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Chapter 1195 - Aimless Purpose

Chapter 1195 - Aimless Purpose

Though Nobunaga and Kenshin could often be found together, that was typically the result of Vahn seeking them out in the evening hours. As it was currently daytime, Kenshin’s presence couldn’t be felt within the castle, indicating that she was likely within one of the Trainings Orbs. As for Nobunaga, though she did train on occasion, Vahn found her waiting within the confines of her room. She knew it was only a matter of time until he came seeking her out so, rather than get herself psyched up for training, only to have it interrupted for a few months, Nobunaga decided to idle in her room as she did her best to remain calm.

Unlike past instances, where he would find Nobunaga either drinking peacefully or performing maintenance on her rifles, Vahn was rather surprised to find her wearing a simple black kimono with her hair hanging loosely, a listless glint in her blood-red eyes. At this point, any conversation between them could be misconstrued as hesitation so, rather than play the fool, Vahn closed the distance to Nobunaga while peeling at the layers of his clothing. This caused her to swallow hard before using her right hand to move aside her long bangs as she stated in an irresolute tone, "You better be grateful..." In response to this, Vahn grabbed her wrist, bringing his face close as he whispered in a hot voice and resonant voice that caused her to groan, "Each and every day..."


Though there were no ’guarantees’, at least under normal circ.u.mstances, it was all but set in stone that Nobunaga would inevitably get pregnant. This gave her a small confidence boost as, even if it didn’t mean anything in the end, being the first to bear Vahn’s biological child was significant to Nobunaga herself. Not only would this be her first child, but it represented a tonal shift in the life she had led up until this moment. Though she had no intention of settling down, as she one day intended to sail a ship through the starry void to ’conquer’ new worlds, Nobunaga knew she had no place on the battlefields Vahn intended to fight.

It wasn’t impossible for her to grow stronger, much stronger, but it had never been her desire to arbitrarily seek strength. She only wanted to protect and liberate her people and, now that she had placed her dream safely in Vahn’s hands, Nobunaga’s only desire was to raise their child and then spend her remaining years extending his influence beyond the bounds of Gaia. Though she had no experience with such things, Nobunaga felt it was a rather romantic idea to sail a vessel through the night sky, commanding a fleet of sh.i.p.s as they set out to conquer and colonize other worlds...

To that end, though she used to feel slightly insecure about how Vahn made her feel, this couldn’t be seen at all as she curled up in his lap and enjoyed feeling his fingers trace through her hair. It made her feel like a pampered princess and, with a persistent warmth lingering in her body, this was one of the few times in her life where she felt content. For a few transient moments, she didn’t care about anything else in the world but the time she spent together with Vahn. However, as all good things must come to an end, Nobunaga began to feel a little hungry and, betraying this sentiment, her stomach gave a loud protest as if voicing a complaint it had been bottling up since earlier...

Though he had also been caught up in the moment, Vahn burst out laughing in response to the sudden grumble, causing Nobunaga to furrow her brows as she reached between his legs with a red face. This was enough to immediately put an end to his guffawing and, after coaxing her for a few minutes, Vahn escorted her to the dining hall before cooking a large meal as an apology. It would take a few days to be ’certain’ but, expecting things to go well, Vahn made extra, pushing his luck by reminding her that she was now eating for two. This ended up being a slight mistake as, in response, Nobunaga warned him that she would turn into her youngest form and travel around in the outside world during her pregnancy to punish him if he continued teasing her...

Knowing that Nobunaga was serious, as she always followed through with her threats, Vahn made a mental note not to tease her while she was pregnant. She would already be a little unstable, the result of her hormones going haywire, so it was best to stay on her good side. If she was pushed into a corner, Nobunaga way like a wounded tigress who, despite being on her last legs, would still find a way to sink her teeth into you before relenting. With that in mind, he decided to pander to her a bit, showing an excessively concerned expression that caused her to produce a predatory smile in response...


