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Chapter 1687 Surprise, Fear, Release

Chapter 1687 Surprise, Fear, Release

With less than five minutes remaining until the beginning of the ceremony, Vahn was surprised to see Fenrir arrive much later than normal. To make things even stranger, her ears drooped slightly the moment he looked over, her eyes averting to escape his gaze as she seemed to be looking for an answer to questions he had yet to ask.

Not wanting to put her on the spot, Vahn ultimately decided not to inquire about Fenrir’s delayed arrival. Instead, he maintained his usual smile as he extended his hand, caressing the base of her ears as he said, "I’m glad you made it on time. It would be pretty awkward if you weren’t here to present the rings..."

Though it wasn’t immediate, Fenrir’s ears perked up in response to her Master’s touch, an inaudible sigh of relief escaping her slightly parted lips. It was almost impossible for her to lie to him, so, with the burden of the truth removed, Fenrir was able to return to her usual self, her tail wagging slightly as she returned a smile and said, "I would never miss Master’s important moments...!"

While resisting the urge to tap into his omniscience, Vahn lightly chuckled in response to Fenrir’s remark. He couldn’t deny he was ’very’ curious about what she was keeping from him, but, as she never kept secrets unless it was for his benefit, he ultimately decided not to pry. Instead, he spent a few minutes playing with her ears before returning to his post mere moments before the crowd was silenced by the sounds of music.

Fortunately, even without asking, Vahn quickly learned the reason for Fenrir’s late arrival, as, rather than just Arika and Theo being accompanied by Anarchia, a certain orange-haired princess and her mother were also in attendance. This completely caught Vahn by surprise, but, rather than show an adverse reaction, his smile became tinged with amusement. At the same time, he wondered how all three of them were going to stand on stage, as, originally, he would have Arika and Theo on each of his arms...

In the end, Vahn got his answer when Arika and Theo linked hands with Asuna, letting her stand in front as they intertwined their remaining hands with his and assumed their planned positions. This made it seem like Asuna had been elevated to a higher position, but, considering she was the only one not directly in contact with Vahn, a peculiar ’balance’ had been achieved. All-in-all, it was a very strange and surprising turn of events, one Vahn didn’t particularly mind since the thought of a four-person honeymoon was quite tantalizing.


Following the blessing of Yggdrillia and the completion of their vows, Vahn placed the wedding bands on Arika, Theo, and Asuna respectively. Then, after a series of paradoxically passionate yet tame kisses, he was officially wed to the three beauties. This was met with a standing ovation from the Elves and Spirits that had gathered, while, at the side; Vesperina and Anarchia had teasing looks on their faces as the latter remarked, "How envious~."

As he had already gotten used to Anarchia’s remarks, Vahn resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he scooped up Arika, Theo, and Asuna into his embrace and said, "I’ll be expecting an explanation after the party comes to an end..."

Without showing any concern or anxiety, Theo and Asuna just giggled in response to Vahn’s words while Arika was the one to murmur, "We felt bad about having everyone remain for three days in a row. We also felt that three weddings in three days would ruin the impact each of them had...also..."

Though Vahn wasn’t actually expecting to hear excuses then and there, he still listened intently as Arika struggled to find her words. Her blush made it pretty apparent what she was thinking, but, as if to remove any doubt, Theo was the one to add, "We wanted to have fun together. Being alone is pretty exciting, but it is always more interesting when there are more people~!"

Hearing Theo’s remark, Arika’s face flushed crimson as she hid her face from view. As for Asuna, she took advantage of the fact she was still in front of him to lean forward, eyes turned up as she asked, "Do we have to stay for the party...?"

Vahn’s first instinct was to insist they stick around, especially after departing so quickly with Eva the day before, but, with three beauties looking up at him with expectant gazes, it was unthinkable for him to refuse. Theo, in particular, looked like she was prepared to eat him up then and there while Asuna, ever-eager to strengthen their bond, suggestively licked her lips before offering a tantalizing smile...


Though others might struggle to accomplish the feat, Vahn managed to produce three bodies so that he could carry Arika, Theo, and Asuna at the same time. They all seemed to enjoy this quite a bit, and, though he attempted to set them down when he arrived at their destination, Theo wasn’t having any of it. Instead, she adopted an eager smile, pointing towards the stairs as she exclaimed, "Onwards and upwards~!" while the tip of her tail attempted to unfasten his belt.

Before he could lose control of the situation, Vahn hindered the growing tensions by directly asking, "Is this what the three of you want? If I dispel of the version of myself back on the island, it wouldn’t be difficult for me to maintain three bodies. This is your-"

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, it was surprisingly Arika who interrupted, asserting in an equally direct manner, "I love you, Vahn, but I’m also terrified of being alone with you. Even though I know you will be gentle, I’m afraid of having sex without someone else to support. You are simply too much for just one of us...please keep that in mind...Asuna might be fine on her own, but I don’t have such confidence..."

