
Chapter 321: "Spider-Man 2" (1)

  The distributor ranks first, and the producer ranks second.

Among them, the global distributors are larger than the regional distributors, and the producers will be divided into different order according to their investment share. In this way, as long as there are enough participating companies, a three-minute title will no longer be a dream .

The most typical thing done here is Warner. As a title madman, they can even create a logo animation specially for a movie, and they want to let the whole world know that this is our movie, and Sony also uses the same In this way, he added the transition effect of 30 cents in front of the torch goddess, and promoted his own brand to the world.

Of course, this kind of promotion method can be used in the past and can be used in the future, but it can’t be used now. It can be used for the summit and Lionsgate, but it can’t be used for Marvel. In "Spiderman" in 1996, the goddess of the torch The status is irreplaceable, but three years later, when the opening Marvel logo disappeared, the narration by Roland Allen also appeared one after another.

"I\'m Peter Parker. Four years ago, I was an ordinary high school student living in New York. One time, when I was visiting my brother\'s Osborne Group, due to an accident, I got supernatural powers similar to spiders. Ability; at first, I didn\'t know how to use it, but when my uncle passed away because of my indulgence, I vowed that I must use this power to fight against evil in the future, so as not to let the tragedy like my uncle happen again; so , I became a vigilante in New York, oh, that\'s what people call me, and I prefer what they call me, Spider-Man..."

  Self-deprecating but stinky words made the pictures on the screen constantly flip.

  It is similar to the storytelling of comics, and briefly introduces the content of the first part.

From gaining ability to defeating Dr. Lizard, from the death of uncle to the death of father-in-law, the 90-minute content is covered by 45-second illustrations, and the narration outside the screen also changes from restrained to open with the development of the matter. From sincerity to funny beep.

   "Although Gwen\'s father, George, told me before he passed away to keep me away from his daughter, but..."

   "I really can\'t do this kind of thing!"

   "A handsome man like me is the brightest star wherever he goes. Countless girls want to chase me, and Gwen is no exception!"

The confident tone made people believe it was true, but at the same time as he was telling the story, the page-turning photos on the screen slapped him hard in the face. The Peter Parker inside was not as handsome as he said, but he was in various places Kind of place to spy on Gwen.

  At night, when Gwen was resting at home, he lay on the edge of the roof, staring at the closed windows;

  When the school organized an outing, he hid aside and looked at the girl in the distance with a smile on his face;

  When he worked during the summer vacation, he wore a thick doll costume and acted like a fool beside the girl;

  When he was in school, while listening to the class, he used the corner of his eye to watch the pretty back.

The act of licking a dog gave the narration a narcissistic label. This situation seemed to annoy the guy who was telling the story. No matter what the process is, Gwen is my girlfriend now anyway!"



   "Goose goose goose~"

  The pretentious and serious words made the audience laugh, and the act of clearing up the evidence gave people a lowly feeling.

  Although the joke that the protagonist of the movie was caught in the face while lying, and fell into a social death because of this has long been used badly by Hollywood, it is precisely because of the bad use that it can prove its excellence.

  At the same time, this method can also root the concept of popcorn into the hearts of the audience—

   "Has James Cameron finally stopped engaging in the **** beginnings of his sci-fi films? My youth is over!"

"The beginning of this kind of comedy reminds me of "Home Alone". At the beginning, Kevin also looked angry and aggrieved! After ten years, Roland Allen showed his comedy skills again? My youth is back. It\'s gone!"

  "In the past four years, Peter Parker has stepped out of introversion? Does his confidence come from his own strength or love?"

   "What does it come from? Anyway, I think this kind of cheerful character is more in line with comics! I like it!"

   "Wow! Your evaluation is too early, isn\'t it? This one is going to kill the heroine!"

   "What about the dead heroine? Now that we know the result, we won\'t be so sad then!"

The cheerful discussion made the atmosphere of the scene more relaxed. When everyone felt that they had accepted the baptism of spoilers before watching the movie, their ability to accept the content would be greatly improved. improve.

