
Chapter 591 591 Pixie Sticks

Chapter 591 591 Pixie Sticks

591 591 Pixie Sticks

Wolfe pulled a healing potion out of his pack and sighed as he realized it was broken, and less than half full. He did his best to shake the broken glass off the round container and downed the contents, letting the soothing feeling take the pain from his insides.

As he rushed to finish the potion, vines rushed up from the ground to encircle him, and Wolfe threw himself into the air using [Levitate].

But he was in a forest, there were plants all around him and the reprieve was only a split second long, before the branches of the trees came for him.

A hastily erected [Nether Lightning] barrier turned them to ash, and Wolfe let a soft laugh escape his lips.

"You waited too long to take action. You can't bring your powers out to their fullest, and here in the Fae Forest, your evil is not welcome." He taunted as the two Saints prepared a more powerful charm.

His mana cores were all completely empty, and Wolfe couldn't feel the connection to his Servants or even the Pentacles. Or, more correctly, he could feel them, but not the people they should connect to.

Wolfe tossed a bolt of lightning at the shadowed face of the Saint in front of him, hoping to break her concentration, and rolled to the side to avoid an incoming branch.

The manoeuvre put him face up for an instant, and Wolfe realized that something had gone very wrong. They were in a Fae Forest, that was certain, but not HIS Fae Forest. The three pale suns in the sky could attest to the fact that he was not in the Frozen Wastes anymore.

So, instead of trying to attack again, Wolfe fled. If they were in Faerie, there was a chance that something or someone here might help him. They had to understand that he wasn't here of his own free will, and with a bit of luck, they would just kick him out and send him home as soon as they saw him.

Wolfe seemed to recall that Khalifa had said something else at the same time she had told him that the Fae would kick him out, but for now, that was the important part. If he could get out of here while they detained the Saints, he would have time to recover and shore up their defences before the inevitable attack that would follow.

He had only made it a few dozen metres when an unseen force grabbed him and pulled him to the ground. There was a Wind Rabbit there, with the glazed over eyes that Wolfe associated with Mind Control. The beast was Rank Four, and its [Wind Net] was strong enough that it would take Wolfe time to get out of it, while the other Saint would have time to finish her spell.

All he could do was to refresh his defensive magic and hope that he could make it through the next few minutes to escape again.

But after five seconds, the attack still hadn't come, and the rabbit was slowly regaining its senses. The Saints were nowhere in sight, but in this dense forest, that wasn't saying much. They had to be close, as he hadn't gotten far, and even if the spell had broken, they would still know where he was.

Wolfe was about to cast another [Levitation] spell when a pair of spears came flying down from the canopy of the forest and stuck themselves into the ground, pinning his neck to the earth, but not injuring him.

"Do not move. Lower your spells and surrender, Demon." A musical voice, high-pitched like a young girl's demanded from somewhere out of sight.

"I would appreciate it if I could keep my armour spell up. Not only am I using it for the majority of my clothing, but the last I checked, I was still under attack." Wolfe replied.

"That's nice. I don't care. Lower your spells and surrender." The voice demanded.

Wolfe sighed and ended the defensive spells, hoping that he had remembered what Khalifa told him properly.

The sounds of a struggle in the distance were joined by the howling of wolves, and then yelps of pain before everything went silent.

The altercation sounded like it was at least a kilometre away, only barely audible through the trees, like the Witches had started to run when they spotted the Fae coming.

The spears were pulled from the ground by a surge of Fae Magic, and Wolfe's captor, a Pixie in black enamelled armour, accompanied by two young Elven men, shimmered into sight as their [Invisibility] spells were disengaged.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The childish voice of the Pixie demanded.

"I am known as Wolfe Noxus, and I was brought here accidentally when those two witches attacked me." He explained in the most polite voice he could muster through the lingering pain in his body.

"That's nice. I'm not concerned with what Witches and Demons get up to for fun, as long as they don't do it here." The Pixie informed him.

"I am a Magi, not a Demon." Wolfe informed her.

"Still don't care, Demon. You know you're not supposed to be in Faerie."

"If you could kindly send me back where I came from, I would be willing to repay the favour to the first Elf that I see in my home world." Wolfe offered.

The Pixie looked at the two elves, whose faces didn't show any expression at all until all three of them started laughing.

"You think that we will send some random demon back to a mortal world to run amok? Do I look like I was born yesterday?" The Pixie demanded.

"No, you look quite dashing in your armour. I can see that you put significant effort into keeping it properly polished and maintained." Wolfe replied.

"That's not what I meant and you know it. Now wait here while we find out what is going on with the other intruders." The Pixie informed him.

There was a short pause, and then Wolfe felt the mana in the air shift as a spell floated through the air to the Pixie.

"Alright, they're captured and detained." She announced.

"Just like that?" Wolfe asked, awed by the Fae scout's abilities.

"This is Faerie, Demon. The world belongs to the Fae, and we control everything about it. All we had to do was deny them access to mana and two old women were no challenge at all. They didn't even have a functional mana stone on them."

That was just plain cheating.

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