
Chapter 357: Coronation Ceremony (2)

Chapter 357: Coronation Ceremony (2)

Allen asked Freya whether the Divine Artifact Kagutsuchi held by Dogora could become powerful enough to defeat a Demon Great General if she gained enough followers.

Kiel was starting to catch onto the plan.

But Dogora could not make heads or tails from it yet.

Allen had been asking Dogora all sorts of questions lately, and managed to understand that Dogora had spent all of Freya\'s Divine power, which was gathered through prayers.

Allen considered going to what used to be the Kindgom of Melkia, now absorbed into Baukis, and tell them to pray again.

Now that Dogora had become Freya\'s apostle, he needed people praying to her so he would grow stronger.

Faith in the Goddess of Fire Freya would become power inside her Divine Artifact, and available to Dogora.

After Dogora incited her during the fight with Basque, she had spent every last drop of power to let him win the fight, without worrying about what might happen later.

There was a high likelihood that Freya was a goddess without much foresight or planning abilities.

Since barely anyone prayed to Freya anymore, and she had spent all the power she had, Allen called Dogora \'Empty-Tank Dogora\' now.

He was like a car that had run out of fuel and refused to move anymore.

There were many reasons why Freya, one of the Four Great Gods, had so few followers.

First, many of her followers were blacksmiths, but now that high tier loot could be obtained from Dungeons there were few of them still in the trade.

Others had simply lost faith in her.

The Dungeon Master Digragni was using the faith he garnered lavishly, giving out plenty of rewards, weapons, magic devices, and more to those who entered the S Rank Dungeon.

While Freya was the Goddess of Fire, that did not mean that magicians using Fire Magic prayed to her.

There was another deity for that.

The Goddess of Magic Isiris.

Even Cecile as an Archmage had to learn how to properly pray to Isiris.

The elves also chose to venerate Fire Spirits rather than Freya.

The Four Great Gods watched over nature, meaning the earth, wind, fire and water. People who wanted to appreciate that would always pray to the God of Harvest Mormo first.

Some would also pray to Gaia and Aqua when they were thirsty and needed sustenance.

Only a handful still prayed to Freya. As the Demon King\'s attacks became more frequent, there were less people every year who still had her as their only deity though.

But now there was a crowd of five thousand who were not part of Elmea\'s Church here, and they had lost their figure of adoration.

And they numbered closer to ten thousand in the entire continent.

Allen wondered how much power Freya would gain if all of them prayed to her.

Just as a test, Allen asked if it would be enough to hunt down Demon Generals.

\'T-ten thousand, you said? Hmm, let me think. It might take a bit of time, but that should be enough to defeat someone like that burly man from before.\'

Freya had no interest in remembering Basque\'s name, simply calling him \'burly man\'.

Basque was known with two names, yet she refused to learn either.

(Really? So even Basque as a Demon Great General wouldn\'t be an issue.)

Allen did not know how much time she referred to, but it was still a good outlook for his idea.

If Dogora was able to take down a Demon Great General, that would greatly broaden Allen\'s possible strategies.

"Yes, ten thousand. And they\'ll pray as much as you want."

Allen grinned evilly mentioning that, ready to give Freya free reign over the crowd.

The cardinals and priests seemed worried, wondering what Kiel was talking about, but Kiel just shook his head at them, signaling to wait.

\'I-I see. My new followers…heheheh.\'

Freya\'s voice was filled with gleeful delight.

"Still, I believe it would be best if you show yourself to them too, Goddess."

\'Hm? Why is that?\'

"Ah, Allen, are you sure that\'s a good idea…"

Cecile was completely baffled.

Everyone was taken aback, but Allen did not mind them, continuing to talk with Freya.

"There are things no human can do, only gods. It would be best if they all could see who exactly saved them."

There would be little point in recruiting that crowd if they placed their gratitude onto someone else.

Allen claimed the people would need to clearly see who had saved them, who they had to thank, and who they had to pray to.

His plan would only work if they prayed to Freya with the same fervor as the beastmen prayed to Garm.

\'You do have a point. Yet I can\'t show myself without very specific conditions.\'

There were rules even amongst gods.

One of them stopped Freya from appearing in public like that.

If a god decided to step on the human realm without a good reason, it would be deemed that the world\'s balance had been broken.

That was why the Spirit God discarded his appearance as a lion, and only moved around as a squirrel, and the only help he offered was the [Spirit King\'s Blessing].

The gods listened to prayers, and sometimes answered in the form of pacts or blessings.

That was why their presence was mostly known in stories like that of Prostia\'s prince Makris, or how that one country ended being able to only grow Mormo fruits.

But they could not appear in their true form, since that could destroy the harmony between people.

"That might be true, Goddess Freya. But this is a special time. Doesn\'t this scene remind you of something? This is essentially the Descent Festival."

\'T-the Descent Festival? You\'re right! These stairs can play that role as well!!\'

Allen put all the knowledge he gathered into use, and managed to convince Freya.

The event he used for that was the Descent Festival.

