
Chapter 146 - Perks Of Being His Wife

Chapter 146 - Perks Of Being His Wife

But how come she changed his mind just with some whispers?

I riled him up perfectly and he even shot out like the arrow he is, but why did he stop? Why did he- Yuck! That sight! Disgusting! Puke inducing!

How could he hug and kiss her? And she acts like a coy little b*tch! As if he's the only man she's been with! That b*tch!

After overhearing Charlie's call, she knew Jeremy is returning and she even put on a show by pretending she is waiting for him the whole time sitting on the porch.

But this is what I get to see?

She knitted her brows as if she's in pain, seeing Jeremy entering.

"Take rest in the guest room in the West, Emma. Let's talk about this later," he said petting her head and she endured speaking further.

"Jerry, you know I love you the most, right?" she said holding his hand and she watched his usual bright smile, missing. He smiled. But it was not the same smile.

"Me too, Emma..." he ruffled her hair. "Take rest," he turned to leave. But then he stopped.

"If you want anything, ask me or Charlie. Don't go disturb Jerlina for any reason," his tone was the one he uses for his "pack".

He waited for her acknowledgment and left without speaking anything more.

How can he use this tone on me? I am Emma! Did he forget already?

And... he's gone... isn't he..?

He's gone... he's no more the Jerry I know...

Her hands began to shake.

It's all her fault... But it is his fault for letting it happen. How can he do this to me? After everything... after saying that I am his savior for sneaking him food, he now forgets everything?

How can he?

How dare he?

Shouldn't he learn his lesson?


Jeremy went and knocked on Jerlina's room. Jerlina, who was lying on her bed, sat up.

She opened the door with the chain lock still on. Jeremy's face was seen through the gap.

"What?" she asked.

"Not going to open the door?"

"No, you're getting all touchy-feely and kissy. I didn't consent to that," she stated openly.

If he keeps up with this, she will fall for him. He's too... irresistible.

His scent and his firm body, his gentle voice, his warmth... They are all too much for her to resist.

"Sorry... I won't touch you without your consent anymore," he said and she could see his smile vanishing and a pout forming in his lips.

He looked pitiful, but she needs to draw some boundaries.

"Okay, Thank you," she gave a bow.

That's a relief.

"So what now?" she asked opening the door properly.

"Emma will be staying here for a while and so-"

"She's your sister and this is your house and you can do whatever you want. You don't have to inform me," Jerlina closed the door in his face.

"Come on, Jerlina..." he knocked the door and she pouted leaning on the door.

"For a while? What does that mean? I should have let you murder Gerard! I'm a fool!" Jerlina shouted.

Jeremy heard her, but he didn't answer her. She did him a great favor today and he is repaying it by letting her face the person she doesn't like.

I'm a coward!

Jeremy walked to the second-floor kitchen. He did promise to cook her soup. And he is not going to forget that.

Jerlina kneeled and looked through the gap between the door and the floor. Jeremy left her almost immediately.

Of course, he should look after his dear sister!

Jerlina went straight to the rose bush. She didn't take care of it today. As she was watering, she saw Emma taking a walk. Maybe she heard the sound of water, she looked up.

"You're fond of roses?" Emma asked with a smile and Jerlina's heart skipped a beat.

Will she damage the planter if she knows it is my baby's grave? Did Jeremy tell her?

She pretended she didn't hear Emma and went back inside. She sat by the door, watching her planter. She really thought Emma might throw a stone or something and damage the bush or the planter, "accidentally".

She'd die if that happens.

And so, she decided to keep watch.

She didn't know how long she was staring at the planter, but she heard the knock at the door once more.

Her heart pounded.

Is it Emma?


She heard Jeremy's voice and she relaxed a bit.

She ran to the door and looked at both sides. "You didn't tell her about the planter, right?" she whispered and her eyes got drawn to the planter once more.

Jeremy watched her looking panicked and his heart hurt. She wasn't this scared in this house for a long time and Emma's presence made her regress to the past where she is scared of everyone.

"Did you?"

"No," Jeremy's voice trembled a bit. He didn't know Emma's presence would affect her this much.

She could have said something to me... But then, she won't. There is no surety that I will send off Emma if she asked.

She is the one who silently endures pain, isn't she? Growing up, she endured sufferings silently without even complaining to her father for more than a decade. How can I expect her to change suddenly?

But she doesn't have to endure anything here.

This is my house and she is my wife! Everything mine is hers.

But that planter... Her baby's grave...that is her weak spot. More than a weak spot it is her very sensitive spot.

"Jerlina..." he called her but her eyes were fixed on the planter. She was totally out of it. "Jerlina!" he held her cheek and made her look at him.

"I made soup for you as I promised. Emma is our guest. And I have something important to talk to her. I want you to be with me. You can ask her to leave if you want," he told her.

He was planning to bring the soup to her bedroom, but now he changed his plan.

She is his wife and this is her home. She should not be locking herself inside her room for Emma.

Emma is the guest. His guest to be precise. And Jerlina has the right to ask her to leave even if he doesn't like it. It is her home as much as it is his.

"I can?" Jerlina asked.

"You're my wife, Jerlina. And this is your home too. You can, yes."

As always, his voice was gentle. Jerlina snapped out of that dark heavy feeling troubling her heart. His voice... It's like a bright light in the dark night.

She thought he might be pretending, but he was not.

"It is not polite to send off your guest even if I am your wife," Jerlina said.

And now she felt bad for wanting Emma to leave.

"Polite?" He laughed. And she was surprised.

"Do you know what one of the perks of being my wife is, wifey?" he bopped her nose. "You don't have to be polite with anyone! Even with me."

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