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Chapter 1471 - Consent

Chapter 1471 - Consent

After an inordinately long period of love-making, even involving Gray once things had calmed down, Vahn was laying in a large bed amidst an endless sea of flowers. Though several days had passed, the sky was still the same crystal clear blue it had been when Artoria first dragged Gray and him inside. As for the outside world, not even a single second had transpired, as, for the time being, her power had effectively removed them from the Time Axis.

Though Vahn’s connection to his other vessels was severed, causing them to effectively cease existing, he wasn’t particularly concerned about dealing with the Heroes Faction and finishing things up at the Throne of Heroes. Sure, his sudden disappearance would cause a fair amount of confusion, but, after spending several days with the carnivorous Artoria and the demure Gray, he wasn’t too concerned with mild inconveniences he had caused others...

Breaking him free from his thoughts, Artoria huskily whispered in his ear, "How pleasant would it be to just stay here for eternity...fumuuu..."

Vahn couldn’t deny that it was a tempting thought, but, knowing she wasn’t actually serious, he gave her perfectly pliant rump a light smack, stating, "It isn’t good to be too indulgent. From now on, we can visit this place and spend as much time as we like together. Staying too long will cause us to stagnate and lose our sense of purpose. I don’t mind how greedy you’ve become, but I’d be disappointed if you lost your sense of responsibility..."

Rolling her eyes in response to Vahn’s words, Artoria snuggled up to his side, complaining, "You know I was only joking. Though I wouldn’t mind staying longer, I know we have to return shortly. I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s faces when they see what I’ve become..."

Though Artoria wasn’t usually so vain, decades of suppressing herself and believing she lacked any redeeming qualities as a female had taken its toll. She didn’t intend to gloat, but part of her needed the vindication of seeing how the others reacted to her new self. Now, she wouldn’t have to feel inferior to other women, including those who had given birth...

As this thought crossed her mind, Artoria couldn’t help but lightly stroke her own abdomen, an expectant smile on her face that didn’t escape Vahn’s notice. He decided to emulate her action, his fingers sending threads of energy into her body that allowed him to see the budding life that now gently pulsed within her womb.

It wasn’t going to be a normal pregnancy by any stretch of the imagination, but, keeping true to his word, Vahn made certain that Artoria was with child before they stopped to rest. She now had a uniquely pliant ’egg’ within her uterus, prevented from escaping due to a small barrier of Divine Energy. This had been created naturally by Artoria, who, desiring to experience what it was like to be pregnant, seemed to have developed an Ovoviviparous womb. This allowed her to produce eggs, but, instead of laying them, they were nurtured inside her body...

At this point, there were very few things that could truly shake Vahn, so, while Artoria’s current state was rather ’unique’, it didn’t change how he felt. He was looking forward to the birth of his future child, wondering what form it would take considering he and Artoria were both Gods, True Dragons, and, to an extent, Spirits. Not ’peeking’ would be one of the hardest things he ever had to do, but, knowing Artoria wouldn’t take kindly to having the surprise ruined, he already resolved himself to remain patient...

While Vahn and Artoria were lost in their own little world, Gray was staring toward the azure sky above with a dazed expression. She was still completely naked from their earlier bout, but, with only her Master and Lady present, it didn’t bother her. Rather, she enjoyed the gentle breeze as it flowed across her skin, cooling the passionate flame in her body.

Though she was supposed to have limitless stamina, Gray found it impossible to keep up with the two True Dragons, especially when one had a Divinity related to Sex. She was perfectly fine on the outside, but, after several days of intense passion, Gray couldn’t help but feel greatly relieved by the fact her Master mentioned leaving. Even now, as she lay sprawled out at his side, she felt like her Master was still inside her, almost as if it had become an inseparable part of her existence.

In truth, it was Gray’s state that had brought an end to their ’fun’, causing Vahn and Artoria to feel slightly ashamed of themselves. They made a silent promise not to go overboard in the future, at least when others were involved. After all, Artoria was now a Tier 5 existence, so, much like Aoko, Arcueid, and Illya, she needed to be more considerate of others. As for Vahn, he generally did his best to avoid pushing the girls beyond their limits, but, due to how ’diligent’ she had become, it was easy for Gray to push herself too far...


After lounging about for a few hours longer, Vahn felt it was time for them to return to the outside world. Watching them wear their clothes after several days spent naked was a little disheartening, but, as they obviously couldn’t continue to walk around naked, it couldn’t be helped. Fortunately, both looked just as good dressed up as they did naked, returning the smile to Vahn’s face as he helped to brush and braid their hair.

