
Chapter 420: count money

   The third step in planning the future actually depends on MGM.

  As long as MGM is bought, the copyrights of thousands of movies since 1924 will belong to him. Not only that, he can also control thousands of movies of United Artists under MGM.

Although these two companies do not have any good projects together, the film library has always been seeking more than less, not to mention, the "Tom and Jerry" and "007" series alone can make a media company in the world. The era of streaming media is full of competitiveness, and Chaplin\'s silent film series, "Gone with the Wind", "Ben-Hur" and other memories of the era can even encourage consumers to consume impulsively.

  No way, who sells what other companies don’t have? This is the biggest selling point of a company?

  However, there is no rush for this kind of thing.

   Roland will not make any offer to MGM until Warcraft Movies and Television presents a beautiful report.

  Because of this kind of acquisition of up to 5 billion yuan, he will never pay for it himself.

  First make the achievements of Warcraft Film and Television beautiful, and then swallow MGM in the form of leveraged junk debt, securitize the cost, and transfer it to leeks. That is what a capital should do.

   Taking out 500 million real money is the limit he can accept, as for the remaining 4.5 billion?

   Then it depends on which unlucky children think that rational investment can really get rich.

   After clearly explaining the tasks of film and television dramas, Roland, who entered the working state, didn\'t bother to cut off the phone. Now that he had explained the future plan clearly, he might as well spend more time listening to this year\'s briefing.

   In this way, in the next year, he won\'t have to worry about the mess here anymore!

  Although Evelyn Watson thinks the boss\'s stocking behavior is really weird, but there is no way, how can she dare to disobey the boss\'s intentions as a worker? So he took out the compiled reports one by one, and held a simple annual meeting with the boss over the phone.

  In the past year, Warcraft Films released four films to the outside world.

"Memento" had a total cost of 20 million yuan (including publicity and distribution), and earned 50 million yuan at the box office. Throwing away the theater share and distribution commissions, the entire movie lost 20 million yuan. Possibly pay back.

The total cost of "X-Men" is 100 million (including publicity and distribution), and the global box office is 4.1. It is also excluding all the profits. The whole movie made a profit of 64 million. , and earned 32 million.

  If the market income is added, then this number can go up to two to three million at most.

However, the 35 million here only refers to the profit of Warcraft Film and Television, because Universal still has a 10% publicity commission, and after adding this, their cumulative profit reached 50%. Fifteen and a half million.

   Much more than Warcraft Movies and TV.

In addition, "Princess Diaries" relied on a total investment of 35 million in exchange for a total box office of 165 million, which made Warcraft Film and Television earn a lot. After Disney took 10% Well, the whole movie still made a profit of 14.5 million at the box office, and if the authorization from the disc market was included, this figure could reach 16.000.

In the case of the three films winning two and losing one, the entire Warcraft film and television has actually delivered a good profit of 31 million. If you add the "Harry Potter and the Philosopher\'s Stone and the upcoming "Lord of the Rings", then the profit of Warcraft Film and Television in 2001 will steadily exceed 200 million.

   "After excluding the financial expenses of raising funds through public offering funds, the profit of Warcraft Film and Television will be around 150 million."

When Evelyn Watson informed Roland of the calculated figures, the guy in the UK was very satisfied with the development of Warcraft Film and Television. Not in the movie!

  Like the peripherals of "X-Men", it is independently authorized by Marvel.

  Like the peripherals of "Harry Potter", it is paid separately through the copyright of the book.

  The profit of the former will be accepted by Marvel, while the profit of the latter will be attributed to other income of the company by Warcraft Film and Television.

  Why do you do this?

   Then it’s not that they don’t want to share money with Universal and Warner!

   If you leave the movie copyright, then it’s okay!

  The income from these derivative products has to be halved by them according to the film investment share!

   The net profit of derivatives of "X-Men" has exceeded 50 million, and "Harry Potter" is only a lot more. Under such circumstances, do you want Roland to share the huge profits here with others?

   Even if his brain is kicked by a donkey, it is impossible!

  It\'s enough to let these guys take 10% of the box office distribution commission, and it\'s impossible to give anything else!

  Of course, whether it is Universal, Warner, or Disney, they all know this.

   Or in other words, when they cooperate with other companies on weekdays, they do the same.

  So, no one thinks there is anything wrong with Warcraft Movies and TV doing this.

  If you have the ability, you can eat all the profits. If you don’t have the ability, then you can only be robbed by others.

It\'s that simple!

   According to the current operating conditions of Warcraft Film and Television, its valuation has actually exceeded two billion.

  Combined with the wholly-owned subsidiary Marvel, the total value is at least 5 billion.

