
Chapter 317: Flying Slime

Chapter 317: Flying Slime

The blessing was complete, but Ye Cang and them still felt like they had not wiped her clean enough, so continued to wash those places.

Wu Na, FrozenCloud, and Fang Ci were still covered in cold sweat. They were disrespecting a god! They were about to stop them but noticed that the statue of Mallows was blushing! She even made a Iyan~ like moan as if she was in ecstasy! Damn, just how lonely was she!!

“Brave warriors, gentler...” Goddess Mallows said in a shy voice.

Wu Na and the others looked at the sculpture with contempt. Are you sure you’re a goddess? You look more like a b*tch in heat.

“It’s already clean. Cough cough. I already know what happened here. I hope you can go to my sisters – Jam and Anya’s – ruins and see what happened to them. I have a bad feeling. Originally, all the believers were kind-hearted. I don’t know what incited them, but I wish for you to investigate in my place, brave warriors.” Mallows’ shy voice became dignified, like a goddess should be. Wu Na didn’t even feel like roasting her.

Ye Cang nodded and promised her. The light then gradually faded.

“Boss, there are still two goddesses waiting for us to rescue them...” OldWangFromNextDoor was full of righteousness, eager to charge over.

“Bro, since it’s a quest-line, then it can’t be helped. Let’s go.” Zhang ZhengXiong said seriously.

Wu Na and FrozenCloud both looked at the two with disgust. You two just want to do some weird vulgar things.

“Which one first?” Ye Cang looked at everyone seeking opinions.

“The hunter goddess Anya, she sounds wild...” OldWangFromNextDoor proposed.

“Rainbows! Flowers! That goddess must be prettier...” Lin Le said with a guiltless smile.

“Such a hard choice...” Zhang ZhengXiong stroked his chin, thinking about it seriously.

Can your player aura be any thicker!? Wu Na covered her forehead. “Whatever...”

“One vote for the hunter goddess...” SpyingBlade said unexpectedly.

FrozenCloud thought about it but had no opinion. She looked to Little Ye Tian, the important brains of the team.

“Father, let’s go find the hunter goddess. The mountain is harder to find, while the canyon is just over by Bal Village, so should be easier. We can first go deeper and find it, then go back to Bal Village, and make some preparations before heading to the canyon and finding Goddess Jam’s ruin...” Little Ye said looking at her map. Everyone nodded, expressing their approval. Then Little Ye Tian continued to say, “I hate Jam, she’s definitely a manipulative b*tch...”

“......” Everyone was stunned.

FrozenCloud looked at Wu Na with a stiff smile. “Have you not taught her that those are things a girl shouldn’t be saying? Especially a little girl...”

“I’ve already tried...” Wu Na also smiled stiffly.

FrozenCloud thought about team leader’s nature. When that girl grows up, she definitely won’t be a good girl. No. She’s already not...

“Then let’s do as Little Tian suggests. Let’s go find Anya’s ruins. As for here, if we can fix these buildings and build a little town, it would be pretty good...” Ye Cang’s words made Little Ye Tian nod. “Indeed, this is a pretty flat area, but we’ve already spent most of our funds on Bal Village. Even if we have the will, we don’t have a way. However, we can go back and ask the chief if we can occupy this place, then get it approved as our official territory. It will be a big investment. The bridge leads to one of Black Peak’s most steep and dangerous areas, and is very far from the nearest fort. If we can turn it into a hub, it would be a pretty good choice.”

“I’ll leave it to you...” Ye Cang hesitated a bit then patted Little Ye Tian’s shoulder gratefully.

“As expected of this Brother Le’s little sister. We really think the same way. But don’t be satisfied with just this, work harder...” Lin Le also patted her shoulder and said.

“......” Little Ye Tian’s face went from extreme bliss to an expression as if she was looking at an idiot. She gave a call to ThornyRose and learned that they were near Bal Village, so she asked her to help convey a message to the old chief.

ThornyRose hung up. FrozenBlood asked, “What?”

“They captured the ruins of a small shrine, and asked me to help them tell chief Fayr, and to have them see if they can occupy it.” ThornyRose said.

“What do you plan to do?” ElegantFragrance smiled.

“They’re also our Thorns and Roses’ people. Let’s go. We can set aside the quest for now, we don’t have any clues anyways.”

“She wasn’t like this in the past...” ElegantFragrance snuggled up to FrozenBlood’s ear and gave her a playful bite.

“Good or bad, that white hair is her fiancee. A woman in love only thinks about the man’s XX...” FrozenBlood’s vicious tongue made ElegantFragrance shiver. Can’t you say it a bit more tactfully...

Ye Cang and the others continued towards what Ye Tian surmised to be the location of Anya’s ruins. The nocturnal creatures were much more fierce than the ones during the day, but to Ye Cang’s party, they were simply walking materials. There were bloodsucking bats, black mountain leopards, and other such problematic creatures. On the occasions where they attacked in groups, the party would have a bit of trouble dealing with them. Thus, their journey was dangerous, but not enough to be frightening.

