
Chapter 292

Among the battles he had participated in during the last war, there were none in which the Leonberg army had been defeated.

Not a single one.

He was like an incarnation of invincibility that would win whenever he fought, like a guarantee of victory that wouldn’t change even on the battlefield filled with countless variables.

Just by him participating in battle, the morale of the Leonberg army would rise.

Just by hearing news of his participation, the morale of the Imperial army would plummet.

In order to dispel this situation, the paladins of the Empire had challenged Adrian Leonberger countless times.

There were even times where they had thrown away their lofty pride as paladins and joined forces against him dishonorably.

But none of them had achieved their goal.

They had all been defeated and beheaded.

All of them had fallen to become part of his countless victories.

It wasn’t just the paladins.

All of the imperial forces who had faced Adrian Leonberger in battle were like that.

Low-ranked soldiers, officers, knights, corps commanders, nobles.

All of them had died.

Even those who surrendered had been beheaded.

The same was true for nobles.

He was truly a demon who knew no mercy, like a grim reaper preaching death to the world.

Now, that demon was coming here.


Duke Briand, whose legs were trembling, sat down as if he was about to collapse.

“No, he’s coming…?”

He asked in a terrified voice.

“At least three days! He is expected to arrive in no more than four days!”

The duke’s face drained of color at the messenger’s report.


His fingertips trembled as if he was having a seizure.

The tremors began to spread throughout his body.

“Heu, heugh.”

A groan leaked through his lips.

The duke’s body trembled.

As if he had just fought in a terrible match.

Normally, at least one person would have stepped in to calm the duke down.

But not now.

The nobles with wily tongues, the knights who boasted of their bravery, the officers who claimed that there was nothing in the world to fear as long as they acted with wisdom, none of them could anything but blankly stare.

Their faces were heavy like they had just experienced a terrible nightmare.

Silence ensued.

“Q-quickly, find a way…”

After a while, Duke Briand opened his mouth.

“When that heartless guy arrives, it will be too late. Somehow, have to find a way before that.”

Still in a terrified voice.

The duke looked into the eyes of each of the nobles in turn.

“Anyone is fine, so please, a countermeasure…”

With a gaze that seemed to plead rather than order.

“Is there really no one?”

As if they had agreed in advance, the nobles lowered their heads and averted their eyes.

While everyone else closed their mouths and bowed their heads, only one nobleman looked straight at the duke.

With a peculiar smile on his lips.

The duke turned to look at the old nobleman.

“There is a way, but…”

The old nobleman who met his gaze opened his mouth as if he had been waiting.

“Wh-what the hell is it!?”

Hearing this, the duke forgot himself and clung onto the old nobleman.

“I first need the duke’s permission…”

The old nobleman kept his lips closed.

As a result, the anxious duke became even more desperate.

“I’ll let you do anything, so go ahead and tell me how!”

The old nobleman, who had been standing with a relaxed expression as if enjoying the sight, waited a while before opening his mouth.

“First, send a message to them in the name of His Excellency the Duke.”

“A message?”

“You hope there will be no more casualties on either side in this fruitless war, it would be enough if you proposed coming together to discuss this.”

The duke frowned at the old nobleman’s words.

“The people of Leonberg never negotiate with the enemy. In the previous war, only the Third Princeps managed to succeed in bringing them to the negotiating table. And even that only happened after they had continued to mess around and were finally dragged there with a leash.”

Despite the duke’s voice full of disappointment and anger, the old nobleman still appeared at ease.

“They will agree to negotiate.”

There was so much confidence in his expression that hope reappeared on the duke’s face, which had previously only been filled with disappointment.

“Because the person to receive the messenger will not be Adrian Leonberger.”

“Explain in detail.”

“There are currently two corps commanders in the kingdom’s army. One called Bernardo Eli and one called Arwen Kirgayen.”

Both were prominent figures that even Duke Briand knew of.

Having unique strength which rivaled that of the Empire’s Paladins, they were famous knights whom everyone knew Adrian Leonberger dearly cherished.

“The duke will send a messenger to one of them, Arwen Kirgayen.”

The old nobleman singled out the one known as the Steel Knight.

“Among the intolerant and war-hungry knights of the Leonberg Kingdom, she is well known for her fair and moderate disposition.”

“So why her?”

When the duke asked with a confused face, the old nobleman explained further.

“She is the only person who would seriously consider if there was a way to end a futile war without any deaths.”

Duke Briand still looked as if he couldn’t understand.