  In less than ten years, a Hollywood leather bag company can make five billion?

  Although Roland no longer cares about money, this leap still inspires him.


After dealing with the work of Warcraft Film and Television, he was ready to make persistent efforts when he was interested. He listened to all the reports of the company under his name in one day, and when he stepped on the phone, he called Blizzard and asked for a year. When the unseen Mike Mohamy asked for the company report, the guy who was presiding over the company meeting was suddenly stunned. He turned over the calendar on the table in doubt and found that the time was only the beginning of December. Forehead, I understand that the boss is going crazy again.


  Mike Mohamy shouted helplessly at the boss on the other end of the phone: "We can\'t give you the data now!"

   "Huh?" Roland, who didn\'t know what happened, replied quickly, "Why?"

As soon as Roland\'s words came out of his mouth, Mike Mohamy knew that this guy didn\'t care about anything, so he explained dumbfoundingly: "Xbox was only launched in North America half a month ago, and our game has just been released. How can I give it to you? Accurate statistics?

   And if you want to know the sales volume, you can just look at the console shipments of Xbox, because they don’t have a game library there, so our games are all packaged and sold with their first console, and this number...

   Not accurate at all! "

  Yes, while Roland was dealing with the dying matter of dismembering Sony, arranging the project planning of "Terminator 3", and reaching a long-term cooperation agreement with Steven Spielberg, the Xbox was also on the market.

  Although Microsoft is the master who recognizes money but not people, and if they are sure that they can eat Sony Electronic Entertainment, they are equivalent to monopolizing more than half of the home console market in the world, but they still do not neglect the promotion of Xbox.

On November 15th, the day before the release of "Harry Potter", Microsoft booked the venue center in Times Square, New York, and grandly introduced the Xbox product to players across the country, and Bill Gates, the Microsoft The co-founder brought the goods in person and took a group photo with the first game player in the world to get the machine.

   With this strong support, the game matrix bound to it naturally became their means of attracting players.

  The four games launched by Blizzard will be bundled with the game console for sale. If the game console sells 1 million units, that is equivalent to 1 million copies of "GT3" and "Medal of Honor: Frontline" at the same time!

   In this case, is there any reference to game sales?


  Xbox produced one million units, and Blizzard’s four exclusive games sold four million units!

  Xbox sold 10 million units, and the sales of Blizzard\'s four exclusive games were 40 million units!

  If Xbox can produce 100 million units, then the sales volume of Blizzard\'s four exclusive games will be 400 million units!

  What game sales record?

   All special codes will be chopped for you!

  When the game and the host are deeply bound, the game can be sold as much as the host can sell!

   And this situation also stunned Roland!

   "No... William, is he crazy? Isn\'t this sending us money?"

  Roland couldn\'t understand why Bill Gates did this.

  Because the machine is bundled with the game, this kind of thing is more beneficial to Blizzard.

  The cost of the Xbox is $425, and in order to seize the market, the market price of the Xbox is $299. That is to say, for every machine sold, Microsoft has to subsidize $126.

  Blizzard’s games are all 24.9 dollars, and the four games are added together, which is 99.6 dollars.

In this case, once Xbox and Blizzard games are bundled, it means that the price of Xbox is no longer 299, but 398.6, but this price is obviously not in line with Microsoft\'s pricing strategy.

  Although there are four more games, but...

  Many users don\'t actually need all of the games.

  However, when Roland was puzzled, Mike Mohamy on the other end of the phone helped him.

   "This is easy! Because Microsoft has no games!

  As a game console, wouldn’t there be no selling point without games?

   So they have to bind us. "

   It seemed that what he said was not clear, so Mike Mohamy added while Roland was digesting the content: "Of course, this is also related to their desire to occupy the Asian market.

   After all, in this world, in addition to Xbox and PS2, there is GameCube.

  So, in order to let Xbox enter the Japanese market as soon as possible, Microsoft actually sells our games at half price.

In other words, the bundled price of a four-piece game set of $99.60 is only $49.80, and users only need to pay $348.80 to buy a machine and four sets of games. A game, and Microsoft, every time they sell a machine, they have to lose 175.8 knives. They are taking money and exchanging the market. "


  When Mike Mohamy said this, Roland understood.

   With a high probability of taking over Sony Electronic Entertainment, Microsoft still has enemies in the home console market.

   That\'s Nintendo.

Nintendo also launched their new home console GameCube this year, and in order to seize the market with Sony and Microsoft, they also obtained the game copyright of "Star Wars" from George Lucas and made "Star Wars: Pirate Squadron" ".

