
Chapter 83: Return In Glory

Chapter 83: Return In Glory

In an underground Church in Graypond.

Since Griffin Kingdom had been entangled in numerous wars, this location was originally constructed as an underground shelter in case of invasion. However, it now functioned as a secret meeting place for high-ranking bishops.

Dear God.

Oh, God Velas, please do not forsake us.

Please bestow your blessings upon Griffin.

The bishops present were all waiting for the outcome of the assassination attempt on Soul Whisperer Deus.

Certainly, they didnt just clasp their hands and close their eyes in prayer just for the sake of being clergy. In reality, despite their mouth moving out of habit, they couldnt conceal their anxiety.

They kneeled swaying their bodies back and forth while praying to their God for better or worse, the scene felt fanatical.

Would God really put the sweat they were shedding now on the same level as those that were done through labor?

The moment such a strange question arose

Step, step.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed; there was a brief commotion outside, but it soon subsided.


No one had to give them a hint, but everyone simultaneously shut their mouths. The pouring sound of prayers stopped, and was instead replaced by the resounding sound of heavy footsteps.

Was the assassination successful? Or was it an utter failure?

If it failed, then there was no guarantee that another opportunity would come by to assassinate Deus Verdi.

Even Darius, who had cooperated in their plan, might no longer trust them.

It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Thinking they couldnt let this chance slip away, the bishops earnestly clasped their hands together and looked towards the entrance.

At some point, the owner of the footsteps had reached the door.


The door made an old creaking, almost sounding like a womans gasping scream when it slowly opened wide.


Only one of the bishops was able to utter a syllable. The rest of them had their lips trembling. They felt dizzy, and were on the verge of losing consciousness.

It was because the figure standing at the entrance was not a messenger bearing urgent news about the assassination, but their target himself, Soul Whisperer Deus Verdi.


While looking at the bishop who absentmindedly asked him, Deus replied calmly.

It is just like knowing that a turtle will be hiding inside its shell. I already knew in advance that you all would gather here.

Deus, whom they expected to be on a carriage heading to Norseweden, had appeared in this location.

The plan to assassinate Deus Verdi was a complete failure because the target already knew that the bishops were the culprits.

It appears that the bishops from God Velas comprise the largest group. Additionally, I can see representatives from Goddess Hearthia, Justia, Raizel, and Robelisk. Many have gathered here.

It was the gathering of all religions.

Of course, not all bishops serving the respective gods were involved. For example, most bishops serving Goddess Hearthia were leaning favorably towards Deus.


If we consider your position as bishops, it will not just end with your throats being cut.

As Deus words pricked their consciences, the bishops clutched their chests and lowered their heads with sullen groans.

These were individuals who sat in high positions within their respective factions.

The fact that they attempted to assassinate the Soul Whisperer, someone who wielded Holy Power and was officially recognized by the Royal Family, was a great disgrace to their faction. Thus, even if the Royal Family were to impose sanctions on them, no one would have any grounds for objection.

That was only if they had indeed attempted to assassinate the Soul Whisperer.

Unfortunately, this incident wouldnt end easily, as they had already crossed the line multiple times.

Deus had no intention of letting them off lightly either.

What you should be contemplating now is not how to seek mercy nor make excuses to me.


Deus asked, extending his hand and gesturing towards the bishops, who were esteemed for their wisdom.

Since I am here, can you guess who is the one in the carriage that you sent the assassin to kill?


The bishops felt a shiver run down their spines as they heard Deus words, realizing that the situation had suddenly taken a disastrous turn.

No way?

One bishop suddenly came to a realization, his mouth hanging open in astonishment.

If Deus went so far as to say this, then the one inside the carriage shouldnt be an ordinary dummy.

On the contrary, the bishop believed that the figure inside the carriage must be someone of higher authority than the Soul Whisperer.

At that moment

The entire underground Church began to reverberate. Initially, it seemed like an earthquake, but the rhythmic footsteps echoing like a herd of horses brought even greater terror to the bishops.


Oh, God Velas.


Someone exclaimed.

Someone called out the name of their God.

Someones mouth frothed and had lost consciousness.

Adorned in gleaming red armor that shone as brightly as blood, these knights were the swords safeguarding the Royal Family. Together with the Mage Tribunal Judges, they formed the cornerstone of Griffins formidable force.

They were the Royal Knights.

And the one who led them at the forefront was Gloria, a red-haired woman. She drew her sword and declared.

We are arresting you as suspects in the assassination attempt on His Majesty King Orpheus.

Upon hearing her words, the bishops glanced at Deus with expressions of disbelief.

Facing those who seemed on the verge of despair, Deus spoke without a change in expression.

Save your wailing for your God. After all, once you are in prison, you will have all the time in the world to do just that.

* * *


Your sighs have become more frequent.

During one of my regular meetings with Lucia, it quite bothered me to hear the Saintess, who had come all the way to my office, sighing.

I couldnt help it, you know. All the churches in Griffin are like a funeral now.