After parting ways with Nobunaga, Vahn decided his next destination would be the Library as, due to the fact it was daylight outside, Olga was away from her Observatory. Kenshin was still in the Training Orb so, while Vahn intended to have a ’discussion’ with her later, it would have to wait. For now, he decided to attend the gathering of pale-haired women as, for one reason or another, Illya, Iris, Lakshmibai, and Olga were all in the Library. Vahn had taken a peek to make sure he wasn’t interrupting anything but, finding Iris sitting at her desk while Olga and Lakshmibai were both seated near each other, each reading a book, it was clear they were just recreationally reading. As for Illya, she was working a little harder than the rest, sitting on the second level of the Library with a few books piled up around her as she studied seriously.

Though the shelves had been empty at first, it hadn’t taken long for Vahn to fully stock the Library which, with a total of three levels and 180 shelves, now housed more than sixty thousand books. This number alone wasn’t that impressive but, considering the books on the higher levels cost several tens of thousands, to even hundreds of thousands of OP, it was a veritiable treasure trove for any Magus lucky enough to enter. Better yet was the fact that, while many of the books were compiled from a list he had obtained from Da Vinci’s expansive memory, more forty-thousand of the books were from completely different Records. Vahn had recorded all the information in his mind but, for anyone wanting to expand their horizons through scholarly pursuit and research, the Library within the Inner Sanctum was the place to do so.

Since it was open to everyone allowed within the Inner Sanctum, Vahn passed through the tall double doors without knocking. His arrival immediately drew the attention of everyone present, causing Iris to rise to her feet and greet, "Welcome to the Library, Vahn. Is there anything I can help you with today~?" Though she knew full well that Vahn had ’memorized’ each of the books within the Library, this didn’t prevent him from spending a few hours just reading something new he had procured from another world. Sometimes, he just wanted to read in order to relax so, if there was anything she could do for him, Iris was happy to oblige.

In response to Iris’ courteous behavior, Vahn returned a polite smile of his own, answering, "I just wanted to spend some time with everyone. Currently, I’m just wandering around the castle before my next ’shift’ begins." It hadn’t been his intention to cause anyone discomfort but, hearing what Vahn had said, Iris’ smile become somewhat wry as an apologetic glint flashed across her eyes. It almost seemed like she was going to apologize for him having to work so hard on their behalf but, rather than say something that would trouble him, Iris fixed her expression before offering, "If Your Majesty is not against it, I would be more than willing to entertain you."

Though he knew there was no greater meaning behind Iris’ words, Vahn blinked in surprise while wondering just what she had in mind. At the same time, he was aware of the fact that Lakshmibai and Olga were both eyeing him instead of reading their books while, on the second level, Illya was peeking through the wooden guard rails with a peculiar glimmer in her eyes. Because of this, though he was tempted to accept Iris’ offer, Vahn maintained a polite smile as he said, "Perhaps some other time..." Then, turning his eyes to meet Illya’s, Vahn allowed his expression to soften after deciding how he would spend the next few hours. It had been a while and, though Illya had not brought it to his attention, Vahn was aware of the fact that Cath Palug had been causing her a few ’problems’ after their return to the castle.

Understanding Vahn’s intentions, Illya’s face became beet red while Iris, standing behind her desk, began to lightly chuckle before remarking, "Make sure you behave yourself. Even if my daughter is older than me, I won’t tolerate any funny business before the two of you are properly wed~." This comment was said with humorous undertones but, based on how the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, Vahn knew that Iris was serious. At times, she could be very protective of Illya, not all that dissimilar to a mother bear protecting its cub. Though she trusted Vahn a great deal, Iris was still worried that her daughter was quite ready for a more ’intimate’ relationship, even if she was already twenty-eight years old...

With an even redder face than before, Illya leaped down from the second level before dragging Vahn away before her mother could say anything to embarrass her further. This caused Iris to smile in amus.e.m.e.nt while, seated in their respective chairs, Lakshmibai and Olga had complex expressions on their faces. For completely different reasons, both girls had wanted Vahn to call out to them but, deciding not to interfere with his decision, they briefly made eye contact with each other before returning to their novels. Then, even though the atmosphere had become a little odd, peace and quiet was restored to the Library, the only sounds being those of pages turning and Iris shelving the books left behind by her daughter...