That was something that occurred once every year in Theomenia, a number of well-known Gods would descend and make themselves visible above the stairs of the temple, showing their power to the crowd gathered there.

(I knew it, the gods actually enjoy coming down during the Descent Festival. It\'s their best chance at gathering followers after all.)

Allen smiled in relief seeing his suggestion had been accepted.

The God of Creation Elmea would appear during the Descent Festival, together with some of the other main deities.

Only a few select Gods could appear though, so the selection would vary sometimes.

From what Allen had heard, Freya had not appeared lately.

The latest ones only involved Aqua and Gaia from the Four Great Gods.

"Today is an important ceremony as well, it\'s only once every few decades that a new pope is crowned, that being Kiel today. Isn\'t this the perfect opportunity for you to show your generous support of him?"

Allen whispered to Freya, telling her this was not a random event and that it could be considered important enough.

These stairs had been built in the image of those at the temple, and Kiel was being crowned as pope apprentice on them.


"And by chance, after you appear, it will turn out that a group of people decide to become your followers."

\'That might convince Elmea, yes. Still, It\'s not so easy for me to help people.\'

"You can let your apostle take care of that. Just make it clear he\'s working in your name. That should be enough for us to do the rest."

Kiel had protested saying "Pope <em class="chakra-text css-0">apprentice!", but everyone ignored him.

All Dogora managed to understand was that he would be getting even more work soon.

\'Sorry Sophiarone. I\'m getting a bit sleepy, hahah.\'

"Huh? L-Lord Rosen?"

The Spirit God Rosen decided to instantly close his eyes shut and went into a deep slumber in Sophie\'s arms.

He knew it was best if he did not hear or see what was about to happen.

"Either way, you can try doing this or that, and maybe even this to help us out."

\'I see, I see. I can do that much without getting into trouble. You\'re clearly a sharp boy.\'

"Not as much as you, Goddess Freya."

\'Yes yes, that\'s always good to keep in mind. Your name is Allen, correct? I\'ll make sure to remember it.\'

"I\'m pleased to hear that."

Allen\'s grin turned even more evil as he discussed the plan with Freya.

"U-umm. Wh-what, Goddess Freya!!"

A cardinal was tired of waiting and went to check what Allen was doing, standing like that in front of a crowd with more than a hundred thousand people.

From where he stood, it seemed like Allen was simply talking to a large axe.

When he approached them to ask what was happening, the discussion finally ended and Freya came out from the Divine Artifact Kagutsuchi.

Embers flew everywhere as her figure, long flaming red hair on her back, floated above the stairs.

She was following Allen\'s plan, doing her best to look as powerful and imposing as possible.

The cardinal fell back, seeing Freya\'s flaming figure appear without notice.

Voices of surprise spread amongst the cardinals, priests, and guards.

\'You, with the child.\'


\'The pain and sadness you\'ve endured has reached me. My apostle will aid you.\'

"I-is that true?!"

Saying that, Freya produced a flame that enveloped the mother and child, though it was merely warm to the touch, caressing them.

It filled them with a strong sense of relief.

(Alright, now to summon Merus.)

\'Are we really doing this? Don\'t blame me for whatever happens. I\'m merely obeying as your summon…\'

Allen summoned Merus under Kingship there, making sure he looked as showy as possible as well.

He knelt at the feet of Freya, lowering his head to the ground.

It was a charade to make it seem like this was all approved by Elmea.

Merus emptied his mind, obeying like a machine and not worrying about anything.

"That\'s Lord Merus!!"

"What a divine sight."

"I knew it, the God of Creation Elmea never abandoned us after all."

After the appearance of the Goddess of Fire Freya and the First Angel Merus, everyone lowered their heads.

The cardinal who had fallen back in shock also hurried to kneel down as fast as he could.

\'I, the Goddess of Fire Freya, won\'t abandon those suffering either. Come with me! To your new home aloft!!\'

Freya was referring to the floating island, raising both her hands into the air.

At the same time, countless little specks of fire appeared above the crowd.

It was like the sky had started to glow.

The specks of fire began to descend onto the people, like small fireflies.

Some people touched them, but they felt no burning, just a gentle warmth.

They were entirely for show, demonstrating Freya\'s control over fire.

Freya announced anyone who needed her help could go to the floating island.

Everyone was listening very attentively to her words.

The crowd was still kneeling, but now their eyes were drawn to the fiery lights in the air.

"W-we will, Goddess of Fire. Thank you for granting us your help."

\'I\'ve taken note of your suffering. Anyone who feels like they need help, follow me and ask my apostle for further help.\'

It was like her voice was directed straight to the hearts of the crowd.

Seeing that, many of the former members of the Evil Cult were moved and began to cry.

"Thank you for showing them the way to their salvation."

Freya hopped back to the stairs and Allen thanked her.

\'You\'re welcome. Heheh.\'

Freya vanished back into the Divine Artifact Kagutsuchi while smiling happily.

With the goddess\' appearance leaving everyone speechless, the coronation ceremony came to an end.

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