
Chapter 376 376 Sorry, But We’re Leaving

Chapter 376 376 Sorry, But We're Leaving

Wolfe expanded [Detect Hidden] as they walked and took inventory of the artillery pieces that the army had been trying to move out of the square in front of him. It was more firepower than he had thought that they possessed in this city, and it was lucky that they hadn't had a chance to use it against him before he could find and eliminate it.

As they walked and he fired occasional [Fireball] bullets at the buildings with soldiers in them, Wolfe built a massive [Gravity Array] large enough to cover the entire park.

When he activated that, it was going to take an entire Mana Core worth of his stored power to activate, but it should be close to five hundred times standard gravity, enough to damage all the equipment and crush the soldiers operating it before they could even tell what they were up against.

[Halt Demon. Surrender, and we will allow your companions to survive.] A voice over a loudspeaker announced.

John laughed grimly. That wasn't an improvement. That was a threat to everyone under Wolfe's barrier that they were about to be taken prisoner again. But they had faith in Wolfe. He might have been making do with just their barrier and a pair of enchanted Pistols, but surely he had more firepower in his arsenal, and they had heard legends that the Snow Demon should have massive-scale magic available that could crush a patrol this size in a single strike.

Even if that was overstated, the missing units were proof that he could indeed win in a stand-up fight. So today, they would rely on him to get them through everything while they hid in the barrier and waited for the way to freedom to appear.

Wolfe didn't even bother to reply. He dropped the [Gravity Array] on the park, and with the screech of crushing metal and the crackle of snapping trees, everything in the area was crushed flat to the ground.

The puddles of blood that flowed from the vehicles were more than a little disturbing, even to the prisoners, who never thought that the death of a Grand Dutchies soldier would bother them, but Wolfe didn't slow his pace and just kept walking as the gunfire around them fell silent in horror at the damage that he had inflicted without any visible effort.

None of the humans could quite comprehend what exactly had happened to the entire park, but the destruction didn't really need an explanation. They were gone, crushed flat and destroyed, with no hope for survivors.

The soldiers realized that if the force that had crushed the vehicles was a spell that applied directly to the occupants as well, and it wasn't a strike from above, then it would have been even worse for their chances of survival, and the soldiers would have died instantly before the vehicles around them had collapsed.

That was the case here today. The end had been painless and instant for them, with no chance to even register their own ends.

That gave Wolfe and his group enough time to pass the park and reach the last neighbourhood before the city walls.

"Keep up the pace, everyone. Let me know if you need assistance, and we will have someone carry you out of the city. Just a few more minutes, and we will be outside the walls.

That won't end the attack, and it will likely get worse before it gets better, but we're almost there. Just have a bit of faith, and you will survive the day." Wolfe encouraged the group inside his barrier.

The fast walk turned to a jog as they moved through the silent streets, and then Wolfe found the perfect assistant for them. There was an offroad bus of the same style that the Morgana Coven used, idling on the side of the street.

Wolfe lifted the barrier to allow it through without damage and used [Detect Hidden] to check it for traps. It looked clear, so he paused for a moment and let the group catch their breath.

"Everyone into the bus. I have checked it for traps, and it looks like it was just abandoned when they realized that we were coming." Wolfe explained.

"Got it. But how is it going to get outside the city?" Johh asked as he took the driver's seat.

"Just keep following me. I will focus the barrier on the bus so it will travel with you, but stay behind me until we're through the wall."

Now they were making good time, and the bus roared to life, trundling down the narrow street behind Wolfe as he used the Gravity and Wind charms on his armour to keep in front of the vehicle.

When they reached the wall, Wolfe focused a [Wind Blades] spell on the thick concrete, cutting large chunks out. Then he cast it three more times, chopping a large section out of the wall before he used a [Gravity Wave] to throw the loose pieces out of the way so that the bus could pass smoothly out into the grasslands.

"Make a run for the road, and keep going until you're out of sight. They should focus what they have on me. I will catch up to you once I'm finished here." Wolfe instructed John, and the former soldier encouraged the bus to accelerate as fast as he could get it to move.

The vehicle wasn't fast by any means, but the large transport was at least starting to get up to a reasonable speed by the time the first tank shells began to land in the distance. The craters would make it hard for the bus to get to the tree line, but John had dedication and training, so despite the bumpy ride as the shells rained down around him and caused the barrier to flicker, he kept the bus pressing on.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to make a mess." Wolfe chuckled as the busload of rescued prisoners disappeared into the distance.

With a [Leviation] spell, he rose into the air and prepared [Chain Lightning] as he finalized his plan to clean up the heavy military equipment in the city. Since they had so conveniently let him destroy all their artillery without a fight, Wolfe decided to make sure that they didn't follow him.

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