
Chapter 132: Roland the Toolman, The Choice of the Times

But for a guy who can pick and choose like buying vegetables in a vegetable market, putting himself in a comfort zone for acting is the basis for playing more roles-if you are not feeling well, then how can you care about it? Create a character?

If in "Philadelphia Story", Tom Hanks played a quiet death, then in "Captain Phillips", it is the madness in a desperate situation. The means used by Kex are quite the opposite.

   In this way, many people feel that he is changing genres and is a manifestation of superb skills.

But he himself admitted in "Fat Lun Show" that he, who suffers from type 2 diabetes, did not dare to disobey the doctor\'s advice, fearing the emergence of various complications, and regretted being too promiscuous when he was young, and when he opened his eyes, it was night. Drunk is dawn.

Actor is a profession that requires continuous accumulation. If you can play a genre well when you are young and can continue to deepen it, it is already a very successful performance. After you have enriched your life experience, you will change naturally. It\'s just easy to come by. This is not a thing to overwhelm the young, but many young people are arrogant. After hearing criticism, they want to express themselves, and this performance will only use their own shortcomings to attack the other\'s strengths. .

  Steven Spielberg will not let him fall into the pit, or in other words, male stars will always be harder to praise than female stars.

  Will Smith fell into the pit himself in order to support his son.

In order to praise his son, Tom Hanks wrote, directed and acted himself. He produced "The Unstoppable Miracle", took out "Band of Brothers", and stuffed him into "King Kong". -As a supporting role for him in "Howard", in the restarted "James of the Brave" series, let him brush his face, but-it\'s really fate if he doesn\'t become popular!

  Compared to the unlimited resources of female stars who can change their lives against the sky, if male stars cannot become popular, then they really cannot become popular.

  Because it is impossible for a male star to constantly be a vase and brush his face like a female star!

   To put it bluntly, since Roland got up, the stakeholders don\'t want him to fall, and in this case, what can Tom Hanks and Robin Williams do to help?

  The current Roland is actually the same as Bill Gates who dropped out of Harvard back then.

  After Bill Gates dropped out of school, his mother immediately donated a sum of money to the school. What is the money for?

   After receiving the money, Harvard will always open the door to him.

  Even if he can\'t become the richest man in the world, he will still be a Harvard student if he turns around.

  Because of this, Roland didn\'t ask Robin Williams why he appeared here.

You know, when Steven Spielberg was in a sad mood, Robin Williams told him jokes across the Atlantic. This kind of relationship can no longer be measured by money. For them, helping a Being busy is just a matter of lifting your hands.

  After having a pleasant lunch, Roland, who already understood the process of character creation, was taken to a special school in Los Angeles by them.

  After determining the nature of success and the method of character building, there will be no mistakes in imitating skills.

  In the words of Hanks, that is: "If you can become friends with these guys, then you are a good person."

In the words of Williams, that is: "I will try to make them emotionally fluctuate. You observe their reactions, faces and movements. This is your skill accumulation. You don\'t need to think about it. You can get them all at once. The characteristics of the film are fully captured, and Daniel Lewis also won his first Oscar after studying for 29 years."

Tom Hanks taught inside, and Robin Williams taught outside. In this case, Roland felt that creating a character was easier than drinking water. The guy can help him eliminate the wrong options. In this way, when Roland achieves the achievement of clocking in for seven consecutive days, sitting side by side with Hanks, he is like an imbecile. Although it is only a similar action, but...

  This feeling is very good.

  As for learning a zombie face in seven days, is this kind of teaching progress too slow?

   No, this is already very fast.

Compared with the previous method of analyzing the role first and acting according to the characteristics of the character, changing the way of acting and making the role match oneself are two different paths, and as long as this path is successful once, the future role-playing can continue. Faster, because the more experienced you are, the more stocks you have in your emotional and skill banks, and when you have more emotions and skills than you can use up, you can compete with Tom Hanks and May Lil Streep is the same in "Washington Post". The two haven\'t worked hard yet. After a casual performance, Steven Spielberg has already shouted \'Cut, Good\'.

