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Chapter 1826 Blossom

Chapter 1826 Blossom

With his perception not limited to the events transpiring within the dreamscape, it didn’t take long for Vahn to discover Yoruichi’s ’prank’. This filled him with a strong desire to give her a spanking in the near future, but, for the time being, he had other things to worry about.

Fortunately, though his arousal had a prominent effect on the dreamscape, the only person greatly affected was Soo-Yun. This invariably resulted in her returning to her true form, but, while there was a brief moment where he felt apprehensive, Vahn was able to set it aside relatively quickly. Her form was the result of a racial characteristic, so, much as he had for Lili, Kali, Amaterasu, Illya, and Shuten, Vahn decided not to let it bother him. This seemed to take Soo-Yun by surprise, but, with her blush having developed to the point it could compete with the color of her hair, she decided to just chose to go with the flow...

Ignorant of the rather dangerous-looking scene occurring a few meters off to the side, Yuri had her butt pointed upwards as she hugged the pillow her face was buried into. This allowed Vahn to grab near the base of her tail, using it as a point of leverage to guide her hips and adjust the angle of his thrusts. None of this was actually necessary, as spiritual bodies didn’t exactly have ’sweet spots’, but Vahn had already developed the habit of comprehensively exploring the caverns of his women.

Though it wasn’t his first time having sex in a dreamscape, Vahn found it rather novel how Yuri’s body continually changed depending on the intensity of his movements. If he went nice and slow, her insides would become extremely inviting, writhing around his member like a sapient creature that was eager to bring him pleasure. When he picked up the pace, however, they would become almost impossibly tight, coiling around him like a vice that sought to prevent further intrusion. This allowed him to experience various types and depths of pleasure as Yuri, having lost all of her usual advantages, simply enjoyed the ride.

With the black-haired beauty trapped in an endless cycle of orgasmic pleasure, Vahn was free to choose when and where he wanted to release his energy-rich semen. He could actually manifest as a physical form or even pull out items from his Inventory within the dreamscape, so, in many ways, this was just another form of reality for him. This afforded him numerous advantages, but, without worrying about things like that, Vahn surprised Yuri by freeing her tail and rolling her onto her back. Then, with his member sinking further into her than would normally be possible, he sealed her lips, instigating a mating press as she instinctually wrapped her arms and legs around him.

While he had barely scratched the surface when it came to understanding Source Energy, one of the things Vahn knew for certain was that it responded to his intent. Thus, by saturating his semen with it and sincerely desiring that it help strengthen and reinforce the girls’ spiritual bodies, that is exactly what it did. This, coincidentally, brought the girls an indescribable amount of pleasure, and, so long as he looked closely, it could even see a subtle rainbow hue glowing within their bodies, the tell-tale sign of his Source Energy working its magic at his behest...

Though her body had become progressively more solid and defined since the start, Vahn could tell that Yuri was beginning to succumb to spiritual fatigue. This wasn’t actually all that dangerous, but there was a fair chance it could result in her falling into a coma for a few days. He could always take her to the outer rings to recover, but, feeling it would establish a strange precedent if their first time together resulted in her falling into a coma, Vahn carefully guided Yuri to a seated position, holding her in an intimate manner until she eventually calmed down.

What Vahn didn’t account for was the fact that Yuri could see over his shoulder, her ruby-red eyes gradually coming into focus and allowing her to witness the licentious interactions between himself, Kushina, and Soo-Yun. This wasn’t the first time she had noticed their presence, but, at the time, she had other things to worry about. Now, however, she found herself feeling somewhat envious as she witnessed the gentle yet passionate lovemaking between Vahn and Kushina. She got the immediate impression the two loved each other dearly, their bodies melding together in perfect harmony...

If it were just Vahn and Kushina, Yuri wouldn’t have been all that bothered by the current situation. It was when she looked over to see Soo-Yun skillfully grinding Vahn’s hips that an uncharacteristic feeling of inferiority welled up inside of her. This was exacerbated by the fact that the former had returned to her true form, yet, in spite of this, she seemed fully in control of the situation, smiling like a mischievous imp as she linked her fingers together with Vahn’s and skillfully took the lead...

