]


A huge bell rang.

[We will start the game soon. A total of 4 rounds per team.]

If it’s 4 rounds a day, it will drain stamina quickly.

I’m glad I didn’t spar yesterday.

[Endex Team 1’s opponent is Sudme Team 2. Get ready.]

The opponent is Sudme. It’s one of the prestigious high schools that follow Endex.


At the same time as Chedric’s words, the scenery changed. It was a dense jungle. Suddenly, it became hot and humid.

“Ah, it’s hot.”

I fanned myself and looked around.

As a pawn, I’m on standby for now. When Elise gives me an order, this smartwatch will vibrate, and then I have to move squares according to that order.

“It’s quite hot.”

I took off my jacket. I sat on the ground.

So 5 minutes, 10 minutes……


Around that time, someone appeared from behind me.

“You’re here! Oh, it’s not.”

I thought it was an enemy, but it was our team. I quickly threw away the club I was holding.

“Ah. Are you going?”

“I’m a Rook.”

The Rook can move in a straight line, forward, backward, left, and right, and can move instantly as long as there is no enemy in the way.

I’m kind of jealous of this.

“……Yeah. Do well. Don’t lose.”


What was his name? Anyway, the guy ran past me somewhere, and I killed time again.

20 minutes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes……

“Am I not moving?”

I looked at the smartwatch out of boredom.

[35 moves]

“What, when did 35 moves pass?”

Should I watch what’s happening with the SZX-9500?

No, you never know. A Knight might rush in suddenly, so it’s best to save as much mana as possible……



An alarm rang from the smartwatch.

Immediately after, a caster’s voice came down from the ceiling.

[Game over. Endex Team 1 wins.]

“……Wait a minute. What happened?”

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