
Chapter 431: Oldmoney(2)

   Its magic does not lie in the box office, let alone the awards, but in letting the world know that there are touching stories in the shipwreck nearly a hundred years ago.

Perhaps many people have heard media reports that although the love story between Jack and Ruth is fictional, the ugliness and nobility in the movie are all true. Deeds, that is alluding to Bruce Ismay, the director of the White Star Line, who squeezed into a lifeboat full of women and children when the ship sank and was rescued, casting a shadow over the slogan of \'women and children first\';

For example, in the movie, the old couple cuddling each other and waiting for death are the founder of Macy\'s Issie Strauss and his wife. They had a chance to escape, but Issie Strauss refused to board the It is a lifeboat for women and children, and her wife does not want to leave her husband to live in the world, so they gave up the chance of escape and chose to sink into the sea with the Titanic, precisely because of their nobility, let A monument to them was erected in New York City, and the scriptures in the Bible were engraved on it: "Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it."

In addition, John Astor IV, the New York landlord at the time and a member of the Astor family, stayed alone on the deck after sending away his pregnant wife. As the richest man in the world at that time, he I would rather sink into the North Atlantic with the Titanic than grab the seats of women and children. This kind of fearless choice is worth learning for everyone;

  Not only that, but George Witkey, the founder of Youngston Iron and Steel Company, waved goodbye to his relatives who boarded the ship before the ship sank;

  Broadway theater owner Henry Harris left alone on the boat after sending his wife to the lifeboat;

  Grand Trunk Railway President Charles Hayes gave up the chance of survival to let others board the ship...

  The brilliant humanity of these rich people shining in the desperate situation! Noble character displayed! That is the root of their success! And the bravery they interpret with their lives! responsibility! And stick to it! That is what ordinary people lack the most!


All right…

  Under the circumstance that the U.S. government can get railroad experts to investigate shipwreck cases, these propagandas are really...

   Bull beep!

Of course, whether the publicity is exaggerated or not, and whether the incident is true or not, this actually has nothing to do with Roland, and it has nothing to do with the lady named Carol Weir in front of me. What really matters is actually at that time There are others on board.

   "Carol Seligman Guggenheim Weil?"

   Roland repeated the other party\'s name in a very rude manner, and looked at the lady full of doubt and curiosity.

Although his pondering behavior made the atmosphere of the scene a bit awkward, if according to the routine, when a certain bully person who is unknown to everyone announces his name, everyone around should wake up and bow down. If there is a little hesitation, then Chi Guoguo failed to pretend to beep, but now, even if Roland did not show enough enthusiasm, the three people on the side did not express any dissatisfaction, but looked at him with smiling eyes, because they felt that Roland could remember .

   Under their watchful eyes, Roland also asked his guess.

   "That means Floret Seligman is yours..."

   "Great-grandmother." When Roland reported the Seligman family, Carol Weir immediately answered the question.

   Not only that, but while talking, his face was full of happiness.

   It seemed that he was very happy that Roland could directly tell the names of his ancestors, but it was more like when someone was talking about cross talk, and after seeing the joy she showed, Roland asked again—

   "In this way, Benjamin Guggenheim is your great-grandfather?"

Although the speech could be ended here, Roland stubbornly added, "Oh! Before we made the film, we knew all the last words that could be verified, and among them, the note left by Mr. Benjamin to his wife moved us the most. - \'This boat won\'t have any women left on deck because I\'ve taken the lifeboat, and I won\'t die like a brute, I\'ll die like a real man\', he\'s a real gentleman and deserves We are also gentlemen who can make the Guggenheim family proud!"

   Although Roland\'s words were full of suspicions of flattery, when Carol Weir saw that Roland could recite her great-grandfather\'s last words verbatim, she, who was expecting feedback, immediately covered her mouth and laughed.

   "Oh! Roland! I didn\'t expect you to still remember the last words written by my great-grandfather after five years?

   This really surprised me!

