
Chapter 898 898 Meeting Nobles

Chapter 898 898 Meeting Nobles

The actual titles are hereditary and not based on strength, but if you cannot use it at all, you are ineligible to inherit." The Colonel whispered to the witches as they stepped forward to be announced at the door.

The General whispered something to the greeter, and then stepped forward.

"Duke Stracchis, General of the Imperial Blade Legion." The man announced, then continued as the General stepped forward.

"Colonel Baraka, third son of Duke Baraka."

Then Wolfe stepped up with Cassie and Ella on his arms.

"Patriarch Wolfe Noxus with his wives, the Ladies Cassie and Ella Noxus."

That was nice and simple. It didn't give too much away, and it shouldn't cause too much chaos among the people gathered here, the way that calling him a Saint or announcing that he was from a different world would have.

Though, these officers and the ranking members at the restaurant didn't seem too shocked about the whole other world thing, it was more that he had personally been to their Divine One's home that had them stunned.

They were still getting a lot of envious attention, thanks to the announcement of them as his brides and not leaving it up to the imagination what their relationship was.

Wolfe could see that there were at least a few Debutantes here, being escorted around by their parents to meet eligible bachelors, and they were close to the same age as Wolfe's group.

Wolfe led them into the party, and immediately they were surrounded by well-wishers, eager to meet the new people in town.

As predicted, the witches were quickly dragged away by ladies who were intensely interested in their abilities to keep flowerbeds, gardens and spice houses growing perpetually, while Wolfe was surrounded by the younger sons of Nobles, who wanted to suck up to someone with such an intense sign of favour from the Divine One.

Even if he hid his total power, few in the room were fooled, as even the single central mana core was enough to radiate intense power, as well as the Lowest Planes' unique signature.

It was becoming more pervasive as well. The power was far superior to what he had stored, and it was slowly corrupting everything else, which caused a constant influx of mana into Wolfe's body that any magic user nearby would be able to sense.

He didn't know what it felt like to them, but to Wolfe, it was a bit like being the centre of a vortex, the spot where all currents converged.

"Patriarch Noxus, your name is not familiar, do you perhaps govern a very rural area? Or is it far from here?" One of the young men asked.

"It is quite some distance from here. I hadn't expected to know anyone at all, but as it happens, I have met the Colonel once before, and he was willing to introduce me to many others. There should be some merchants here as well that I met at the hotel, ones who make storage bags." Wolfe explained.

"Ah, I know the ones that you mean. They are not here yet, you have arrived a bit earlier than they had planned to. You see, they dislike mingling with the less wealthy crowd who arrives first, so they do not embarrass themselves by not being present when the ranked Nobles arrive." One of the young men, or possibly still a boy, with long curly hair that bounced around his shoulders as he waved his hands to talk, joked.

"You're one of them. Don't pretend that you weren't here when I arrived." The man beside him laughed.

"That's different. I work here, and my shift ended after lunch. I've been here all day."

The boys chatted, and Wolfe listened, mentally taking notes of the situation here, and the people that should be remembered. There weren't many of them mentioned, as the younger generation in attendance were all lower ranking, but every bit was useful to them in the future.

The Colonel came over a few minutes into the party, followed by a pair of servants with drinks and appetizers.

"I come bearing snacks, Patriarch. I see that you've met the male half of the brat pack. They're a good bunch, just don't take them too seriously. Lords know nobody else does." He announced.

The young men either laughed or looked a bit sheepish, but the Colonel wasn't bothered.

"The Patriarch here has had a long journey to get to us, and I'm certain that he has some wonderful stories to tell of his journeys if you give him a chance to speak." The Colonel reprimanded them.

"They're actually quite entertaining company, I have no complaints." Wolfe replied with a smile.

"The last time I saw Patriarch Noxus, he was in the Demon Realm, studying ancient magic tomes." The Colonel countered, and Wolfe saw the young men's eyes light up at the potential for a real story, not just their daily lives here in the city.

"Ah, what a time that was. You see, I had gotten into a small disagreement with a pair of Witch Saints. Are you familiar with the Witches? Excellent. Well, you see, they decided that I was too much trouble to deal with permanently, so they threw me into a portal to Faerie.

Now, the Fae don't take kindly to littering, and they view the Magi as a form of Demons. So, they evicted me to the Demon Realms." Wolfe began.

He had a much larger crowd now, and the Colonel was doing his best not to laugh as Wolfe carefully omitted major parts of the story of his adventures in the Demon Kingdoms.

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