The Church had turned into a sea of tears, every day filled with prayers of repentance towards God, or pointing their fingers at the bishops who caused assassination incidents.

However, King Orpheus had obtained circumstantial evidence suggesting that this incident was not solely the responsibility of the bishops, but also implicated the nobles.

In fact, there was no need to question whether there was actual evidence.

Even if there was no actual evidence, we planned to create one since the ledger of those who took bribes from the nobles had become widely known. It was enough to just use that to implicate them.

In addition to purging corrupt nobles, Graypond and the Royal Palace would be busy restraining nobles who had grown to the point of threatening the royal authority.

Knowing this, Lucia could only sigh.

What will you do now? Both the religion and nobilitys power and status has weakened, and the royal authority is stronger than ever. The wrath caused by the attempted assassination of His Majesty King Orpheus, is truly justified, so it is not surprising that news has already spread everywhere.

You need not worry about that.

If there really was an assassination attempt, Orpheus wouldnt be so calm.

He would have thirsted for blood, seeking to find the traitors right away.

However, since this incident was completely due to a trap I had set up, Orpheus was wielding his anger fiercely like black lava while remaining as cold as a snowy mountain.

He wouldnt recklessly brandish his anger.

By the way, where is Findenai?

Lucia glanced around slightly.

Deia had already left for Norseweden, and without the noisy maid who was always with me, the room seemed empty.


Speak of the devil and it arrives, Findenai had immediately slammed the door open.

She was holding a huge bag in both hands. However, it had wheels like a suitcase, making it easy to pull around.

Master Bastard, Ive packed everything.

Packed? Where are you going?

Lucia looked at Findenai and me alternately in confusion. I answered while organizing the book I was reading.

I am going back to Loberne Academy.

If I departed now, I would be able to arrive around the end of the first semester. Then, I could at least show my face briefly.

Did I hear that correctly just now?

After tapping her own ears a few times, Lucia asked me again.

Where did you say you were going?

Do not ask again when you already know.

Lucia started to get visibly annoyed when I told her not to ask something she had unnecessarily learned about.

No! Youve turned Graypond into chaos like this, and as the person concerned, youre just slipping away?! Does that make any sense?

Lucia hurriedly approached me and slammed the desk. Her eyes widened, clearly revealing her emotions.

Do you know how many nobles are coming to negotiate with me right now? Theyre asking me to persuade His Majesty, saying theyre willing to donate any amount!


Even those noble households with stable positions are coming to me with gold. Its a sign that His Majestys anger is spreading in all directions.


In this situation, if you show everyone that you can rein in His Majesty, it will be enough to solidify your position.

Honestly, I was a bit surprised.

I knew she wasnt just a woman who simply prayed to God, but I didnt expect her to calmly grasp the current situation and understand where the advantageous position lies.

This caused me to trust her even more. So, I stepped away from the desk and casually placed my hand on her shoulder.

Fortunately, you know things well, so there is no need for me to explain.

Initially, I intended to explain to Lucia the tasks she had to do from now on, but it seemed unnecessary as she was already aware.

You should do just that. Speak well with His Majesty, accumulate debts with the nobles, and become the heroine who saved the religious world in the eyes of the citizens and remaining bishops. It will be very helpful when you move forward.

.Me? Isnt that something you should do?

In response to that remark, I feigned a smile and shook my head.

I am the appointed Necromancer for the dead. That position does not suit me.


After the first semester at Loberne Academy ends and vacation begins, I will travel across the Kingdom to eradicate evil spirits. Perhaps around that time, we can meet.

Yes, it seems like that.

Lucia looked at me with a somewhat regretful expression. I had already discussed this matter with King Orpheus and Archmage Ropelican.

Although the political struggle would continue, the Royal Family was already labeled as the victim.

Since we were practically halfway to victory, there shouldnt be any major problems.

After that, it was the politicians job to clean up. There was no need for me to intervene.

Well then, see you later.

Yawn. I will probably need to rest during the ride.

After bidding farewell to Lucia, who was staring absentmindedly at us, Findenai and I left the Royal Palace.

It took a few days to arrive at Loberne Academy.

Since I hadnt informed anyone in advance about my return, I didnt expect anyone to come and welcome me.

I planned to quietly return and spend time in the laboratory prepared by Professor Fel Petra.


However, someone was unexpectedly waiting for me at the academys entrance.

It was a person with vermilion hair, a shade of red different from that of the Royal Knight Commander, Gloria.

He appeared slender with well-defined muscles clinging to his body, presenting an outstanding appearance.

S-S-Soul Whisperer.

Gideon Zeronia, who had been pursuing Erica Bright, bowed towards me with a trembling body filled with anger.

Please spare my Household just this once.

The Royal Palace considered the Zeronia Household to be one of the largest and most prestigious households within the kingdom.

And naturally, the bigger a household was, the more likely it was to get hit.

It seemed that His Majestys wrath had reached the Zeronia Household.


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