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Chapter 1803 Developing Passion

Chapter 1803 Developing Passion

With Ohta agreeing to join the party after a resounding defeat at the hands of Rak, Team Wolf Pack officially acquired three new members. This brought their total count, excluding Phae and Ryun, to eighteen members. This included two Light Bearers, three Spear Bearers, four Fisherman, six Scouts, and three Wave Controllers.

The only thing they were really lacking at this point was a third Light Bearer, but, with so many powerhouses on the team, it wouldn’t be difficult to find someone willing to fill the final position in their three-party composition. Rather, after the Position Tournament, there were bound to droves of Regulars and Sponsors badgering Team Wolf Pack; the former with the intent to join, the latter with the intent to try and poach talent.

Fortunately, even if they offered something like an entire Floor, the odds of any individual member of Team Wolf Pack betraying the group were negligible at best. The team might split up into three separate parties at some point, but their sense of unity as members of the same Familia, all united towards a common goal, couldn’t be broken so easily...


With Ryun leading the way, it only took a total of nineteen days for Team Wolf Pack to clear the 8th and 9th Floors. This was two days faster than anticipated, but, due to the incident on the 7th Floor, it was also two days slower than they could have been. This was a remarkable pace so Vahn decided to reward the group by allowing them an extended vacation within the Little Garden as he explored the 10th Floor personally.

Unlike the dark and dreary Labyrinth linking together the previous Floors, the 10th Floor, somewhat surprisingly, opened up in a rural countryside filled with rolling green hills, large forests, and distant mountains. It was a stark contrast to some of the earlier Floors, and, if not for the massive Suspend Ships floating around lazily in the sky, Vahn could have been convinced he had wandered into an entirely different Record.

After admiring the rather scenic view for several minutes, Vahn quickly made his way towards what appeared to be a small village in the distance. There were several other villages visible towards the horizon but this one, in particular, had a number of Suspend Ships floating above it. Since there was no way for a Regular to afford such a vehicle, it was safe to assume that the area was an important gathering hub or a location where the Test Administration had a strong presence.

Surprisingly, the village didn’t have anything resembling defensive walls, customs officials, or border guards so Vahn was able to trespass unobstructedly until a group of three, each wearing matching badges, called out to him. Rather than Test Administration badges, however, they wore an emblem similar to a shield with three swords crossed at the front.

Seemingly the leader of the trio, a rather handsome young man with pale blue eyes and brown hair tied up into a loose ponytail was the first to step out, asking, "Did you just arrive on the 10th Floor? I noticed you didn’t have any companions with you. Tell me, what is your Position? We’re currently recruiting Wave Controllers and skilled Fishermen for the upcoming Position Tournament."

Though he was slightly disappointed that the trio hadn’t come seeking trouble, Vahn returned a polite smile towards the man who had failed to introduce himself, saying, "You are correct in your assumption. However, I am not trying to join any Teams right now, Sponsored or otherwise. Thank you for your consideration, but I’m afraid I’ll have to pass."

Rather than take offense, the ponytailed man just responded with a light chuckle before shrugging his shoulders and saying, "Well, everyone is allowed to make their own decisions. Good luck in the upcoming tournament. If you haven’t already, you can sign up with the Test Administrators near the central plaza. They are also selling tickets to ride the Suspend Ships directly to the Coliseum City. If you can’t afford one, make sure you join one of the caravans heading out in the next few days."

With those parting words of advice, the man promptly departed alongside his friends, the latter two offering curt nods in passing. This left a positive impression on Vahn, so, without the trio realizing it, he placed effigies into their pockets as a gesture of gratitude. It was pretty rare to encounter helpful people within the Tower so he felt compelled to reward the trio before making his way towards the central plaza...


After forking over 200,000 Points for registration and an additional 150,000 for a First-Class suite on the largest Suspend Ship, Vahn found himself in an excessively extravagant cabin where one of the walls was actually a large aquarium filled with alien-looking Shinheuh. There was also a fully stocked kitchen, three guest rooms, a large bath, a minibar, and, most notably, a master bedroom that was furnished with a private jacuzzi.

Since the Children were enjoying their time in the Little Garden, Vahn decided to make the most of the three days it would take them to arrive at the Coliseum City. With this in mind, he pulled out the Little Garden before promptly summoning Fenrir to his side. This caught her a little by surprise, but, rather than complain, she adopted an excited smile when he hugged her from behind, palms on her taut yet impeccably soft abdomen as he asked, "Will you stay with me...?" in a soft tone.

Though she had been a little busy drafting lesson plans for her growing number of students, the thought of refusing her Master’s request never even crossed Fenrir’s mind. Instead, she leaned back against his chest, paws covering his hands as she turned her face up and answered in a husky tone, "Always and forever...". This caused a fervent glow to appear in her Master’s eyes, his lips moving down to meet her’s as his hands moved up to invade her blouse...