Even if Arwen Kirgayen was as the rumors said, she was at most a mere corps commander.

There was no way such a person had the right to end the war on her own.

“It doesn’t matter as long as she accepts.”

At the duke’s objection, the nobleman’s lips curled.

And he said.

“We just need her to come to the negotiating table.”

Hissing with his tongue like a snake.

A brilliant plan spewed out from between his teeth.


A messenger came to the Leonberg military camp.

The leaders of the kingdom’s army gathered together in discussion of the messenger.

To be precise, they gathered to share opinions about the suggestion brought by the messenger.

Although the word ‘discussion’ was not entirely accurate.

“It’s obvious from a glance that this is a worthless idea.”

“The castle will soon fall anyways, there is no need to compromise with the enemy.”

A situation where everyone shared the same opinion, it was more like a ‘confirmation.’

“We must decline.”

“In the first place, we can’t trust a bunch of people who have already betrayed their country. We don’t know what they’re planning behind our backs while saying they want to negotiate.”

One at a time, the leaders spat out words voting against the enemy’s suggestion.

So everyone said that they should reject Duke Briand’s offer.

Except for one person, Arwen Kirgayen.

She had not spoken once since the meeting began.

They belatedly realized this.

“Sir Arwen? Do you have any other thoughts?”

Bernardo Eli asked for her opinion on behalf of the leaders.

“If you don’t have any, then I’d like the meeting to end here.”

She had been lowering her head as if she was thinking about something, but suddenly she looked up.

Her mouth was stubbornly closed, and her eyes were full of determination.

Seeing her face, Bernardo’s expression hardened.

“No way…”

Arwen turned to him.

Soon, her mouth opened.

“If we can save even ten soldiers by agreeing to their request, there is no reason why we cannot comply.”

“That’s impossible!”

The leaders shouted fervently.

But she didn’t even raise an eyebrow.

“I’m not trying to give them a chance. I want to give our soldiers a chance to live.”

A resolute voice, with an equally resolute expression.

“It could be a trap.”

Bernardo Eli spoke with a serious expression.

“I am determined.”

In response, Arwen Kirgayen said that she was willing to take those odds.

“It’s a risk you don’t have to take.”

“If I could save ten, a hundred, or a thousand soldiers, I can accept that risk.”

He tried persuading her several times, but nothing worked.

“I know very well how much you care about your soldiers. But please don’t forget. Our mission from His Majesty was to lead the army to victory, not to discuss the future on friendly terms at a table shared with our enemy.”

Bernardo changed his approach, claiming that negotiations were an act beyond her authority as a corps commander, and asked her to reconsider.

“Before I came to the front lines, His Majesty had summoned me and said that if I could reduce our losses by being lenient, I could do as I wish.”

Again, she didn’t budge.


“It is just an extension of that leniency to save the enemy’s castle as well.”

She showed no signs of yielding, and her face seemed to say that if her actions were against the king’s will, she would accept any punishment later.

“Why are you even doing this?”

When he said that he couldn’t understand it no matter how much he tried, she simply replied that it was the right decision.


Bernardo Eli looked at her and sighed.

“I will go with you.”

And then he spoke firmly.

“Someone has to stay and lead the army.”

“Then I will send the Laureate Knights.”

“The Iron Lions will be enough.”

“Take more.”

“They said they didn’t want a lot of troops at the negotiation site.”

“You don’t have to give in to all of their demands.”

They bickered for a long time.

However their opinions never converged.

In the end, Bernardo stepped back with a look of surrender.

“Do you know?”

He asked suddenly after giving up on persuading her.

“You’re as stubborn as His Highness.”

Then he spoke curtly before she could answer.

Arwen just looked at him apologetically.

“Don’t make that face. Unless you’ve decided to change your mind.”

Hearing those blunt words, she eventually let out a small laugh.

So the meeting ended.


The next day was the day of negotiations.

The location was the middle ground between Duke Briand’s castle and the Leonberg military camp.

“All clear.”

Arwen Kirgayen gave a small nod at the report of the rangers who had scouted the area in advance.

“Good work.”

“Please be careful.”

Even the rangers who rarely acted in moderation stepped back, and Arwen led only a handful of Iron Lions to the negotiation table.

Duke Briand similarly showed up.

“Okay then, let’s begin.”

Duke Briand, who had sat down at the table in the middle of the barracks without even introducing himself, spoke plainly.

He had an excessively rude attitude for someone who had expressed the will to surrender.

However, the rude duke’s entire body was trembling slightly.

His face was already covered in cold sweat.

