
Chapter 746 746 Magi Found

Chapter 746 746 Magi Found

The Coven should have sent Witches to them, but Wolfe recalled that the map showed plenty of Demons being assigned in the area, just none for the Capital City itself.

They likely wouldn't accept a Demonic Guardian, it would push their sensibilities too far. But Priya was getting powerful along with the rest of the Pentacles, so it wouldn't be a stretch to allow her to look after the city.

Normally, there would be a Rank Seven Fae or Demon for a population that large, and not just one of Wolfe's Witches, as the Fae jokingly called them.

They were well on their way through Rank Four now, after Wolfe's advancement trick, but the gap of two ranks was normally an insurmountable barrier in status. Rank Four was entirely too common, so unless you were a child who was showing great potential, it was nothing to write home about.

Rank Five was made up of less than a tenth of the Fae and Demons that made Rank Four, and Rank Six was a fraction of those who made Rank Five. With the exception of Wrathbringers, Elves and a few other species, only one in a hundred Rank Four nobles would make it to Rank Six in their lifetime.

But with the backing of a Magi Saint, they were willing to allow his direct subordinate to run the city on his behalf, and not try to claim it for one of their Kingdoms.

Wolfe focused on the link to Priya, which was mostly dormant in the back of his mind, as she was half a continent away and not currently trying to contact him. Once he did, the link sprung to life, showing him her thoughts as she had tea with her Family Elders, and discussed the day's happenings with the Sylvan Coven Leadership.

[Priya, ask them how they would feel about being part of an underground highway network that connects the towns and villages of the Frozen Wastes. We can add the outlying towns in Sylvan Coven as well if they're agreeable.] Wolfe requested, getting right to the point during a lull in their conversation.

[Where is this coming from?] She replied, startled at the mental intrusion.

[The Free Covens and Myrrh are building a border wall and talking about a road network, so it got me thinking about expanding our own. Underground is better for us, since the weather on the surface can be unreliable.] Wolfe explained.

[Oh, that makes sense. I will talk to the others and see what they think about tunnels.]

Bringing up any topic with a bunch of old women during their designated gossip hours wasn't going to be a fast process, so Wolfe focused his attention back on what was happening around him, with the border guard slowly ceasing their attack as the undead horde turned back into the mountains, and the guardians of the border towns discussing what sort of schedule they should have to keep the boundary wall active.

If they needed to send someone into the mountains, they could fly over the barrier, so there was no real reason to deactivate it during the winter months at the very least.

That left Wolfe with nothing to do for a few minutes, while the Sylvan Coven decided their stance on the highway project, so he decided to extend his senses out to look for other Magi. If he could find the boy that the Undead was talking about, then he could help get him awakened and get an inheritance assigned to him, even if he had to go to the Lumix Household and get a generic one with no Family affinity done.

They had the ability, but the Lich might be able to do better, since it was looking to take this opportunity to grant the boy some benefits, the way that he had helped Wolfe with his magic. It might be even better, as he wouldn't be under attack this time, and Wolfe would be there to assist, so they might be able to give the new Magi a better head start.

There was no sign of him in the city here, so Wolfe extended his senses toward the coast, where the Lich had said the boy was more likely to be. There were a few scattered signs of Magi blood that he could sense, but none of them had any sort of magical affinity.

Now that he had gained the close affinity to Mana that came with being a saint, sensing the potential of a magic user was as natural as looking at them, and as he focused further out, Wolfe found a few surprises.

There was a witch child with immense potential in the middle of nowhere, living on a farm with a dozen other children and two adults, a middle-aged and an older witch woman. If there was a father alive, he wasn't near enough for Wolfe to associate him with the house.

He made a note of the location, so he could stop in and discuss the child's future with her parents, then kept searching for the boy.

If the Lich could do it at level four, he could certainly accomplish the task with mana sense alone, he was certain of it. It was just a matter of time before he could search everywhere. If he were smart, he would have asked the Lich exactly where the boy was and saved himself the trouble, but the search itself was quite enlightening.

For example, there was a Rank Four Incubus living in the Free Covens territories, and not one associated with the new arrivals. He had hidden his demonic presence well, but Wolfe found him by his mana signature, sleeping in a nomadic tribe's wagon with a younger woman and a small child.

Nobody was injured, and nobody around seemed concerned, so that was likely his home, and Wolfe wasn't in the business of bothering strangers. For all he knew, it might be a free Familiar from the time of the war who was living his best life.

Then finally, in a village not far from the coast, Wolfe found Magi descendants. There were about a hundred of them, all with mixed Witch blood, but the boy was there.

On his own, he would be able to use his powers soon, as he had just awakened within this last month, and his potential should take him to at least Rank Four.

If Wolfe hadn't made good on the return of the species, this young man was the next best bet, and only a year and a bit separated them in age. Perhaps the world had decided that it was time for the Magi to return after all.

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