
Chapter 74: The Great Debate

Chapter 74: The Great Debate

The great debate with representatives from both sides was just a day away.

The discussion would naturally begin with the necessity of appointing the Soul Whisperer, Deus Verdi, and delve into matters such as heresy.

It was challenging to list out all the accusations from the various churches.

Amidst such circumstances, there was a division between the moderate and hardline factions even within the churches.

In the case of the moderate faction, they advocated for a peaceful discussion during the great debate, and the Saintess was aligned with this stance.

Meanwhile, the hardline faction insisted on immediately removing Deus by force.

However, those aligning with the intense hardliners were not only a minority but also felt that, given the current situation, it was unnecessary to go that far.

Even though it was challenging to witness a Dark Mage holding influence within the Royal Family, calling for semi-rebellion was too extreme for the hardliners.

Of course, its absurd.

What era were they living in now?

The great debate was a free and open event for the citizens to witness.

This proposal came from the Church, and no one had expected the Royal Family to readily accept it.

Nevertheless, Lucia planned to carefully observe the movements of the Soul Whisperer.

Not stopping at that, she intended to unconditionally expose the Dark Mage she had observed.

There was a chilling atmosphere, feeling as if he was almost like a different species from humans who were selfish and only aware of themselves.

Of course, not all dark mages were the same, but it was still too early for the citizens to accept the existence of a dark mage.

We wouldnt have had such a confrontational scene if they had discussed it with the Church beforehand.

It was somewhat regrettable, but not that much either.

Tsk, regardless, those stubborn bishops would have probably rejected it flatly.

Perhaps this matter would have been buried before it even surfaced. Thinking in that direction, Lucia speculated that the abrupt appointment of the Soul Whisperer might have likely been a strategic move by the Royal Family.

Perhaps they thought they could at least have a chance to persuade the citizens in this manner.

Ultimately, the aim of the debate was more about convincing the citizens than the opponent.

For the time being, the Church felt confident as they had the citizens on their side. However, the Royal Family had been unnecessarily accepting of everything, making her feel a bit uneasy about the current situation.


Lucia pondered while tilting her head and tapping her chin with her fingers.

No matter how much she thought about it, convincing not only the bishops but also citizens with deep-rooted prejudices against Dark Mages seemed challenging.

We still dont know who he is, but once his face is revealed, he will face difficulties while living in the Kingdom.

Soul Whisperer Deus Verdi.

The younger brother of Margrave Norseweden. Rumors about him being a professor at the Loberne Academy had already spread far and wide.


Lucia had a complicated expression and, absentmindedly, stretched her neck.

Saintess, Ive brought additional information.

A believer opened the door and entered the room with a bundle of papers in his arms. This was a clear sign to understand how serious the Church was regarding this matter.

Oh dear.

However, as the one who had to read all of it, Lucia found it to be dreadful.

At this rate, she would become more knowledgeable about Deus Verdi than the gospel.

Here is the resume he submitted to the Loberne Academy.


Realizing that she hadnt even seen his face, Lucia snatched it immediately.

She glanced at the resume with a resolve that she would be fine even if the top part was empty. However, she saw the picture attached at the top.


Lucias expression contorted strangely as she stared at the picture.

* * *

Gyahhh! This is not a joke, you know?

Findenai was staring at the citizens who had somehow managed to crowd up at the entrance of the Royal Palace, looking very excited.

They were holding banners with hostile language, criticizing the foolishness and impracticability of the Royal Family as one.

Dont bother looking at them. It will just ruin your mood.

As Deia mumbled while half-lying on the sofa, Findenai responded with a big grin.

Griffin is indeed a great country to live in.

Deia slightly raised her head, asking what that random remark meant. There was a strange look of skepticism in Findenais crimson eyes.

Even when they say things like that, the King doesnt draw his sword. In the Clark Republic, those guys wouldve already had their tongues pulled out, fingers and legs cut off, and displayed in the city as a warning.

Oh, really?

Deia responded as if the Clark Republics brutal iron fist rule was some kind of spooky story and she couldnt believe it, but Findenai just shrugged her shoulders.

The Republic did appear as a cruel place in the game, but it didnt play a significant role, so I didnt know much about it.

However, the more I learnt about it, the less I wanted to visit.

I removed the gauze from my cheek. The soreness I felt a few days ago was now gone.

Are you feeling better now?

Deia, pretending not to care, turned her gaze elsewhere and asked. I nodded my head, reassuring her not to worry.