Arwen Kirgayen, who was making her way forward, stopped abruptly.

“I’ve never heard of Duke Briand being able to speak the language of the Leonberg Kingdom.”

Her hand was already on the hilt of her sword.

At that moment.


Duke Briand’s knights pulled out their swords in unison.

Brilliant light flashed.

Arwen frowned.

According to the information given by the Grand Marshal before she had left for the frontlines, Duke Briand only had one paladin, the leader of the Silver Scale Knights1, and he had already been killed.

But now, the five knights in front of them had light gushing from their drawn swords.


As she stared at them, there was a sudden roar.

It came from the direction of the Briand Duchy.


And at the same time, the sound of something huge flying through the skies could be heard.

Arwen looked up.

A black lump soared overhead and passed behind her.

And then, there was a pop.

After a while, the smell of oil penetrated her nose.

That was the beginning.

Bang! Bang bang!

Dozens of catapults in the duchy launched oil pots in unison.

Dozens of oil pots flew through the sky and landed behind them.

She could tell without looking.

By now, a sea of fire should be spreading behind her back.

Arwen Kirgayen glared sternly at the paladins.

She tilted her gaze slightly to look past their shoulders.

On the top of the duchy’s walls, light shimmered around the catapults.

Those were distinctive flashes that occurred when knights fill their blades with mana.

The wind, filled with the scent of oil, carried the faint sounds of screaming and shouting.

Arwen Kirgayen’s thoughts spun quickly.

“You, are not Duke Briand’s knights.”

At her words, the paladins mocked her from behind their helmets.

All of it was in the imperial language.

A force that could simultaneously mobilize five Paladins who spoke imperial.

It wasn’t too difficult to figure out who they were.


No one other than the huge empire could do such a thing.

The Paladins neither confirmed nor denied her words.



They just chatted with each other and closed the distance little by little.

Arwen drew her sword and quietly called out to the knights behind her.

“It seems there was a spy from Burgundy in Duke Briand’s camp.”

“Why would they…?”

The confused voices of the Iron Lions could be heard.

“They must have been trying to prevent the duke from submitting to our kingdom. Their goal was the conflict between us and the duchy. Perhaps this negotiation itself was planned by the spy.”

She raised her sword while watching the paladins approach.

The sword bestowed to her by the crown prince shone brightly like starlight.

“I’ll buy time, so get out of here.”

“But Sir…”

“After I’ve bought enough time, I’ll also retreat. So don’t worry about me, run at my signal.”

Before the Iron Lions could respond,


Light exploded from the tip of her sword.


While giving the signal, she brandished her sword at the nearest paladin.

At that moment.


A black shadow leapt past her towards the paladins.

“Didn’t I tell you to get out…”

She shouted urgently while pouring out sword light, then her eyes widened.

There was a pale flash of light at the tip of the sword wielded by the Iron Lion’s leader as he rushed towards the paladin.

It was a very familiar color and energy.

“I melt the green rust with the pale crescent moon, and sharpen the dull blade with the howl of a wolf.”

A low voice entered her ears.


The sword light, like a crescent moon, sliced through the paladin’s chest.


The paladin who had been cut in the chest took a few steps backwards and then collapsed.


The Iron Lion shook his sword once to clear it of blood, then quietly took a step back to stand beside her.


Then he lifted his hand and opened his visor.

Revealing the beautiful face hidden under the black helmet.

“Sir Eli!”

It was Bernardo Eli.

“I was worried and followed you.”

“Who did you entrust the army to!?”

At Arewen’s words, Bernardo responded coldly.

“The rangers have their company commanders, so there is no problem. Sir Erhim Kiringer will handle the remaining troops.”

Frowning at that irresponsible statement, she sighed and wanted to shout something.

“I was being stubborn, and now even you are in trouble.”

Bernardo Eli shook his head.

“Not long after the previous war with the empire ended, His Highness said this about you.”

“Is now really the time…”

“Arwen Kirgayen always walks the correct path, and she never goes astray. Even when everyone else is blinded by madness, she will look at the world with an unclouded gaze, and she will make the right decisions.”

His eyes curled up softly.

“I also agree with His Highness. You were not wrong. Someone should have shown leniency. Even though things have reached this point, I agree that your choice was right.”

Random compliments,

“Arwen Kirgayen, radiant and righteous, who walks the right path.”

They were words that came out of the blue.

“I like you.”

What followed was even more unpredictable.

I’ve changed this from Silver Knights to Silver Scale Knights.

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