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Chapter 1411 - Support

Chapter 1411 - Support

Though Vahn had no intention of using CHALDEAS to unreasonably persecute people who had yet to commit crimes, that didn’t mean it wasn’t extremely useful for determining when an attack would come. While it wasn’t completely accurate, as any major event could drastically change the future, the combination of CHALDEAS, Sherlock, and Ark left very little room for variance.

Since the Imperial Gala was a relatively important event, one which gathered many of the world’s most powerful people in one room, ascertaining whether or not something would go wrong was of paramount importance. Vahn couldn’t risk seeding further doubts into the minds of the Magus community if he intended to use them to establish order. They needed to be confident and fearful of his power, believing he could protect them while knowing what fate awaited them should they choose to oppose the Empire.

To this end, the Empire had made considerable preparations for what was to come. Though it wasn’t obvious at a glance, the security of the Edelfelt Mansion, at least on this particular evening, was more comprehensive than could be imagined. So much effort had gone into the preparations that, even after half an hour had passed, there wasn’t a single person in the hall who realized what was going on, outside of those who were informed directly...


While Vahn and Artoria were making the rounds alongside Luvia, allowing people to introduce themselves, Mordred and Sakura were doing much the same. The difference was, even without a mediator to ease the tensions, people weren’t nearly afraid to approach them. After all, they had the appearance of fourteen-year-old girls and, after seeing how amicably they conversed with the other young men and women within the ballroom, the parents and colleagues of said children used the opportunity to weasel their way into the conversation.

In many situations, the children belonging to the Department of Unified Thaumaturgical Theory had either distanced themselves from their families or, in some situations, emancipated themselves with the support of the Empire. Despite this, their shameless parents readily tried to exploit their progeny, some even going as far as to try and smooth things over in order to receive some of the benefits their children had been able to obtain through their own efforts.

Though the more prideful and confident students were able to deflect without much trouble, that didn’t mean there wasn’t any drama whatsoever. One particular example had been when Sakura was talking with one of few students she generally got along with, an intelligent-looking young woman with neatly trimmed orange hair who could always be seen wearing an eyepatch, Ophelia Phamrsolone. Sakura had befriended the girl after Ophelia hesitantly approached her, asking for advice on how she could improve as a Magus.

Sakura was a lot easier to approach than Mordred so, when it came to the more demure and shy girls, she was quite popular. Now, however, Sakura’s brows had furrowed slightly as a young man with long golden hair, reaching past his shoulders, approached their small group. He was dressed like an affluent Noble but, as if to further elevating himself amongst his peers, he elected to wear a pure white outfit that was enchanted to prevent dirt or stains.

At a glance, the man had a very princely appearance but, while his blue eyes were striking, his face was formed into an expression that seemed to look down on everyone around him. Even as he approached Sakura’s group, his expression hadn’t changed much and, though he managed to perform a flawless bow, Sakura couldn’t shake the feeling he was looking down on, not just her, but all the girls gathered around her.

Though nearly everyone knew who the young man was, Ophelia was the only one who had been affiliated with him in the past. Thus, when the man turned his icy gaze upon her, she shrunk next to Sakura, muttering, "This is Kirschtaria Wodime, the Head of a thousand-year-old Magus family. After Miss Animusphere left school to fulfill her duties, he became the next in line to become the Faculty Head of the Department of Astronomy..."

With Ophelia fulfilling her ’responsibility’, Kirschtaria seemed to immediately lose interest in her, adding, "It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Your Imperial Highness, Princess Sakura. I have heard tales of your beauty and prowess so it is truly an honor to meet you in person."

Despite his flowery words, Kirschtaria’s expression didn’t change much and, while he was being polite, Sakura liked him less with each passing moment. However, due to her status, it was harder than she would like to simply chase people away. If she did so in a drastic fashion, it would harm the other person’s reputation a considerable amount and, as Kirschtaria hadn’t done anything to proactively offend her, she was obligated to tolerate him.

Forcing a smile onto her face, Sakura gave the handsome man a small nod before issuing him a slight ’warning’ by saying, "It is unfortunate, Lord Wodime, but I have heard very little of you prior to tonight. You must be quite capable to have won the favor of Lord Animusphere but, based on my friend’s reaction, I must ask that you kindly give us some space. Unless you have a matter of import to discuss, I would prefer to continue our discussion, ladies only."

Though his expression didn’t change in the slightest, Kirschtaria blinked a few times in surprise, seemingly unaccustomed to being chased away. He held the current Rank 1 position for ’Most handsome man in the Clock Tower’ and, due to his status and prospects, the number of women desiring his courtship, both young and old, easily exceeded three digits.

Not wanting to offend an Imperial Princess, Kirschtaria ultimately performed a polite bow, stating, "It is unfortunate but, if that is the wish of Your Imperial Highness, I will readily excuse myself. One day, I hope my accomplishments are enough to earn your esteemed recognition..."