Remembering how she had been on the receiving end the entire time, a pout developed across Yuri’s face as she attempted to push Vahn onto his back. Unfortunately, her power was virtually non-existent within the dreamscape, so, from the perspective of others, it appeared as though she was just struggling awkwardly in his embrace. This made her feel even more frustrated, but, before she could say anything, Vahn held her close and whispered, "You don’t need to worry about others, Yuri. You are an amazing, kind, and capable woman. Remember, this is just a dreamscape. There is no need to worry about complicated things. You’ll have plenty of time to show off your prowess in the future...I’m certain you’ll be even more amazing in the outside world..."

Hearing Vahn’s words, combined with the warmth pervading her entire body, Yuri was quickly able to regain her calm, returning his embrace as she uttered, "I’m going to rock your world one of these days...just you wait..."

Chuckling in response to the woman’s words, Vahn held her body a little tighter as he nestled his face into the nape of her neck, kissing it several times between saying, "I have absolutely no doubt about that...I’m already looking forward to it..."


With Yoruichi having sensed the subtle changes in the surrounding ’intent’, her figure was nowhere to be seen by the time Vahn, Kushina, Yuri, and Soo-Yun awoke. This left Vahn in a rather awkward situation, his still-erect member causing a crimson blush to spread across Soo-Yun’s face as she felt its heat nestled between her butt and pressing against somewhat sensitive This caused her to feel a little panicked, but, rather than shy away, she adjusted her position so that she was seated properly on his lap, seemingly attempting to conceal both his erection and the stain on her pajama bottoms.

Finding his petite partner’s reaction rather adorable, Vahn decided to just go with the flow, allowing her to hide the evidence of a non-existent crime as he shifted his attention to the somewhat dazed Yuri and inquired, "How was it? It might not compare to the actual thing, but I think I made things pretty enjoyable, no?"

Coming to her senses in response to Vahn’s words, Yuri turned to meet his gaze as she replied, "I’ll remember this. Next time around, I’ll be the one taking the lead..."

With that said, Yuri released Vahn’s hand before promptly rising from the sofa and heading towards the bathroom. Her panties and tights were completely soaked through so she wanted to take a nice long bath before changing into a fresh set of clothes. She also knew that, if she stayed around Vahn in her current state, she might not be able to resist ’taking’ him then and there. There was currently an intense and passionate heat permeating through her entire body, so, if she didn’t create a bit of distance between them, there was no guarantee she would be able to control herself.

Understanding Yuri’s thoughts, Vahn made no attempt to stop or follow after her. Instead, he let his free hand wander to Soo-Yun’s waist, startling her slightly as he shifted his attention to Kushina and asked, "What are your plans for the rest of the day? If you have nothing else going on, want to help me punish a certain mischievous cat?"

Though she couldn’t deny that it was an interesting proposition, Kushina ultimately just rested her head against Vahn’s shoulder, squeezing his hand as she answered, "Mira has been covering for me a lot lately so you should ask her to accompany you. I’ll be helping Hinata prepare dinner. Now that Morgiana and Phae are gone, we don’t have as many free hands as before. Latias has been helping out a lot, but she is only really good at baking. It’s not that she can’t help with other things, but we can’t help but worry whenever we see her holding a knife..."

Envisioning Latias swinging around a knife with a playful smile on her face, a dry laugh emanated from Vahn’s throat as he instantly understood the cause for Kushina’s concerns. Though there had yet to be any accidents, Latias could be very ditzy and childish. Entrusting her with a bladed object without ’adult’ supervision seemed highly irresponsible, so, for the most part, she was only allowed to wield a knife whenever Mira was observing her...