After seven days in the special school, Robin Williams officially retreated, while Tom Hanks took Roland to continue to experience life and became a volunteer—cooking meals for the homeless at the rescue center , to distribute food to them; at the crossroads in the downtown area, carrying plastic buckets to raise donations for the Disabled People\'s Association; chatting with the elderly in nursing homes; wearing rain boots, gloves, cleaning agent, brushes and mops, cleaning the cover Statues and railings at the entrance to the Tee Center…

Volunteer culture is very prevalent in America. Every April 15th and 21st is the National Volunteer Week. The annual contribution of unpaid labor to the economy is as high as 200 billion U.S. dollars. Not only that, many middle schools have volunteer activities to add As far as credits are concerned, many universities also look at volunteer experience, especially medical universities. If applicants have not done a certain number of hours of volunteer work in hospitals or nursing homes, no matter how good their grades are, they will not be considered.

  Of course, Roland, a foreigner, how could he have such ideological awareness?

   Rather than advocating dedication there, it is better to say that he wants to be a civilian hero.

Just like Harrison Ford saving lives, he was experiencing the feeling of being a good person, and when the guys passing by found that the guys standing together, one big and one small, turned out to be Roland Allen and Tom Hanks , The excitement of encountering and watching, asking for autographs and compliments, made Roland\'s cheeks feel a little hot.

  However, this is normal for Tom Hanks.

   "Remember this reaction, you can use it in performance passages such as shyness, embarrassment..."

   "And when you can fully accept other people\'s compliments, you will be able to show your composure after doing good deeds."

   "No matter how others cheer, you can be calm, because good is your instinct, and you are used to it."

  Being yourself instead of shaping a role is Roland\'s greatest achievement.

   And when he and Hanks appeared in the streets and alleys, the reporters who heard the news also took pictures of them.

   As an ordinary person, being a volunteer will definitely not make the headlines.

  But after more than two months of continuous screening, the North American box office of "Jurassic Park" has exceeded 360 million.

  As the second highest-grossing film in North America after "Star Wars", Roland, as the main creator, will naturally excite and care about the media\'s every move, not to mention that there is Hanks beside him.

  Since Roland and Hanks didn\'t want to be interviewed, those media reporters just took pictures and finished.

   But as the news spread, more and more guys came to sign autographs after hearing the news.

   Some people even drove two hundred miles just to meet them.

  And the so-called box office hype and doubts about project announcements are nonexistent.

There is no way, in the eyes of the public, Hanks who greets passers-by all the year round and keeps acting as a good guy is a good guy, and Roland, who can withstand the pressure of movie fans and directly reverse the case at the box office, is even more handsome up!

  Many young ladies are even wearing sweaters bought from Walmart, pulling the hem of the clothes and wanting Roland to sign them!

  If Hanks hadn\'t stopped him, those female fans would probably have eaten Roland!

  Of course, because more and more people are greedy for Roland, their volunteer careers will also end.

  Although he only worked for a week, Roland was very satisfied with the kindness he delivered and received.

  Experience and emotions, including those career changes, are what make a character his root.

   These are the guys he eats, and he keeps them.

  After remembering these, news also came from the crew of "Forrest Gump".

  Robert Zemeckis called to tell Tom Hanks that the young actor who played Forrest Gump had arrived and could learn his accent.

  In fact, many movies and TV shows have been criticized as bad, but because of lack of professionalism.

   Regardless of ancient and modern times, Chinese and foreign, regardless of what industry or industry, once you get the script, it\'s all about falling in love.

   It was okay at first, but it became boring after watching too much.

   Most guys are annoyed by things that change the soup but not the medicine.

   And once there is a slightly more professional film and television drama, the word of mouth will gradually increase.

  Is it because the filming was good?

   Not necessarily.

   More often, it is too bad.

   Throughout August, although Roland was running around, he actually only did one thing—

  ‘I love learning, learning makes me happy. \'

   And when he flew to South Carolina with the crew, the systematic shooting was on the right track.

   The movie "Forrest Gump" is actually a modern history of America.

  After World War II, America’s economy flourished, but young people ‘lost’ their original beliefs, so they were called the ‘Beat Generation’. Forrest Gump was inconvenient in his childhood, which was actually the confusion of a generation.

  When some people were bullied, they ran forward. Forrest Gump, who got rid of the bracket, is the spirit of America’s continuous progress. The rapid development of more than two hundred years is the result of generations of people running like this...

  After the Vietnam War, he enlisted in the army and defended his country. The tragic failure was simply portrayed, and Forrest Gump’s love was the young people who opposed the war in America at that time, and the ‘hippies’ were the representatives of the anti-war.