As the Imperial Library was located within the Inner Sanctum, it wasn’t that far away from where everyone resided. In fact, it was located in the westernmost region of the Inner Sanctum, forming a small annex of sorts that paralleled the ’trophy room’ to the east. This was the place where war trophies, taxidermied animals, and other symbols of victory that weren’t important enough to be kept in the Armory of Camelot were stored. It was also meant to serve as Vahn’s private study but, as he had no use for such a large amount of space, he allowed it to be converted into a recreation room for everyone’s use. However, even after he filled it with a few of the games everyone had been most interested in, it was very rare that anyone ever stopped by as, with their capabilities, it was generally more interesting to just go out and play, train, or research.

Since she shared a room with her mother, Illya dragged Vahn all the way to the Recreation Room before closing and bolting the doors behind them. Then, with a pouting expression on her face, she turned to look up at him before complaining, "That was so embarrassing! I’m glad you want to spend time with me but...but...!" As her eyes had already started to flicker with violet light, Illya knew she didn’t have much ground to stand on. In truth, she actually felt considerably guilty after Vahn had overworked himself to the point of retiring to his room. This wasn’t her first time seeing him after he had awoken but, now that he wanted to spend time with her, Illya’s heart felt like it was going to explode from her chest...

Resisting Cath Palug’s attempts to take control of her body, Illya buried her face into Vahn’s stomach before wrapping her arms around his body and mumbling, "Thank you for working so hard..." She decided it was a waste of the precious time she got to spend with Vahn if she used it to complain. At the same time, even though she was keeping it restrained, her five senses were greatly enhanced by Cath Palug’s possession so Illya’s head was filled with Vahn’s fragrance. She could also feel his warmth flowing into her body and, though it wasn’t nearly as chaotic as her own, the powerful and steady rhythm of his heartbeat brought her an extreme level of comfort...

Knowing Illya didn’t really want him to respond, Vahn just stroked her head and back, gently holding her in his embrace so that she could calm down. Though just being in contact would make her slightly fl.u.s.tered, she would eventually settle down after a bit of gentle coaxing. Then, after she had got her own fill, it wasn’t long before Illya had retreated into the back of her own mind, allowing Cath Palug to come forward. Signaling this change, her clothes turned into small particles that retreated into the choker around her neck, a mechanism Da Vinci had designed to meet Rin’s and Illya’s unique requirements.

With Illya already clinging to him before, Cath Palug wasn’t shy about taking advantage of the position, rubbing its face against Vahn’s stomach and chest while happily intoning, "Fou~". It had been trying to forcibly take control of Illya’s body as of late, intending to track down Vahn as early as his arrival at the Einzbern Castle. Though it still only had 99 Affection, Cath Palug’s parameter had long ago shifted to ’Love’, something Vahn had been able to confirm by having Alaya show its Strings of Fate. It actually seemed to love Fenrir and Iris as well but, as this was closer to it just imprinting upon them, especially in Fenrir’s case, Vahn was generally the one to receive Cath Palug’s rather peculiar affection...

After it had gotten its fill of Vahn’s scent, Cath Palug pushed against Vahn’s body, an action he knew meant it wanted him to sit down. Instead, Vahn picked it up in his arms, something that caused it to happily squirm in his arms as, for one reason or another, it preferred Vahn taking charge. Since the latter didn’t want to make a potential mess, he moved to one of the smaller storage rooms connected to the Recreation Room. Then, after setting up a soundproofing barrier, Vahn pulled out a plush bean bag-like chair before settling into it with Cath Palug snuggled in his embrace. It took this as its cue to reposition but, having learned from past experiences, it first changed into a one-piece dress with exposed back and shoulders before happily pressing itself against Vahn and play-biting around his neck and shoulders.