By now, dawn was already near at hand. Everyone was feeling a bit tired. This sort of tiredness was one of the mind and not the body. Although they could play the game in sleep mode, but the mind would still get tired from the constant fluctuations and stress, so rest was still needed on occasions. Everyone was preparing to rest for a few hours in order to recoup, when Lin Le saw something fly over under the bright moonlight. It was round and fat, flapping its white wings. “Everyone look! A flying slime! It’s even gold!”

“Lele, don’t mess around. Hah~~~ let’s go log off and eat breakfast, then rest a bit.” Ye Cang said with a yawn.

Zhang ZhengXiong was about to agree, but he looked up and saw a plump slime flying in circles above their heads. He reached out and shook Ye Cang’s shoulder. “Bro, Lele’s speaking the truth. It’s a flying slime!!”

“Team Leader / Boss, it’s true!!” Everyone all pointed at the sky.

Ye Cang looked at the golden slime flying under the moonlight, and froze. He tried identifying it.

Lucky Slime – Gold (Boss – Luck – Uber Rare): One of the rarest creatures under the slime family. Those who meet it could be considered incomparably lucky. It’s gel, eyes and wings are all exceptionally precious ingredients.

The moment Ye Cang read that line, without saying a word, he summoned his shadow heavy crossbow, and took out his mini ballista. He put a fresh magic crystal into the ballista, then aimed both the queen and king bee bolts towards the flying slime. The spiral energy of Meteor Shot began to congregate. “Prepare for battle.”

“Hah~ well how strong could this thing be? Let’s relax...” OldWangFromNextDoor was even too lazy to summon his water elemental. Because of Wang’s words, everyone relaxed a bit. It didn’t seem like it would be a boss at all. This flying slime, however one looked at it, was just silly looking.

The two bolts shot the slime out of the air. Ye Cang looked at the damage numbers, and immediately gasped. He even made preparations to run. His strongest attack that should have hit in the hundreds only dealt 3 damage. That was even with the poison burst! What Ye Cang didn’t know was that this sort of slime only had a few hundred health. It was a boss that didn’t care about the strength of an attack, but the number.

Wu Na watched as a golden figure flew over excitedly. It’s speed was so fast that it was difficult to dodge. She activated her Frost Armor! Without even being able to say a word, she was instakilled by that round golden figure. OldWangFromNextDoor looked at Wu Na’s tragic death, and quickly ran behind a big tree to summon his water elemental. Fang Ci also quickly summoned his vengeful spirit.

Everyone discovered that no matter how they attacked, the damage would always be one. Especially Lin Le, whose entire combo only dealt 10 damage. He was about to run, but was swallowed by the golden slime, instantly dieing.

“It’s a special boss, everyone be careful. Don’t let it hit you! Don’t use strong attacks, because it will only deal 1 damage anyways!” SpyingBlade roared, continuously swinging his two swords, causing a continuous string of 1s to appear. What surprised everyone was that although the boss looked slow, but sometimes it would launch an attack at a speed that was hard to dodge. For example, as Ye Cang was pummeling it with Multishot, Bone Spikes, and triple shot, a combo that dealt it 15 damage, he was instantly eaten by it and killed. In the darkness, Ye Cang couldn’t help but think of how this was his first real death. He finally knew what it was like to die. Since Little Ye Tian was still alive, he chose not to revive at Bal Village’s resurrection point.

“Let’s relax you said!!” Fang Ci controlled his spirit to attack, and looked at Wang who was covered in cold sweat.

It was a desperate fight. Occasionally, the slime would unleash attacks at speeds that were near impossible to evade. Even SpyingBlade had died. The pets were also eaten one after the other. The water elemental and vengeful spirit were both killed along with their masters after dealing a certain amount of damage. Even with Zhang ZhengXiong’s high health and high defence, he was still killed in a single blow. In the end, only FrozenCloud and Little Ye Tian were left, fighting desperately.

Little Ye Tian had long since given up on supporting and had switched to using one of her few offensive spells – magic missile. Since everyone had been insta-killed anyways, there was no point in healing or shielding. This clearly was not a normal boss. Every attack, no matter if it had high damage or not, would deal no more than one damage per hit. By now, everyone had managed to deal about 361 damage to it. Ice, Fire, Thunder, Holy, Energy, Dark, Wind, Poison, Sonic were all the elements they had available to them. They had tried them all, and there was no difference, they all still dealt 1 damage. She watched as Lil’Dino, her final guard was about to be taken out. If Lil’Dino died, there would be nothing she could do. It would be equivalent to a team wipe. Should she give up? Her little brows furrowed. Since she would die anyways, might as well add a few more damage. While the boss was stretching out to eat FrozenCloud, she performed a Triple Strike with her scepter. FrozenCloud’s heart sank as she was swallowed. She felt a falling sensation, and fell into a pool of liquid. She looked at Little Ye Tian, who was frozen in her attacking posture. Seriously?

Little Ye Tian, who had given up all hope, was frozen there. They had actually succeeded...

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