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Chapter 1613 Undercurren

Chapter 1613 Undercurren

Unaware of the fact he had a hot-blooded hero on his ’tail’, Vahn was hanging out on the deck of the Custos Rosea with Fenrir and Asuna. They were keeping an eye out for any roaming bands of Sky Pirates, but, due to the importance of Al Jamila to the entire Magical World, the security in the region was inordinately high. They had even been hailed by a number of security patrols, but, after realizing who the ship belonged to, they quickly cleared a path. Since then, a few Airfish had been following them at a distance, most acting as silent escorts while a few were there just to keep tabs on them.

As more time passed, Vahn’s association with the Ostian Royal Family became increasingly stronger. At the same time, information regarding the Custos Rosea had been disseminated through various information networks, so, while the reaction was a bit ’slow’, it wasn’t surprising that various groups had started following them. There was even a chance some of the vessels were acting in the interest of Cosmo Entelecheia, but, as they had a tendency to conceal themselves, it wasn’t that likely.

What Vahn found most amusing was the fact that the majority of the ships stayed just beyond what most assumed his domain radius to be. This implied that he already had the attention of the various Guilds, but, considering the actions he had taken, this wasn’t too surprising. The Hellas Empire had undoubtedly compiled an entire dossier on him, and, as was often the case, they would have spread that information in order to line their own pockets. As for Megalomesembria, they had even put out a bounty on his head, but, perhaps fearing the repercussions of making it public, it had only spread through the underground community in absolute secrecy. It not for the presence of Fairy Xuan, they might have even been able to get away with it. Instead, they were leaving a vast trail of evidence in their wake, and, when the time came, Vahn would hold them accountable for their crimes...

With their unofficial escort keeping potential pirates at bay, it wasn’t long before the island nation of Al Jamila came into view. It was roughly half the size of Australia, and, from a distance, it had the appearance of a massive jungle surrounded by densely populated seaports. Nearly the entire coast was lined with a 100m tall seawall, and, instead of a traditional pier system, there was a surprisingly complex yet archaic-looking system of pulleys designed to extract ships from the pristine waters below so they could safely moor in drydock.

Though there were various Airfish ports located around Al Jamila, very few crafts were allowed over the island nation itself. Their people lived relatively simple lives, and, though they did import quite a number of goods, finding a traditional market or grocer was impossible. Instead, they were famous for their expansive bazaars and allowing people to pay for meals and such by performing manual labor or simple tasks.

Eulimene Ea was rather famous for her hatred of Megalomesembria so she vehemently refused to allow for a similar system to exist in her own country. This would have normally made her a prime target by the infamous Confederacy, but, due to her political mindedness, Eulimene had forged a number of powerful alliances with various countries. Targeting her nation was the same as targeting an essential lifeline for hundreds-of-millions of people, so, in the distant past, even Ostia had come to their aid a number of times.

Fortunately, as the Ostian Royal Family had long enjoyed a friendly relationship with Al Jamila, Arika was able to fly the Custos Rosea inland. This area was typically off-limits unless you were a member of the aboriginal population and their families, but, as a Princess of Vespertatia, as members of the Ostian Royal Family, Arika and Asuna were obvious exceptions...

After being allowed to land within one of the few private Airfish ports located inland, Vahn and Co departed the Custos Rosea. There were nearly a hundred natives gathered to greet them, and, once again enforcing the fact that nakedness wasn’t a big deal in Mundus Magicus, Vahn couldn’t help but smile wryly when he noticed that there was an equal distribution between males and females going without tops. The majority of these bare-chested individuals were exceptionally fit, and, as was the tradition in Al Jamila, most of their torsos and thighs were covered in complex tattoos that displayed their various feats.

Though not the aptest comparison, the average Al Jamilan bore an uncanny resemblance to the Samoan natives back on Mundus Ventus. They had healthy bronzed skin that glistened under the sunlight, and, though there were some shorter members among their tribes, even the average adult female was close to 190cm in height. The taller members of their species could easily exceed 220cm in height, and, rather than appear fair and frail, even the older members of their tribes had bodies similar to Olympic level swimmers.

The only difference between an Al Jamilan and a human native of Samoa was the fact that, instead of rounded ears, they had slightly pointed ears. If you pulled these forward, you would find a set of rudimentary gills. They also had noticeable webbing between their fingers and toes, and, though it was impossible for them to live beneath the surface, they could stay submerged for hours at a time without too many issues...

At the forefront of the group of natives, an exceptionally muscular man that stood approximately 232cm in height approached with a friendly smile on his face. He had a thick mane of frizzy black hair that was loosely tied into a ponytail, and, though he wasn’t conventionally handsome, Vahn could easily imagine him being a lady killer in his youth. The bands of grey hair visible near his scalp indicated he was well over a hundred years old, as, due to their exceptionally healthy lifestyles and lifelong commitment to protecting nature, the average lifespan of an Al Jamilan was close to two-hundred years old.

Sensing no hostility from the man, Vahn was quite surprised when the large fellow wrapped him in a bear hug as he loudly exclaimed, "Welcome to Al Jamila, friends!"

Following his exclamation, the man set Vahn on the ground, and, without missing a beat, stunned Arika by giving her an equally big hug. He then tried to do the same with the rest of the group, but, after realizing his intentions, Eva outright teleported away while Fenrir and Asuna promptly decided to hide behind Vahn.

Rather than show any offense, the man released a good-natured laugh, his pristine white teeth literally catching the light from the sun as he smiled and said, "It seems your companions are rather shy! Here, take these shell necklaces. Everyone in Jamila is one big family so it is customary to greet people as if they are long-lost kin. These necklaces will let people know you aren’t comfortable with being embraced. We usually only wear them when we are sick, but, as outsiders, you are free to use them as a protective charm."