Reclining against the back of the sofa, Vahn briefly considered whether or not he should create a new Template. His [Universal Mind] had already reached D-Rank, so, while he had yet to confirm it, he should be able to create upwards of 36 Templates.

Now that he was on the 20th Floor, there was nothing preventing him from letting his Templates freely explore the Middle and Outer Towers, so, after a moment of consideration, Vahn nodded in affirmation of his own thoughts before saying, "I’ll have a talk with Mira after this. Now that you and Hinata are pregnant, I suppose now is as good a time as any to procure the assistance of someone who specializes in cooking and keeping house..."

Hearing Vahn’s reply, Kushina began to feel a little excited. She, like many of his Templates, actually shared his passion for things like anime and manga so it was difficult for her not to be interested in the subject. There were a number of Templates she would like Vahn to create, and, though she had a bias for her own Record of origin, that didn’t prevent her from thinking about candidates from all manner of fiction. As a result, the first person that came to mind when Vahn mentioned summoning a specialist was a woman named Izayoi Sakuya, a remarkably powerful Maid with the ability to stop time.

Noticing the glimmer in Kushina’s eyes, a smile spread across Vahn’s face as he planted a kiss on her head and said, "We’ll talk about it later. For now, how about the two of you go and wash up? I can’t imagine it is pleasant to sit around with soggy panties..."

Though there was a considerable amount of truth contained within Vahn’s words, Kushina didn’t seem to mind it all that much as she nestled closer to him and said, "I want to stay like this for a little while longer..." before adding in a mischievous tone, "Besides, Soo-Yun seems to be enjoying herself quite a bit..."

With her face turning several shades redder, Soo-Yun immediately averted her eyes from Kushina’s as she muttered, "I don’t know what you’re talking about..."

Smiling like a sly fox, Kushina proceeded to point towards her nose as she said, "My sense of smell is a lot stronger than a normal person’s. You think I can’t smell my man’s meat and the pheromones leaking from your body? You’re a naughty one, aren’t you~?"

Finding herself at a loss for words, Soo-Yun’s mouth flapped open and closed a few times, unable to form even a single syllable. This earned an amused giggle from Kushina, who, after planting a kiss on Vahn’s cheek, suggested, "Why don’t the two of you get better acquainted? I’ll take care of Yuri so feel free to enjoy yourselves. Yoruichi could do with some neglect play every now and then."

With that said, Kushina threw her arms up, a satisfied moan escaping her throat as she stretched her body and quickly departed for the bath. This left Vahn and Soo-Yun alone in the living room, the former adopting a wry smile as the latter hid her blushing face behind her hands. She wasn’t unaccustomed to the relations between men and women within her dreamscape, but, for the first time in her life, her body was burning up in anticipation for something far more ’substantial’.

Having already set aside his inhibitions in the dreamscape, Vahn eventually guided Soo-Yun’s hands away from her face, meeting the pink-haired girl’s matching gaze as he softly uttered, "The decision is yours to make...I can’t make it for you..."

With Vahn placing the burden on her, Soo-Yun’s pupils expanded to show a hazy white light within their depths as she puffed out her cheeks and whispered, "You’re a bully..." in a slightly pouty tone. Immediately afterward, however, she grabbed the sides of his face, demonstrating the substantial difference in their strength by pulling his face forward and stealing his lips...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: ’Yuri will have her revenge...!’,’Kushina is quite the wingman...’,’Hello? FBI-san? He’s over here...’)

(A/N: I think I pinched a nerve trying to get some exercise in so it hurts to sit down for long periods of time or lay on my back xD. I’m still able to write, it’s just a little inconvenient. Anyways, now that we’re at this point in the story, feel free to throw out ideas for characters you think might fit into the current narrative. Most won’t have any relevance to the plot, but, by simply existing, Vahn’s skill set, knowledge, and comprehension increase exponentially. I was actually considering Komatsu and Souma for the position of Chef, but, due to the ’rule’ against men in the kitchen, perhaps Erina or Megumi would be a better choice? Let me know what you think in the comments section.)

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