   That\'s right! He is my grandma\'s pride! It is also the pride of our Guggenheim family and Seligman family! "

When Carol Weir, an old woman in her forties, opened her arms and hugged Roland happily, Roland, who leaned forward politely, was relieved of his doubts, because after confirming the identity of the other party, he was really Can understand why Ronald - Perelman and Henry - Paulson will give her enough respect.

  No way, there is a lot of money!

The Benjamin Guggenheim they mentioned is the second generation of the Guggenheim family. As the sixth son of the American mining tycoon Meyer Guggenheim, he inherited the family from his father. pipeline business.

Although he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, he has enjoyed a rich life since he was a child, but the tragedy of a wealthy family without love is the price he has to pay. When his fourth brother Solomon Guggenheim married Irene of the Rothschild family Finally, knowing that finance can be the lifeline, he also married his business partner, Floret of the Seligman family, according to his father\'s request.

Although this kind of marriage without emotion can make the business of the two families flourish, but at the same time, it also makes Benjamin Guggenheim feel dissatisfied. Longing for freedom, he wants to find the life he wants, so in 1900 At the beginning of the year, he came to Europe with the 8 million left by his mother and settled in the romantic capital of Paris.

   Moreover, it was also mixed with the well-known French singer Leontina Obart at the time.

   Well, this is actually cheating in marriage.

   But for the rich, this kind of thing is normal.

For the family business, it is impossible for Benjamin Guggenheim to divorce Florette Seligman, and it is also impossible for Florette Seligman to ask the Guggenheim family for a divorce because of the family business. justice.

Just as the Rockefeller family helped the Bush family sell steel by monopolizing oil, the reason why the Guggenheim family\'s business was able to expand from iron ore to copper mines to gold mines was the financial support of the Seligman family. The reason why the Seligman family was able to give financial support to the Guggenheim family was also because Guggenheim helped them obtain loans and issue bonds through the mining monopoly.

   Under the circumstances that no one can leave anyone, then everyone can only bear with it.

   It\'s just that while enduring it, his reputation has already rotted.

   No way, who makes the playboy-like legend the easiest to become the talk of people after tea?

  And topics related to living widows are even more likely to arouse people\'s excitement!

Just like the years when the principal ran rampant on the Internet, what people often talked about was his gossip; what remained unchanged from ancient times was the most suitable actress, when her husband went bankrupt many times in a row, she went to the sea to imagine , they came one after another.

  However, things like reputation are not absolutely important to wealthy families.

  People scolded Rockefeller, wishing to crush them to ashes, but Rockefeller was still alive and well while being scolded? The Guggenheim family and the Seligman family have already become thorns in the eyes of the public due to financial and mining reasons, so even if someone in the family cheats and messes up and makes everyone know, it will not lose more money Meat.

  Break the jar!

  So the days, just continue to live like this.

And in April 1912, when Florette Seligman sent a telegram telling her husband that there was a problem with the family business and he needed to return to New York to deal with it, Benjamin Guggenheim, who was in a hurry to go back, went Take the Titanic.

   After that...

He and Macy\'s founder Issie Strauss, New York landowner John Astor IV, Youngston Steel founder George Witkey, Broadway theater owner Henry Harris, Grand Trunk Railroad Like President Charles Hayes...

   stayed in the bottom of the sea forever.

  If it\'s just these, it\'s just a remembrance.

  But his choice before his death gave the Guggenheim family a big gift!

  Before the disaster, the Guggenheim, like Rockefeller, was the object of people\'s spurning!

   But then...

  Because the world praises Benjamin Guggenheim’s heroic deeds, saying that he put on the most expensive clothes, sank into the sea quietly like a gentleman, and did not compete for the chance of survival of the old, weak, women and children because of the hope of life...

  The greatness of human nature makes the whole family extremely brilliant!

   The New York Times, in particular, publicly praised him—

   "Never doubted your greatness!"

  The famous American publisher and writer, Albert Hubbard, the author of "Send a Letter to Garcia", publicly stated that—

   "He\'s a hero."

   Not only that, the "Philadelphia North American Journal" also included him in the "List of Noble People in History".

