
Chapter 344: Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills

At the same time, such things as "a happy day for a billionaire", "self-discipline is the beginning of freedom", "the real difference between the rich and the poor", "the most terrible thing in the world is not being poor, but being richer than you Some people work harder than you! ’ and other self-media’s favorite sand sculpture titles can capture the attention of countless netizens.


  Because within 24 hours, Roland flew more than 6,000 kilometers across two countries and three cities, and talked about a 100 billion project!

  Okay, stop talking.

Although on the day he returned to China, Roland flew to Silicon Valley to ask insiders what happened, and after the chat, he flew back home in the afternoon. This trapeze life did make him physically and mentally exhausted, but compared with the information he got, It\'s all worth it.

  Of course, what really affected his emotions was not the real story of "my lawyer dad", which is similar to the title of the essay, but the fight between rich people that shocked the world the day after returning home.

The day after Steve Jobs told Rowland that \'money is not so easy to earn\', Apple issued a public statement just after work, saying that it is a good thing that the federal government supports innovation, and it is also a good thing that Microsoft can reach a settlement with the federal government. .

But at the same time that the settlement is reached, the disguised compensation related to the education industry in the compensation clause is actually a kind of unfair competition. He hopes that the federation can re-study the settlement clause that is about to be finalized with Microsoft. Microsoft should agree to accept the donated school All unclaimed funds can be used to purchase any technology product, not just Microsoft.

   Looking at the statement alone, no one can see the problem.

  Because as an old rival of Microsoft, Apple is dissing the other party’s monopoly in a fair way!

  The grievances and grievances between Apple and Microsoft are all old and old!

   Don\'t say it\'s not sweet, even the skin has been chewed up!

  In this case, in the eyes of the public, Apple\'s statement is nothing more than an unusual bombardment.

  Due to the huge difference in size between the two parties, the symbolic meaning is far greater than the actual meaning.

But when everyone felt that this kind of voice was just the struggle of the weak, and Microsoft would not respond at all, Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft, publicly accused Steve Jobs that morning, saying that Catch Microsoft\'s heat.

"I don\'t know how the settlement agreed by the Ministry of Justice has turned into unfair competition in the form of monopoly in the eyes of Mr. Steve Jobs? If your idea is the law of our country, then I believe that with your temper, America You have to change the name to Apple Empire. If you really think you have more time, you can use the energy you envy Microsoft to research better products. As far as I know, the new product PowerMacG4Cube you launched this month is not far behind PowerMacG4? But The price is two hundred yuan more? If you say that this improvement is your best effort, then I think your shareholders will be very angry."



  Steve Ballmer\'s eccentric response stunned those who thought the old melon was tasteless!

  Since the rise of Windows and Apple\'s market supremacy was replaced by Microsoft, Microsoft has never looked at Apple!

Regardless of whether Apple took the initiative to lead the joint lawsuit against Microsoft, or reprimanded Microsoft all the year round, making Microsoft\'s ugly face public, whenever these hostile attacks appear, Microsoft can always respond with a simple and calm posture. Never confronting him head-on, as if arguing with him would be a foolish move.

That lofty attitude has made people used to Apple\'s incompetent rage, and when the guy in the cloud suddenly came off the stage one day and responded fiercely to the refutation of the ants, it felt like learning The fairy who doesn\'t eat the fireworks of the world can also pull the stinky smell, so I\'m so stunned!

   “My God! Microsoft responded to Apple’s accusations? What’s going on here?”

  “I knew Steve Ballmer was tougher than Bill Gates, but I didn’t expect it to be this tough!”

   “Is this a vent after the antitrust settlement with the DOJ?”

   "There is a good show! Steve Jobs is also a bad temper!"

   The rivalry between Microsoft and Apple immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

While everyone was discussing how Steve Jobs would respond to Steve Ballmer\'s criticism, the Apple CEO, who should have been extremely busy, gave the people what they wanted most at noon. thing.

"It turns out that stating the facts is also a mistake? Isn\'t it your real purpose to turn the settlement compensation into another means of monopolizing the market? And, Mr. Steve Ballmer, since you think our company\'s PowerMacG4Cube No, then may I ask which of your company\'s products can form a real core competitiveness?"