As Cath Palug used its biting as an indicator of where and how it wanted to be bitten, Vahn had, rather awkwardly, become adept at understanding its wants and desires. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to understand the intimacy between males and females so, at least for the time being, Vahn had been familiarizing himself with Cath Palug’s behavior and ecology while slowly teaching it to behave. Thus, after it had made a slobbery mess out of his shoulder, Vahn gently stroked the inside of Cath Palug’s large and fluffy ears as he reminded, "Use your words properly..."

Though this caused Cath Palug’s pupils to contract, it didn’t get too upset before responding in broken Japanese, "Please...bite...aaaah~." To further communicate what it wanted, Cath Palug opened its mouth wide, revealing eight rather pronounced canines, four on top and four on the bottom. It even used one of its fur-covered hand to pull at the side of its mouth, making the ’Aaah’ sound it had learned after observing Vahn feed and be fed by others.

Since he could tell that Cath Palug was in a less compliant state than normal, the result of them being apart for a considerable amount of time, Vahn decided not to push it too hard. Instead, he dug his fingers into the sensitive spot near the base of Cath Palug’s ears, causing it to mewl as it turned its head to the side and exposed its neck. Then, even though he would never get used to this particular kind of intimacy, Vahn brought his mouth to the tender flesh before sinking his teeth into it. This caused Cath Palug to tense up before writhing about excitedly in his embrace as it loudly exclaimed, "Fou! Fooou~!" while holding his head with its paws...

In this manner, while slowly pacifying it through the use of Petting Laws, Vahn spent the better part of an hour calming Cath Palug down. It usually only took him around half an hour so this was a testament to how riled up it had been while also indicative of how strong Illya’s willpower had become to keep it in check. She had been slowly cementing her place as the more dominant personality as, from the very beginning, Cath Palug had always been heavily influenced by Illya’s mentality. Once Illya began to stabilize, it had started to calm down considerably and, according to Merlin, Cath Palug no longer desired to wipe out all the a.d.u.l.ts in the world. This could change very quickly but, so long as Illya continued to grow stronger, the greatest danger posed by Cath Palug was it ’awakening’ after his and Illya’s relationship moved to the next level...

With Cath Palug slowly returning to its resting place in the back of Illya’s mind, the latter opened her hazy eyes with a deep flush on her face. Though she had been considerably shaken the first time she experienced the interaction between Vahn and Cath Palug, now Illya was more troubled by the state her body was left in after the fact. Fortunately, even if she made a considerable mess, Vahn always had the wherewithal to avoid making any comments regarding it and, instead of tormenting her further, he always just held her until she was able to calm down.

Illya understood just as much as he did how ’dangerous’ it would be to go further and, though part of her strongly desired a more ’meaningful’ connection with Vahn, she was the most aware of her own state of mind. If they were to progress their relationship further at this point, there was a non-negligible chance she would begin to resent the other girls around Vahn. Since even positive feelings could be considerably amplified by the presence of Cath Palug in her body, Illya wanted to become more emotionally stable before she gave him the green light. She also wanted to soak her body in a growth chamber for a few days as, even though she was still growing, it was almost painfully slow.

At her current rate of growth, she would be in her fifties by the time she began to look like a teenager. Unlike others, she couldn’t receive a body from Vahn as, with Cath Palug bonding with her, Vahn was unable to map and emulate the internal structure of her body to avoid any issues. Though he had told her about the existence of Loyalty, which would allow him to change her body and potentially even separate her from Cath Palug, Illya had dismissed that thought from the start. Even if it felt like she was taking advantage of Vahn, which wasn’t far from the truth, Illya had already fallen in love with him a long time ago. Now, even if it was difficult for her to hold back, she would rather face years of mental and physical anguish if it meant she was allowed to continue loving him...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Don’t f.u.c.k with Nobunaga xD...’,’Mama Bear vs. Sage Emperor!?’,’Illya and Cath Palug are quite the conundrum (o_o)...’)

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