
Chapter 78: Volta, Hernu’s Son

Chapter 78: Volta, Hernu\'s Son

Eleanor took a sip of the drink Erica had served her while casually looking around the research lab.

She had checked out the other professors labs a few times, but since Erica Bright was not in charge of the first-year students, she had almost no contact with her.


After finishing her drink, Eleanor asked with a slightly cheerful smile.

It seems youre not on good terms with your fianc.


In response to the rather impolite question, Ericas gaze turned sharp. Nevertheless, while maintaining the dignity of a princess, Eleanor casually crossed her legs.

I thought maybe you would have at least hung a photo or something.

When Eleanor shrugged and asked, Erica calmly replied.

Not all fiances hang up their lovers photos in their rooms.

Really? I think I would have done so if it were me.

Eleanor shrugged once again, and Erica could strangely sense that it seemed like the Princess was trying to keep her in check.

Erica didnt understand why she asked such a question, as she knew nothing about Eleanor and Deus relationship.

However, what Erica did know from the time Eleanor defended Deus before the Dean was that at least the latter didnt harbor any ill feelings.

Ill get straight to the point.

In the end, it was Eleanor who drew her sword first. With a calm gaze, she transformed from a student who enjoyed napping to a determined and noble princess.

Professor, I hold Deus Verdi in great reverence, far more than you may realize.


Ericas face, frozen like ice, was startled by Eleanors extremely straightforward declaration.

Eleanor wasnt one to miss such a gap and continued to pierce through.

Ive already heard about the engagement arranged by your families from Deus. I dont think theres much tender affection between the two of you.

Professor Erica, someone like you can easily find a good man. I can also help you to find one using my royal connections.

Each word from Eleanor, filled with fiery determination, began to heat the atmosphere inside the laboratory.

It was not just bewildering but shocking as well.

A princess of a country.

Not just any princess, but Eleanor, the only remaining blood relative of King Orpheus, desired Deus.

However, just like Eleanor, Erica also had similar feelings for Deus.

Ericas pupils darkened coldly.

If the Princess emotions were filled with a warm and passionate desire for courtship, Erica, the fiance, was someone so cold, that she could freeze everything.

Student Eleanor.

She didnt address Eleanor as a princess.

Eleanor also felt her emotions momentarily cool down at the icy-cold tone.

Do you even realize the line youve crossed?

Eleanor Luden Griffin had matured.

She had overcome her nightmares, merged both her personalities and stood steadfastly despite the pressure of being a princess.

It could undoubtedly be attributed to the influence of Deus Verdi.

Even if you forget your position as a princess, as a mere student, there are some words that shouldnt be said recklessly.

Erica Bright, too, was not the same person she used to be.

She was not the past version of herself, blinded by the sole purpose of saving one man. She was no longer the fragile woman manipulated by her family.

To become the woman her beloved man would look at, Erica Bright had returned with unshakable convictions, radiating brilliance and beauty.

She continued with a cold tone.

What my personal relationship with Deus Verdi looks like is none of your concern. An engagement arranged between families? Why should it matter to you?

Ericas icy-cold and indifferent statement struck back against Eleanor sharply.

Regardless, I am his fiance. Student Eleanor, if people were to learn that such words were spoken in front of me, criticisms will pour down on you.

Ill pretend I didnt hear that. Ill attribute it to the navet of youth.

Erica slowly returned to her seat and began to look at some documents.

There was no urgency, but it clearly indicated that her visitor was no longer welcomed.

In addition, she also slightly kicked the bottom compartment of her desk drawer.

The drawer was locked with a clasp, and inside it was the engagement annulment letter from Deus.

Eleanor bit her lips while clenching her fists before lowering her head.

Eleanor knew better than anyone how much she had pushed herself into their relationship.

Yet, her desire for him was so strong that she was willing to push herself even further, to the extent of exploiting her position as a princess for her convenience.

Because that stoic man had taken up too much space in Eleanors heart.

Consider this from another perspective.

Slowly rising from her seat, Eleanor turned her head towards Erica, who was still reading the documents.

As a princess, I am sincere enough about him that I dont care about the worlds opinions.

Erica slowly raised her head, as if she couldnt simply let the girl be.

Their gazes met directly.

I wont give up.

There was firmness and determination in Eleanors steps as she turned around to walk out.

Tense but observing the Princesss retreating figure, Erica silently replied in her mind.

I never considered giving up either.

And so.

