
Chapter 27: Negotiation Table

Chapter 27: Negotiation Table

"It\'s fine."

When he was openly treated like an uninvited guest, the deans facial expression twisted, but he managed to suppress it with great effort.

He was a man who held the position of dean at the Academy.

Even when emotions ran high and judgment became clouded, he was a man who made rational choices.

"I apologize, Professor Deus."

He began politely, bowing slightly.

"Your dismissal as a professor was highly unfair, and proper verification procedures were not followed. The focus was placed solely on rumors, neglecting the facts."

This was partly because it was supported by the testimony of trusted professors, Erica and Gideon.

In the first place, Deus was just an invited professor.

Moreover, he was Erica\'s connection, and since she had dismissed him, there was no need to keep him around, so he was easily pushed aside.

I dont need an apology.

Deus replied emotionlessly. He truly seemed indifferent.

"Has your doubt regarding my actions been resolved now? That\'s what I want to ask first."

He asked while knowing everything already.

Karen knew that Deus was demanding an answer to such a question on purpose, but from the deans perspective, there was no choice but to answer. Currently, Deus held absolute power.

"Yes, I understood that it was due to the evil spirits haunting the Academy."


"I-No, we were inexperienced in dealing with such beings. We apologize for our incompetence."


In other words, ghosts.

They were truly mysterious beings.

Among the black mages, there were those who manipulated corpses and turned them into undead creatures.

Such individuals were called necromancers.

They could use corpses, but they couldn\'t handle the souls that resided within them.

That\'s why among black mages, a necromancer who could manipulate souls was an even more precious existence.

Thinking about necromancers, Karen stepped forward.

"I have one question, Professor Deus."

The dean was taken aback by the unexpected interference, but Deus naturally shifted his gaze toward Karen.

"What is it?"

"I, too, have crossed numerous battlefields and gained much experience. Among them, I have also encountered matters related to necromancers."

Deus motioned for her to continue.

"I understand that souls find eternal rest after death, falling into an everlasting sleep. However, I have heard that among them, those with deep grudges or strong egos sometimes awaken as evil spirits."

Deus remained silent. But from his expression, it seemed that she was right.

We know that most of these spirits cannot be seen, touched, or interfered with by us. If we have to guess...

Karen glanced at Darius and Deia, subtly gauging their reactions.

"...Perhaps only a necromancer would be capable."


Deia maintained her composure, but Darius seemed slightly unsettled.

50% chance of being a necromancer.

Karen increased the odds in her mind and continued speaking naturally.

"To be honest, in order to resolve this situation, we secretly brought in a necromancer."

Darius and Deia swallow their breath. Not only that, but the dean was glaring at her, asking why she said such a thing.

But there was no choice.

She wanted to shake the man, who maintained a poker face throughout.

\'Now, what will his reaction be?\'

What kind of reaction would he show?

Karen wondered.


However, looking at Deus expression, Karen let out a startled breath.


He was furious.

Immensely furious.

To the extent that veins popped out on his forehead, hidden under his black hair.

"Tsk. Idiots."

Deus spat out the words as if expelling his breath. His reaction was strong enough to make Darius and Deia step back.

The atmosphere around them changed.

It was beyond being chilly; a frigid cold settled firmly in the room.

Everyone in the room was aware that it was because of the man named Deus.

"I clearly wrote it in the letter. Did you ignore what was written in number 8?"

"...Number 8, Number 8! That was the omitted number you mentioned!"

At that moment, even Deus eyelid twitched slightly. He closed his mouth for a moment, exhaled, and returned to the same emotionless expression as before.

"I see. So, the situation has escalated to this extent."

Deus understood something on his own. Curious, Karen asked.

"What exactly was written in number 8?"


Deus glanced at Karen subtly, as if it no longer mattered, and uttered abruptly.

"It said, \'Do not provoke them lightly.\'"


"After bringing in the necromancer, the situation became even more serious, didn\'t it?"

The dean responded as if he had been waiting for that statement.

"Y-Yes! It\'s true! Because of that, the students and professors are suffering greatly. Especially the students who were living on the second floor of the dormitory, they are in a state of unconsciousness and can\'t wake up!"

Upon hearing those words, Deia swallowed her breath as her emotions seemed to soften, and she glanced at Deus.

No matter what, it was unfortunate that such a situation had occurred for the students.

However, Deus declared coldly.

"We\'re done with such sentimental nonsense. Let\'s put an end to the chit-chat and start."