Still surprised by the fact that it was Arika who spoke out, Vahn was unable to respond to her words before Asuna added, "If I’m being honest, even I don’t have that confidence. I think I’ll be fine in the future, but I can’t deny it is a little scary to go ’alone’. I’ve heard about your exploits from Fenrir and Medusa...I don’t think I’ll lose, but I’m not foolish enough to compare myself to a literal Goddess of Sex. This was the reason we decided to get married at the same time...the three of us are like sisters, and, though we have our rivalries, we still want to support each other to the best of our ability..."

Demonstrating their support of Asuna’s statement, Arika and Theo nodded in affirmation, the latter going so far as to add, "I could be bold in the past because I knew there was no danger of anything happening. Now that we’re married, there are all kinds of things I want to try. However, I’m not that confident in being able to show restraint and I’m afraid of how extreme our plays will become if its just the two of us. I also want to avoid becoming a woman you regret being with so I want to take things slowly...at least for the time being..."

Vahn wanted to remark that he would never regret being with her, but, before he could find the words, all three girls stole a kiss from his lips. It was like they had practiced this exact scenario, and, considering who he was dealing with, there was a very high chance that was the case. Thus, rather than continue discussing the matter, Vahn carried the trio up the stairs, lying each of them on the bed before dissipating his other two vessels...


Starting from Arika, Vahn began to slowly undress each of the girls like they were presents waiting to be unwrapped. He knew she was the one most fearful of what was to come, so, while Asuna and Theo watched from the side, he crossed several lines they had rarely even treaded previously. This involved, quite literally, teaching Asuna and Theo about the various methods of cunnilingus, a skill he had them both learn as it would be ’very’ important in the days to come.

Once Arika was sufficiently wet, Vahn accepted Theo’s offer for fellatio, allowing the eldest princess a moment to recuperate as she stared absentmindedly towards the licentious act occurring a short distance away. The fact Theo could swallow most of his member was quite jarring for both her and Asuna, but, considering the former was an ’exceptionally’ adaptive Dragon, neither was in a hurry to try and compete.

In the end, Theo surprised even Vahn by changing the angle of her neck and kissing the base of his penis while it was still in her mouth. After that, she created an almost overwhelming suction force, effectively leaving him with no choice but to grab her horns to prevent her from pulling away. She was very nearly on the verge of rupturing his penis, forcing Vahn to greatly strengthen his body to avoid any mishaps. This seemed to amuse Theo quite a bit, but, despite her best efforts, she wasn’t able to ’force’ him to take action a second time. Instead, he continued holding her horns, guiding her head at a comfortable pace while she continued to look up at him with an excited glimmer in her eyes...

Though it wasn’t really necessary for him to get ’ready’, Vahn rewarded Theo’s efforts by releasing a large quantity of semen directly into her throat. He could control the consistency and thickness, so, while it might be unpleasant under normal circumstances, Vahn was rather famous for having sweet and easy to ingest bodily fluids. Fenrir could readily attest to this fact, as, whenever they were alone together, she could spend upwards of half an hour just happily suckling the energy-rich fluids from his penis.

Showing just how similar she was to the lovable Vanargandr, Theo remained glued to her position until Vahn pulled away by tightening his grip on her horns. This caused her to release a sonorous groan that was equal parts pain and pleasure, as, despite her transformation into a True Dragon, the interior ridge of Theo’s horns was still just as sensitive as before. It was also slightly softer than the outside, and, if he squeezed tightly, small indentations that caused Theo a considerable amount of pain and pleasure would form...

After releasing her Master’s member was a ’pa’, Theo instinctually grabbed her horns, massaging away some the pain as her face glowed with an impassioned hue. This earned her a wide-eyed look from Asuna, but, seeing Vahn return to Arika’s side, she quickly ignored the developing masochist in order to continue her observation. Everything happening right now was just so new and exciting for her, and, unlike before, Vahn didn’t even flinch when she fiddled with herself. This caused her to feel exceptionally giddy, and, though it was far from her turn, she could still get off while watching Vahn have sex with Arika for the first time...

Though Vahn could feel Asuna’s gaze focused on his penis, testicles, and anus, he made no effort to inhibit her actions. He knew exactly what kind of woman she was, and, though he couldn’t deny it was a little awkward, he didn’t particularly mind. The more she learned, the easier things would be for both of them going forward, so, rather than shrink away under her gaze, he proactively adjusted his position so that she and Theo would be able to observe as he leaned over Arika and stole both her lips and her virginity. This caused her to bite down on his tongue, but, fortunately for everyone present, he had strengthened his durability to the point of indestructibility after Theo’s antics...


In order to make things as easy on her as possible, Vahn discreetly adjusted his size and girth as he, very slowly, made love to Arika. This seemed to be the correct choice, as, despite clearly enjoying it, Arika wasn’t a very ’proactive’ partner. She was clearly afraid of making mistakes, so, from the start until his inevitable release inside of her, the most she did was cling to him while doing her best to regulate her breathing and stifle her cries. This was, however, very normal for a woman’s first time, so, rather than feel unsatisfied, Vahn actually felt grateful as he slowly and tenderly made love to the bashful princess, smiling every time she blushed in response to their gazes overlapping...

