
Chapter 397: war!

At 8:20, American Airlines Flight 77 bound for Los Angeles departed from Washington, and 22 minutes later, United Airlines Flight 93 bound for San Francisco departed from Newark, and when they stepped into the blue sky, Flight 175 in northern New Jersey had been hijacked, turned around in the air, and headed for New York, sixty miles away.

When Flight 175 turned around, at 8:46:40, the hijacked Flight 11 crashed through the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Fifteen minutes later, at 9:02:50 Seven seconds later, Flight 175, which was also hijacked, swept across the South Tower of the World Trade Center. When two shocking explosions blew up over New York, the blazing fire left New Yorkers bewildered!

  Because no one knows, what happened!

If it is said that the black smoke soaring into the sky is a scene that the lighthouse citizens have never seen, then fifty-six minutes later, when the South Tower of the World Trade Center, which was cut in half by Flight 175, collapsed, it took one hour and forty-two minutes. Finally, when the North Tower of the World Trade Center, which was penetrated by Flight 11, fell apart, the tallest building in New York suddenly disappeared! The building fragments that collapsed and flew around! The billowing dust that was stirred up suddenly! While taking away countless lives, it also made the people of New York who witnessed all this dull!

World Trade Center…


   New York\'s landmark World Trade Center is just like this...


  Oh My God! ! !

  When panicked people turn on the media devices around them and want to know the latest situation through news broadcasts, the real-time news broadcast by major radio stations makes their hands and feet cold!

  Because before the collapse of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon where the American Ministry of Defense is located also suffered a suicide attack!

  After the collapse of the Twin Towers, the last hijacked Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, not far from Washington!

   According to people familiar with the matter, the target of the crashed plane may be the White House!

  A series of explosive news drove the people of America into a frenzy!

  No one thought that someone would dare to break ground on the head of the world\'s largest country?

  No one thought that, as the largest country in the world, their homeland would be attacked?

  No one thought that the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington were all targeted by the other side?

   You know, the last Japanese who dared to drop sailboat bombs on their homeland ended up getting two atomic bombs!

  If these things are too long ago, what about the "Operation Blue Bat" that liberated Lebanon in the next three months? What about the "Operation Fury" that settled Grenada in eight days? What about the "Operation Golden Canyon" that bloodbathed Libya in 23 minutes? What about Operation Just Cause, which dismembered Panama\'s military forces for eight hours, and Operation Desert Storm, which wiped out Iraq in forty-two days?

  When they have the absolute power to crush the world, does anyone dare to challenge them?

  When they can sweep everything, there are people who go straight to their native America?

   This, this, this...

  The three views of the people of the Lighthouse Country have collapsed!

  Especially at 10:53, Secretary of Defense Henry Rumsfeld, who was only profiting for himself yesterday, ordered the entire army to increase the DEFCON level to 3, and at the same time put DEFCON2 on standby...

  The stormy darkness enveloped the whole of America!

  Because DEFCON3 is the highest state of defense under the normal state of the US military!

  If it really rises to 2, it means that a nuclear war will break out within six hours!

  Of course, if it’s just aimless guarding, it will only make the people in the lighthouse in fear more chaotic. In this way, finding the real culprit behind the scenes becomes what the small bush government should do.

   And more than an hour later, when the Elephant Party Senator Orrin Hatch told CNN that the FBI had locked the target, at 6 pm, Afghanistan was hit by an air strike by armed helicopters from the Northern Alliance.

  Although at 7:30, the Little Bush government stated that it was not responsible for the Kabul bombing, but at 8:30 that night, in the national televised speech of the Little Bush, the lines were full of murderous intent—

   "Today our fellow man, our way of life, and our freedom are attacked by a series of deliberate and deadly acts of Terrorism!

  Terrorism attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundations of America!

  These Terrorism actions destroy steel, but they cannot weaken America\'s steel-like determination in the slightest!

   We are looking for the mastermind behind these acts of Terrorism!

   We will make no distinction between Terrorists who commit these crimes and Terrorists who attempt to cover them up! "

  When such fierce words appeared, the madness of revenge spread to every corner of America in an instant!

   NBC host Jim Ryan, who has been broadcasting live since 8 o\'clock in the morning, yelled at the camera—

   "We\'ll find out who\'s behind it! And make them pay!"

  The ABC host George Weber, who is also a continuous rotation, is even more vicious—

   "No one who officially declares war on us can escape!"

   Former sports news anchor, but CBS host Bryant Guber, who broadcasts real-time news when disaster strikes, said—

   "This is the Pearl Harbor incident of the 21st century. We must defend our country with guns like in World War II!"

