
Chapter 440 - 440: That Man

A spasm of pain clamped her mouth shut and tightened her grip on the car mat. She bit her teeth to stop herself from crying again. Dylan noticed the pained look on her, and his movement became gentler. Unexpectedly, the pain subsided, and she began to feel comfortable as he rubbed her foot. From his big warm hand, a strange current ran through her, making her blush. Fortunately, the light in the car was not very bright, and he could not see the flush on her face.

She bit her lip hard. What was going on? Her body reverberated to his touch?

When he finally finished and closed the little box, she quickly drew back her foot and turned down her trouser end.

"Thank you... Can I get off now?" She looked down and asked.

Dylan looked at her silently, but she still avoided him. Finally, he opened the car door without a word, got off, and called Garwood, who was waiting not far away.

"Send Miss Schultz back."

Garwood nodded and got into the driver's seat.

Savannah sat there, staring emptily out of the window. Dylan stood by the side of the road, looking at her. Then the car started slowly away from the building.

At the gate of her apartment community, Garwood stopped and helped Savannah out.

"Miss Schultz, shall I take you in?"

"No, thank you. I can go myself." Savannah replied with a smile. The cooling ointment reduced the swelling, and after a rest in the car, her foot was much better now.

Garwood didn't insist. He watched her limping in, turned, and then drove away.

Downstairs the apartment, Kevin looked at his cell phone in his hand anxiously. He looked up when he heard the familiar footsteps.

"Savannah!" He hurried over to support her.

"Kevin, why are you here?"

"I called you several times, but you didn't answer. I'm very concerned. What's wrong with your foot?" Kevin looked down at her right foot.

"I worked late in the company, but the elevator was being checked tonight. I broke my ankle accidentally when I walked downstairs." There was a guilty look in Savannah's eyes.

"You okay?" Kevin looked nervous.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a twist."

"You took your colleague's car back?" Kevin asked suddenly.

Savannah's heart jumped at this question. Did Kevin see the car?

"Yeah," she blurted out, "A colleague from my department worked overtime with me. He saw my foot twist and sent me back."

"Oh. Then I'll take you upstairs." Kevin didn't ask more.

Savannah sighed with relief. With Kevin's help, she walked upstairs slowly.

"Kevin, it's getting late. You should go home." She said at the door and didn't invite him in.

"Okay, call me if you need my help." Kevin looked at her with concern.

"All right. Be careful on the road."

Kevin nodded with a gentle smile. As soon as the door was closed in front of him, shadows settled upon his face.

He gazed at the closed door with a confused expression and didn't move for a long time. Slowly he clenched his fists.

It was Dylan's car that took Savannah home.

So tonight, Savannah could be with Dylan.

She said she would never see Dylan again.

But she lied to him.

A sense of crisis came to Kevin.

Savannah… you don't like Dylan anymore, do you? You have no feelings for that man now, right?

Kevin took another glance at the closed door and turned away.

* * *

Savannah went into the bathroom. She was about to take off her clothes for a shower when the cell phone rang.

A message? Kevin?

She smiled and picked it up but paused when the message popped out on the screen.

"Rest your foot as long as pain and swelling persist. Don't take a shower. Mind that you don't fall again."


Savannah almost threw the phone out. The man didn't have a locator or monitor on her, did he? Why did she feel that he was watching her all the time?

Or... it was because they were on the same wavelength?

She shook her head to get that strange thought out of her mind. Taking a glance at the shower and then at her swollen ankle, she finally decided to listen to his words. Instead of taking a shower, she took a pot of hot water and wiped her body on the chair.

After washing up, Savannah went back to her bedroom and sat down in front of the computer.

It was five to twelve at midnight. She would have fallen asleep in normal times, but she was not in the mood to sleep today.

Of course, she knew why.

It was the man who had robbed her soul of peace.

She played YouTube videos and then spent some time on Twitter.

She set up her Twitter account when she worked as a still model years before. After the memory loss, she never logged in again.

The last tweet was posted three years ago. In its comments, some of her fans asked anxiously why she disappeared.

She was just a still plane model at that time, but after her endorsement for Fairyland, a game of JK, the number of her fans increased rapidly.

However, before she had a chance to become more popular, she was pregnant, and then many things happened.

She went through her old tweets, searching for her lost memory. Meanwhile, she was looking for the lost part of her own.

Finally, she posted a new tweet:

Sorry, everyone, I'm back.

Then she inadvertently clicked on the fan page.

A familiar name caught her attention.

Dylan St.

That man?

She paused and then entered his home page. It was empty with no tweet, and the only one he followed was her.

But she knew it must be him.

Her heart was pumping fast, and she tried to fight down the strange excitement in her.

Maybe he just followed her three years ago when they were together, so what?

Remember, he was not the right man.

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