
Chapter 105

That was the end of the message .

“Did the message pop up for you too?”

“Huh? What message . ”

“It says, ‘Can you handle their rage and hatred?’”

“Hmm . let’s see… Tomb of the Orc King… Record of the Magic tower… hatred and spite? Rage… Hatred… Uhh… Nope, I can’t see it . ”

‘As expected . ’

‘This time, it’s different from the quest in Laputa . This was my territory, and this was where my past self reigned supreme . It would have been the norm for me to select the Valhalla territory, but… ‘rage’ and ‘hatred’? Hmm…’

After thinking about it for a while, Kang Chul-In probably figured out what it was .

‘Rage and hatred, huh . It’s all aimed at me . ’

And while Kang Chul-In was deep in thought, Dorian tried his best to not feel left out .

“Hmph… Always keeping everything to himself and not telling me anything . ”


“Over there . ”

After walking around for about 2km, Dorian pointed in front of them .

And where he pointed were… a bunch of monsters that seemed as if they were turned into stone .

It was at that moment:

[You have entered the forgotten territory, the ‘Raging Valhalla’ . ]

After this alarm popped up, a quest was then issued .

[Epic] The forgotten territory, Raging Valhalla

-The rage and hatred of the citizens that have been discarded by their previous Lord goes beyond anyone’s imaginations .

-Aim: Get to the end of the Lord’s hall, and defeat the Boss .

-Reward: Epic Item ‘ ’ (Consumable)

-Difficulty: Extremely Difficult (+10% of intruder’s level)

-You cannot obtain Exp . in this Quest .

-You cannot obtain Lord Points in this Quest .

Though Kang Chul-In was unsure if this was intentionally done by the system or not, he knew why the Valhalla territory had become like this . It was a kind of ‘penalty’ placed upon him for not choosing his old territory, ‘Valhalla’ .

“Dorian . ”


“Get ready to fight . ”

“Already? Just by looking at them, those monsters all seem very low-leveled . I’m not even sure if they’d last more than a hit from me . Well, I guess it would take around 5 minutes if they came up against me as a pack . ”

Dorian’s response was a normal adventurer’s response .

For the most part, the monsters in the beginning or entrance of a dungeon were extremely low-leveled . It made sense that Dorian thought he could fight against all of them alone .


“Is that so?”

Kang Chul-In disagreed with Dorian .

“Well, let’s see if you can say that after the fight is over . ”

And with those words, the monsters that had turned into stone slowly started moving .

After that, another alarm popped up .

[The monsters are in an extremely angry state . ]

[The rage of the monsters will head towards only 1 person . ]

[The power of the monsters will increase greatly due to their rage . ]

[The entire dungeon has been swept up by rage and hatred . ]


This time, it seemed like even Dorian had gotten the alarm .

“W-What is this…”

“Careful! They’re coming now . ”

Kang Chul-In spoke, looking in front of them . A dark-slime that had just woken up tried to leap up and ambush them .

“I got this one!”

Rushing out bravely, Dorian swung his fist equipped with a gauntlet towards the slime .


Though the gauntlet was made of metal, it was unable to hurt the dark slime, and the collision created a huge impact .


Dorian moaned, grabbing his wrist .

“W-What the hell? Why is this slime so strong?!”

“They have levels that are 10% higher than yours . ”


If it was 10% higher than their levels, that would be 40 (Kang Chul-In’s level)

+4 (the 10% increase), meaning that the monsters would be Level 44 .

“The hell?”

Cursing, Dorian prepared to clash against the slime again, but this time it ignored him and instead started hopping towards Kang Chul-In .


Dorian was extremely confused .

It was strange .

It wasn’t just the dark slime, but the eyes of all the monsters were focused on Kang Chul-In, ignoring Dorian .

“Fine . ”

Kang Chul-In decided to handle this situation in front of him as their former Lord .

Who else would receive their hatred and rage if it wasn’t him, their former Lord?

Betrayal, sadness, rage, hatred, etc . This was the shared feeling of all those in the Valhalla territory that had been discarded by their Lord .

Kang Chul-In had a ‘responsibility’ to take care of those that were within this Valhalla Dungeon . He knew this was something that only he could do, and instead of running away from it, he decided to fight against it head-on . Kang Chul-In wasn’t a cowardly man that only knew how to hide behind his allies .

“Come . ”

Kang Chul-In grabbed onto the hilt of Kaiforce with more strength than ever .


It took over an hour to ‘tidy-up’ all the monsters that were waiting near the entrance of the Secret Passage .

“Huuk… Huuk…”

Panting, Dorian shook his head .

“What the hell is this… It’s just a slime . I’d bet that not even an ogre would be a match for that thing…”

“Yeah, it’s Level 44 after all . ”

“Don’t you feel angry? The monsters are only aiming for you . ”

Dorian’s eyes gleamed .

“I know you’re hiding something from me, Kang Chul-In . Am I right? Like the fact that only you’re receiving these hidden messages, or the fact that only you were targeted during that dog of a fight . . . “

“I won’t say you’re wrong about that . ”

“It’s just a little bit difficult to say, isn’t it? Well, I won’t ask if you won’t tell . But…”


“What’s the reward for this quest?”

“Oh, that? It’s an Epic Item . ”“Huh?”

“The name of the item is covered in black so I don’t know what it is, but it’s an Epic Item, as well as a consumable . ”

“Hmmm . . . After the quest is finished, can I put the details of that item into my Encyclopedia of Pangaea? I’m not asking for it . I just want to sketch it, and know it’s options . ”

“That’s fine . ”

“Great! Let’s go . ”

Dorian seemed extremely happy that he could have an Epic Item as a sample to use in his encyclopedia . It made sense for someone as ‘weird’ as him to be happy about this, as he was making an encyclopedia about items, animals, and plants in Pangaea .


It took a total of 3 days to get to the end of the Secret Passage . That was how long the passage was, and that also showed how many monsters were fighting against them .

As they ended the ‘trek’ through the passage, they finally arrived in the main Square of Valhalla .


Dorian gasped in awe .

“Are we really underground? Why is it so bright in here? Wait… Even the sun is up . What’s the difference between here and outside?”

Dorian pointed at the top of the Valhalla Square towards the “sun” .

“That’s a ‘Sun Crystal . ’”

Kang Chul-In replied .

“T-There’s something like that, too? It seems expensive…”

While Dorian was busy looking at his surroundings…

Kang Chul-In was busy recalling the past .

The Sun Crystal… Was an item that he personally stole from another territory in order to help his civilians . In the past, Kang Chul-In had just gone and stolen from other Lords if he wanted something .

-Milord . . .

At that moment, white, gassy Ghosts started appearing .

-Milord… Milord…

-Why did you discard us… Milord…

Hundreds, no, thousands of ghosts started appearing, and rushed towards Kang Chul-In .

However, Kang Chul-In was focused on something else entirely .

“Do you hear that?”

“Huh? Hear what?”

“Something that sounds like a tornado . ”


Stepping away from the ghosts, Kang Chul-in closed his eyes and focused .


It sounded as if there was wind .


The sound was getting even closer .


Kang Chul-In suddenly pushed Dorian out of the way .


With a huge explosion, the floor of the Square flipped over revealing a small tornado that was heading towards Kang Chul-In and Dorian at frightening speeds .

“W-What is that?”

Dorian shouted, caught completely off guard and surprised .


Kang Chul-In was also surprised, but for a completely different reason .

Kang Chul-In knew the attack that was flying towards them .

How could he not?

… . He was the one who taught it after all .

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