Just when it seemed like the showdown between the two was about to come to an end

With a creak, the door opened right in front of Eleanor. Startled, the princess took a step back, and a woman with long, impressive black hair entered the room.

It was Aria Rias, who had just arrived at the academy after departing from Graypond.

I-is it true that Professor just visited the Academy?!

Observing her reaction, both of them couldnt help but sigh in frustration.

* * *


After submitting the application for another business trip at Loberne Academy, I headed towards a village called Fernan in the western region.

I was not moving alone; the Mage Tribunal Judges accompanied me as escorts and to cast warp magic.

Originally, I was supposed to bring Findenai along with me, but she was more suitable for running riot or causing a ruckus in Graypond than guarding someone.

She could go out into the city occasionally, to delay and distract the restless assassins from the Churchs side.

Since she was creating a flashy commotion, their eyes would be naturally drawn in her direction.

Now, the discussion with the Academy has ended as well.

Through a conversation with the Dean, we concluded that my lectures would begin after the summer vacation.

Even after being chosen as a Soul Whisperer by the King, I still had no intention of leaving the Academy attended by the protagonist, Aria.

And when that time came, the commotion should have quieted down enough for me to be accepted.

I have brought her.

The Mage Tribunal Judge brought in an old woman with wrinkled skin, a hunched back, and nails filled with dirt.

She looked unusually thin, as if she hadnt eaten properly. Her bones protruded, and sadness filled her puffy eyes.

Um, e-excuse me

The old woman was trembling all over and avoided my gaze. I approached her cautiously and asked.

I am Deus Verdi, the Soul Whisperer appointed by the Griffin Kingdom. Are you Ms. Hernu, Voltas mother?

Ah, y-yes.

Perhaps because I brought up her son, Hernu looked at me with an expression that seemed like she would burst into tears at any moment.

Ive heard about the incident. May I take a look at your son for a moment?

Her eyes widened upon hearing my words, but Hernu nodded hesitantly.

It seemed like the news had reached her late, and she didnt know much about who I was.

Well, it would be strange for her to know detailed information about me since I came here secretly.

It was just that because the Mage Tribunal Judges were with me, she believed that I was associated with the Royal Family.

I entered the village while following Hernu. The western part of the Griffin Kingdom was by the sea, so there were many people engaged in fishing-related industry.

As a result, the entire village had a salty smell mixed with fishy odors, entrails, and other scents.

Unlike Graypond, where there were intense discussions about me, this village was peaceful.

Watching them concentrate on their work amid the cries of seagulls somehow calmed my heart.

Of course, their attention was directed at me due to the flashy golden robes of the Mage Tribunal Judges following me.

Anyway, I entered Hernus old house. The dark wooden shack looked like it could collapse at any moment.

It felt like the sun never reached this place.

H-hes here.

Hernu pointed to a corner in the dirty front yard that she had cleared, where she had carefully placed a man.

All his limbs were severed.

Hernus son, Volta, had been cut into five parts.

It was important to note that the bodys condition differed in each region.

The left hand still had flies swarming around it, eating it and laying eggs.

On the opposite side, the right hand was thick and swollen, covered with beetle-like, arthropod insects.

Along with a foul odor, a multitude of insects had gathered on the left leg, with some resembling maggots wriggling on it.

Meanwhile, there was no flesh left at all on the right leg. It had a grotesque appearance, with only bones remaining as if a long time had passed.

And finally, the torso.

The head was nowhere to be found, and it was cleanly cut off.

A lingering warmth could be felt as if he had just died. Although he was not breathing, it wouldnt have been surprising if his pulse could be felt at any moment.


The crucial fact was that I had learned about this incident before the great debate.

It was one of the unsolved mysteries I brought up during the great debate.

A young man living in a fishing village.

Volta, Hernus son.

One day, he was murdered by someone. If you only looked at the surface, it could be seen as a simple murder case.

The main issue was the location and condition of the corpse.

Parts of the corpse were discarded throughout the Griffin Kingdom in all directions.

Another observation that could be made from the corpse was that each body part displayed different times of death, and the body itself showed no further signs of change.

A-are you here to resolve the injustice done to my son?

Hernu asked with a sniffle.

Normally, I should have waited patiently for the right time and conducted negotiations with the Church since there were a lot of assassins constantly aiming for me.

However, I couldnt just let this case slip by.

By my calculations, it was better for me to resolve it quickly, even amidst the threats of the assassins.

Yes, I will try to resolve it.

I nodded and carefully began to examine Voltas corpse, which seemed to have a complicated story behind it.


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