
Chapter 218

The sky now roared with thunder, and in the river, huge waves splashed fiercely . The two snake shrieked as they struggled to fly up into the air .

“Holy shit, this is scary…” Xiao Ma laid flat on the ground as he was too scared to move .

Even Ye Shaoyang, a Heavenly Master, had never witnessed a scene like this . He stared blankly as he nervously gripped the talisman paper in his hand . He hid behind the rock for cover as he tried to regulate his breathing . In his heart, he kept urging himself to calm down .

The lightning struck the snakes harder and harder . The two creatures struggled to fight it, but they were soon exhausted . They could only blankly swim in a circle and desperately avoid the lightning strikes .

As waves splashed, the trio could now clearly see the appearance of the two snakes . One was white and the other was green . They were both as big as three humans combined . As they were continuously struck by lightning, their bodies were badly wounded . They shrieked in pain as blood gushed from the wounds . It was a horrible sight .

“They can’t take it any longer,” Tan Xiaohui commented with a worried face, “They are losing their grips…”

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was beating fast now too . If this continued, the two snakes would definitely fail the test . Even if they lived after the failed test, their thousand years worth of cultivation would go down the drain .

“Little Ye, what are you waiting for? Help them!” Xiao Ma pleaded to Ye Shaoyang as he could not bear with the sight .

“Now… now is not the time yet . ”

Ye Shaoyang was worried for the snakes too, but he knew better . Even though he did not know the two snakes at all, he understood that the two creatures had cultivated for a millenium for this, and they had done this through the right path without harming a life . It had definitely been tough . He would not want them to fail, but he could not help them yet . They were on their own for now .

As time passed, the two snakes grew weaker . They could barely struggle now . They dove into the water as they tried to avoid the lightning . However, the lightning was less forgiving as it relentlessly hit their bodies even under the water . The two snakes were soon barely alive and could hardly move .

“It’s over for them…,” Xiao Ma said in a sad tone .

Ye Shaoyang sighed . He could not bear to witness the tragic ending for the two snakes, so he stood up and turned to leave .

Suddenly, he heard loud roars coming from his back . Ye Shaoyang turned around . A water pillar splashed up into the sky lifting up the two snakes together . Another lightning bolt struck them and destroyed the water pillar . However, the two snakes did not give up; they held their position in the air and resisted falling back into the water .

The lightning struck the snakes even more rapidly as they summoned another water pillar to hold their bodies in position . Their bodies were badly wounded, but they kept on their fight .

This was a game of pure determination . The two snakes channeled every bit of their demonic power to resist the lightning that represented the might of God .

Time seemed to pass extremely slowly . They held on for another five seconds… ten seconds… a minute . . .

Just as the two snakes were about to fall from exhaustion, a purple talisman paper flew into the air . A deep voice came from above, “All hail the law of the universe, for it gives soul to every being . The dragon is in the air, so bow to accept thou’s conferment . In the name of the mighty power of the universe, shining with the power of the sun, I bestow unto you the power of a demon deity, for you have endured the pain of the test . Rejoice, and bow to the mighty one!”

Purple light shined through the talisman paper as it flew into the lightning and blocked it from striking . This gave the snakes a chance to gather their energy and charge into the sky .

The lightning stopped, and the water in the river simmered as it started to calm down . The water level dropped rapidly in a matter of minutes, and everything went back to normal . A gust of wind suddenly blew, and a pair of humans appeared by the river . They looked to be a young boy and girl wearing ancient green and white clothes, respectively . They had similar faces; although, they were of opposite gender . They looked at each other in excitement as the light of joy gleamed in their eyes .

“Brother, we finally did it!” the girl in white excitedly shouted .

The boy in green nodded . His eyes were filled with excitement, but his face remained calm . He looked a little cool, unlike the joyful girl . He spread his arms as he looked up at the sky and breathed, “It took us a thousand years, but we can finally live in the forms of humans . ”

The girl stared at the river bank, “Someone helped us just now during the riskiest moment . ”

The two looked at each other and leaped to the river bank . They looked around, but they could not find a single soul there .

“He left! How could this be? He helped us through the tough time! Didn’t he want to claim us as his servant?” the girl asked seemingly disturbed .

“Perhaps he only wanted to help,” the boy mumbled . He suddenly noticed something on the ground, so he walked toward it . He picked up a heavy sack and opened it . It was a cloth sack filled with ancient coins .

“He uses ancient coins, so he must have been a sorcerer,” the boy explained . The pair had wandered around during the years of their cultivation, so they knew a thing or two about the world of sorcery .

The boy turned to the girl, “Although he did not intend to claim us as his servants, we owe this to him . We must repay him . Let’s find him . ”

The girl frowned, “Where should we look for him?”

The boy thought for a while before he spoke, “Since he could confer demons, he must be a Heavenly Master . He must be from either Maoshan or Longhu sect . Let’s start with Longhu mountain since it is nearer . We will get some info there . If he is not from Longhu sect, we will proceed to Maoshan . ”

The girl obediently nodded, “Brother, what do we do when we find him?”

“Be his servants, and take his orders . Let’s get going . ”

So, they walked side by side and slowly faded into the jungle .

At this time, Ye Shaoyang and his companions had already descended from the mountain and were walking along a country road .

Tan Xiao Hui curiously stared into Ye Shaoyang’s eyes, “Brother Shaoyang, you are weird . You have already conferred the two snakes into demon deities . Had you given them a drop of your blood, you could have claimed them as your servants . Why did you just walked away?”

Ye Shaoyang replied, “No need for that . Since I bumped into them, I took it as an arrangement by the higher powers, so I simply helped them complete their cultivation . If I had taken them as my servants, that would not be kindness,” Ye Shaoyang brushed his hair as he tried to look cool, “Besides, I like to do things on my own; I don’t need other’s help . ”

Before he finished his sentence, Xiao Ma handed him his backpack, “So, I heard you like to do things on your own, and you don’t need help! Here, this is your backpack . Carry it on your own!”

“Urgh…” Ye Shaoyang forced a smile, “You are already family, not others . I would love to have you helping me .

Xiao Ma sneered .

“Oh, I saw the snakes just now; one was white and the other was green . It’s like the Legend of the White Snake,” Xiao Ma scratched his head, “Is it possible that we went back in time? Perhaps we saved the Lady White Snake and the Lady Green Snake? Little Ye, what do you think? Were the snake demons guys or girls? Will they give themselves to you? If they are both girls, can you give me one of them?”

Ye Shaoyang glared at him angrily, “What nonsense are you talking about? Do you really think you are Xu Xian?”

[Tl note: Xu Xian is the main character in the Legend of White Snake ]

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