Hearing that, Findenai chuckled as if she was having fun.

He must have hit him really hard, huh? Apologizing outwardly but feeling incredibly satisfied inside, right?

It wasnt an incorrect statement.

I saw Darius throw the punch at my cheek while secretly raising the corners of his mouth.

Since he couldnt be away from Norseweden for too long, Darius had already left several days ago.

Before leaving, he had insisted on using his fist to hit me hard enough to leave a mark on my cheek.

I understood that it was necessary.

Its fortunate that he left before the debate.

If I had to attend the debate while wearing a gauze on my cheek, I would have given off a negative impression from the start.

On another note, Aria also left for the academy.

She was hesitant to leave at first, so I had to insist. She only agreed after I promised to join her at the academy soon. While doing so, I also reminded her that a student should act like a student and that being true to oneself was the most beautiful.

Initially, Deia was supposed to leave along with Darius.

However, she decided to stay back in Graypond, claiming that she wanted to enjoy a rare vacation.

Honestly, I wished that she had left as well, considering that the situation would become dangerous. Well, there was nothing I could do about it.

Gyaaaah, Im looking forward to tomorrows debate!

Findenai hummed. In truth, what she was anticipating was not the debate itself but what would follow after.

Perhaps, from then on, assassins would come swarming in from all directions, right?

Even within the Royal Palace, the majority would likely consist of individuals risking their lives for faith under the guise of martyrdom.

Tomorrows debate was expected to be a festival of chaos and distrust.

Suddenly, the image of Saintess Lucia came to mind.

She was just as kind and fresh as I had seen her in the game. Simple and honest, yet she was a woman of unwavering faith.

By now, she should have probably realized that I was her debate opponent.

That was why it was necessary to meet her beforehand.

I wanted her to meet me without any preconceptions and before she could make any judgments.

Since she already had quite a positive impression of me, when she arrived at the debate, she wouldnt be able to simply label me as evil just because I was a dark mage.

Im sorry, but I will win this time.

It might be considered cowardly, but I had to do it. That was how crucial Lucias stance was regarding this matter.

The moment she took a somewhat neutral position rather than being unconditionally hostile towards me, I planned to seize the advantage.

* * *

The following day.

Ironically, the venue for the debate between the Royal Family and the Church was a place I had already visited once.

It was none other than the Graypond Execution Ground.

People crowded into the seats of the place inspired by the Colosseum. It appeared that they had put significant effort into the preparation. At the center, instead of a simple execution ground, a massive stage and round tables were arranged to facilitate the debate.

Huff, that was quite intense.

I never knew they would go to such lengths to obstruct us.

Findenai and Deia were wiping off their sweat.

Due to the citizens hindering our carriage traveling from the Royal Palace to the execution ground, a considerable amount of time was spent clearing the way.

King Orpheus and Archmage Alfredo were already at the venue with the guests of honor, waiting for the debate to begin.

Even among the nobles, there seemed to be some tension, as those in the VIP seats were engaged in a war of nerves.

Despite all the commotion and accusatory glares, the King and the Archmage chose to remain silent.

They wouldnt necessarily exert their power at this time by raising their voices or issuing punishment for rudeness.

Because once the great debate ended today, everyone would be silent, carefully observing the Kings reactions.

The wise King remained silent, waiting for the opportune moment to turn the tide while likely compiling a list of the names of those who raised their voices in the back of his mind.

That side seems to have arrived already?

Deia pointed towards the debate area. Over there were the bishops who had served various gods.

And standing in the center was Saintess Lucia Saint.

The atmosphere was distinctly different from when I saw her at the Mersen restaurant.

At that time, she had her silver hair braided, but now it was let loose as she prayed with both hands together.

I took out the bundle of papers I had prepared and the steel water bottle for drinking during the debate.

Glancing around, Findenai and Deia turned to me, smiling.

Take them all down and come back.

Honestly, I dont think its a good idea to antagonize the church, but if you have to, destroy them completely.

Encouraged by their support, I nodded and headed outside.


Get looooost!

The Griffin Kingdom has no place for a Dark Mage!

Execute him! Execute!

The crowd erupted in a chorus of jeers.

Some even threw trash or food, but the protection magic from the Mage Tribunal Judges naturally shielded me.

Eventually, as I stood in front of the debate venue, I confronted the cold stares of the bishops.

My eyes met Lucias, who seemed to be the only one unable to grasp the situation as she looked back at me.


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