In addition, the "Legend of Zelda" and "Final Fantasy" series are also powerful weapons for them to occupy the market. In this case, the rich and powerful Microsoft would rather help users buy games at their own expense, but also let Blizzard play games. The behavior of forcibly binding with Xbox is very easy to understand, after all...

   Just one "GTA" can knock those games to the ground.

   "All right, all right, as long as we have a lot of money."

Roland counted with his fingers. For every Xbox they sell, they can make a steady profit of US$99.60. As long as the Xbox can sell one million sets, their operating income will be US$9,900. Six hundred thousand.

  But the sales volume of the Xbox is more than that!

  With a guarantee of 16 million sets, Blizzard\'s revenue can reach 1.6 billion!

  And how much does the game cost?

   It’s not even 100 million!

   Then after deducting various expenses and personnel bonuses, the net profit is 1.3 billion!

  Four games earned 1.3 billion?

   This special code is easier than robbery!

  If Wall Street were to value Blizzard according to this number, it would be able to reach 15 billion no matter what!

  Can a ten-year-old company have a market value of 15 billion from scratch?

  This, this is outrageous!

   And the most outrageous thing is that the Blizzard headquarters has not been enlarged yet!


  After continuously asking about the two industries of film and television entertainment and electronic entertainment, Roland found that there seemed to be a small problem with his net worth, so he immediately called David, wanting to know the general situation of his other industries.

  Like Mike Mohamy, when David received a call from Roland, he felt that the time was wrong. He immediately understood that this guy was just messing around, "Christmas hasn\'t passed yet, what annual report do you want?"

   "Oh, I just want to know the size of my assets!"

  Although David said a word, Roland was not angry.

   After hearing Roland\'s words, David immediately rolled his eyes.

Even though he really wanted to know what kind of nerves Roland was having again, after considering that he would not have to communicate with this idiot as long as Roland was perfunctory, the feeling of wanting to be relieved made him decisively give a message .

"Apple\'s ipod was released and sold well, so their stock price rose from 28 cents after the dot-com crash to 38 cents, and compared to the 15 cents you bought at the beginning, the increase is as high as 2.5 times Therefore, the value of 17.2% of the shares in your hand has actually risen to 1.25 billion.

Amazon is not so lucky. Before the Internet bubble burst, its stock price was more than 60 yuan. Now, it is only about 10 yuan, which has shrunk by 84%. The 17.16 shares you hold are also Only less than two billion.

But Gilead\'s stock price has risen a lot, from more than one yuan to more than four yuan, and the value of the 16.5 shares you hold is as high as 1.28 billion. Jiu also has more than one billion shares.

And Google, PayPal, DreamWorks, ATi and other companies that are not listed or have been delisted are not worth calculating at all. Your RandK, which has never been managed, has no data for the time being. However, Berkshire Hathaway, it is Your most sensible investment, because it has not been affected by the Internet bubble at all, and the stock price has soared to 75,000. That is to say, the 80,000 shares you bought at the beginning for 1.2 billion are now worth 6 billion.

  In addition, there are more than 900 million yuan from Enron, and miscellaneous cash, a total of 1.5 billion. "


   When Roland did some simple additions with his fingers, he suddenly discovered that when the Internet bubble swept the stock market, his net worth did not show a fundamental decline at all?

  Even though the value of Shouwang Venture Capital has shrunk, all other places have made up for it!

  Like film and television entertainment and electronic entertainment, the growth here is simply crazy!

  Of course, even though many numbers are nothingness, just calculating can make people feel excited!

Note: ①According to the PE valuation method, the PE multiple of Hollywood entertainment companies is basically 14, that is to say, with a net profit of 150 million, the company\'s valuation is 2.1 billion. The copyright of Leigh Porter cannot be bought, but because of the high risk of the film and television industry, so the market value is the same thing, but according to the 100 times algorithm of the Internet company Netflix, the net profit of 1.5 is actually A valuation of 10.5 billion. The skin of the Internet is really easy to use. ②Nintendo is very awesome. Eighty percent of the Japanese console market is owned by Nintendo. The headquarters of PS is actually Europe, and then North America. No, this time all the PS5 special codes have been changed to European and American keys. And Xbox is only in the United States. ③ "Star Wars" is really the number one IP in North America! No matter how hard the fans scolded, GameCube still shipped quickly in North America with "Star Wars". ④ In reality, when the Xbox was first launched, Microsoft did engage in a free game event for buying a console, and the gift at that time was "Halo". As for the promotion of "GTA" to console sales, "GTA3", "Sin City", and "San Andreas" allowed PS to occupy the European market, and at least promoted the sales of 11 million game consoles. Seriously, if Microsoft burns so much money, it might as well buy a 2K.



  (end of this chapter)

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