  The hype-like praise made him instantly change from a rich second generation who messed around in marriage to an eternal celebrity!

The Guggenheim family even praised his choice in pain, and the Seligman family also stated truthfully that although their son-in-law did a lot of ridiculous things in the first few decades of his life, he His nature is still noble!

  Many people may not understand what this kind of verbal flattery means to Guggenheim.

  But as long as you tell what the Guggenheim got, you can understand what it means to sacrifice one to benefit the whole family!

A year before the Titanic disaster, on May 15, 1911, Standard Oil, controlled by the Rockefeller family, was split into thirty-four regional oil companies. Subsequently, various industries were involved in investigations crisis.

  The mining company controlled by the Guggenheim family is no exception.

  According to the voice of the people, they are also the ones who have established a large number of smelters in Colorado.

However, with the sinking of the Titanic and the death of Benjamin Guggenheim, they found an opportunity and announced that they would, like him, regain the nobility buried by black iron and copper mines, and decided to orderly smelt Factory moved to Mexico!

  In order to protect local resources, they will also make great efforts to mine tin mines in Bolivia!

  Go to mine gold in Yukon Territory, Canada!

   Go to Belgium to mine diamonds!

  Go to the Congo to mine rubber!

   They want to keep the pollution out and bring the benefits back to America!

   On the surface, this is indeed reformed, but in fact...

   This is being a **** and setting up a memorial archway!

  But there is no way, Benjamin Guggenheim’s initiative to die is really great!

  When the richest people in the world would rather die than compete for seats with the old, young, women and children, the Guggenheim family, which did not send troops to suppress the labor movement like the Rockefeller family, was temporarily recognized by the workers.

In addition, the White Star Company and the Morgan family are closely connected. When the Guggenheim family decided not to pursue White Star Company\'s dereliction of duty to the shipwreck case involving the death of family member Benjamin Guggenheim, related antitrust investigations followed. disappear.

  A shipwreck, killing a rich man, but in exchange for family continuity?

   What a bargain is this special one?

And if it\'s just these, then forget it, but the problem is, when they withdrew from the mining industry in two or three years and continued to control the market share in the form of shares, but pushed others to come to power, they borrowed With the nobleness of Benjamin Guggenheim, the Guggenheim Foundation and the Guggenheim Museum, the family assets, have been successively established!

  In fact, almost all wealthy families have established family foundations. For example, the foundation of the Rockefeller family is called the Rockefeller Foundation, and the foundation of the Carnegie family is called the Carnegie Foundation.

But after a hundred years of operation, these guys who were richer than the Guggenheim family before cannot be compared with the Guggenheim. Like the Rockefeller Fund, the scale was only 3.3 billion in 2000, and the Carnegie Fund The scale is also less than 10 billion. For the Guggenheim, it exceeds 100 billion and is close to 200 billion!


  Because it was whitewashed!

  Why did Nelson Rockefeller, the grandson of John Rockefeller and the vice president of the United States, fail when he ran for president?

  His opponent Nixon said bluntly that because his name was Rockefeller, the people would not vote for him!

Steel magnate Andrew Carnegie really donated 3,000 public libraries, and left the words \'It is shameful to be a man who has money until he dies\' in "On Wealth", but his daughter …

  But living by selling villas!

  Many times, the so-called image is not how good-looking you are, but how beautiful you are in singing!

  What did the Guggenheim family do?

   They didn\'t do anything!

   It was just a big publicity when the family lineage was killed!


  The nobility that comes with it has allowed them to be passed down for a hundred years!

  Is this kind of thing outrageous?

   Of course outrageous!

   Whenever people mention the Titanic, they will talk about the second ancestor of the Guggenheim family! And when you mention the second generation ancestor, you will talk about the fearless spirit that is not afraid of death! Coupled with their voluntary withdrawal from the mining industry, people\'s favor towards them will rise steadily, and the bonus brought by this kind of fame and fortune is the real brand effect!

