
Chapter 1719 - 237: Special Watch

"Okay. Good." Crystal looked at Noah, thanked him, and said, "Put her on the sofa." Noah cautiously put Nancy on the sofa, and he took a deep breath as he looked at her. "She'll be fine," he said. "She just needs some rest."

Nancy looked around the room but did not see her son. "Where is Clark?" she asked in dismay.

"I didn't see him," Crystal admitted. "I looked around, but I couldn't find him..."

Nancy frowned and called one of the servants into the living room. "Where is my son?" she asked.

The servant was hesitant to reply. "He was begging to see you," she finally said. "The master told him that he was being disobedient, so he locked him in the Black Room."

Nancy took a deep breath. "The Black Room...." She thought for a second. "Are you talking about the utility room?"

The servant nodded silently.

When Crystal heard that Clark was in the Black Room, she could not help but tremble.

She had been taken to another Black Room once. While there, she had been crucified and flogged. "Why didn't Paull lock him in his own room?" she asked. "A Black Room is no place for a toddler..."

Nancy stood up abruptly, but her legs trembled beneath her. She shook her head in despair, and Noah reached out to support her. "Master said that a boy shouldn't cry all day long," the servant explained. "He said that the Black Rook would toughen him up."

Noah turned to the servant. "Oh, shut up!" He snapped. "We are going to get him out of the Black Room, and there is nothing you or Paul or anyone else can do to stop us!" Then he pushed her out of the way.


When they opened the door to the Black Room, they found Clark shirking in a corner. His cheeks were still wet with tears, and he had a hollow look in his eyes.

Nancy rushed forward to hug Clark. He was so small, and his body was trembling. She patted his back gently to comfort him. "Clark, don't be afraid, your Mommy is here, and so is Aunt Crystal." It was hard for her to keep her composure, but she knew that she had to be strong for her son.

Why did Paul want me to give birth to his child, only to treat him like this? Nancy - wondered - This is all my fault...

Nancy blamed herself for being weak. "No child should have to experience such a terrible thing!" she exclaimed.

Crystal helped Nancy take Clark into his bedroom, but he could not stop sobbing even though he was safe. The pain in his eyes broke his mother's heart, and it made her want to kill her ex-husband.

Noah helped Nancy sit down by the bed so that she could continue to comfort Clark, and then he and Crystal left the room. Crystal was only gone for a short time, though, and when she returned, she had a gift box in her hands. She handed it to Nancy and said, "Here. It is an electronic watch. It is for Clark. I asked Eric to modify it. It should have arrived long ago, but there was a problem with the program, so it had to be reset."

"What kind of programs?" wondered Nancy.

Crystal laughed and said, "The usual. Mostly recording and video apps. Now, if Michelle abuses Clark, he can record it. Then you will have evidence against her, and Paul will have to believe you!"

"What a great idea!" Nancy exclaimed. "And it's shaped like a dolphin- Paul's favorite animal! Why didn't I think of this?"

Crystal shrugged and said, "You are a good mother, but you cannot be expected to think of everything!"

"How does the camera work?" asked Nancy.

"It is equipped with a motion sensor," Crystal explained. "Whenever someone approaches Clark, the recording function will be automatically activated. The video will be automatically saved for seven days, and then it will be deleted."

Nancy hugged her friend and said, "This is great, and it's so high-tech! How did you make it?"

"I designed the style," Crystal replied, "and

Eric did the rest. He is very Tech-savvy."

"He is so nice to you." Nancy lowered her head enviously to conceal her loneliness. She knew that everyone's fortunes were different, and she refused to hold her friend's success against her.

Crystal smiled sadly and thought -Eric might be nice to me, but his goodness comes at the cost of my autonomy... In her heart, she felt like she was as much a victim as Nancy was.

Nancy helped Clark with the watch. "Do you like it?" she asked. "Aunt Crystal sent you this watch. We should thank her…"

Clark smiled shyly and thanked Crystal.

Then raised his wrist so that he could get a better look at the watch. "I love it!" he exclaimed.

Nancy sighed suddenly as a thought occurred to her: "Even with the evidence, what if Paul doesn't believe me?"

"It doesn't matter," Crystal replied. "If we have good evidence, then we can take it to the police, and they will be forced to take action. And if it were to go that far, your case against Paul for custody of Clark would be stronger!"

Nancy smiled. "I hadn't thought of that," she admitted.

They began to show Clark how to use the watch, and he was just beginning to get a handle on it when Noah returned. He had a giant smile on his face.

"What is it?" Nancy asked.

"It's dinner time," he replied. "Before we go down, though, would it be okay for me to give you a hug?"

Nancy's body was still relatively weak, and her legs were like jelly. Therefore, she did not refuse Noah's request. "That would be fine," she said. "And you can help me down the stairs, right?"

"Of course, I can!" Noah replied.

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