The dean had intended to use the students as a strategy of persuasion to some extent, but Deus asserted coldly.

Karen also took out the contract from her bag swiftly and handed it to Deus.

After briefly scanning the contract, he extended it subtly and replied.

"It falls far below the standard I had in mind."

Yes. Yes!?

The Deans voice grew louder as he opened his mouth wide like a toad, expressing disbelief.

Oh no! This is what the best professors get! Sir Deus is still a new professor with no experience! In fact, even this makes no sense!

"In that case, go back."

Looking at Deus, who didnt intend to continue negotiations at all, the dean felt as if his insides were burning.

What if they couldn\'t bring him with them?

He could already hear the resounding cries and screams of students coming from the academy. And the ensuing blame from their parents.

Even the support from the royal family would be cut off.

Dizzy, the dean asked with trembling lips.

"T-Then, how much more do you want? If you tell me the amount, I will try to match it as much as possible."

"200 million, exactly 200 million gold, and we have a deal."


What did this lunatic just say?

It was a situation that felt like his intestines were twisting. The sweat was dampening his entire body, beyond the point of being able to wipe it away, as if he had been caught in the rain.

He subtly sent a signal to Karen, asking for help.

She must have dealt with negotiations regarding compensation a lot during her time as a mercenary, right?

Compared to the dean, who sat at his desk and only used his head, Karen, who had experienced such situations, seemed more capable.

In the end, Karen also stepped forward and intervened.

"No matter what, 200 million is too much. Professor Deus, to be frank, even I earn a salary of 7,000. As a newly appointed professor, isn\'t it too excessive of a demand?"


"You should at least compromise to around 150..."

"If you\'re thinking of negotiating like its a market, then go back."

Deus placed his hands on the desk and interlocked his fingers, interrupting Karens words.

He didn\'t budge an inch. Deus, sitting firmly like a mountain, exuded a strange sense of oppressiveness towards the other party.

With every word he uttered, the dean showed a reaction as if he would faint.

"No, it\'s not possible! 200 million? Are you serious? What kind of nonsense is this?"


Deus took the pen next to him and added something to the contract, while the dean was practically begging.

"Additionally, annual research equipment support."

"W-What is this!"

Didn\'t he just say it was impossible?

The dean was so confused that he couldn\'t distinguish whether the sweat dripping down his face was his own tears.

"Pl-Please give us some room for compromise. 200 million is too much!"



Again! That \'hmm\'!

The dean wanted to sew his mouth shut. Every time Deus opened his mouth, it felt like his lifespan was decreasing by a year.

Privatization of research equipment used for 4 years. After all, other professors wont be able to use what I used.

"Ah, ahh!"

Does this mean that after four years, the items bought with the academy\'s budget will become his property?

This is absurd!

"What kind of nonsensical idea is that! You want to claim the items purchased with the academy\'s funds as your own!"

"And access to the golden book collection in the Millennium Library of the royal palace."

I feel like I\'m losing my mind.

Really, the only desire the dean had was to slap that bastard\'s mouth, but because of the giant named Darius glaring at him from the side, he couldn\'t do more than clench his fists.

"No, please make a more rational judgment! Please!"

"Also, the quarterly personal business trips for research-related investigations and on-site inspections."


Wait a minute.

Karen hurriedly covered the deans mouth. She was honestly offended by the damp sweat on her palms, but it couldn\'t be helped: The more the dean talked the more demands Deus was making.

Karen exhaled and asked.

"First, let me confirm one thing. If Professor Deus returns, will the current situation truly be resolved?"


Simple, straightforward, and yet an audacious statement. It gave even more credibility precisely because it didn\'t require any additional explanation. It was a declaration of confidence, indicating that he was so sure of himself that he didn\'t need to add anything else.

In addition, Deus declared coolly.

"It seems like you\'re mistaken about something."

He leaned back on the backrest slowly. If there was a cup of tea, he would have enjoyed it elegantly and leisurely, creating an atmosphere of grace.

"This is not negotiation."

It was a very accurate statement.

It was not negotiation but rather a threat; that they should pay as much as he wanted if they wanted to save the academy.

It was a mistake to simply view him as a professor they had to bring back. In fact, it was a matter of the academy\'s fate.

That\'s why Karen voiced a sudden question.

"Do you really have thoughts of returning?"

Deus paused for a moment.

"No, I don\'t." He replied firmly.

--- End of The Chapter --

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