When people choose an asset management company, the deeds of Benjamin Guggenheim will give people an illusion of integrity and nobility. When people are at a loss, the Guggenheim family who choose to do what they say is They are known to be correct.

  In this case, as long as the rate of return is robust...

   Actually won.

   It is precisely because Guggenheim’s reputation has been changed by the shipwreck that whenever someone mentions this past to them, they always express their inner excitement in a nostalgic and proud way.

At the end of the 1990s, when the noble guy who once again publicized the cruelty of the shipwreck to the world, but the noble character of the rich man appeared in front of them, the ensuing enthusiasm directly belonged to the old man of the old money. Cold and shredded thoroughly.

   "Roland, we have watched "Titanic" starring you many times. Your performance is really good. It is the most sensible decision for those guys in the academy to award you an Oscar."

   "Thank you, I still have a lot of shortcomings..."

"Insufficient? No! No! No! You are too humble! Others don\'t know your strength, but we still know it. If you say that in the early 1990s, your performance was a bit exaggerated, but with Tom Hanks After studying, your acting skills have grown visible to the naked eye, that is, your commercial value is too high, otherwise, I think you would have won the award long ago."

   "Oh! Madame, I\'m really embarrassed for what you said..."

"Excuse me? Why are you embarrassed? Do you think I\'m flattering you? No! I mean it! My uncle, Roger Strauss, has seen your movie privately. He said that between you and Kate It is really the most classic embodiment of that era! Another uncle of mine, Arthur Stewart, also said that the wealthy children of that era actually hoped for freedom, but when freedom really came, they would Backed down because of the interests of the family, everyone is longing for their own love, because wealth is already free, but love is too rare, he really envies you and Kate can get together, if my great-grandfather and My great-grandmother could be as happy as you, maybe...

  My great-grandfather would not have died young! "

   Roland couldn\'t answer the topic of "...".

  Because he understood that what the Guggenheim family ate was the human blood steamed bread of the lady in front of her and her great-grandfather Benjamin.

  If Benjamin Guggenheim did not die young, the Guggenheim family probably would not be able to transform.

  Since so...

  It is impossible for them to enjoy such preferential treatment now.

  So, everything is relative.

   Maybe she understood that Roland couldn\'t handle this topic at all, but it was more like Carol Weir didn\'t want to talk about it anymore, so while Roland was silent, she also took the initiative to lead the way and suggested to go around.

   And when Carol Weir accompanied Roland, wandering around the castle estate of the Goldman family, the two people who followed clearly heard the pushing and pushing conversation between the guys in front.

  The two chatted about movies, about Kate, about art, and about gossip...

   It seems like a lot of talking, but in fact, two guys older than them understand that this is a waste of time.


   So what?

  Carol Weir is willing to talk, and Roland Allen is willing to chat, so let them do it themselves!

   After all, they are stinky workers.

  Compared to Goldman, Sachs, Guggenheim, and Seligman, who control major companies through foundations like octopuses, their wealth is simply pitifully limited.

Note: ①It was written that Seligman’s financial company was dismantled by the "1933 Banking Act", but they still existed after being dismantled, but they integrated the investment banking business and the banking business into it through mergers It\'s just other companies, one of which is called American Finance, which has a 5% shareholding on the surface, and the other is Bank of America. ② Du Niang’s information on the Guggenheim Foundation is wrong. Managing museums is a sideline business. The main business is a serious asset management company. In the past five years, the fund under his name has outperformed 90% of the market Nine opponents. There are specific data on Morningstar, but the business is not in China, so few people know about it. ③The wealth of Roger Strauss in this article is the Holzbrinck Publishing Group. ④Arthur Stewart, written in the article, is a descendant of Earl Stewart, an Irish aristocrat. He married the daughter of Solomon Guggenheim and has always been a consultant to the Foundation. ⑤ After Standard Oil was dismantled, the Guggenheim family’s mining company was also dismantled, because they controlled 90% of the lead production in the United States, and it was really because of the Titanic shipwreck that they escaped antitrust investigation.



  (end of this chapter)

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