"The MicrosoftDOS you wrote for IBM at first was bought from Tim Patterson of Seattle Computer Co., Ltd.? Didn\'t your Windows 1.0 just copy my MacOS? Isn\'t your data software service Didn’t you get it through the acquisition of Fox? Didn’t you buy SpyglassMosaic for your IE browser? Didn’t your current email service develop through the acquisition of Hotmail?”

"Since your founding, Microsoft, you have never launched a product that is truly your own! The Department of Justice feels that you are in line with the development concept of promoting innovation, so you have not split you, but in fact? You have never You won’t expand the market by yourself, you’ll just wait for others to do it first, and then follow suit to buy!”

   “You are the least innovative company in America!”

   Bull beep!

  The response of seeing the red sword makes the people who eat melons extremely excited!

Although the whole world knows that when Bill Gates and Paul Allen started their businesses, they just entered the market with the idea of ​​playing for tickets, so they split and merged the two words microcomputer and software very hastily to form There\'s nothing new about the name Microsoft, but...knowing it doesn\'t mean saying it!

Just as many people know, it was Bill Gates who first helped him get an order from IBM to write key operating system software for PCs, and then Microsoft started to make DOS. Lu, in fact, it’s just a matter of private conversation. If you really put it on the table, wouldn’t it be a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo?

The point is, now Steve Jobs publicly exposing his boss in front of Steve Ballmer is no different from a brawl where he takes off his shoes and smacks the opponent in the face. The audience of the truth was beeping in confusion, but for the people who don\'t think it\'s a big deal to watch the excitement, this is simply too cool!

This kind of coolness does not come from the scolding war between the two sides, nor does it come from the mutual revelation of the two, and it does not come from Microsoft\'s anti-monopoly case and dissatisfaction with Yahoo\'s proposed acquisition, but from the billionaire\'s put down The Rogue!

  Who is Steve Jobs?

   Godfather of Apple! Owner of Pixar Animations! The super rich with a net worth of more than one billion!

  Who is Steve Ballmer?

   Bill Gates personally hired the first business manager! Microsoft\'s current helmsman! The super rich with a net worth of more than one billion!

  When the unattainable successful person in the eyes of the public rolls up his sleeves, punches to the flesh, opens his mouth to exhale the fragrance...

  Even if they are scolding things that people already know, they can still make the headlines of major media!

  So, that night, various media companies released the news that Apple and Microsoft were fighting.

Since the matter is clear, after the show airs, the whole world will know that Apple has already shown its dissatisfaction with Microsoft when various companies evaluate the matter of \'America Department of Justice and Microsoft reach a settlement\' .

   Not only that, Bill Gates\' old opponent Steve Jobs also found loopholes in the settlement agreement between Microsoft and the Federation.

  After the news spread around the world, the sky cleared and the rain stopped, and I felt that the European Union, which I had done, jumped out again.

They publicly supported Apple, spoke highly of Steve Jobs\' struggle, and used the same way to return to the other. Just as the National Transportation Safety Board questioned Airbus\' safety standards, the European Union is also questioning , whether there is a problem with the judging standard of America\'s "Antitrust Act".

   If there is no problem, as a company that has grown through acquisitions, why is it called a representative of driving innovation?

  When the European Union caught Microsoft\'s handle and responded in the shortest possible time...

   The case of Microsoft\'s acquisition of Yahoo has actually been settled.


  Because of the conflict between Apple and Microsoft, it was originally a step for the EU!

   On the second day after the incident, the scolding war between Steve Ballmer and Steve Jobs also escalated, and on the third day, they even broke away from the normal product bashing and entered the stage of cursing.

  Steve Jobs raged that Microsoft was a thief, and Steve Ballmer put the label of butcher on the opponent\'s head.

  Steve Jobs blasted Microsoft as a bandit, while Steve Ballmer branded the other party a tyrant.

  Steve Jobs yelled at Microsoft as a piece of shit, and Steve Ballmer told the fact that the other party abandoned his wife and daughter.



Just as people couldn\'t believe that while attacking Microsoft, Steve Jobs could expose Microsoft\'s lack of innovative spirit. When Steve Ballmer fished out Steve Jobs After the old incident, in the eyes of the public, the godfather of Apple, who wanted to criticize Microsoft and take advantage of his words, couldn\'t bear it anymore.

   On the afternoon of the fourth day, Steve Jobs flew to Seattle by plane.

  Rush into the Microsoft building with bare hands, and have an offline PK with Steve Ballmer.

  When the scene of the real fight was faithfully recorded by the passing media, the people who saw the video were really shocked this time!

