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Chapter 1508 - Authority

Chapter 1508 - Authority

While his other four bodies were enjoying their time within the Yokai District, Vahn's 'original' self was high above the clouds, seated atop the massive Leviathan. He had the chibi-esque vessels of Gaia, Alaya, and Tiamat all snuggling up together within his lap, each looking simply adorable as they contentedly enjoyed his petting.

Though he could have done it anywhere, Vahn felt as though his mind was always clearer when he sat atop the Leviathan. There was something about the 'impossibly' large creature, combined with the overview of the world below, that allowed him to better reflect on his actions. Here, he felt as if, for a brief moment, he was detached from the rest of the world, much like a god looking down on a world of their own creation.

In truth, there were a number of reasons behind Vahn's decision to sit atop the Levithan. The main one, however, was simply to experience a shift in perspective. As for why he felt this was necessary, it was due to the sapphire blue orb that existed only in his perception. This was the form his Map had taken after subordinating Gaia, the grossest representation of his current authority.

Vahn's Map Function not only allowed him to map the surrounding terrain, but, if it was a territory owned by himself or his subordinates, he could mark and track enemies, teleport allies, and, most importantly, 'search' for anything within the boundaries of his dominion. So long as it was within the bounds of his dominion, he could find any person, animal, plant, or mineral with a simple thought. It was an inviolable power, which, when combined with his ability to freely move his intent, provided a level of clairvoyance that even Tier 5 beings like Alaya couldn't match.

The best thing about the current situation was that, as the planet itself, Gaia's subordination allowed him to view, not just the Surface, but the Reverse Side as well. In fact, he could view all Textures, not just those people were familiar with. This not only included secret locations, such as the Wandering Sea, but, far more importantly, it even displayed completely isolated regions, most notably Avalon and the 'Heart of the World'.

In total, there were more than a hundred sub-textures, some of which had greater dimensions than the entire surface area of the planet. This fact wasn't too surprising, as Vahn had already known this to be the case; however, there was a drastic difference between imagining something and seeing it for yourself. There was even a world where every piece of land floated high atop the clouds, and, no matter how far he sent his intent, Vahn never found anything 'below' them. It was like an endless and eternal sky, a world where people relied on majestic airships and flying mounts to move between sky islands, some the size of continents...

Unfortunately, despite a keen interest in each of these unique Textures and Realms, trying to search through them manually would take, quite literally, thousands of years. The 'interior' of Gaia was like a small universe, something very few people could even imagine. However, with dozens of [Spirit-Time Orb]s, [Time-Space Orb]s, and Da Vinci's many creations, Vahn wasn't all that surprised. There didn't seem to be an upper limit to the number of Dimensions and Sub-Dimensions that could occupy a single point in Space and Time. The Projection of Avalon was a good example of this, but, compared to the Root System, which denoted entire universes as 'single' points, even it paled in comparison.

Though he intended to explore quite a bit in the future, Vahn's current objectives included marking known threats, such as the surviving Dead Apostle Ancestors, and any potentially dangerous entities, chiefly the various Gods that were expected to cause trouble in the future.

Using the search function, Vahn was able to identify the location of his targets no matter how distant or isolated they were. He could even spy on them directly, allowing him to store their appearances in his memory, compiling a profile for each of his future opponents.

Ultimately, phase two of Vahn's plan included eliminating threats before the convergence could take place. Before that, however, phase one included recruiting various allies, not as Heroic Spirits, but by visiting them in person. He would reason with those who were willing to listen, liberating them from the prisons they had been trapped in for eons. As for those who wished to contend against him, they would suffer a tragic fate in order to ensure the success of phases three and four...

With this in mind, Vahn finished marking a few thousand different threats before using the search function, this time to locate Amaterasu. He had a preexisting agreement with her, and, now that her Bunrei had been able to experience the true nature of the Empire, he was hoping she would be one of his first allies. He was even prepared to negotiate directly with Type: Sol, arranging for Amaterasu to become a 'True God' by strengthening her Divine Authority...

Immediately after confirming Amaterasu as his search, Vahn saw his map update, zooming in on a massive temple that was completely isolated from other Sub-Textures. It was a place that existed outside of Time and Space, but, due to the fact it still resided on the 'Reverse Side', Vahn was able to pinpoint the location without incident. Then, by guiding his intent, he was able to probe the interior of the temple, finding the familiar figure of Amaterasu in a statuesque state.