Next, a similar reversal was used repeatedly. In the last second, Peter Parker, who was acting as a narrator, said that he was the patron saint of New York. In one sentence, Peter Parker said that he was invincible in the world, and the next moment, he fought wits and courage with the criminals, and the embarrassment of winning a thrilling victory in the end made him angry from embarrassment.

After being slapped in the face by photos again and again, Peter Parker, who has already told the story of the past four years, forcibly flipped the table. Numerous cracks also took away the summary of the previous story. When the camera jumps to Empire State University, the plot of the second part officially begins.

  James Cameron\'s film style is fast, accurate and ruthless.

   The rhythm is fast, the narrative is accurate, and the editing is sharp.

  For example, in his famous work "Terminator", it took a minute to explain Los Angeles in 2029 at the beginning, and then the screen jumped directly to 1984, and then the T-800 began to chug crazily;

The sequel "Terminator 2", it still took a minute to explain the Los Angeles in 2029, and then jumped directly to 1991, and then repeated the same routine, on the way to find someone, crazy chug chug.

This style is the capital\'s favorite, because commercial films don\'t require you to tell stories, and "Spider-Man 2" is the same, perhaps because the tone of the tragedy has already been determined, or the relationship between the characters has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so The sunshine that symbolizes youth has been blooming crazily from the very beginning—

Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborne enrolled one after another. During the registration process, they met Mary Watson with red hair; because Mary Watson grew up in a single-parent family , since she was a child, she lived with her mother in a relative\'s house, and was fed up with the diss and ridicule of those blood relatives, so her heart was very strong.

When Gwen Stacy encountered some difficulties when registering, the enthusiastic and bold Mary Watson offered to help. During the conversation, the two parties also got to know each other and soon became friends; - When Stacey introduced her new friend to Peter Parker and Harry Osborn, Harry Osborn, who had the status of a noble son, recognized this strong wild flower at a glance.

   "Hey hey hey!" On campus, Peter Parker, with a book under his arm, waved his left hand in front of Harry Osborn, trying to get his attention, "Heyboy! Whatareyoudoingnow?"

   "Don\'t block my sight!" Harry Osborn slapped his wiper-like arm away, raised his eyebrows, shook his head slightly, and said with emotion: "What a beautiful girl!"

   "What thefuck? You don\'t like her, do you?" Brother Pig\'s expression made Peter Parker\'s head full of black lines.

  Turning his head and looking into the distance, seeing the gradually approaching figure with his girlfriend, Little Spider agrees with his friend\'s point of view, but doesn\'t want the other party to chase her, "Gwen said she is a good girl, you..."

   Before he finished speaking, Harry Osborn interrupted: "Am I not a good boy?"

While speaking, he turned his head and winked at his friend, "Don\'t worry, I will only communicate with her in a conventional way. If she is willing to associate with me, that\'s of course best, but if she doesn\'t...I also I won\'t force it!"

  He raised his hand and patted his brother\'s chest twice, then straightened his clothes, and strode towards the approaching second daughter.

When Harry Osborn greeted the second daughter in a friendly way with a non-Nike logo smile, Peter Parker, who was walking behind him, shook his head silently, and waited for Harry Osborn to lift up his car with ease. Raising his right hand, he wanted to have a good handshake with Mary Watson, but in the middle of the movement, he suddenly realized that his behavior was too impolite, and quickly retracted the embarrassment, which was seen by the understanding Mary Watson. Ever since, the hand of the young lady was easily controlled by the rich family\'s second young master.

In such a situation, Peter Parker, who was catching up, rolled his eyes. Although he naturally hugged his girlfriend\'s waist, the depression engraved on his face cannot be easily shaken off, especially in his eyes. The little grievances that flashed past made the ladies and sisters in the theater add more effort to global warming—

   "Wow! Roland\'s emotions are so rich! Compared with the first part, there are simply two people!"

"That\'s right, Peter Parker in the first film was too withdrawn! Although there are elements of revenge, the dullness still makes me feel that the movie is quite boring. If there are no special effects, I don\'t think I can watch it at all! And Now he is more like a person! The depression and helplessness on his face are the expressions that only fall in love, and it is a symbol of compromise!"