  Because no one thought that things would develop to this point!

   "Did you really hit someone?"

   "Jobs bought a plane ticket to Seattle, just to kill Ballmer?"

   "Do it without beeping, this kind of behavior is too cool!"

And when people were wondering how this farce would end, the Seattle police involved in the investigation also issued an incident report, which stated: "Steve Jobs felt that there was a hidden meaning in the settlement agreement submitted by Microsoft to the Department of Justice." Sexually misleading clauses, and those clauses are not in line with the spirit of fair competition in the market, so he made accusations, and after encountering Steve Ballmer\'s nonsense, he felt angry and came to Microsoft headquarters. \'

   At first glance, this is just an ordinary event description.

   But a closer look reveals that between the lines, there are overflow reports of partiality.

   On the surface, the Seattle police did not make any judgments on the settlement agreement reached by the Department of Justice and Microsoft, but in fact, they explained everything with Steve Ballmer\'s nonsense!

  Even they think that the act of buying right after reconciliation is too outrageous!

   Such a development has made the European Union applaud loudly, and the relevant comments on the disputed incidents are posted one after another.

   Not only that, they also pretended to advocate justice and decided to launch a formal investigation into Apple\'s suppression by Microsoft in the European market, and they are expected to issue a huge fine to Microsoft.

And when things got to this point, Microsoft\'s stock price also fell. This situation made Bill Gates, who was sitting at home waiting for the result, couldn\'t help it, and stood up and expressed the hope that Steve Jobs could quickly clam down.

  We have known each other for so many years, we can sit down and have a good talk.

  How could this kind of excuse be accepted by the tyrant?

  Steve Jobs, who has returned to Silicon Valley, directly rejected Bill Gates\' proposal, and then sent a letter to the Department of Justice, hoping that they could re-examine the settlement terms submitted by Microsoft.

  When the ball was kicked to the Ministry of Justice, the farce came to an end.

When the Department of Justice invited Steve Jobs to the headquarters and listened to Microsoft\'s arch-enemy\'s views on the whole matter, it was learned that Apple felt that the clause "PC manufacturers are free to choose the operating system" was not in line with Apple. The survival needs of such a self-produced computer company did not take into account the influence of a company that only sells software on this clause at all. The Ministry of Justice invited major computer hardware manufacturers to hold a discussion meeting.

The entire closed-door meeting lasted for two days, and when the Ministry of Justice held a press conference on the third morning, the final result was officially announced-the Ministry of Justice will not overturn and amend the decision that has been made, and will still maintain the previous agreement with Microsoft. However, at the same time, after considering that the clause of \'personal computer manufacturers can freely choose the operating system\' is not completely fair to computer manufacturers who produce their own systems, they suggest that hardware manufacturers should use the Windows operating system as a treat Standards for computer manufacturers to measure their cooperation with non-Windows computer manufacturers.

   To be reasonable, this kind of suggestion that has not been formally documented is useless.

  Because hardware manufacturers can completely ignore the Department of Justice!

Computer manufacturers using the Windows operating system are all about volume, so of course they can get relatively low hardware prices. Since computer manufacturers that do not use the Windows operating system cannot produce volume, it is no problem to increase the unit price accordingly. !

But when everyone thought that Apple was just quarreling lonely, Intel, which has maintained good cooperation with Microsoft all the year round, suddenly announced that it was willing to treat Apple with the same standards as computer manufacturers using the Windows operating system, and they could sign a five-year agreement with Apple. With a 1-year supply agreement, in the next five years, Apple\'s CPU price will be equal to that of other manufacturers.

   Such a response made everyone unexpected!

   Later, Intel announced that if they successfully acquire ATi, they can also reach a supply agreement with Apple on the graphics card project, and provide innovative support at a par price!

   Not only that, they also decided to give up the idea of ​​acquiring all the shares of ATi, and invited Apple\'s largest shareholder, Watch Ventures, to contribute together to complete the acquisition to ensure the validity of the agreement!

If it is said that Intel\'s early appearance made people feel confused, then when Steve Jobs readily accepted Intel\'s kindness and announced to the world, Apple will release the world\'s first MacOSX based on the FreeBSD system next month. , in order to challenge the market position of Windows, and let out bold words, when he wants to end the mistakes he caused by himself...

  The European Union has been stupid.

  Why is the European Union unwilling to see Microsoft acquire Yahoo?