  FOX channel anchor David Asman said—

   "We will avenge our companions! Definitely!"

  When the mainstream media such as NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX all exaggerated the war sentiment and regarded the Terrorism attack as a declaration of war, the public opinion in America became unanimous in an instant!

  This approach is actually easy to understand.

   After all, when "81192 received, I can\'t go back, you keep going, repeat, you keep going!", who wouldn\'t want us to just go back?

  Of course, the nature of the two things is different!

  The former, they can marry their daughters like the people of Sichuan Province!

  The latter, it can only be to discard the fantasy and prepare to ____!

If the mainstream media such as NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX have the same views for the first time, and all hope to step on the general trend and declare war on the enemy to help people in panic get out of the crisis, then the old brand that wears a pair of pants with the Elephant Party The news media CNN is much more pragmatic, because they didn\'t talk about it, and they didn\'t cut off the connection with Washington like they did with Wang Wang. Instead, they popularized to the public the current situation that everyone is facing on the basis of Washington\'s public information. practical problems.

   And this popularization has caused a big problem with special codes!

  "According to CAI\'s intelligence, we have now been able to confirm that the Taliban militants in Afghanistan are behind this Terrorism attack. Our enemy is hiding there."

"Although we have a military base in the Persian Gulf, we can do it directly, but if we want to officially start a war, I am afraid that some procurement plans must be approved by Congress first, because our Secretary of Defense Henry Rumsfeld has already delivered a speech on the 10th. , and he said in his speech that some of our military equipment is very old and has to be upgraded."

  "Even if he didn\'t specify in his speech which armaments need to be replaced, I personally feel that while we avenge the victims of our compatriots, we must also pay attention to the safety of the soldiers."

  "If we can carry out long-distance and devastating strikes on the enemy like the Gulf War, then don\'t send our soldiers to have close contact with the enemy, because we don\'t want to let the Black Hawk incident continue to repeat itself while revenge!"


   Speaking of this, the CNN anchor felt something was wrong.

   "The Black Hawk Incident?"

   After repeating the word in a murmur, sitting in the studio, his body suddenly froze!

   At the same time, people who were watching the CNN news broadcast all thought of "Black Hawk Down", which was only released half a month ago!

  And when the tragedy of 1993 emerged—

  Time seems to have stagnated!

  At this moment, America, which was still running crazily like a machine, suddenly stopped.

   Turning his head with difficulty, looking back at the past.

  When it saw the \'Super 61\' and \'Super 64\' fall one after another, and the remains of the ranger special operations personnel were tied by the Somalis with a rope and dragged on the ground, the aggrieved eight years ago came to my heart again!

   "It must be that failure that made the enemy see that we are not invincible!"

  The people of the lighthouse country feel that they have seen the truth clearly!

   "It must be that insult that let the enemy know that we actually have weaknesses!"

  The people of the lighthouse country feel that they have discovered the truth!

   "It must be that retreat that made the enemy think that we have lost the ability to control the world situation!"

  The people of the lighthouse country feel that they have found the key!

   And when this emotion spreads like wildfire across the American continent—

  What democracy?

  What freedom?

  What racism?

   None of these exist, okay!

   Hit back!

  Send those crooked guys to hell!

   Let those who dare to provoke themselves pay the price!

   This is what they most want to do!

   "Tear them apart! Avenge the dead!!"

   "Destroy them all! Let the world see what happens when we fight against us!!"

   "Don\'t let the tragedy happen again! Let them feel fear from the root!!"

  If simple slogans can’t express their anger, then online and offline, countless awakened lighthouse citizens discovered that "Black Hawk Down" turned out to be an inspirational movie that made them feel ashamed and brave...

   Something beyond common sense has appeared!

  On September 12th, the people ignited by anger walked into the theater spontaneously!

  The movie that was released for almost three weeks, with a total box office of just over 60 million, earned 11 million on this day!

   In the next few days, it will be even more exaggerated!

  September 13, 14 million!

  September 14, 19 million!

  September 15th, 22 million!

  If it’s just these, then forget it!

  When those extremists walked out of the theater with red eyes and took out the guns they carried with them, some guys who had immigrated to America but still wore headscarves became their live targets!

   Chaos begins!

  On September 15th, a Sikh living in Mesa, Arizona was shot...

  On the same day, Coptic Christians in San Gabriel, California suffered a bloodbath...

  A Pakistani businessman living in Dallas, Texas was shot dead in the street...

  The Saudi Arabian who was studying in Boston was directly headshot...

  Those hooded guys are bearing the wrath of the American people!

  Blood incidents happened one after another!