  As for the subsequent ping-pong diplomacy and the Watergate incident, there was nothing to hide.

  The so-called shrimp boats and Apple are telling the world—

  ‘Even if you are mentally retarded, as long as you work hard enough, you can achieve success, because this is the beacon of the human world, and the American society can create such a legend. \'

  At the same time, Forrest Gump\'s lover Jenny, living a decadent life, began to hate grass, and the "beat generation" was also getting old.

  Finally, Jenny returned to A-Gump\'s side, which was the fusion of old thoughts and new thoughts, and they began to accept each other.

To put it bluntly, if re-elected a hundred times, "Forrest Gump" is always the winner, and "The Shawshank Redemption" will still fail - because "The Shawshank Redemption" says: As long as the individual\'s will is strong enough, As long as you have enough desire for freedom, you can break the injustice imposed on you and find your own paradise.

   Isn\'t this a joke?

  How "One Flew Over the Cuckoo\'s Nest" became an Oscar-winning film?

   People are just saying:

  Darkness and injustice engulfed justice and conscience, and the guys with talent and yearning for freedom were forever marginalized by them?

   Comparing the two, you will find that "The Shawshank Redemption" is encouraging people to learn the art of dragon slaying!

  His heart can be punished!

   The Oscar jury voted for ghosts!

  Those old white men live incomparably comfortable lives, who wants to experience turbulence?

   What\'s more, the current public opinion is really the same as the idea promoted by the film—

  The mentally handicapped can make money!

   Open a website, you can reap investment, and then become the general manager, become the CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life!

  That’s right, the current Internet outlet is so wild, and it is precisely because of this wildness that “Forrest Gump” becomes more realistic—‘If we candreamit, wecandoit! ’ (If we can dream it, we can do it!)

  Since "Forrest Gump" has achieved "movies are art derived from life", then in this year, it is invincible.

  As for "The Shawshank Redemption" why was it overturned?

   Sorry, it was never overturned.

  The so-called fan ratings are nothing more than the group of guys who couldn\'t vote back then can now go online...

   This is a contradiction between the two camps of \'wanting to change the status quo\' and \'not wanting to change the status quo\'.

   It is also a contradiction that has never been resolved since ancient times.

  Because of this, Roland had no intention of studying the script at all.

   This kind of customized Oscar film really doesn\'t make much sense for research.

  It is his biggest goal to let the fool become himself.

After entering the group, Robert Zemeckis assigned him a role, and he was also the first guy to sit in a chair and listen to Forrest Gump\'s story - he will correspond to Forrest Gump\'s childhood, implying the relationship between two generations generation gap.

   Roland didn\'t ask about all the arrangements. Now, he is a tool person who loves to learn. As for Robert Zemeckis\' creation?

  He didn\'t even think about participating!

  However, Roland kept an eye on the crew\'s way of persuasion.

  He wanted Forrest Gump\'s son to wear his own clothes.

   After all, with the release of Forrest Gump, the Nikes that Tom Hanks is wearing are selling like crazy!

  If he can’t get online with Paramount, then forget it, but now he has the right to place advertisements, so why not?

   If you don’t earn money, isn’t that stupid?

  Of course he is not stupid!

He is a jade tree facing the wind, suave, handsome, unparalleled in the world, peerless, talented, the embodiment of justice and wisdom, everyone loves flowers and blooms, a pear blossom presses a begonia, the universe is super invincible, known as the Thunderbolt Century beautiful boy!

   Note: ①Tom Hanks is also a fan of his son, but unfortunately, like Will Smith, he is too far behind. ②Bill Gates himself admitted on the talk show that he thought about going back to get a diploma if he failed to start a business. ③Schools do have requirements for volunteer service hours, such as Harvard. ④ "Forrest Gump" is the American dream. When it was released that year, it was indeed a period when the Internet was booming. Funds were raised casually. It was the same as when everyone talked about the blockchain before. Can make money. Oscars have always had the characteristics of the times, and their subjective consciousness is very strong. As for those who say "The Shawshank Redemption" is wronged, think about it differently. If those people are old white men with voting rights, wouldn\'t they choose "Forrest Gump"? Know that "Forrest Gump" is the movie that best suits their interests.



  (end of this chapter)

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