As the man spoke, he passed out shell necklaces to everyone in the party, but, when it came time to receive his own, Vahn politely refused. He was actually fond of cultures that treated everyone as kin, and, though there were some pretty drastic differences, they reminded him of the Xenos. They were yet another aspect of Danmachi that he missed, so, while it might result in some discomfiture, Vahn wanted to observe and respect the unique culture of the Al Jamilan people.

Seeing Vahn refuse the necklace, the massive man showed an equally massive grin as he tossed the necklace over his shoulder and exclaimed, "My brother! It is good to see you! Hahahahaha!"

Displaying even more familiarity than before, the unnamed Al Jamilan man wrapped his trunk-like arms around Vahn’s body, lifting him from the ground slightly as he hugged him tightly. Then, with his massive arm thrown over Vahn’s shoulder, he turned towards the surrounding group and said, "Everyone! I’d like you to meet my new brother...!" Then, as if only just remembering an important part of meeting new people, the turned to Vahn with a wry smile on his face and asked, "What is your name again...?"

Amused by the man’s carelessness, Vahn issued a light-hearted laugh of his own as he said, "Others call me the Sage Dragon Emperor but you can just call me Vahn. It is good to meet you...?"

Without any pause to consider his response, the man beat his chest with pride as he exclaimed, "I am the Great Warrior, Feleti Tamotu Naea! You may call me Motu! All my brothers and sisters do!"

Finished with his own introduction, Motu turned to the crowd, and, in an even louder voice, stated, "Everyone! I’d like you to meet my brother, Vahn! He has returned to us after wandering outside for a very long time. Let’s do our best to show him why Al Jamila is the greatest country in the world!"

In response to Motu’s outburst, the crowd began to loudly cheer. Some of the tattooed individuals even began dancing, and, after a few minutes had passed, it was like an annual festival was being celebrated within the private Fishport. Large groups of people began to arrive from outside, and, as if it was perfectly normal for them to hold grand celebrations, many came bearing baskets of fresh fruit, fish, steamed vegetables, and jars of what would be considered expensive alcohol beyond the borders of Al Jamila...


At the same time that Vahn was enjoying the impromptu celebration of the Al Jamilan people, an inordinately tall and muscular woman was staring into a reflecting pool located in the center of an underwater temple. She had the characteristic brown skin of the Al Jamilan natives, but, instead of black ink, the many tattoos covering her body glowed with a bioluminescent green color. This same color was reflected in her eyes, and, in the depths of the sea, her body was the only thing repelling the seemingly infinite black abyss encroaching upon the undersea temple.

Seeing the image of Vahn reflected in the ghostly glowing pool, the woman cracked an intrigued yet predatory smile as she mused in a husky voice, "Very interesting...it seems the rumors of a new Ancient Dragon weren’t exaggerated. The only question is whether or not your presence marks the beginning of a new era or the cataclysmic end of the old..."

Following her musings, the woman made a swiping gesture with her hand, and, as if it was a simple touch screen, the reflecting pool changed to show an entirely new image. This time, instead of the smiling Vahn, it displayed the rather incredulous scene of an inordinately small sea serpent with various metal instruments carelessly attached to its body. It was kept restrained by massive runic chains, but, as it tossed and turned about in the throes of pain, these bindings would gradually loosen, and, at times, completely fracture.

If anyone knowledgeable was to witness the scene, they would be absolutely mortified, as, rather than a simple serpent, the creature reflected was none other than the infamous Leviathan. It had been captured at great cost to the Megalomesembrian Senate, and, though it wasn’t well-known, it was their painstaking efforts to capture the Beasts of Calamity that delayed the Confederacy’s usual warmongering. They had wanted to weaponize the creatures, but, even after investing more than twenty years, the most they had been able to accomplish was seriously pissing off the infamously temperamental Leviathan.

The muscular woman, Eulimene Ea, had always had a love-hate relationship with the Leviathan, but, as it was just another creature born from the Ocean Mother, she also empathized with its plight. As a result, she had made several attempts to try and free it over the years, and, knowing the purpose of Arika’s visit, she was tempted to request Ostia’s assistance in exposing the Confederacy’s attempt to weaponize one of the few internationally recognized threats. Capturing and sealing it was one thing, but, as they were literally trying to use it against other people, there was a chance Ostia could be convinced to take more proactive measures against the increasingly destructive superpower.

Though she knew the chances were slim, Eulimene knew there was still merit in making the capture of Leviathan public knowledge. Now was the best time to do so, as, even if they wanted to try and put a spin on things, the impending war made it a lot harder to make excuses. They weren’t exactly known for respecting international treaties and conventions, but, the more evidence that could be levied against them, the easier it would be to mobilize the various neutral powers into action.

Contrasting her rather staunch and dauntless appearance, Eulimene Ea released a tired sigh as she thought about the monstrous entity that was the Megalomesembrian Confederacy. She had always disdained their methods, yet, in spite of her efforts to rally people against them, most nations were afraid to commit to decisive action. They were lulled into a sense of complacency by the promise of wealth, power, and mutual benefit. Instead of rising against the tyrants who were gradually bringing the entire world to ruin, they hid away in their lavish manors and expensive mansions, happily living opulent lifestyles using the wealth their people had generated...

Shaking her head, Eulimene made her way over to a small pool near the side of the chamber, and, with an expectant smile on her face, mused, "It’s been quite a while since I enjoyed a drink with a dragon..."

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Imagine having to pull fishing vessels up the Cliffs of Dover...’,’When you’re here, you’re family~!’,’Eulimene basically looks like a slightly more feminine version of Illaoi. She hella thicccc’)

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