   And when all this happened, all the media were stunned!

   It\'s not that they don\'t know how to broadcast the news, but that they don\'t dare to broadcast the news at all!


   "God is on Roland Allen\'s side again?"

  If there is a reason for the reversal of the Simpson murder case in 1994, and the cleansing of "The Shawshank Redemption" can be traced back to the source, what about now? What is "Black Hawk Down" special?

  When everyone thinks that the meaning of "Black Hawk Down" is to force Congress to pass the Department of Defense\'s arms replacement plan, the sudden Terrorism attack adds a different meaning to it!

  The current "Black Hawk Down" is not a promotional film for the replacement of armaments at all!

   It is not a documentary recording historical facts!

  The current "Black Hawk Down" is the source of people\'s pain at the moment!

   is also a strong bond that connects countless American people!

   It is the best embodiment for all American people to show their patriotism!

  In this case, if the media refute the behavior of the people?

   That\'s over!

  Guys who dare to draw guns and commit crimes in the street will definitely destroy their headquarters!

   Don’t think it’s impossible, what kind of bird will CNN be burned twenty years later!

   And if you keep silent and don\'t ask about all this?

   That\'s over!

   Not standing in line when you have to stand in line, doesn’t it mean that you are in the same group as the guy wearing the turban?

  In this way—

  When the various media found that things were too difficult for them to handle, it became their only choice to report all the way.

   No way, who made free speech in capitalist countries refer to all speech and all capitalism?

  When big capital feels that something is not good, even if it may be true, the people below cannot spread it.

   What, someone wants to refute?

   Then first explain why Twitter blocked Wang Wang’s speech?

  After Time Warner, News Corp., Viacom, Disney, and GM learned of these things, those guys who had socialized with Roland Allen naturally understood what to do now.

  The GM who can benefit immediately is the first insurer, NBC publicly declared—

""Black Hawk Down" is an excellent movie, it has been treated unfairly in the past half month, because it does not use the painful truth to awaken our inner grief as people think, but It is a **** lesson that tells us that the stronger we are, the more the enemy will fear us, and the weaker we are, the more the enemy will retaliate against us!"

   Time Warner, who is waiting for Warcraft Film and Television to help film DC superheroes, said on CNN—

"Safety has always been built on the basis of absolute strength! "Black Hawk Down" let outsiders see our fatigue, so they feel that the opportunity has come, and if they want to reverse their thinking, they have to use more Fight back with powerful means!"

  The film and television department has begun to make profits, and Disney licks more, ABC said—

"In the past, we have always assumed the responsibility of maintaining world peace. Because the wars were outside the country, many people felt that the price of maintaining world peace was far away from us. At best, it was like "Black Hawk Down", being repelled, Therefore, when "Black Hawk Down" happened, we felt that the cost was too huge and we chose to back down.

   But now, the facts tell us that when we choose to defend world peace like Peter Parker, the ordinary life has already left us. If we retreat, the enemy will continue to provoke until we pay a high price!

   "Black Hawk Down" is an excellent movie, he is warning us not to back down! "

  When these evaluations are transmitted to thousands of households through signals, people who are already in a state of excitement are even more excited.

And when he was in the small bush in Washington and learned that the people\'s enthusiasm for war was extremely strong, he was even more satisfied with Roland Allen, an ally of capital. After all, ten years ago, his father lost to the anti-war public opinion. .

  Now, the whole country is eager for him to make a move, and the guy who dares to refute is like a mantis!

  So, on September 20, the small bush announced to the whole country that America had officially entered a state of war!

  The war in Afghanistan is about to start!

   However, some people are happy and others are sad.

   When the mass media stood in line and the White House had already attacked, there was a guy who was trembling...

Note: ① It is true that the equipment was updated before the war. Otherwise, there are conspiracy theories that 911 was directed and performed by the small bushes. Under this pressure, Congress directly approved the first phase of the Global Hawk program on the 19th, purchasing more than 100 aircraft from military enterprises. Of course, this is just one of the reasons given by those who agree with the conspiracy theory. In terms of specific circumstances, it is necessary to understand whether Wang will use the evidence that Xiba ordered the attack on SEAL Team 6 in the last few days. It came out. ②After 9/11, it is true that some guy who has immigrated to the United States was shot because he was wearing a hood. Arizona, California, Texas, there were shootings in these places, and finally, in order to calm it down, the US Congress passed a private bill to grant permanent residency to some surviving black families, the article writes The Pakistani businessman in question is, as for the dead, he is really dead. All the attackers who retaliate are basically indefinite, even in states with the death penalty, the death penalty is not imposed.



  (end of this chapter)

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