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Chapter 1561 Precursor

Chapter 1561 Precursor

After a relatively uneventful night, Vahn and company departed the Inn, bidding farewell to the old matron and leaving a parting gift for the adorable Shiori.

Vahn had come to know that Shiori’s mother had died a few years prior, and, due to various circumstances, they didn’t know where her father was. As a result, her grandmother ended up becoming Shiori’s guardian, taking care of her in spite of her advanced age. Fortunately, the Inn had quite a number of female staff, both young and old, to help take care of her.

Since he had a soft spot for children, Vahn left a sizeable donation to help ensure the Inn was able to tide through the recession. He also left funds to sponsor Shiori’s education, but, if she wanted to continue working at the hereditary Inn, it could also be used to purchase things like clothes and other essential items. Ultimately, Vahn just wanted to give the adorable little girl a chance, and, since their fates had overlapped, even for a moment, he decided to reward the duo for their persistence and kindness...


With the Airfish well on its way towards Ariadne, Vahn was adding the finishing touches to a hybrid [Sub-Space Orb] within the bowels of the ship. In the past, this would have required a stationary point to anchor the orb, but, after decades of practice, rooting a [Sub-Space Orb] to a mobile platform was a relatively simple feat to achieve. The only real downside was that it required a rather ridiculous amount of energy to sustain, but, with the Airfish having become home to a sizeable population of Elementals, even this wasn’t really an issue.

Vahn had thought about purchasing or developing one of the high-end dioramas that were often used as resorts and retreats for exceedingly wealthy Aristocrats, but, as the spatial fabric was a lot more unstable than a rooted [Sub-Space Orb], he decided against it. He would have needed a few months just to simulate the internal environment, and, even then, it would serve little purpose other than as a vacation home, albeit one with very powerful time-dilation...

After completing the rather arduous task, requiring a little more than four hours of focus, Vahn wiped away his brow before turning to face his large audience, asking, "So, did you enjoy the show? I don’t usually have an audience for things like this. Hahaha~"

In response to his question, Asuna wiggled out of Fenrir’s embrace before scampering over to Vahn’s side and saying, "Teach me. I want to learn."

Though she and Arika had a near-perfect memory, allowing them to emulate pretty much any spell or technique they saw, replicating Ritual Magic, physically constructed Spell Formations, and Grand Magic Wards were significantly more difficult. If they could copy ’any’ technique with just a glance, the members of the Ostian Royal Family would have accomplished more as a family of Artisans than members of Royalty. They also wouldn’t have to spend most of their time researching Lost and Ancient Magics, trying to understand the techniques that had been inherited, and subsequently lost, from the Age of Gods.

Ruffling Asuna’s hair, Vahn answered, "Certainly. There are other things you will have to learn before I can teach you this, however. Don’t worry. Though your physical training will start later, I plan to start teaching you Magical Theory pretty soon. Now, want to take a look inside?"

Without any hesitation, Asuna nodded her head before raising her arms up high. This caused Vahn to softly chuckle, explaining, "Place your palm on the orb and imagine yourself entering. I can’t carry you everywhere, unfortunately."

Hearing the explanation, Asuna slowly lowered her arms, falling into an oppressive silence for a few moments before nodding her head with an ’Nn.’ Vahn wasn’t quite sure what to make of this, as she didn’t seem upset or anything, but he didn’t have too much time to think about it since Asuna quickly placed her palm against the orb, vanishing into thin air.

Though the [Sub-Space Orb] only had a time dilation of 4:1, Vahn didn’t want to leave Asuna alone for too long, so, after placing his palm on the orb, he turned to Fenrir and asked, "Shall we?" before vanishing immediately after.


While his main body was playing Sandbox with Asuna, Fenrir, and, surprisingly, a number of Elementals, Vahn entered the bridge to inform Arika the orb had been completed. Her only response was a curt nod of acknowledgment and a simple, "I see..." before focusing on the viewport in front of her. This left Vahn feeling slightly helpless, a wry smile on his face as he recalled the incident that had turned the taciturn beauty into an ice queen...


