
Chapter 120: Locust Tree Elder – Kunsa

Chapter 120: Locust Tree Elder – Kunsa

NalanMoon and SpyingBlade looked confused. He could embed crystals? It must be some sort of method to strengthen equipment. They felt both shocked and curious.

Right, we can use those crystals to make money. Ye Cang thought. He made a call to NalanMoon again. “Hey Hey, miss spendthrift...”

NalanMoon, who was right there, looked at Ye Cang’s indifferent expression. What spendthrift? She heard his voice then received a call and noticed the ID – PaleSnow. She took a deep breath, then roared: “I’m right here!!”

Ye Cang frozen, then showed an embarrassed smile. He hinted at her that he wanted to talk privately.

The two of them went off to the side. Ye Cang took out the crystal he had just looted. “Crystal! A super rare item. 5 gold including the labour fee. It has an amazing effect! You want it, right? Buy it now!”

“What sort of effects?” NalanMoon was curious. Ye Cang showed her his sword. “This was from a sound crystal, but I only had one of those. As for the known types, I only have rock. Rock crystals are used for defence. As for the nature crystals and corruption crystals, I have no idea, but it shouldn’t be bad.” Ye Cang explained.

NalanMoon looked at Ye Cang’s Mithril Rapier. She had her suspicions that this sword must be a good item. Seeing the sound crystal’s effect, it really was useful. “Isn’t 5 gold too much?”

“How can it be? It’s super rare!!” Ye Cang said seriously. NalanMoon looked doubtful. Just now, she had already seen three of them. You’re holding 3 crystals, yet you say they’re rare!? Just because you’re the 2nd in command of Really New Village and your group is the only one who can do this so called embedding, you think you can ask for ridiculously high prices? Treating me like a spendthrift? She sighed. “Let’s see once we get back to town and see the effects.”

Ye Cang thought it over and agreed. Surprisingly, the trees here dropped a ton of nature and corruption crystals. He definitely needed to find a way to sell them off.

Back at the junction, besides the path they had come from, there was one going left and and going right.

“Which way?” NalanMoon inquired, as she wasn’t familiar with this area.

“Truth be told, I also don’t know. Madam, what do you think?” Ye Cang shrugged. Little Ye Tian also remained silent. She had too little information, the two paths looked about the same. There was nothing special about either side. It was very hard to tell which one was the correct path.

“Just pick randomly. We’ll be exploring both paths either way.” Thornyrose and FrozenBlood inspected the two sides and then replied.

“I have an idea!!” Lin Le’s words surprised everyone.

“Then Lele, you come decide.” ThornyRose knew of Lele’s luck, and he said he had an idea. Since no one had any better method, might as well let him pick. Even though they would eventually do both sides, if they could do an easier one first, that would be best. They could accumulate some experience fighting the monsters here and they might even find some method to restrain the final boss. She stood back, waiting for him to use his method. His luck was matchless in this virtual world, he should be able to pick the right way.

Everyone watched as Lele slowly drew his blade. He took a deep breath and recite some spell that sounded like a primary schooler had made it up, then he suddenly threw his blade into the air. It fell on the ground pointing to the left. “This way!!”

“...” ThornyRose was speechless. He was really depending on luck?

Ye Cang stroked his chin. “So there was that method. Lele has really matured...”

Zhang ZhengXiong rolled his eyes. Little Ye Tian tried to analyze Lin Le’s actions, but didn’t understand at all. She decided it was some sort of gamble, like flipping a coin.

Lin Le swaggered towards the left. Everyone had no choice but to hurry and catch up. In this forest, he was the boss. He could pretty much beat 3 trees by himself, and without much pressure. Even if they didn’t need to conserve flame flasks, they could only throw one at a time, whereas Lin Le could throw countless. Moreover, all of them were accurate.

After clearing up the 7 or 8 treants on the path, everyone had managed to switch out a few pieces of Excellent grade equipment for Superior ones. NalanMoon sighed. Everytime she joined these guys, the loot would be exceptionally good. They could almost always get something. Especially that Lele who had yet to find an empty corpse. As for that white hair, she had never seen him find anything on a corpse. He was pretty much always disappointed and chopped up the corpse in rage...

As they travelled, they all noticed an enormous tree that towered into the sky. It was withered like the others, but it’s trunk was still tens of meters across. It must be an extremely ancient tree. They felt that it didn’t have much life left in it, yet it wasn’t fully corrupted. Although the black energy was attempting to invade it, but it seemed like it was still fighting back.

The enormous tree suddenly opened it’s eyes, and an extremely weak voice came out of what appeared to be it’s mouth. “Humans...?”

Zhang ZhengXiong acted quickly. “Old tree, seeing your worried face, surely there must be something wrong?”

ThornyRose and the others also wanted to speak, but they heard what Zhang ZhengXiong said. It was actually number one of the 100 classic quest accepting phrases. The 100 classic quest accepting phrases were as famous among gamers as shakespeare was among playwrights. Even Fighting King and FlameEmperor use them. Especially the first phrase, it could be used to obtain about 70% of all quests. It was a legendary phrase for greeting NPCs.

“Hurry and leave, this place isn’t the human friendly jungle it use to be. It’s too dangerous. You human adventurers should all leave...” The ancient tree advise them with a weak voice.

“Uh, what’s the next phrase?” Zhang ZhengXiong asked. He only memorized the first one. ThornyRose sighed. “Old tree, could you tell us what happened here?”

“This use to be a forest full of life. Many of my clansmen lived happily. There was even a flower fairy called Alice who fell in love with a human. We often guided the travellers through the forest, and guarded nature. Until one day, that evil human arrived. He controlled Alice’s heart, and corrupted the holy locust tree elder – Kunqi. The corruption spread throughout our entire clan, and they all became mad. I’m the only remaining locust tree elder who wasn’t corrupted. You can call me Kunsa. Although it’s already become like this, I still want to fulfill my responsibility, and continue to guard these lands. However, Kunqi and those other corrupted treants sneak attacked me. My strength is being suppressed by them. Also, on this corrupted soil, I’m slowly withering, day by day. Without obtaining energy from nature, I’m unable to last much longer. Do you brave adventurers wish to help me?”

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