Compared to before, when her hair barely extended past her shoulders, Artoria’s lustrous golden locks now extended all the way to her perfectly pert posterior. This wasn’t the longest hair he had to deal with, a titled split between Semiramis and Medusa, but it was still a considerable increase from before.

Despite the volume, Vahn had developed a particular fondness for upkeeping the hair of his women. He enjoyed pampering them, and, while the charm might be wasted on others, he felt privileged to be able to run his fingers through her satin-like hair. It was strangely cool to the touch, emanating a pleasant, mellow, aroma that tickled his nose and brought a smile to his face.

Fortunately, while some women were strangely protective of their hair, Vahn had only ever received compliments for his efforts. Even Artoria, who never used to consider such things necessary, always seemed to enjoy his care and attention to detail. It helped that, even though he wasn’t directly in contact with their scalp, Vahn’s Petting Laws still took effect, greatly relaxing the tensions of any who fell under his series of high-quality brushes and combs.

After nearly an hour, Vahn set Artoria’s hair into a neatly packed french-braided bun. He didn’t leave a single stray hair unattended, the only exception being her fringe, her rather ’heroic’ looking bangs, and the still-present ahoge that danced about happily atop her head. It wasn’t nearly as thick as it used to be, but, much like the rest of her hair, it had increased in length. Now, it formed a gentle arc that seemed to defiantly resist the pull of gravity as it dangled about like a lure, drawing the eye of anyone fortunate enough to stare upon her countenance.

Vahn had tried to brush down the defiant clump of hair, but, as if it was ’offended’ by the attempt, it only stuck out even more proudly to spite him. This was both mysterious and amusing, as, despite the fact he was nearing breakthroughs in Creation, Time, and Space Laws, Vahn still didn’t know how an ahoge could retain its form. It was one of the greatest mysteries of the Nasuverse, and, though he understood what it represented, even Da Vinci’s research hadn’t been able to ascertain their secrets...

As she could see Vahn’s antics within a large handmirror, Artoria had an amused smile on her face as she asked, "Are you done playing around, Vahn?"

Hearing Artoria’s remark, Vahn lightly poked her ahoge a few times, causing it to wiggle about in protest. Then, with a matching smile on his face, he answered, "It is enjoyable." before packing up his hairdressing tools and adding, "Well, I can always tease it more in the future. For now, we should be going. Are you ready...?"

With Artoria nodding her head in affirmation, Vahn turned his attention to Gray, who, as a form of apology, enjoyed having her hair tended to even before Artoria.

Seeing her Master turn his gaze upon her, Gray couldn’t resist smiling as she softly stated, "I am also ready, Master."

Much like Artoria, Gray still had a prominent ahoge on her head, which, as a result of his attention, had startled to twitch somewhat excitedly. This was one of the more amusing qualities of the strange clump of hair, as it was often far more honest than the person themselves. Vahn had even likened it to a Chienthropes tail in the past, finding it enhanced the adorable factor of a woman considerably.

After giving both girls ample head pats, Vahn had Artoria return them to Avalon, a rather jarring experience as it almost felt like Space was collapsing around, while, inversely, Time seemed to flow outward. This was largely due to Artoria’s inexperience in managing the transition, but, as it allowed Vahn to feel the two mysterious forces in a way he wasn’t quite used to, he made a mental note look into the phenomenon later on.

As this thought crossed his mind, Vahn turned his attention to Artoria, feeling his mind nearly blank for a moment as her beauty washed over him. Even though they had spent several days together, he knew it would take a while to get acclimated to just how beautiful she had become...

With Artoria’s smile exacerbating things, Vahn lightly chuckled to cover his embarrassment before saying, "I won’t tell you not to use your Marble Phantasm, but I’d prefer if you didn’t take things too far. I know you, Artoria...please don’t disappear for months at a time, just to increase your strength. If you intend to spend a lot of time inside, please inform me so I can accompany you."

Hearing Vahn’s words, Artoria averted her eyes slightly, a light blush on her face as, prior to Vahn’s warning, she had been intending to return the moment he left. She felt compelled to test the limits of her new power, but, as she could ’literally’ do this at any time, Artoria nodded her head, smiling as she answered, "I understand. Worry not, Vahn. Unless it is during an emergency, I will never use my Marble Phantasm without your knowledge. Besides..."