Seemingly in response to his intent, Amaterasu's eyes began to blaze like small suns as time around her quickly adapted to the rate at which Vahn's flowed. Then, as if she could 'see' him, she turned her attention towards the point in space where his intent was located, her eyes squinting in amusement as she muttered, "My, aren't you full of surprises...?"

Though he was not physically within Amaterasu's isolated Sub-Texture, Vahn had learned how to speak through his intent even back in Danmachi. Thus, without having to teleport into her dominion, he answered, "If it is something I have set my mind to, there is nothing that can prevent me from fulfilling a promise. The last time we met, I promised to liberate you from this prison, allowing you to return to the Surface. All I require in exchange is your word as a Goddess. So long as you obey the Common Law, you will be free to live as you please."

Hearing Vahn's words, Amaterasu squinted her eyes even further, her nine, fiery, tails gently swaying behind her as she seemed to contemplate his offer. As a Goddess of the Sun, her dignity demanded that she repay favors and debts without fail. Being indebted to another was the same as lowering her status, so, even if Vahn didn't demand payment, she 'had' to give him something. The problem was, he was granting her freedom from an eternal prison, forcing an unpayable debt unto her shoulders...

While she couldn't see his face, Amaterasu knew Vahn wasn't proactively trying to take advantage of the laws and restrictions imposed upon Gods. This was even more troublesome, however, as sincerity was like compounding interest when it came to the repayment of debts. If she accepted his offer, she would be compelled to repay her debt, trapped within an endless cycle by her own pride. In a way, it was like replacing one prison with another, exchanging walls for chains formed from obligation...

After a relatively short period of time, Amaterasu nodded her head slightly, stating, "We will obey the conditions you have set. In exchange, you must erect a shrine for us within your home. Gods require the acknowledgment of sapient organisms as a form of sustenance. Oftentimes, quality is far greater than quantity. If you will not allow us to govern your world, you must enshrine as the Guardian Deity of your House. In exchange for offerings from your descendants, we will protect your Empire and its people until the final setting of the sun..."

Though Amaterasu's remark matched his expectations, Vahn couldn't help but internalize a sigh. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty, as, from the very beginning, he 'knew' things would proceed in a similar manner. This didn't diminish the sincerity in his words, however, as he had every intention of allowing her to live freely. Unfortunately, much like Alaya and Gaia, she would bound by certain laws and restrictions, compelling her to think and act in a certain way. In the future, he would liberate her from this compulsion, but, for the time being, the best thing he could do for all of them was rely on her power.

Without having to put too much thought into it, Vahn expanded his domain using his 'intent' as the origin point. He had already prepared for Amaterasu's response, filling a massive sakazuki cup with the same 'sake' he had provided her last time. It was a potent elixir that had a sizeable quantity of his blood mixed into it, enhancing the flavor and potency to a level that would cause even the greatest God of Wine to experience an existential crisis.

Seeing the familiar rainbow-hued liquid, Amaterasu made no attempt to hide her appreciation for the offering, gulping audibly as she fixed her posture. She had been laying down all the other times he saw her, so, seeing Amaterasu sitting properly, Vahn felt exceptionally small in comparison. Her standing height was close to 50m, bringing her pretty close to 28m when sitting in seiza. This gave her an equivalent stature to a nine-story building, an overwhelming sight that was greatly amplified by Amaterasu's flawless features...

For a brief moment, Vahn felt like he had been caught watching the sunrise, only coming to his senses when Amaterasu brought cup to her lips and slowly savored its contents. At the same time, he heard a notification sound within his mind, indicating her intent to become his Subordinate. This was a little awkward, but, as it also coincided with expectations, Vahn accepted it without hesitation.

It would be very difficult, if not impossible, for him to free her without subordinating her first. Now, however, he could teleport her directly to the Surface using his Map Function and Unit Management. It was an unbelievably powerful combination of system functions, and, in the future, it is what would allow him, and others, to freely trespass other Textures. This was a grand irony, in a way, as so many people were quick to claim ownership of land and territory, ignoring the simple fact that the planet had been around for billions of years before their selfishness determined such a thing.

