
Chapter 783 783 Strange Mood

Chapter 783 783 Strange Mood

It was a short notice event, but it didn't take long to get the paparazzi to come see the actions of the Coven Leaders and find out who their guest might be.

When they noticed it was Wolfe, it was only their professionalism, and the amazing outfit that Priya had on, that kept them on task. But when he made it to her at the photo shoot, all bets were off.

"Patriarch, can we get some photos with the head of the Priya Family? Are you two still together? Will there be a public wedding ceremony? How about children? Will the next generation of Priya Family leaders have Magi blood?" They shouted one after another.

"There are no plans for children just yet, but rest assured, the next generation of Priya Family witches are already being raised to the highest of standards." Wolfe replied with a smile, and the cameras went crazy again.

[You just love causing trouble, don't you?] Priya asked in his mind.

[It wasn't a lie.] Wolfe replied as he smiled for the cameras and pulled Priya close with his arm around her waist.

They stepped out of the spotlights, and Millie went to follow them before the reporters protested.

"Miss Demon, just a few photos for the paper. If we can get a few of your best side, that is enough." They pleaded, and the bodyguard gave Wolfe an unimpressed look as she stopped and posed for the cameras.

They stepped inside, and the next vehicle opened, letting out one of the Coven Council members, which took all the attention off them again, giving Millie a chance to complain.

"You could have made it clear that I'm your bodyguard." She muttered.

"They're not just news reporters, they're fashion as well. Being my bodyguard would have only added a line to their article, and they would have still wanted to get photos of your outfit." Wolfe replied.

Millie turned to Priya for confirmation, and sighed when she realized he wasn't lying.

"Alright, but now that we're inside, I don't need to do any more monkey dances for the cameras, right?" Millie insisted.

"Of course not. You will get some questions from the Council Families and other high-ranking Witches, but there are no reporters allowed inside. I remember that from the last time that I was here, it makes things much more relaxed." Wolfe assured her.

Wolfe stepped into the main room and a familiar tiny body came flying toward him, headed for Priya. Tian the Tiny, Priya's young cousin, had escaped from her minders again, and she was all loaded up with sugar and ready to party.

Wolfe caught her in a net of gravity magic and pulled the tiny witch into his arms.

"Well, good evening to you, Miss Tian. How is your evening going? Did you get the good punch already?" Wolfe asked.

"I did. But I've got new supervisors today, and they're mean, so I left to come looking for Cousin Lula." She informed him with a childish smirk.

A vaguely familiar old woman stepped out from the crowd to smile fondly at Wolfe.

"You know, we all realized after last time that you were using the little one as a human shield, and that's not going to work twice." She informed him with a happy cackle of laughter.

"It's still worth a try. Besides, she's friendly, and she's in line for the Priya Family leadership, right? The fourth branch, I believe that it was." Wolfe replied.

"You have a good memory, but recently, there has been talk of training her to become the actual family head after the current one steps down. She is showing great potential already." The old woman announced.

Wolfe examined the girl closely and realized that she had an aura, a faint one, but she was barely six years old, it was far too early for her to have awakened.

"Now, how might that have happened? Did you find a special treasure that granted you a wish?" Wolfe asked, having some suspicions that it might be outside interference that helped her awaken so early.

"How did you know? I wished to be the greatest, most powerful Witch ever, and my wish came true. I even got the coolest Familiar in the whole world." Tian agreed.

"Are you sure? Because I got witches, and they're pretty cuddly." Wolfe asked, which made the girl giggle and the old woman nearly choke on her drink.

Tian's certainty remained undeterred. "Yup. It's even better than a witch. I got my very own cuddle Demon."

That caught the attention of everyone else in the room. They all knew that the girl had awakened her aura far too early, but it was news to them that she had a Familiar at all, much less a Demonic Familiar.

"Oh, is that Cuddle Demon here now?" Wolfe asked.

"Yup, should I call her over?"

"Sure, I would love to meet your Familiar. You know, the witches back home cast the Demonic Curse on me, so for a while, I was a Cuddle Demon as well."

Tian smiled at him as she focused really hard and scrunched up her face, trying to gather enough mana to call her Familiar. Wolfe gave her a gentle nudge of power and the air shimmered around them, revealing a young girl in a princess dress, with a very distinct set of wings and a black tail that ended in a heart - shaped bulb.

"Good evening, young miss Succubus. Might I know your name?" Wolfe asked politely as the Familiar appeared.

The little girl looked up at him, and Wolfe looked into her body, searching the mana pathways.

"Perhaps young miss is the wrong phrasing, I shall call you Little Miss Succubus for now." Wolfe replied when the Demon remained silent, confused as to why there was a Magi in front of her.

She had disguised herself as a Succubus child to hide from her family in the Demon Realm and sneaked out to this world, but the portal was partially disrupted by her father's attempt to get her back, and she had ended up in a city full of Witches. But she was a quick thinker, and she made a deal with the first child she met, who agreed to help her stay in this world and hide from her father in exchange for power.

Wolfe continued when it became clear she didn't want to speak. "You look rather familiar. Do you perhaps know someone named Dana?"

That nearly made the little Succubus panic, and Wolfe laughed.

"I knew it, the resemblance is in the eyes. With her father's blessing, Dana is in Forest Grove right now, likely hiding in our Library. But they're not going to be happy that you ran away, Princess."

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