Shortly after arriving back at the ship, Vahn had announced his plan to construct a [Sub-Space Orb] to afford them more storage space and a place to train without causing damage to the environment and drawing unnecessary attention to themselves. This was unanimously agreed upon, so, in preparation for the orbs creation, they all worked together to clean the cargo bay and move important luggage to where it needed to be.

Initially, everything was going relatively smoothly, as Vahn could just throw extra baggage into his Inventory, but things became a little awkward when Asuna tried moving one of the larger suitcases, one possessing anti-theft features and a powerful barrier. This normally wouldn’t be a problem, but, almost immediately after Asuna picked it up, an invisible field spread from her body, noticed only by Vahn.

Since the suitcase had been one of hers, Arika had noticed Asuna’s actions and was about to take care of it herself, but, at that same moment, the suitcase simply ’burst’ open due to every magical barrier breaking down simultaneously. It didn’t generate enough force to cause any real harm, thankfully, but that didn’t mean it was incapable of causing damage, even if it was more psychological than anything else...

As fate would have it, the suitcase in question was the one that held all of Arika’s sleepwear, lingerie, and other delicate items. The force from the barriers breaking down was like a strong gust of wind, so, once the suitcase burst open, all of its contents spread around the cargo bay in an instant. Even this wasn’t much of an issue, however, as Arika didn’t seem to mind being seen naked. Rather, the problem occurred when a certain piece of fabric managed to bypass Vahn’s defenses in a clearly ’fateful’ manner, smacking him in the face.

Even before he removed the article, Vahn could already tell what it was, causing a wry smile to spread across his face as he peeled away the uncharacteristically clingy fabric. When his eyes were no longer obstructed, the first thing he saw was Arika’s ’murderous’ expression, offset by a slightly red hue coloring her cheeks. She then blinked to his side using [Shundo], snatching the fabric with one hand and raising her other as if she was about to slap him before pausing and ’hiding’ both behind her back and asked, "Did you see it...?" in an accusatory tone.

Rather than answer, Vahn just offered an apologetic smile that caused Arika to lower her head for several seconds before she muttered, "My mother gave them to me...I am not a perverted woman..."

Vahn wanted to comment that he knew Arika wasn’t a pervert, but, before he was able to, she quickly alighted from the cargo bay. She didn’t bother to help clean up or recover the other half of the lingerie set, leaving Asuna standing with a blank expression a black-lace brassier hanging from one of her pigtails...


Seemingly interpreting his thoughts through his silence, Arika lowered her head slightly as she muttered, "You’re thinking about it..."

Rather than continue the streak of awkwardness, Vahn just casually nodded his head, saying, "That kind of incident isn’t one that people easily forget. Besides, you’re still pouting over it so I can’t help but worry. You really shouldn’t let it bother you so much. It’s just a piece of fabric."

Hearing Vahn’s words, Arika looked towards him with a hint of blame in her eyes, but, after a few moments of silence, she nodded her head and answered, "You’re right. I shouldn’t blame you for what happened. Rather, I should have never accepted those garments from mother in the first place..."

Though he noticed Arika kept stressing the fact that her mother was the one who gave her the risque undergarments, Vahn decided not to comment on it. He was well aware of the type of person Arika was, someone who was so uncertain of her own thoughts and feelings that she couldn’t be honest with herself. It was highly likely that Ana had given her the ’combat attire’, not to be used, but to remind her daughter of the fact she had the option to choose her own destiny.

Restraining an urge to sigh, Vahn adopted a slight smile as he answered, "Don’t say that. After all, your mother was just thinking about your happiness. Besides, as I said before, they are just pieces of fabric. You are just too conscious of them because of their perceived use. In the end, however, it is not somethings perceived use that matters, but how it is used. A weapon can be used to save lives, and, inversely, something designed to protect can cause tragedy if used to bring harm. Regardless of what form something takes, the intent behinds its use is ultimately what matters the most. Even if you wore something simple and plain, it could be a devastating weapon under the right conditions..."