While Vahn was enjoying an extended frolick in the jacuzzi, a relatively similar yet decidedly more awkward scene was taking place within the Little Garden. Endorsi had dragged Gandr off to enjoy a private bath after complaining about the fact that she was always being seen naked by him during their intermittent massage sessions. She argued that it was only ’fair’ that she be able to see him naked whenever she wanted; so, after failing to deter her, Gandr found himself smiling awkwardly as Endorsi stared blankly at his flaccid 18cm...

After swallowing audibly, Endorsi managed to tear her eyes away from the disproportionately large appendage, a nervous smile spreading across her face as she looked up at Gandr and asked, "Can I touch it...?"

Since they had already come this far, Gandr decided to just go with the flow, nodding in affirmation before suggesting, "You can also try putting it between your breasts. Guys like that sort of thing. I’m no exception..."

Swallowing a second time, Endorsi grabbed her perky, pale-white, breasts with both hands as she seemed to seriously consider the proposal. She didn’t have the largest breasts, but they were very shapely and remarkably soft. Gandr had massaged them quite a bit during their massage sessions, so, while she wished they would grow as big as Phae’s, Endorsi was pretty confident that she could pull it off.

Shaking her head, Endorsi decided to postpone that until a little later. Instead, she reached down with her right hand, poking the sleeping member with her index finger as she asked, "Why is it still soft? Are you not excited to be sharing a bath with one of the most beautiful girls in the Tower...?"

In response to Endorsi’s inquiry, Gandr just lightly chuckled before allowing himself to become fully erect as he explained, "I have full control over my body. If I didn’t, I would probably spend half the day pitching a tent thanks to your incessant behavior."

Since she was too distracted by the offending member pointing directly at her face, Endorsi didn’t hear Gandr’s rather rude remark. There were more important things on her mind, chief among them being the heat spreading through her body and the fluttery sensation that tickled her most delicate region. She suddenly felt a palpable itch deep inside of her, an itch that could only be scratched by something long and hard...

Contrasting her growing urges, Endorsi promptly closed her thighs as she leaned forward to grab Gandr’s surprisingly hot member. At this point, she was no longer hearing anything he was saying. Instead, she was fully focused on the sensations transmitted through her hands as a powerful and intoxicating aroma invaded her olfactory senses before soaking into her mind like a sponge. At the same time, a pink gradient began to spread through her ghostly yellow irises as she licked her lips and lowered her head...

Though he was a little surprised by Endorsi’s sudden attempt to fellate him, Gandr was even more surprised when she began to suck his glans with an ungodly amount of pressure. He even entered the State of Nothingness by pure instinct, startling the woman back into awareness and compelling her to huffily inquire, "What’s the big idea? Shouldn’t you be happy that your girlfriend is willing to suck you off?"

Returning to his corporeal form, Gandr released an exasperated sigh before saying, "You can’t just suck on the tip like that. You can literally injure the head or cause it to swell up and burst with that kind of suction. I might be able to recover, but I’d rather not have my glans exploded just because you’re feeling experimental..."

Visualizing the scene Gandr had described, Endorsi paled noticeably before adopting an apologetic look that quickly turned into a pout as she muttered, "Fine...teach me what I need to do...I’ll master it quickly..."

Though it was a strange thing for her to get fired up about, Gandr wasn’t going to refuse Endorsi’s request for guidance. Things were progressing faster than he would have liked, but, after talking it over with his Master, he realized he had been stressing over nothing. There wasn’t really anything he could do about the jealousy of others, and, even if he refused to become Endorsi’s boyfriend, it wasn’t like she would give the others a chance. She was a very determined and possessive woman, so, rather than simply move on, it was far more likely that she would resent the others for getting in her way.

By dating her early on, Gandr could nip a lot of future problems in the bud since Endorsi, despite behaving like a spoiled princess, actually listened to his advice. This was a stark contrast to the act she put on around others, the result of her ’need’ to at least appear to be in control. Behind closed doors, however, she could be surprisingly bashful, and, when pushed, quickly got dragged along by his momentum. This created a pretty substantial ’gap’ in her personality, one Gandr had become increasingly fond of with the passage of time...

Unaware of Gandr’s thoughts, Endorsi had a somewhat distant look in her eyes as she struggled to accept his length into her mouth. She allowed him to guide her motion while she instinctually took notice of all his weak spots. At the same time, her thighs had parted slightly, and, though it did little to resolve the growing itch, it didn’t stop her from fiddling with her hooded bean and probing the perfectly symmetrical folds beneath. This drastically increased the number of pheromones released by her body; and, if not for her resolve to make their first time more meaningful, Endorsi might not have been able to stop herself from impaling her body onto Gandr’s pulsating meat rod...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Not everything is a trope...or is it...!?’,’Always and forever~’,’Endorsi is on the verge of an awakening (O ^ O)...’)

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