After raising his head, Kirschtaria cast his gaze over Ophelia once again, his eyes squinting ever-so-slightly in an accusatory manner before he turned away, his cape flourishing slightly as a result. He was obviously displeased about how things had gone but, with a dignified countenance and perfect bearing, Kirschtaria boldly passed through the group lingering around the periphery of Sakura’s group, each looking for an opportunity to make their own introduction.

When the gap created by Kirschtaria gradually closed, Ophelia released a tired sigh at Sakura’s side before lowering her head and saying, "I’m sorry about that, Sakura...Kirchtaria isn’t actually a bad guy. He just doesn’t know how to properly show emotions and, due to his family, the way he views others is...unpleasant. I used to look up to him but, after I left the Department of Astronomy in order to join the Department of Unified Thaumaturgical Theory, we haven’t been able to see eye-to-eye. The Wodime and Phamrsolone families have had close ties for a long time so there is a good chance I would have been married off to him in the future. He didn’t take kindly to the fact I ran away from my family as, while I did so for personal reasons, it was an indirect blemish to his pride..."

Given how Kirschtaria elected to wear pure-white clothing, it was easy to see he was the type of man who abhorred uncleanliness. Even if it didn’t actually have anything to do with him, any kind of blemish, even a perceived one, wasn’t acceptable.

Kirschtaria aspired to be the ’perfect’ Magus and, as he had already been nominated as the next Head of the Department of Astronomy, combined with his nomination for the Rank of Pride, he had a lot of reason to consider himself above others. He was only nineteen this year and, even before the previous purge, he was considered one of the gems of the Mage’s Association.

Unfortunately, as it was all but impossible to succeed in the previous Association without having a certain kind of character, Kirschtaria embodied the Old Era to a startling extent. He appeared to carry himself with dignity and pride but, if you peeled back the layers of his character, you would find an arrogant young man who had never experienced any real setbacks. His family had never been one of the top ten but, with a legacy stretching back a thousand years, he had never been left wanting when it came to resources and opportunities. Though he certainly put in a great deal of effort, the fact he was always leagues above his peers had left a deep impression on the young man’s mind.

Part of Sakura’s education included learning more about the former and current Magus families so, despite her earlier words, she knew a considerable amount regarding Kirschtaria, including his character and accomplishments. Sherlock had made a comprehensive profile of virtually every member of the Mage’s Association so, if she were to access the system and elevate her request to a high enough level, she could even expose Kirschtaria’s deepest and darkest secrets. This wasn’t something she could just arbitrarily decide, however, as the young man had been given a ’Pale Green’ status, meaning his threat level, from the perspective of the Empire, was negligible.

The main reason Sakura had sent Kirschtaria away was out of consideration for Ophelia. She had learned a bit about the young woman’s past and, due to her sincere desire to liberate herself and forge her own destiny, Sakura had grown quite fond of her. Though she was part of the larger group that revolved around Mordred, Sakura was also the leader of her own small social group, consisting predominately of shy and demure girls with gentle and kind natures. They all looked up to her so, if the opportunity presented itself, Sakura wouldn’t just ignore them when they are in trouble.

As a result of her personal resolve regarding the matter, Sakura nodded her head in affirmation but, rather than support Ophelia’s attempt to smooth things over, she plainly stated, "You don’t have to speak on behalf of others, Ophelia. You owe Lord Wodime nothing and, if it turns out he is truly a good man, he will distinguish himself through his actions. Putting pressure on you to try and get closer to me wasn’t something a good man would do so, while I understand he isn’t a bad person, that doesn’t translate to him being a good one, either."

Though her eyes revealed various complex emotions, Ophelia still managed an awkward smile, understanding that Sakura was supporting her. It didn’t seem to matter that her status as Imperial Princess had been revealed, Sakura was still the same caring person they had all come to respect over the last few months. She unified all of the girls who sought to change their fates but, due to being pressured their entire lives, had trouble deciding upon the best course of action.

With Sakura’s guidance, they had all made incredible progress in their studies and, though the future still seemed uncertain, they chose to believe in the Empire’s vision. They wanted to be able to choose their fates freely, not be forced into difficult situations for no better reason than the fact they had been born female.

The Empire promised an equilibrium of status between genders and race, often with very serious consequences for violent offenders. Thus, while the Emperor was rumored to be a deviant with a harem exceeding hundreds of women, mostly Heroic Spirits, they still looked up to him. The fact he was able to produce children like Mordred and Sakura, people they greatly idolized, was more than enough reason for them to wholly support his vision. It helped that, despite the rumors that circulated about him, Vahn’s appearance easily eclipsed even famous models. Since the girls all had his Familia Crest engraved on their bodies, he had, inadvertently, left a deep impression on their hearts as well...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Trying to surprise the Empire is quite difficult xD...’,’The embodiment of gentlemanly arrogance’,’Yes, FBI-san? He’s over here...’)

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