   "Ahh! This change makes him even cuter!"

   "And Leonardo! The way he stretches out his hand is so handsome!"

   "Mary Watson is cute too! She didn\'t embarrass Leo!"

  Although some words may be punched, but at this time, it must be said—

  ‘The power that drives most women into the theater is not the plot or the picture at all, but emotion. \'

  Because of this, the movie \'ChickFlick\', which is specifically aimed at female audiences, came into being.

From "Morocco" in 1930 to "Pretty Woman" in 1990, from "Breakfast at Tiffany\'s" in 1961 to "The English Patient" in 1996 , These romantic romance dramas make women flock to them.

   Rich emotions are the only magic weapon to attract women, and in this case, if there is a certain actor they are interested in, then... the director who uses them next will know how to shoot.

  Pretending to be cool and handsome?

   This is just the first layer.

   And let the actors bring specific emotions into a certain plot. This approach can win over the audience even more!

Just like now, Harry Osborn\'s scene with Mary Watson could have been a two-person scene between the two of them, but the truck driver didn\'t do that, and Peter Parker was added to it. And there comes the contrast.

  Harry Osborn likes Mary Watson, this is the first layer of emotional output;

  Peter Parker doesn\'t want the rich second generation Harry Osborn to play with Mary Watson\'s feelings, this is the second layer of emotional output;

But Harry Osborn disregarded Peter Parker\'s instructions, and communicated with Mary Watson as he intended. The communication between the two of them was the third level of emotional output, while Peter Parker, who saved face for his brother, was the fourth level. layer emotional output.

Under the interweaving of four layers of emotions, Peter Parker\'s kindness, Harry Osborn\'s ego, and Mary Watson\'s understanding will stand in front of the audience in a very three-dimensional way, although these emotional entanglements cannot be overcome. The public is divided one by one, but the audience\'s intuitive feelings have already allowed them to continue watching the movie well.

And after briefly explaining the process of the four becoming friends, the ensuing accident also made Peter Parker get out of the hotbed. When the siren sounded, he who wanted to communicate with the three Without hesitation, he found an excuse and left the school. While tearing off his coat, people\'s good neighbor Spider-Man also went online.

  Although he has a girlfriend, he is also the superhero who obeys his uncle\'s teachings and accepts Gwen\'s father\'s instructions.

  The action scene of fighting criminals is actually not too bright.

  Because of the flower work, I have actually played all of them.

If the "Spider-Man" three years ago made the audience\'s eyes shine, the action scenes of hard bridge and hard horse made these old hats enjoy watching, but after receiving "Face Changing", "Rush Hour", "Hacker After the baptism of "Empire", the audience will no longer cheer for some popular fighting scenes. Although Peter Parker\'s action scenes of fighting criminals also make them very excited, they want to let them roar like three years ago ,That is impossible.

Of course, for other superhero movies, even if the main creative team knows it well, they will work harder on fighting with marginal effects, because this is the core means of selling their movies, but for truck drivers However, if you do this, it is superfluous, because the real selling point of commercial film sequels is not a single genre division at all, but the entire story.

  As long as the fighting remains at the average level of the market, that\'s enough. What really needs to be worked on is the entire movie world.

  Because of this, while Peter Parker was fighting crime, the corners and corners of the entire movie universe began to become three-dimensional.

The "Daily Horn", which frequently appeared in the comics, was born with the appearance of Spider-Man. As the number one black fan of Spider-Man, they reported black materials related to Spider-Man every day, derogating his vigilante behavior as destroying city security. The root of his existence, branding his existence as the root of attracting more criminals to New York to commit crimes.

   Such a report made the hard-working Peter Parker feel dissatisfied.

   But for Gwen Stacy, it was the Gospel of Matthew.

   "Jonah Jameson wrote it so well!" On the way home, Gwen Stacy walked and read.

  Such words made Peter Parker, who was sending her home, frown instinctively, and turned his head away. The disgusting diss headline made him uncomfortable, "Why do you keep reading this kind of unnutritious newspaper?"

