
Chapter 54 - Joyful Purchase

Chapter 54 - Joyful Purchase

"Jerlina..." Jeremy gulped. He didn't know how she'd react but he wanted to explain it properly. She seems to think this is going to be a business meeting, but it is a personal one. He already prepared proper words to explain, but seeing her amber eyes, he forgot everything.

"Grandpa wants to meet my wife and looking at you... honestly, you don't look like my wife," he said and watched her eyebrows furrow.

Oops! Did I say something wrong?

"Okay..." Jerlina said controlling her anger. She wanted to think that he is making fun of her dressing sense, but she forced herself to not think that way.

"What should a lumberjack's wife wear anyway?" she failed within three seconds and took a jab at his dressing sense. She didn't understand why she couldn't keep her composure with this guy every time.

She thought she was taking a shot at him and felt bad not knowing Jeremy is currently on cloud nine.

She admitted that she is my wife again!

"I'm sorry-" Jerlina's soft voice was buried by his deep voice.

"Grandpa... he is someone who genuinely wants to see me happy and I respect him. He is very observant and he will find out we are faking our marriage at one glance. He is from a different generation and believes that a husband should be the provider and should ornate his wife with diamonds from head to toe. But I haven't even bought you a ring! I, at least want to try..."

Jeremy with very few regrets threw his "respected" grandfather under the bus and painted him as a sexist and misogynistic old man with outdated values, just for Jerlina to accept his money.

Jerlina listened to him and he made sense. She knows of the status required to get inside the? Wilkinson Club and even millionaires cannot get in if they wish for it. She believes in dressing for the occasion and in her previous meeting that old man did seem rude and haughty. He fairly criticized her clothes.

So Jeremy asking her to look the part of his wife is not wrong. But she doesn't have the money to look the part of a millionaire's wife and that means, he has to pay for her. He is also talking about a ring. Of course, married people wear wedding bands.

Aren't these a bother? He said it was a deal he made with Gerard to protect her. He is doing it all to keep his end of the bargain. And he is the one at loss here. No matter what her opinion is about him, he surely is in an unfair situation here.

He liked her in the past and that might have contributed to his decision to agree to this unfair deal, but a lot has happened now. She lost her baby and if he is doing everything expecting something from her, she has nothing to give back. She is not rich as him, and she doesn't have the heart to forgive him either.

"TJ," she held his sleeve and he stopped. He expected a fierce rodent snarling at him for forcing her to do something against her will, but she looked contemplative and very cute.

"You don't have to do this all. You respect Mr. Volkonsky very much and you shouldn't be lying to him about something very important and personal as your marriage and your life partner. Let's apologize and clear things-"

"No!" Jeremy shrugged off her hand and took a step back.

Why would she reach this conclusion? All he wanted was to buy her things and she wants to do this? Why is she so...UGH!

"You are the one in a disadvantageous position now. You will get nothing from me in return and I don't want to take advantage of you in any form. You can back off any time you want since Gerry didn't speak for me. You are not bound to protect me," Jerlina wanted to make everything clear.

"What advantage? What backing off?" Jeremy knitted his brows. He was angry at her stupidity. If it was any other opportunistic woman, she'd have dragged him for a shopping spree. This one can't even be silent and accept the gifts given to her.

"Honey..." he bent to her eye-level. "No one puts this alpha in a disadvantageous position. And backing off? Do you think I bit more than I can chew? I knew what I got myself into when I gave my word to.." he gulped not wanting to say his name.

"The woman who came to spy last night already has spread around that you and I aren't sleeping together. Now I-"

"Isn't she the escort you hired?" Jerlina interjected. Jeremy smiled in his heart. He purposefully brought her up to tell Jerlina that he didn't hire her.

"I hired her? Honey, I am a married man now... Why will I hire an escort? She was a spy sent to...spy. I'll prove to them all how happily married I am and who would dare to touch my wife. The wedding is going to be epic! Disadvantageous? I'll show them who is at a disadvantage..."

He got down from the car and opened her door while Jerlina was too stunned wondering what is happening.

Holding her hand, he brought her to a brand store she patronizes only to spend for Gina. He asked the salesperson to get her an outfit that screams elegance and class. As she was wearing the fifth outfit in the trial room, Jerlina could understand the reason TJ insists that she is his wife, finally.

His pride! He started something and to not continue through it will be a blow to his pride as a ganglord.

I should let him do what he wants, right? Maybe stroking his pride is what I can offer him in return for protecting me.

She chose a black dress that was not sinfully expensive. And she didn't mind when he chose a seven-carat white diamond ring that swallowed her petite finger. He wanted something more expensive and a bigger "rock", but thankfully her finger is little and he had to settle for that 'mediocre' ring that had like twentyone other smaller diamonds around the big diamond.

He also bought some ridiculously priced sapphire and diamond earrings that wouldn't be affordable for her even if she sold all her organs in the black market.

He also placed an order for wedding bands for their "wedding ceremony" in a few weeks.

Jewelry can be returned and the cost of the outfits can be paid once she gets her salary – this is the only reason, Jerlina could keep her sanity.

"Both rings should be identical and anyone should know it is a couple's ring!" he said for the hundredth time to the jeweller and Jerlina took in a deep breath.

Calm down... This too will pass. Just bear with it.

On their way back to their home, Jerlina silently watched the road in deep thoughts while Jeremy was watching her. She was resting her cheek in her left hand and the diamond glittered in her hands.

Honestly speaking, the diamond looks much more adorable on her finger than in the display. Her beautiful finger adds beauty to the ring.

He would trade off his life for a chance to kneel and propose to her. But she won't allow him, will she? And she plainly said he cannot expect anything from her. Did she figure out I like her?


But I bought her an engagement ring! And we are getting matching wedding bands!

"We have to get your wedding dress...Do you mind if I join?" he couldn't hold back his joy. He thought he'll have to spend a lot of energy in convincing her, but she agreed to him pretty easily.

"...No. Do whatever you want," Jerlina said without even turning to look at him.

Jeremy's heart was filled with joy since she gave him full autonomy.

But any man with a little dating experience will know that when a woman says 'do whatever you want', it generally doesn't mean she is okay with what he does.

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