Though she didn’t change into her raiment completely, two rabbit-like horns popped out of Artoria’s head as she leaned forward slightly, accentuating her now voluminous chest as she added, "It will be a lot more interesting to have the company of my Emperor~."

Despite having spent the better part of six-days locked in ’battle’ with Artoria, Vahn’s could feel his tensions increase as a fire began to spread through his body. She had become a lot more tantalizing than before, and, undoubtedly as a result of her change, Artoria radiated confidence from every fiber of her being. This did a number on his draconic instincts, something she was undoubtedly aware of if her own flushed cheeks were any indicator...

Before her Master and Lady could get out of hand a second time, Gray released a loud cough in an attempt to shatter the tensions. As a result, Vahn and Artoria averted their intense gazes away from each other, slightly embarrassed looks on their faces as the former rubbed the back of his head and said, "I should be going...I’m interested to see the reactions of everyone, but I also want to return to the children before they worry. Not much time has passed since I left, but Penelo was pouting when I decided to stop by."

Recalling what Vahn had mentioned nearly a week prior, Artoria gave an understanding nod before adopting a slightly more serious expression and adding, "That woman you wanted to summon...you have my blessing. Just make sure she doesn’t run around doing anything strange. Honestly, I’d feel better if you brought both her and the white-haired one back to the Castle. Even if they aren’t really related to us, none of the women who share similar appearances will be comfortable if they end up in the clutches of another man..."

As Artoria squinted toward the end of her words, Vahn understood what she was trying to convey. It wasn’t exactly news to him, but, even without her saying it, he knew she was basically telling him not to let the women fall prey to Shirou. What he didn’t know was, while he might still have affection for the original, Artoria had no such attachment to the Assassin Class Heroic Spirit. Artoria felt troubled by the fact he possessed the original’s memories, and, now that her draconic heritage had come into full effect, part of her even wanted to erase him.

True Dragon’s were possessive and greedy creatures by nature, so, now that she had greater ’clarity’ regarding the situation, Artoria even besmirched her previous reminiscence. The Assassin Shirou was a threat to many of the things she cared about, and, though there was a negligible chance he would be able to succeed, the fact he opposed her husband stirred her ire. Any blemishes upon Vahn were attacks to her own pride, something that didn’t bother her much in the past. Now, however, Artoria felt as if it was one of the most important things, something she needed to protect at all costs...

Unaware of his Empress’ changing mentality, Vahn accompanied her and Gray to the entrance of the Inner Sanctum before splitting his body once again. His connection to his previous vessels had been severed the moment he had been pulled outside the Time Axis. This wasn’t because he couldn’t keep the link, but, as a result of the functionally infinite time dilation, he had experienced a brief moment where ’everything’ seemed to have stopped. If he hadn’t cut the connection manually, he would just be stuck there for a literal eternity before a single second passed within the Marble Phantasm.

Vahn was unique in the fact that, regardless of how stagnant the flow of time became, he was always able to perceive it. This prevented him from being sealed using any form of temporal manipulation, but, if he was caught off guard, it could be extremely taxing on both his body and mind. Despite this, he still considered it a Blessing, as, without it, beings like Akasha would have just been able to freeze his body, studying him for trillions of years without him even realizing it was happening. Though he wouldn’t be able to perceive them if they were just watching, the moment they tried to do anything, his awareness would accelerate to the point he could perceive their actions.

One day, Vahn knew he would reach a similar point to Artoria, Arcueid, and Aoko, able to completely separate himself from the Time Axis at will. Once he reached that point, he could idle about for eons at a time without even a second passing in ’reality’. This wasn’t an inherently useful ability, but, when he reached the point of being able to create his own ’Realm’, it was the same as having functionally absolute control over the flow of time. He would even be able to fly from one end of the Universe to the other without a single second passing, peering into the endless abyss that stymied the endless expansion of Space and Time.

For now, however, Vahn was more focused on the present moment. Thus, while sending one of his bodies to clear up matters with the Heroes Faction, he ventured deep below Avalon, finding himself in the Welsh Dragon’s Chamber. Now that he has Artoria’s permission, he was going to summon the Heroes Faction reinforcements. He was quite looking forward to their reaction when he booted them from the Moon Cell, so, in order to realize this reality sooner, Vahn activated the summoning circle with a slight smile on his face...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’A monochromatic woman’s existential crisis’,’Vahn, God of Hairdressing’,’True Dragons are very possessive creatures (UwU)...’)

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