   Isn\'t it because of the monopoly of the operating system and the Internet!

   As long as these two items exist, they cannot unconditionally agree to this acquisition!

   But the problem is, monopoly can actually be solved!

  Because there is no more than Windows operating system on the market!

When Apple obtained Intel\'s low-price supply order under the mediation of the Ministry of Justice, although the fact of monopoly has not been resolved, Apple\'s chances of challenging Microsoft have been infinitely raised. At the same time, Apple has also obtained Intel\'s The graphics card supply commitment after the acquisition of ATi, then... the pressure is actually on the EU side.


   We did not solve Microsoft\'s monopoly problem!

   But we intervened to help Apple, which has the best chance to challenge Microsoft in the market, clear the cost barrier!

  We are working hard to create a company that can compete with Microsoft!

   Under such circumstances, do you approve of Intel\'s acquisition of ATi?

   If approved, then you, like us, are supporters of orderly competition in the market!

   If you do not approve, then you are the demons who support market monopoly!

   And at the same time that Microsoft loses its price advantage over Apple, is buying Yahoo still a problem?

   Their core business will be seriously threatened in the next five years. The acquisition of Yahoo cannot maintain a monopoly position!


  The steps have been found for you, can you go down?

  No, then everyone is happy, no, then the US National Transportation Safety Board will continue to exert pressure.

  In fact, all mergers and acquisitions between giants are to ensure that they have stronger competitiveness in the market, and the anti-monopoly review generated in this case is actually a mutual check and balance between violent institutions.

  You want to swallow our market, and I want to swallow yours too. You want your company to grow, and I want mine to grow too.

  The so-called anti-monopoly review is just an excuse for double standards, and what can really determine whether the acquisition is successful or not is the fist in the end.

  Whoever has the biggest fist, whose words are the truth!

  Not to mention the present, even ten years later, the EU will not be able to toughen up in front of America.

  If they can really be tough, then they will not impose huge fines on technology companies such as Google, Apple, and Microsoft every day, but just like other companies, they will get out of the European market with a ban!

   But the question is, does the EU dare?

   dare not.


   And in the case that it can’t be hard, when America gives red dates and sticks...

  Microsoft’s acquisition of Yahoo and Intel’s acquisition of ATi entered the prudential review process in an instant. Similarly, the US National Transportation Safety Board also formed an investigation team and invited technical personnel from various countries to investigate Airbus’s safety standards.

  If there are no accidents, the results of these three things will be born on the same day.

  The seven-day farce didn\'t seem to have any results, but Roland knew that he had made a lot of money.

   In order to swallow Yahoo, Microsoft must create an enemy that looks capable of defeating itself on the surface.

  In order for this enemy to pose a \'threat\' to itself in a short period of time, it has to be continuously increased.

  So, while Apple was full, Roland, as the largest shareholder of Apple, enjoyed a generous dividend.

  This bonus is a temporary binding of Microsoft and a forcible swallowing of ATi.

   And when all the businesses were connected, Roland finally understood what life is like a play, and it all depends on acting skills.

  Compared with these old capitalists who gobble up wolf for the market, the actors on the screen are the group with the worst acting skills.

  Because the latter loses, most change careers, but the former loses...

  That is to lose everything!

Note: ①Bill Gates\' mother accepted an interview with "USA Today" when Windows 3.0 was released on May 22, 1990. At that time, she said, "This is his (Bill Gates) life. The greatest day in the world, he can no longer rely on IBM." Unlike all entrepreneurs, others have products first and then sell them, but Microsoft has orders first, and only then can it buy finished products to modify research and development. There is no Bill- Gates\' mother, there is no Microsoft, because his mother first helped him get the order from IBM, and then they thought about changing the finished product. That\'s why it is written in the article that it is the least innovative company in the United States, and this is also the reason why Bill Gates was criticized very hard. People used to think that he was a genius, but later they realized that this special is destined. ②Steve Jobs is an old actor. When he had conflicts with Disney, it was you without me. As a result, when he changed his coach, he sold it immediately. When he found out that Google was researching Android, he said directly that even if he burned all of Apple\'s money, he would kill Android. But the problem is that Andy Rubin, the father of Android, originally came from Apple. Android was developed based on the Apple smartphones in the 1990s. The copyright is in Apple\'s hands. As a result, Jobs didn\'t have a lawsuit with Google for a day. Fight, let\'s talk about it.



  (end of this chapter)

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