
Chapter 660 Statues

Chapter 660 Statues

Wolfe led the two freshly advanced Succubus girls to the shower, and washed away the evidence of their evening activities, as he savoured the feeling of power that reaching Rank Six had left in him.

The differences between levels were getting more pronounced with each advancement, and the sixth rank had granted him much more control over the surrounding mana. Not just as a spell, but inside of people or even just in the room.

He didn't need the Mana Gathering Array to pull mana around him anymore, and with a thought, he could flood or drain the mana from either of the girls who were pretending that they were actually getting clean as they rubbed up against him to enjoy the sensation of excess mana pouring from his body.

With Rail at Rank Six and Dana now at Rank Five, Forest Grove would have no lack of Demonic power when he returned, even if they were both limited in the magic that they could use. Unlike Magi turned demons, they could still use some spells, but they were limited by their lineage to only a handful of mind control related Unholy spells and improved flight skills.

That was part of what made Rail such a good investigator. She could pull the truth out of a target with ease, often without them realizing what they had done.

Carmine and Nimue were already at the dining table when the three of them arrived for breakfast, and the newly discovered Princess had a huge smirk on her face.

"What's so amusing, young Princess?" One of the Wrath Demon nobles asked the petite dryad hybrid.

"Nyaa, not the tail, ooh, ooh." She giggled, and Wolfe began to chuckle before Dana smacked him on the back of the head.

"In my defence, the room is supposed to be soundproof." Wolfe replied.

"Oh, it is. But I was curious, and I got the door open a little before Carmine noticed." The half Dryad shrugged.

The wrath demon beside her shook his head in dismay, while King Leandro did his best not to laugh out loud.

"Well, I'm glad that you're... when did you break through, Dana?" Leandro asked.

"Last night." She replied, not looking up from the book she was reading as she settled into her chair.

"Should you not be excited about that?" The Incubus King asked.

"I'm not talking about that with my father." She replied in an even tone, still not looking up, but Wolfe could see that she blushed a little.

"Rail and Wolfe as well. It appears that you had quite the evening. I will have to ask about the details later." Queen Jasmine replied.

"What should we start with after breakfast? Did everyone manage to find themselves a suitable base for the spells? It has to be able to take a lot of magic flow." Wolfe asked, changing the topic.

"Indeed we did. There is a lodestone mine here, and it is capable of channelling immense amounts of mana without breaking. We use it to make testing devices for trainee spell casters, since it won't break if you hit it with spells." Queen Jasmine explained.

That sounded suspiciously like it absorbed mana, which would be a disaster for trying to activate an inscription on it, but Wolfe trusted that the Demons knew what they were doing.

After the table was cleared, and the conversation had died down, the servants brought in six black stone statues, each carved to resemble the Monarch that had ordered them. They were life-sized and beautifully done, true masterpieces of the sculptor's craft, or possibly carved with Earth Magic.

Queen Jasmine smiled at the statues. "These were intended to be given as attendance gifts at my Bicentennial anniversary next year, but I think that having them enchanted now will make a much more impactful statement."

Wolfe walked over to inspect the statues, and channelled raw mana at them, which passed right through the stone. Then he created a simple flame, which hit the stone and dispersed, with the effect falling apart as the mana sunk through the stone.

That was interesting, but he wasn't sure that he would actually be able to make an inscription stick on it. He would certainly have to carve it to make it last, and that meant modifying the stone with magic.

So, he focused on the back of the statue's base and started to create a [Nether Lightning] barrier inscription. It didn't fall apart when it touched the stone, as long as the inscription itself was what touched first. That was an interesting effect, but that meant it should be possible to enchant them as the Queen had suggested.

"Alright, who would like their statue done first? Is there some hierarchy I should know?" Wolfe asked.

Queen Jasmine smiled. "Normally, I would go first, as the host, but after all the complaints I got from my guards about what you and King Leandro's daughter were up to last night, I think he should go first, so he can head home and stop glaring at her smug expression."

"He's only mad because I made a breakthrough, so he can't actually be mad at me for causing trouble this time." Dana replied, still engrossed in her book.

The quiet succubus actually had a rather sharp tongue, and it seemed that she truly enjoyed doing whatever she wanted, no matter how much it irritated her father.

The six Royals gathered around as Wolfe inscribed the Arrays onto the base of the statue, layering them together into a complex mass of runes that no sane person would ever be able to decipher by looking at them.

"Alright, in with the mana, and let's hope this statue can handle it." Wolfe instructed.

With so many Rank Nine Demons empowering the spells, there was a near zero chance that anyone would be able to break them without breaking the core statue, like they had done in Queen Elizabeth's throne room.

But with [Kind Intentions] in place, even that should be prevented, unless they got very creative.

The magic flowed through the statue to the inscription that Wolfe was carving into the stone base, passing smoothly through the stone, and then the barriers flared to life as the spell was completed, blanketing the entire Castle, and most likely the surrounding town as well.

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