Vahn would never understand what compelled people to believe they 'owned' anything they didn't build themselves. Even the concept of most governments didn't make sense to him, as, in the grand scheme of things, it was 'ridiculous' to claim sovereignty over anything but yourself. Nobody had an 'inherent' right to anything they did not expressly obtain through their own efforts. If people could accept this, respecting the worlds which granted them life, things like corruption, pollution, and war would cease to be. Instead, they pursue personal interests, consolidate wealth, and suppress others for entirely contrived reasons; actions which ultimately result in the collapse of entire civilizations.

In the end, Vahn wasn't conceited enough to believe that his method was the 'best' solution. Rather, he fully expected to make mistakes along his path towards the brink of Eternity. However, no matter how far he strayed from his original intentions, there were certain things he refused to compromise on. He would never ignore the suppression of people for arbitrary reasons such as race and gender. He would also do everything in his power to ensure all people, regardless of their origin, were given the right to succeed. Everyone deserved happiness, and, no matter the circumstances of their birth, children had an intrinsic right to be protected. It didn't matter what their parents or family had done, he would never allow a child to suffer for the sins of their ancestors. Even the concept of 'inherited' sin made him sick to his stomach...

Finished with her sake, Amaterasu released a hot breath before remarking, "How peculiar...to think this sake can even burn my, a Goddess of the Sun's, throat...fuuuu...."

Awakened from his train of thought, Vahn 'looked' up at Amaterasu, explaining, "Since you enjoy it so much, I'll make sure you have an ample supply once your shrine is completed. Now, I'm going to transfer you to the Surface. Before that, you need to adjust your size. Your current form is certainly majestic, but it will cause a few problems if you want to roam freely..."

Hearing Vahn's words, Amaterasu smiled teasingly before saying, "A simple matter," as her body began to rapidly shrink. However, this was 'only' her body, so, after a few awkward seconds, a much smaller Amaterasu emerged from her discarded clothes, her 'full glory' on display. Then, despite it being little more than an excuse, her smile became even wider as she explained, "We can sense it, the change in status between us. From now on, you have the responsibility of our Master, even if you refuse the title. You will need to provide for us, and, in exchange, we will give all of ourselves to you."

While others might be awed by the sight before them, Vahn wasn't exactly surprised. He expected something like this to happen from the moment he first met Amaterasu when she was in possession of Tamamo. The Bunrei of a Goddess would have inherited many of its traits, including a baseline for their personality. Since Kitsunes were rather famous in Japan for ingratiating themselves to others, often serving as guardians, friends, lovers, and wives, Amaterasu wasn't an exception. Rather, as the nature of a God could be shaped by the beliefs of their followers, Amaterasu's nature as a vulpine woman as an order of magnitude greater than that of Tamamo and Suzuka. She had even tried to 'force' him to marry her Bunrei the moment they met, and, during their encounter, every single one of her actions possessed a certain seductive quality...

After briefly admiring the sight before him, Vahn surprised Amaterasu quite a bit when he suddenly transferred her to the top of the Leviathan. She obviously hadn't expected such an 'instantaneous' transfer, but, as could be expected from a Tier 5 entity, she quickly recovered, her smile becoming even more seductive when she saw Vahn's actual body. However, immediately after that, her eyes landed on Gaia, Alaya, and Tiamat, freezing her in place before she could take a single step.

Though Amaterasu was a Goddess of the Sun, she, like other Gods of her nature, was contracted to the planet she resided on. Thus, Gaia's and Alaya's authority, at least within the Planetary Bounded Field, was higher than her own. The fact they were both curled up in the lap of the man she had just pledged herself to caused her heart to begin beating rapidly, her thoughts racing to make sense of the current situation.

Understanding Amaterasu's confusion, Vahn offered a polite smile before pulling out a high-quality kimono for her to wear. He knew she had the ability to manifest a raiment, but, at least for the time being, he intended to humor her. Though he would eventually have to inform her of the fact he was already married to a different Amaterasu, giving him strong apprehensions about accepting her as a lover, that could wait until later. For now, he intended to get her up to speed on everything that had happened during his stay within the Nasuverse. From there, they would discuss his future plans, and, once everything was said and done, his plan would officially be set in motion...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn be like, "Welcome to 'my' world..."','Baited and outsmarted','Imagine Amaterasu's face when she sees her loli counterpart xD...')

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