
Chapter 56 56 To Convince Gerry

"While they decide on the new room assignments, why don't we all hit the pool? The supply room is on the way, or I can loan you both my spare swim gear.

We can bring the others as well, make it a get-together for all the athletic Witches. You'll love it, Gerry. The facilities here are very well maintained, even if they're not as luxurious as your pool at home." Wolfe suggested.

"Is there a proper gym as well? I prefer not to miss a scheduled leg day." Gerry asked.

"Not only do they have one, but up until this morning, it was almost completely empty with all the assistants gone. Those were good days." Wolfe agreed.

Not that he had much time to use them either, but he had seen the facilities empty many times on his way past. Wolfe made a mental note to add the gym back into his routine before he started getting soft. Both Cassie and Ella seemed to be quite fond of his physique, and Ella was very fit herself, so it wouldn't do for him to start slacking off and getting pudgy during their freshman year.

It was better to save that until he was fifty and starting to bald with a house full of little witchlings. After that point, he was pretty sure he could get away with it.

Stephen looked a little panicked, but Gerry was very ready to hit the gym. "Lead the way. Mother loaded enough academy credits that we can get the essentials."

"Social meeting in the pool in 30 minutes for everyone who is so inclined," Wolfe yelled over the background noise of the room, getting scattered cheers from the athletes and some of the guys.

Wolfe wrapped an arm around Stephen's shoulders and pulled him along while Cassie and Ella gave him dubious looks. They didn't want to know these guys better, but like Wolfe, they saw the opportunity.

"We will grab our suits and meet you there. Turn on the towel heaters if they are off when you arrive." Ella called as she walked away to talk to some of the other Witches who had been eyeing Gerry.

If they thought they had what it took to impress muscle head and his mother, they were more than welcome to try, and Ella would gladly help them. What to do with Stephen, who actually seemed like a decent and committed guy, was a bigger issue.

The more Wolfe interacted with the brothers, the more he realized there was something wrong with Stephen. Not physically, his body seemed healthy, but his reactions, his speech, everything about him was a little bit off.

Not like he was crazy, but more like he was acting all the time. That made no sense, though. His reactions to Ella when they first met seemed genuine, so behaving the same way the rest of the time shouldn't be an act. Everything about their arrival appeared to be out in the open now, so there shouldn't be anything that he had to hide at all times, which would require him to put on a front and not act like himself.

It was when Wolfe asked if they wanted speedos or trunks, and Stephen got flustered that Wolfe figured it out.

He was not used to being in close contact with men, which made absolutely no sense. He talked happily and seemed genuine about his friends at school, and studying the sword with them, so he had to have been around plenty of other guys over the years.

Stephen was beginning to panic again when they got close to the pool, so Wolfe poked him with a bit of mana to get his attention. The smallest hint of aura flared to life where Wolfe was still pushing Stephen forward, and everything fell into place in Wolfe's mind.

The nervousness, the strange behaviour, how Gerry insisted on separate rooms. Stephen was a Witch, a disguised woman in a man's body.

Today just got way more fun.

"There are private showers and changing rooms for the shy sorts. Now get in there and strip." Wolfe ordered with a slap to Stephen's backside when he hesitated at the door, and even Gerry couldn't hide his amusement.

"Yes, little brother. Get those trunks on so we can hit the pool before it gets too crowded. Glistening muscles impress nearly every woman." Gerry chuckled as Wolfe removed his shirt before they even entered the changing room, which made Stephen look away briefly before getting back in character.

"Sorry if I'm not the exhibitionist you two are. Go get changed, and I will meet you outside."

Wolfe and Gerry threw their clothes into the closest lockers and took their trunks to the shower to wash before hitting the pool.

"So, what are you planning, Demon? Assassination would be a mistake, but I can tell you're not going to be easy to get rid of, and you've got something in mind." Gerry asked as soon as the water started running and hid his voice from anyone outside the room.

"I just assembled a hundred of the strongest and most athletic Witches in the Academy for a reason. If one of them can't catch your eye, I'll start bringing out the burliest men of the Academy's staff until you give up on Cassie.

Understand this. You and Cassie are not going to happen, but I won't stop you from finding a replacement if it's that important to your family."

Gerry smiled at Wolfe. "Not a bad plan. But my mother won't accept a weak Witch, and I am not stooping to begging some other commoner to take the place of the Witch that she chose."

That made Wolfe wonder if there was a good reason his family was so bent on marrying strong Witches into the clan. Could they be in danger of losing their council position? Or was it just greed for power?

He couldn't outright ask without coming across as extremely rude, but he could offer alternatives to their choice.

"What about Christa Abilene? Second in the entry exam, Class A Witch, Demon Familiar, good body, compliant and sweet once you get past that bitchy exterior." At least, he hoped she was, for the sake of whoever she ended up marrying.

Gerry shook his head. "Rival family. You need to do better if you want me to defy the leader."

They changed into their trunks and left the changing room, only to find Stephen already lounging by the pool with a shirt and shorts on.

Risa was the first of the Witches to enter and immediately began checking out Gerry and licking her lips. "Oh, you brought me candy. How kind of you, Wolfe. Can I play with him?"

"Risa, meet Gerry Isabel." Wolfe introduced them.

"Oh, I know. He's grown up pretty well from that scrawny kid I used to beat up after school." She replied.

"It's you. When did you grow tits, you evil creature?" Gerry demanded.

"I always had them. You just got so used to losing at everything that you only ever saw the back of me." Risa teased him.

She might not be the romantic interest Wolfe had hoped for, but she was good at breaking the ice, and the Witches that were coming in behind her weren't at all intimidated by the big nobleman after hearing her tease him.

The room started to get crowded, and Wolfe did his best to keep Gerry distracted and away from Cassie while he waited for the little imp to show up again. He needed a spell to break the disguise that he was sure Stephen was under.

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