Turning to face Vahn, Arika noticed he had a casual yet serious look, lacking the usual teasing glimmer in his eyes. He seemed completely serious, and, if she thought about them seriously, his words actually held a surprising amount of truth. The intended purpose for something had little significance if it wasn’t used for that purpose. Since she wasn’t even bothered to be seen naked by him, why should she be bothered to be seen wearing more...?

Though the words seemed to make sense, Arika couldn’t help feeling more confused as she put even more thought into it. After all, even if there was truth contained within Vahn’s words, it didn’t completely remove the significance of certain garments. A person’s outfit could have great significance when it denoted their profession, status, or represented a significant event like a funeral or wedding...

Noticing the confusion in Arika’s eyes, Vahn shook his head, stating, "You’re overcomplicating things. I’m certain your thoughts are valid, but it doesn’t really change the truth inherent in my words. Ultimately, it is up to people to determine what something is used for and what other things represent. We give purpose to things through our intentions, and, without something like conscious thought, reality, itself, wouldn’t even exist..."

With little else to say, Vahn decided to leave Arika to think things over for herself. Ultimately, the only perspective that mattered, in this case, was her own. He was well aware of the charm certain outfits possessed, but, even if a heavenly beauty wearing nothing but a garter belt and stockings appeared before him, Vahn wouldn’t particularly care if she wasn’t one of his lovers. He would certainly be able to appreciate their beauty, but, even if they attempted to seduce him, it would be for naught unless he reciprocated their affection...


Hearing the sound of the bridge door open and close, Arika looked toward where Vahn had been standing moments prior, confusion still visible in her eyes. She could understand what he was trying to say, but, due to the conflicts in her heart and mind, accepting them as truth was very difficult. Rather, part of her was annoyed by the fact he reacted in such a casual and calm manner despite her spending the last few hours fretting over whether or not he thought she was a pervert...

Releasing a tired sigh, Arika leaned back in the pilot’s seat, allowing the cruise control to keep them on course as she stared toward the ceiling. In hindsight, she wasn’t entirely sure why she had been so bothered in the first place. She was well aware of the fact that Vahn harbored no lascivious intentions or untoward thoughts regarding her. He seemed to acknowledge her as a member of the opposite sex, even showing a bit of appreciation at times, but there was still a vast gulf that separated them due to their status, age, and experience...

Realizing her thoughts implied she wanted to reduce the distance between them, Arika felt a momentary panic that caused her to look around to confirm she was still alone. Once she had confirmed this, she breathed a sigh of relief while lightly pressing her palm to her chest. She could feel her heart palpitating in an unsteady rhythm, its tempo several times faster than the norm...

Shaking her head in self-admonition, Arika muttered, "Vahn is right...I’m making things more than they need to be. I’m behaving in a contrary manner, envious of Asuna being treated like a child despite expecting to be treated as an adult...now, I’m even throwing a tantrum over an incident that no one is to blame for...haaaaa..."

After allowing another sigh to escape her lips, Arika looked back towards the ceiling, her eyes losing their focus as she absentmindedly uttered, "Maybe it wouldn’t be so awkward if I grew accustomed to wearing such garments regularly...I wonder how he would react..."

As that thought crossed her mind, Arika pulled out a tiny piece of black fabric that seemed less like a pair of panties than a collection of strings and lace. It was a type of underwear that had been imported from Mundus Ventus, and, though they used to be exceptionally rare, a few of the more risque designs had become relatively popular. Arika had never understood the draw of such ’pointless’ clothing, as it was both uncomfortable and didn’t really cover up anything, but, now that she was closely observing the largely transparent fabric, complete with a thin string near the back, she couldn’t prevent the burning feeling in her cheeks...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Vahn pulling out the usual hacks’,’Magic canceling is OP (UwU)’,’They are t-back lace panties. Pinterest is your friend’)

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