Due to how long the session had lasted, an unexpected thirty-seven minutes, Theo had more than enough time to recover from having her horns gripped. As a result, Vahn had two naked girls lying behind him, both curiously watching the scene while supporting their heads with their hands and elbows. Theo had even tried to goad Asuna into poking his butt a few times, but, fortunately, Asuna had enough sense to avoid interfering with Arika’s first time.

With Arika temporarily out of commission, Vahn surprised the remaining girls by creating a copy of himself. This wasn’t to ’attend’ them, however, but to make sure Arika didn’t feel alone the moment she came back to her senses. A girl’s first time was very important, so, while he was willing to attend the three of them, that didn’t mean he could simply ignore the after-care. If the first thing she saw after coming to her senses was him making love to another woman, Arika was bound to feel a little sad. This was just basic psychology, so, until she was the one to suggest they part, Vahn would stay at her side as long as she needed him.

Though Theo seemed a little confused by his actions, Asuna quickly realized what was going on, her expression softening as she stared back at him with a considerable amount of love and respect. She had always looked up to him as an example, so, whenever she saw him pay attention to such things, it left a very deep impression on her. It was one of the things she loved most about him, as, despite having an expansive harem filled with inordinate beauties, he still managed to pay attention to their individual wants and needs.

Feeling a little charitable, Asuna made the decision to allow Theo the chance to go next. She could have easily made a case for herself, especially after Theo rather ’excessive’ display, but, as she was already fortunate enough to participate a day early, Asuna decided to remain patient. Thus, before anyone else could say anything, she smiled towards Theo and said, "You’re up next. Try to hold back a little this time~."

Hearing Asuna’s remark, Theo’s eyes widened slightly, a stain forming beneath her from the sheer volume of fluids escaping the palpating entrance beneath her white downy fur. Unlike Eva, Arika, and even Asuna, she had a healthy amount of ’fur’ covering her crotch, and, due to her excitement, it was actually spreading at a rate visible to the naked eye. As a result, it almost appeared as though she had a white bikini on as the fur grew from her mons pubis, around her hips, and connected to the thick tail protruding above her butt...

Seeing Theo’s transformation, Vahn was briefly reminded of Illya, as, whenever she got excited, it was hard for her to remain in a purely humanoid form. This left him uniquely qualified for dealing with people like Theo, so, before she could transform further, he gestured for her to turn around and point her butt up. Girls with tails, especially thick ones, always preferred this position, so, while it was a little unorthodox for a woman’s first time, Vahn knew she would enjoy it greatly.

Without any discernible hesitation, Vahn tightly gripped Theo’s left butt cheek with his hand, his finger sinking into the pliant flesh as he separated her palpating labia with his glans. He could feel her entrance literally trying to suck him in, another trait she shared with Illya, but, before he gave her what she clearly wanted, he needed to attend her other needs. To that end, he placed her tail to rest on his shoulder before play-biting the sides. This caused her body to tense up considerably, a mewling moan escaping her lips as she pushed her butt towards him out of instinct. Unfortunately for her, this caused his penis to slip between her folds and poke out between her thighs, effectively tormenting the young Dragoness due to her growing ’need’ to have him inside of her.

Though he could have given her what she wanted outright, Vahn knew it would be easier to keep Theo under control if he ’tormented’ her a bit. He was also waiting for her body to be in heat, as, unlike everyone else, she was rather eager to become pregnant. Thus, accounting for the fact it could take years for her ’egg’ to hatch naturally, Vahn decided it would be best to fertilize her eggs sooner, rather than later. To that end, he waited until he could sense Theo’s cervix begin to descend before surprising her with a ’very’ sudden intrusion. This caused her to shriek loud enough to startle Arika awake, but, rather than pain, her cry was a mixture of absolute pleasure and profound relief...


Unlike Arika’s gentle lovemaking, Vahn ’hammered’ into Theo hard enough to make a loud slapping sound resonate throughout the chamber. Her body rippled with each thrust, and, though he did his best to keep her tail under control, it ultimately ended up coiled around his neck. This was another instinct most True Dragons developed, a passive effort made by their body to punish or outright kill the entity trying to mate with them. Their body didn’t properly obey their minds, and, until they had been ’conquered’ completely, they would continue to resist passively.

Fortunately, Vahn had considerable experience when it came to dealing with True Dragons, so, from start to finish, he managed to remain in control. Though they ended up destroying the bed, causing one of its legs to outright snap off, he ultimately pacified Theo’s urges by burying himself deep into her vice-like cavern, pumping her cervix full of his life-giving seed. This caused her to issue a literal dragon’s roar, but, having anticipated this, Vahn created a teleportation barrier right in front of her mouth, absorbing the golden beam of energy produced and displacing it safely into the sky above.

With even her last-ditch effort failing, Theo’s body fell powerlessly against the bed, her tail releasing his neck and drooping pathetically from his shoulder. At the same time, a euphoric giggle escaped Theo’s throat, her silvery eyes staring off into nothingness as a line of drool escaped the side of her mouth. This was also pretty normal when it came to True Dragons, especially one who just had their egg successfully fertilized, so Vahn just gave her butt a few smacks before liberating himself from the nigh-inescapable suction of her voracious vagina...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’This chapter is too damn long!’)

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