   "Because it\'s right!" Gwen Stacy said without looking back, "The Daily Bugle is the most pertinent media in New York, because Spider-Man is a criminal!"

  The affirmative tone coupled with the derogatory wording made Peter Parker even more uncomfortable, "Spider-Man is clearly fighting crime!"

"But because of his existence, the crime rate in New York has skyrocketed!" Gwen Stacy raised her head, looked at her boyfriend seriously, and said, "Before he appeared, New York was at most ordinary criminals, but With his frequent appearances, those superpowers continue to gather in New York. They want to prove their strength by defeating Spider-Man! And it is precisely because of this mentality that countless ordinary people in New York are involved. !"

   "But it can\'t be blamed on Spider-Man? He can\'t decide whether people with superpowers come to New York!" Peter Parker raised his voice.

   "But he can decide whether he\'s in New York or not!"

  Gwen Stacy felt that her boyfriend was very strange, "Peter, my dad died in the line of duty because of the existence of Spider-Man!"

   Well...Peter Parker shut up.

  He doesn\'t want to defend himself anymore, because what Gwen Stacy said is the truth.

  With his silence, the brief dispute disappeared, but their quarrel revealed a message to the audience——

   "Gwen didn\'t know Peter was Spider-Man?"

   "Peter is deeply guilty of Gwen\'s father\'s death?"

"Wow... this plot is interesting! If Gwen doesn\'t know the truth from the beginning to the end, and Peter expresses guilt for the death of Gwen\'s father from the beginning to the end, then what will Gwen think when she finds out about Peter\'s identity?" ? And if Peter saw Gwen die in front of him, what kind of blow would he suffer!"

   "Oh! Fuck! Shut up for me! I already have a picture in front of my eyes!"

   "Damn! Isn\'t this special movie about a dead heroine? It\'s about abusing a hero???"

  Although the two villains, Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus, haven’t shown up so far, the audience who are watching the midnight show can’t sit still anymore. They feel that they have been deeply deceived…

  From the time the project was approved for filming, there have been rumors that "Spider-Man 2" is a tragedy.

   Regardless of whether they are fans or passers-by, they don’t take it seriously, because they have all experienced the most tragic "Titanic"!

  They can all accept that Jack Dawson, who is the hero, was shot to death by James Cameron. After that, they simply can\'t believe that there is any plot that can be more tragic than this ending.

   This is what most people thought before.

  Thoughts before watching Spider-Man 2.

   But now...

   They think they are so naive!


  Because there is more pain than death! Be the walking dead alive!

  If Gwen Stacy knows Peter Parker\'s identity and chooses to be with him, then even if she dies, what Peter Parker will gain is the flame of revenge!

   But the problem is, if Gwen Stacy is with Peter Parker without knowing his identity, then after she dies, what Peter Parker will gain is endless self-blame and guilt!

  The former can make Peter Parker walk in the dark, while the latter can make Peter Parker numb!

  Although neither of these endings is a good ending, self-blame and guilt are more terrifying than revenge!

   Because it destroys a person psychologically!

  When Peter Parker felt that the power he possessed was the crime Gwen Stacy said, then...

  The audience regretted it!

   There were screams of remorse in the midnight movie theater in America!

   "I thought it was a popcorn movie!"

   "I also thought it was a traditional commercial film!"

   "Before I came here, I was looking forward to whether Peter Parker in "Spider-Man 3" would be controlled by venom and become a dark Spider-Man after Gwen Stacy died!"

   "That\'s right! I\'m still thinking, if Spider-Man and Venom co-exist, will it lead to Mister Fantastic! The next step is to unite the Fantastic Four to fight the Sinister Six! But now...but now!"

   "James Cameron is really not a good person!"

"When I watched "Spider-Man 2", I cried because of the relationship between John Connor and T-800. When I watched "Titanic", I cried because of the relationship between Jack and Rose. Now I watch "Spider-Man 2" , do I have to cry again because of Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy? God! Why is Roland Allen taking these crap! I want a refund! Refund!"

  (end of this chapter)

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